Yer Latest “Global Warming” Update

| February 23, 2015

A look at our latest “global warming” news.

Gee, just think of how much trouble we’d be in if mankind wasn’t overheating the planet!

Category: Global Warming

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Well, that could explain why, when I put out birdfood, the only dinner guests that show up are squirrels and mourning doves. The rest of the birds went south, even those that don’t migrate. They got fed up and left.


Didn’t you know, when you make it warmer it actually makes it colder. Kind of like your house if you crank the heat, it will start snowing in your living room.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Here in the PRoM we are about to experience what might turn out to be the coldest night in the history of recorded coldest nights in the PRoM.

I have snow that is deeper than my hot tub walls in my backyard and piles of it over my head next to my driveway….

Nothing like a nice disruption of the jet stream to bring that fresh cool air from the Arctic to your doorstep…


It’s all those corn fed mid-western cow’s fault! Who knew?

Yummy, tasty cows….


Maybe if that asshole shut his piehole, the world would be a better place.

The amount of tillable land required to grow enough veggies to replace animal protein completely is not available and never has been. And some of us are allergic to any kind of fish, period. They don’t think about things like that, do they? No. But they don’t care, because it’s all about them.

When is that moron leaving? I will be SO glad when he is gone for good.



Pinto Nag

That link is a riot. If DC thinks we need to eat green, then tell them to lead the way by giving us back our freakin’ buffalo! The only thing you can get here is the burger; the rest goes east, for high-end buffalo steaks at $50 a plate!


I don’t care if the snow is ass deep to a tall Eskimo, I’m grilling some steaks this weekend!


According to the latest news reports, the Great Lakes are nearing another ice coverage record.

The record low around here for today was -18F set in 1873. When I got up this morning, it was -6F. I don’t know what the big deal is.

It snowed 2″ in Las Vegas. Everyone got cold. In fact, Las Vegas is having colder than usual weather these days.

Oh, yeah, looks like there may be more snow coming, but no one is quite sure. I’ll just add it to the glacier in my front yard.

If we have snow in April again, I’ll send post cards.


At 6am, according to the thermometer posted by my front door, it was -17°F. Either the second or third time this winter it’s been that cold. And, we had 2 days that cold last winter.
I have a call in to Algore for an explanation, he has yet to get back to me.


More proof….of absolutely nothing.

Wild Bill

Sorry guys, just got done mowing the lawn up in the Great Northwest, almost 60 today, it was down around 30 this AM, the down side, I am snow mobile, and their is no snow in the mts. I guess I will have to get the boat out of storage.


Obviously, everyone, including this Rutgers climatologist, is entitled to an opinion.

But she says this kind of weather has almost never happened before. There are east coast records going back to the start of the Farmer’s Almanac and the Old Farmer’s Almanac, and reports about excessive winter snow and cold without the measurements (no instruments) before that.

While she is entitled to her opinion, failing to refer to actual historical records is a big, fat, lazy booboo on her part. The record low for this date in Boston was -7F in 1894.

Seriously, I think people like her would still crank out this stuff even if a mile-thick glacier was approaching her neighborhood at the rate of 10 feet per hour. Yes, they did move that fast.

She refers to increased humidity. This winter, the air has been its normal dryness, about 39%, around here. In Boston, it’s 47%, pretty normal for this time of year. That doesn’t explain the increased precip levels (snow), does it?

Like I said, we’re all entitled to differences of opinion on any subject. I do not think there is a single, simple answer to this weather cycle, but my opinion differs from hers because my references include something besides mere temperature changes, and I will stick to it.

The biggest problem is that the ‘single source’ answer does not work for a system as complicated as planet-wide weather. It concerns me that anyone can be so narrowly focused and ‘blame’ one symptom as the cause of something. That’s like saying your cough means you have a cold, when it could mean you have congestive heart failure.

I hope she enjoys her grant money for as long as she can get it. I also hope that she has costly after-winter repairs to the roof of the expensive house she bought.

This is just tiresome.


I hear ya fellas, and I feel your pain.

I mean, I had to wear my flip flops ON the beach this weekend. ON….THE….BEACH!! That’s just too damn cold 🙂


Welp – here’s a little of that ‘this just in’ newsy stuff from MSN, about how the Great Lakes are 84% frozen over, or something, which is less than last year.

The satellite image of the Great Lakes is impressive. That dark middle in Lake Michigan is open water, with the bulk of ice on the Michigan/Indiana side of the lake and less on the Wisconsin/Illinois shores.

What’s really impressive is the photos that the article links to, of people visiting ice caves in the Apostle Islands park. Stunning photography, especially the time exposures.

My response to this article is ‘it’s winter, it’s cold, we have snow, some places don’t, and some places are getting heavy rain.’ It is not unusual for snow and cold to hit the Deep South. Houses used to be built with keeping rooms, located off the kitchen, with their own fireplace, where the household would gather in cold weather to keep warm – hence the term, ‘keeping room’. That’s sensible homebuilding, if you ask me, and you can still do that with a house now, if you think about it. Victorian houses in the North had parlors and sitting rooms, basically the same thing.


I made a run to the store for a couple of things. We’re to get somewhere between 1 and 3 inches of snow between now and the weekend.

The real issue is the Alberta Clipper, which is what drives the cold down here. It IS late in coming this winter. It usually comes in early to mid-January, not the end of February.

That concerns me.