Weekend open thread

| February 20, 2015

SJ was early with his request for an open thread with this picture because we all wish it was us whose knees get squeezed by Shotgun Joe Bite Me, or something;

Biden gets fresh

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Ole’ Smokey Jow was thinking this at the time….. 😀 😀 😀


I love that those guys don’t take themselves seriously – they did this for the Special Olympics:

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Caption should read, “Will you be my butt buddy, Officer?”


The look on that Cop’s face (and the other guys too) cracks me up every time I see it. You could not stage it and make it come out that good.

Friend S. Wilkins


What a short bus, dumb ass this guy is AND he’s a heart beat away from being the POTUS!


this administrations Dan Quayle – best life insurance the Pres could have.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Creepy Uncle Joe” Biden makes Dan Quayle look like Ronald Reagan!


Agreed. Quayle’s bad rep was largely undeserved and a creation of the media. Biden’s benefited from a compliant media that for the most part willingly hides his inanely stupid gaffes.

Friend S. Wilkins

Speaking of Dan Quayle, here’s a clip of a little speech he gave back in 1988. 😀


There was a perfect comeback to that, which unfortunately Quayle did not have or did not use.

“Thank you, Senator, for stating the blindingly obvious. You are correct that I am not John Kennedy. It is also quite obvious that you are no Lyndon Johnson, either. We should probably be glad for that last, though – one fool from your party getting the US into a war via deceit and lies and costing us 50,000+ American lives is more than enough.”

E-6 type, 1 ea

That’s “potato”, with an “e”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdqbi66oNuI&w=420&h=315%5D

Pinto Nag

Creepy old bugger. Bet the staff at the nursing home he lands in will get him back, though. He’ll find himself restrained in ways he’s never even thought of.

Zero Ponsdorf

Where to I sign up??? Although he’ll have to buy me at least one beer before he gets to touch. Wonder how much I could sue him for?


Ohhhh Daniel-saaaaaan the non-CPO,

How’s that flight training going in that purty Breezer aircraft hmm?

Does Pilots-n-Paws know about your desire to duct tape dogs on your flights? Or your back-up plan involving edged weapons?


Whew, that was close wasn’t it?

I bet you almost peed your pants. What’s that? Ohhhh yeah, you have to use a catheter.

Wait a minute! How come in one breath you say you need a catheter, and in the next breath you’re talking about peeing in a cup while in flight and throwing it out the window of your plane?

So many questions, so many bullshit answers.


What happened to the hit squad(s) on the TAH Command Group that were supposedly dispatched by the Dutch Rudder Gang a month or more ago?

A Proud Infidel®™

That sniveling batch of Smurf-hugging shit-for-brained Santorum-frosted dimgleberries on a buck-toothed inbred rented Swamp Donkey’s ass still haven’t found me yet! They’ve accused at least seven innocent Men of being me, and Daniel A. Bernath has gone back to accusing the sixth one. He still blames it on me for not handing him my true identity as well, all of The Dutch Rudder Gang can go sit & spin on a pile of tangled, rusty barbed wire and dead porcupines!


Stop holding back… tell us how you really feel…

Hack Stone

Hack Stone, and Hack Stone’s mailbox are experiencing another successful weekend with no danger to our well being.


John Robert Mallernee

Who’s Elaine Ricci?

Why isn’t she at home?


Dear Abby,

My husband has a long record of money problems. He runs up huge credit card bills and at the end of the month, if I try to pay them off, he shouts at me, saying I am stealing his money. He says pay the minimum and let our kids worry about the rest, but already we can hardly keep up with the interest. Also he has been so arrogant and abusive towards our neighbors that most of them no longer speak to us. The few that do are an odd bunch to whom he has been giving a lot of expensive gifts, running up our bills even more. Also, he has gotten religious. One week he hangs out with Catholics and the next with people who say the Pope is the Anti-Christ, and the next he’s on his knees 5 times a day with Muslims. Finally, the last straw. He’s demanding that before anyone can be in the same room with him, they must sign a loyalty oath. It’s just so horribly creepy! Can you help?

Signed, Lost

Dear Lost,

Suck it up and stop whining, Michelle. You’re getting to live in the White House for free, travel the world, and have others pay for everything for you. You can divorce the jerk any time you want. The rest of us are stuck with the idiot for 2 more years.

Signed, Abby


Where was the spew alert?


Is it just me, or is this place hard to keep up with? Dear Lord have mercy!

Pinto Nag

Good. GAWD. You’re trying to keep up???


Well, I was, but I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that it isn’t humanly possible. Lotsa fun trying, though! 😀

A Proud Infidel®™

Ithinkifoundawaytodothat! I made my coffee with Red Bull yesterday, and I was already halfway to work when I realized “OH SH!T, I FORGOT MY PICKUP TRUCK!” Mightwannatrythatsometime! 😀


The police of Harlan, Kentucky have issued an arrest warrant for ‘Frozen’s Queen Elsa.




This is just a waste of taxpayer money and a stunt.

She’s a frickin queen, she’s going to have diplomatic immunity!


Pay Pal does cigars?


No ammo?


that’s all well and good for the first gun – where’s the rest?


I thought you had to turn in all your firepower /s

Pinto Nag

Yup. He got it all back, too.


By very special delivery, wasn’t it? 😉


That’s all you got? I have more than that in my nightstand. 🙂


I’m embarrassed for you, John. Only one safe full?

Joe Williams

Jonn is not showing what is in his bunker.


I hope those aren’t left over from the Clinton administration.

/cee-gars I mean. Can’t look at a cee-gar without thinking of Bill. 😀


Those aren’t Clintonesque cigars. He only smokes the expensive ones – the ones which require a “special humidor”.



I sent only the best available from the Carri bean region … If you know what I mean.

You see, I am a man means!

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I find it difficult to argue with that.


Some may call it tribute. I call it annual dues.


Or a tithe. I get more entertainment and education, and camaraderie here than anywhere else. On my who to call list for the wife when I assume room temp is TAH so you guys can have an excuse to hoist one. Not that you need an excuse. Speaking of, it’s 1655! Time to stand in the door!


Send tribute (annual dues) to:

Jonn Lilyea
TAH Worldwide HQ
HC 86 Box 411
Fort Ashby, WV 26719


Or the donate button up top and right. It works real good for $$$…not so much for cigars and ammo.


Just did a push-to-test on the “Donate” button. 5×5.


I’d been meaning to test that button as well, and you just prompted me to do it. You’re right, it does work!


Oh, for heaven’s sake, I’ll get book #2 in the series finished.

I’m having trouble with deciding how to use time travel right now. Not whining, just sayin’.


Material goods such as cigars, sipping rum, cash, Omaha Steaks, cash and cash works well too!


I think you forgot to mention cash.


Attention All Coasties!

I was reading the AARP magazine (not mine!!!!! but….) and found out that Jeff Bridges was a Coastie! Here’s a cool photo of him wearing his Donald Duck hat:
comment image

This 2011 article says brother Beau was also a Coastie:

The actor [Beau], accepting on behalf of his late father and his younger Oscar-winning brother (off working on his sideline as a country singer these days), did eight years, including time in the reserves; on the USCGC Dexter he was both a cook and editor of the ship’s newspaper.

“The preparation has lasted me a lifetime,” he said. “The idea of being part of a company, of respecting your mates, of attention to detail.”


Nice!!! I didn’t know that.


As a sea service guy myself, I find this to be a very cool vinette of USCG history. I am not surprized, his dad’s generation were mostly Veterans.


Speaking of stars in uniform.

Anybody else on here remember that just about this time in February 1962 that Phil and Don performed on the Ed Sullivan Show in their Marine Dress Uniforms?

Yep, the Everly Brothers were both Marines. Even attended Recruit Training together.

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee


Hey John serious question are you out of the cold yet four walls and a roof over your head?

John Robert Mallernee

@ SAPPER 3307:

Yes, I’m living in the Vernal Gardens in Vernal, Utah.

It’s a nice unfurnished apartment, but the rent alone, not counting utilities, is more than half my income.

So, the Uintah Basin Assistance Council is processing my paperwork so I can move into a safer (i.e., grab rails and an elevator) unfurnished apartment with MUCH lower rent (i.e., thirty percent of my income, plus electricity) at the Ashley Valley Shadows Senior Apartments.

Thank you for asking.


Good and good luck with your next move.


One of my favorite groups. Those boys could sing. Did any of you know that it’s the Everly Brothers that sang the backing vocals on “Only the Lonely” by Roy Orbison? And that the surviving members of The Crickets often backed the Everly ‘ s in the studio and during live performances? Lot of cool trivia involving those two. Also, check out the Everly Brothers live performance of “Why Worry” by Dire Straits with Cher Atkins and Mark Knopfler as backup. It’s one of those gems you can find on YouTube. Apparently, Mark Knopfler wrote “Why Worry” with the Everly Brothers in mind as the vocalists. Cool to see it come to fruition.


Damn phone. I meant Chet Atkins.


I do!! I do!!! Been a Roy Orbison fan all my life.

Did you know that both the Everlys and Elvis turned down “Only the Lonely”, so Roy did it on his own.

In 1958 Roy got a spot on the Everly Brothers show in Hammond,IN where he first sang “Claudette” Later on the Everlys covered it as a B side to their tune “All I Have To Do Is Dream”.

Such a sad story as to the deaths of Roy’s wife and two of his three sons.


Dollars to donuts that show was at the Hammond Civic Center, which is about 2 miles from my house. Now I had heard something different regarding “Only the Lonely”. What I had heard is that Roy had written the song with the Everly Brothers in mind and he was in the studio with them working with them on the vocals and harmonies when they suggested that he record it instead, which explains how they came to be his backing vocalists on the track.

John Robert Mallernee

CLAW 131 wrote:

“Such a sad story as to the deaths of Roy’s wife and two of his three sons.”


When did that happen?

I hadn’t heard anything about that.


JRM, those deaths weren’t just recently. The wife, Claudette, died in a motorcycle versus semi truck accident in June 1966 and his two eldest sons died (Sept 1968) when his home in Tennessee burned down.


Of course, we folks back there in East Hog Flats, Indiana, didn’t find out about news like that until way after it had happened.
Back then any news from the outside world came to us via stagecoach or on the 20 mule team resupply wagons that came once a month. Hell, we even had to have sunlight shipped in to us by railcar on the Monon line that ran from Lafayette to Michigan City.

John Robert Mallernee

Joe Williams

Uh Rgr1480 weren’t talking about learning to fly a helio at 55. You are elible for AAR at 50. Hondo keep him honest. Them rangers are sneaky people. Joe


“NO I’m not Lebowski man, YOU’RE Lebowski. I’m The Dude, or Duderino or his Dudeness if you’re not into the whole brevity thing man.”



Last week spent 550 dollars to have roof de-snowed and iced.

We still have 2 to 3 feet of snow.

We have not seen ground since day after Thanksgiving.

Temp: 9 degrees
Wind Chill: -15

Please send up signal flare … Global Warming has hit and it is here to stay!

Silentium Est Aureum

Trade ya. Where I’m at we’ll be lucky to see bare ground before May.

Memo to New Englanders…get your damned roofs cleared NOW. You do NOT want 3+ feet of snow held on with rain which will quickly freeze this weekend.


Ah … 70 to 90 inches of snow up there!


Master Chief – be sure to deice the innards and not just the roof! Jameson’s, liberally!


It’s cold. Just checked the calendar and it’s still winter, so all is well.


Thundercun…I mean Thunderchicken, is that you?



That also happened on Rock D/Z at NTC a few years ago. Very very bad.


my 2nd jump at Benning. Dropped us on red smoke for wind. 2 guys dragged to death. I had a Mae West so wind wasnt a factor 🙂

Pinto Nag

I’m ignorant of sky diving, so I have to ask. Isn’t there anyway to cut loose a ‘chute if you’re being dragged?


there are quick releases near the shoulders but if you are a newbie it can be hard to pop them and if you are knocked out on the landing or fouled with lines, it is hard to pop them. We are trained and practice but ashore pucker can make you forget.

Disclaimer…never skydived…just static line at Brag and not all that much. Others here are Master Blasters.


I have one jump … The rest of the story is kinds obvious!


OK, let’s embarrass ourselves… Back in the sandbox a buddy and I were flying somewhere (don’t remember why) we land and walk to the tail of the 130 and I “jump” off the ramp.

My buddy looks at me as we walk away (away from the noise so I could hear him) and he looks quizzically at me and asks “What the hell was that?” I responded “Now I can tell people I jumped out of a 130.” His look of disdain said it all.

So a couple of weeks later we’re going somewhere on a Blackhawk and I do it again, he just looks at me and starts shaking his head.

So yep, I’ve jumped both a 130 and a Blackhawk.  Honest and for truly. (Oh and I’ve never parachuted.)

Joe Williams

Damn, I have spent 3 hours taping my helio so you guys can have 3 minutes of jollies. True story a Msgt landed in shit river outside of Olongapo juming for fun. No, I will not name the Marine. Joe


What did he do to piss off whatever god controlled the winds on that LZ?


That’s easy. He was a Russian Commie Bastard.

John Robert Mallernee

After I completed my Signal School training (and boy, is THAT a story!), I was en route to Germany for my very first assignment as a regular soldier in the United States Army.

At Fort Dix, New Jersey, while waiting to board the plane at McGuire Air Force Base, a large group of newly graduated paratroopers from Fort Benning joined us.

One of them was a REALLY little guy, wearing a totally unauthorized (this was Autumn of 1968) black beret.

The other paratroopers were describing one of the little guy’s jumps.

All the other paratroopers were headed down towards the ground, but the little guy was actually climbing upward, as the wind filled his deployed parachute and carried him aloft!

I never saw those guys after that, but I’ll always remember hearing their boisterous laughter and their stories, when I was a Private First Class (E-3) and a Field Radio Relay and Carrier Equipment Repairman (MOS 31L20) on my way to my very FIRST duty station, Company “A”, 11th Air Defense Signal Battalion, 32d Army Air Defense Command, at Kleber Kaserne in Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Bernath's Fuel gauge

Looks like Heavy Chevy is back on D/F CL,http://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/rnr/4899542634.html

A Proud Infidel®™

What a bucket of Bernathian bullshit! Hey Dennis “Blobfish” Chevalier, name ONE effort to shut down or silence TAH that even remotely succeeded, how about a Google search on your name, that speaks volumes about you as well! Dennis Chevalier aka “Blobfish” (Google hit! :D), the Google is good and strong with you too, nowhere near as strong as it is with your fellow Dutch Rudder Gangsters Daniel A. Bernath or Dallas Wittgenfeld (GH! :D), but nonetheless, it’s there! It appears that you also are engaging in what Psychiatric Professionals refer to as “Projecting”. You’re not as bad as others in the DRG, but you’re showing it in your posts. Maybe you ought to seek some counseling, it might do you some good! OK, now back to your fantasies. Happy cheese-munching, o corpulent Santorum-frosted dimgleberry on an inbred buck-toothed rented Swamp Donkey’s ass!

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s been married more times than a lot of Hollywierd celebrities!


Ah, so THAT’s where the Hollywood call sign thingy came from.


No. He had an AF pilot’s helmet with the call sign “Hollywood” on it on/under his coffee table harking back to his supposed Compass Call piloting days.

HMCS(FMF) ret.



Probably NSFW


Yep, it’s been made abundantly clear that the Blobfish doesn’t suffer from Pentheraphobia or Turophobia.


Sorry, should have simplified that for comic effect.

Pentheraphobia = Fear of Mother in laws.

Turophobia = Fear of cheese.


What FUN this is !!!
Our body count is only 5? Damn, I thought we were meaner than that !!! Maybe well get lucky and this fuck will lower the carbon footprint of the Earth by relieving it of his nasty presence.
This Chevy idiot is one hell of a turd sucker the likes of which I have never seen before !!!
It sure is nice to see that all our hard work continues to pay off on these slimebuckets.
The madder they get the better, Stolen Valor like these fucks do is a crime and a sign of no moral compass.
Those names you call us and the more perverse your rantings serve only to show the world how far you have sunk on the ladder of shitbirds…


‘Ol MESNA posterboy misspelled “cretin”. Chevy spelling is “Cretan” apparently. The boy never ceases to amaze. Go MESNA! Rock on!


He’s going international – talking about folks from the island of Crete.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe that’s how they spell it over in SWEADEN?


Originally posted on the Texas State Guard website:


Good news! The TXSG dominated the Governor’s Twenty Pistol Competition. Texas State Guard took high team, high individual and five out of the eight Governor’s Twenty Tabs.


The 19th Regt was high team. Firing members were: SGT Mounder, 2/LT Hunt, 2/LT Park, CPL Kelly
Third place team was 4th Regt. Firing members were: SGT Carter, CPL Pulido, SGT Robinson, CPL Anderson

Over all winner was SGT Sean Mounger, 19th Regt.

And they did it without Dennis (Denny) Howard Chevalier. Do you guys remember seeing those photos of him at a previous Governor’s 20 competition? The cheese eating blobfish looked silly in that uniform. :mrgreen:



Cheeseboyger WAS there. What do you think the target was?

Ballistic Cheese!!


I used to watch ‘The Silent Service’ on TV, back in the long ago.


There was also ‘Navy Log’.


And last, but certainly not least, there was ‘Victory At Sea’.

John Robert Mallernee

@ EX-PH2:

I’d forgotten about those, but now I remember watching them on my family’s black and white television set when I was a boy growing up.

Ah, but we’re BOTH “Baby Boomers”, as was Lesley Gore (i.e., a “Baby Boomer” is one who was born in 1946).

John Robert Mallernee

Sitting here at my computer, I’m enjoying a computer supper. What’s a computer supper, you ask? Why, Spam and cookies, of course! Using my Army surplus mess kit, I fried slices of Spam for sandwiches, and snacked on sugar cookies. As I drink hot chocolate from my Army surplus canteen cup, old memories of hot chocolate being served up in canteen cups emerge from the depths of long ago. Basic Combat Training was at Fort Lewis, Washington in the dead of Winter, so there were occasional moments of hot chocolate being provided when we were outdoors, to keep us from freezing too much. I was always surprised (and a little disappointed?) by that unexpected luxury, for I had thought (or hoped?) outdoor life in the United States Army was supposed to be tough, something challenging and rigorous that only rugged and heroic macho MEN could do. I wonder if the United States Marine Corps ever gets to drink hot chocolate from their canteen cups? Believe it or not, during the monsoon season in the northern part of the old Republic of Viet Nam, it actually does get downright cold! So, some nights, when pulling bunker guard duty on the perimeter of Camp Eagle (located between Hue and Phu Bai, a few miles West of highway QL-1), the Sergeant of the Guard would bring around hot chocolate to fill our canteen cups. At the moment, I don’t have any regular dishes or cookware, and use only my Army surplus mess kit and canteen cups for everything, which being a guy who lives alone, I find to be quite sufficient. Have you ever eaten a Navajo taco? That’s what was served for dinner last Tuesday at the Uintah County Golden Age Center. Having never tasted (or seen) a Navajo taco, I went there out of curiosity. Boy, oh boy, but Navajo tacos are grrrrrrr-REAT ! ! ! They aren’t like Mexican tacos at all. A Navajo taco is a scone, topped with the usual taco filling of meat, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, PLUS beans and corn, all topped off with sour cream… Read more »


You do not have to drive to the VA so don’t waste your gas doing it.
Cll the pharmacy and tell them your situation, they can and will express mail it to you, even on Saturday.
Call them tonight if you read this but they will do that for you.
I have done it before and they will back you up on it.
For heaven’s sake, schedule it so you don’t run out, that is a very important med for you.
I have been dealing with heart failure for several years now and the VA has been there for me.
If you want, Jonn has my email address so you can contact him if you need more help. Like I said, I have been dealing with it for several years now. I want to help you any way I can.

John Robert Mallernee


Since I’m new to the area, the VAMC Pharmacy in Salt Lake won’t have any record (of any or most?) of my prescriptions, and certainly not Presugrel, because it was prescribed by an Air Force surgeon who put the drug eluting stents in the arteries around my heart.

Also, due to the long waiting list at the VAMC, I won’t be assigned a Primary Care Provider until the end of next month.

So, I have no choice except to seek treatment at the VAMC Emergency Room, which was where I went to get relief for the pain in my back, which was severely incapacitating me.

Due to bureaucratic mix-ups, I’ve missed this critical prescribed heart medicine before, for weeks at a time, and if there’s been any ill effects, I haven’t recognized it.

Still, based on the warning I got from that Air Force surgeon, when I finally do get my VAMC Primary Care Provider assigned to me, I’ll request a thorough cardiac exam, just to be cautious.

Joe Williams

John,on your puter find My HealthyVet.com and set you up an account,this is a way to have your Meds mailed to you. Just make a habit of checking prescripitions refilled at least once a week.While at the VAMC check about the VA picking you up and returning you to home. Call them they now pay your travel expenses by check thru the mail. Joe

John Robert Mallernee


I do have a MY HEALTHY VET account, but until the Salt Lake City VAMC assigns my Primary Care Provider, any messages I send would only be seen by the staff in Biloxi, Mississippi.

When I went to Salt Lake City for my scheduled appointment with Physical Therapy at the VAMC, they paid to have me stay overnight in the Ramada Inn, fed me supper and breakfast in the mess hall, and paid me $121.00 for my mileage there and back.

At the time, they offered right then and there to have me see the doctor in the Emergency Room to refill my prescriptions, and like an idiot, I didn’t do it.

I reckon I can stay alive for another month or so, until all this interstate bureaucratic mess eventually gets straightened out.

John Robert Mallernee

It’s interesting that two (02) of the most critical health threats I’ve had, were NOT treated by the VAMC in Biloxi, Mississippi, and therefore, the VAMC might easily overlook those conditions.

I was transported by ambulance and hospitalized in the Biloxi, Mississippi VAMC for Septicemia from an infected kidney.

As a resident of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, when I had my heart attack, I was treated at the 81st Medical Group on Keesler Air Force Base.

Less than a year later, I underwent an urgent surgery at Memorial Hospital in Gulfport, Mississippi to repair the deterioration in my cervical spine, lest I accidentally fall and die, being instantly paralyzed from the neck down, and unable to breathe.

That surgery costs almost $117,000.00, which the VA refused to authorize or pay for.

Medicare paid for most of it, leaving me to pay $1,650.00, which of course, I couldn’t pay, because I simply didn’t have that kind of money, especially after being kicked out of the Armed Forces Retirement Home in the dead of Winter, and consigned to sleeping in the cargo bed of my pickup truck.

Boy, am I lucky that I had that pickup truck, and all of my Army gear!

So, until the Salt Lake City VAMC assigns my Primary Care Provider, and he’s properly informed about all this stuff – – – ,

In the meantime, I do use Medicare to get emergency treatment and some prescriptions at Ashley Valley Regional Medical Center in Vernal, Utah.

Ah, but a THOUSAND BUCKS ($1,000.00) for one (01) prescription?!?!?!?

Joe Williams

Jonh, anytime you have E-care in other than a VAMC . There is now a progam to pay for that care due to the long distance you have to travel for VA care. Ask the DVA rep about it. Joe

John Robert Mallernee


Gosh, gee whillikers, I’d never heard of that!


Being new in Vernal, Utah, I’m still trying to figure out where the DAV and VFW guys are at.


John, for crying out loud, don’t be stubborn about this. You need that drug in your bloodstream, period.
Call the Biloxi Pharmacy immediately and tell them the situation, they will fix it even if they have to express mail you the Rx’s themselves.
They will do it.
Please, there is a point of being stubborn where it turns into stupidity. Don’t go there.
Just do what I ask and they will fix it for you, that is their job and they are good at it.
You don’t know what harm the lack of that med did to you, you are not qualified to make that judgement.
John, I was o a heart transplant list 4 years ago and was saved by the wonderful staff at the Milwaukee VA Heart Failure Clinic.
My NP and Cardiologist took the bePt care of me that was possible.
My life literally stopped on August 1, 2010 when I got that diagnosis.
My E/F was 15, 50 is normal, it has returned to 40-45 now all because I took the pills as they were supposed to be taken.
I was a nurse for 25 years so I know how important those meds are.
For God’s sakes, get with Jonn and he’ll give you my email, I can talk you through all of that shit.
But you HAVE to get the fucking med !!!
And get it NOW dammit !!!
No excuses John, none, nada, zero, zilch, zip…


Official White House Caption:

Biden: I know how you feel.
LEO in Blue Cover: NO YOU DON’T.
LEO in Green Cover: What a tool.
Civilian in Middle: OH Shitz!
Army Dude: OMG, I am about to witness my first shooting.


My sour dough starter is ready. I’m baking bread tomorrow. Come on over

Pineywoods NCO

With all the absurdity coming from Congress, what do you call a bunch of Congressmen in the bottom of the ocean?

Water pollution.

But there is a problem with this.

Congressmen are full of two things: Shit and hot air.

Which begs to the thought that once again….

Shit floats.

Just like our tribe of trouble.

John Robert Mallernee

I just want to remind everybody that TOMORROW, Sunday 22 February 2015, is George Washington’s birthday.

Do you observe the holiday tradition of eating cherry pie on George Washington’s birthday?

I’ve got three (03) tiny little cherry pies, the size of tarts, sitting in my kitchen cabinet.

But, maybe later, I’ll jump in my pickup truck and head on over to Wal-Mart or Smith’s or Davis Supermarket, and get me a full-sized actual fresh baked cherry pie, one that’s baked with real cherries in it.

I’ve got some vanilla ice cream sitting in my freezer, so I can enjoy my cherry pie ala mode.

I also enjoy just getting a can of cherry pie filling, and eating it straight from the can, sometimes topping it, as I spoon it out, with ample squirts from a can of whipped cream.

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee

It is 1100 Hours, Mountain Time, on Sunday 22 February 2015, and I’m sitting here chowing down on cherry pie ala mode, in observance of George Washington’s birthday.

I will now watch the video recording of the Hollywood movie, “THE CROSSING”.

Ain’t this neat?

John Robert Mallernee

“First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee

If you’ll watch these video recordings at the YOU TUBE web site, you’ll have the option of viewing them in “FULL SCREEN” mode, just like watching a regular movie.



Skiing today with start temp of -2 degrees.

Someone please contact Al Gore and notify him.



This morning, there are eight (8) cardinals sitting in the trees, watching me, tweeting to each other. It almost looks like they’re setting up court for a Spanish Inquisition, which I didn’t expect.



So, how was your first week at cardio rehab?

I was pathetically slow the first couple of weeks (actually quite embarrassed) due to the harvest site on my leg. But, by week two I was making progress by leaps and bounds. Just wanted you to know that initially it can be frustrating – but hang in there and drive on! You’ll be amazed at how you feel at the end of three months!!

Wishing you and yours all the best!


WrenchS2/S3…Thank you for asking and I am sorry I didn’t see your post until today. The first week was SLOW. A lot slower than I thought I had in me. The PT folks are monitoring my EKG all the time and said it looked great. Happy about that since I was worried about tripping into A-Fib again. They assured me I am right on track and don’t overdo or over expect my capabilities at this point. They said they would follow my progress and tell me when to increase this or that. I was very sore in my shoulders and chest afterward each session and for the rest of the day but it subsides and again, they said it is normal. I had worried about my sternum healing properly, overly worried I might add. But the surgeon said his protocol is a CT scan at the 12 week point to verify healing or any problems. I was relived. Thank you again for asking. You folks here mean a great deal to me. It’s funny in a way to know with all my heart that I have a family here, I have never met but who care for me as much as any family and more than some. Bless you all here!



When I started the program, there was a “weight training” component with dumb bells. When the exercise physiologist gave be a pair of two pound weights – I was completely embarrassed. But, she did know better than me. When I wasn’t serving, I was buckin’ hay and breaking track on the tractors at home. The two pound weights hurt my pride – I think that’s why I went into overdrive – and the fact she was awful cute! Yeah, I know…

I know what you’re talking about with the chest and shoulders – I felt like I’d gone 40 rounds with George Foreman and they were all body shots. I’m 15 months post surgery and am pretty much doing everything I did before, just not as fast!

You take care & stay focused on what the crew tells you and you’ll be amazed. And when you start feeling down about the situation, your rehab crew and your cardiologist can help you over that hump.

All the best to you and yours.

John Robert Mallernee

Please click on this URL to watch a live broadcast of real Spacemen floating around in Outer Space!


Remember when we were young, and all of this stuff was just Science Fiction?

John Robert Mallernee
John Robert Mallernee

Today’s spacewalk just ended.

They’ll do it again on Wednesday.

John Robert Mallernee

The live broadcast ended when the EVA (i.e., “Extra Vehicular Activity”, a spacewalk) was completed.

But, if you click on the screen, you can watch the recorded version being replayed (I think).

Hack Stone

I just came across an article that one of senior brothers, a hero during the Battle If The Bulge, has passed on at the age of 99.




Ok so after much debate and years of discussion, cinc house has agreed to let me move from rifles and acquire a hand gun. While I would love a 1911 and I will eventually get one, I more interested in an introductory gun. The real question is caliber, 9mm Luger vs 40 S&W. (.45 would be too large for the wife to shoot if god forbid she had to use my weapon vs the .38 I’m getting her) I’ve shot plenty of 9 during my service years and like most on here think that while an ok round I’ve never been impressed with their stopping power. Granted I was limited to mil rounds I.e. no hollow points, I will to admit there may be a differance. So my guestion to the community is which one should I look at? (Use is home defense and range shooting not CC).


Anything Sig P226 and you might be able to own/us Federals Guard Dog ammo. It works like a hollow point but is not a hollow point.


Is the handgun for you or the wife? Carry or home defense? Caliber wars aside, go to the range and try a bunch and get the one that ‘fits’ your need. And practice, practice, practice. Shooting is fun.


Gun will be for me and as I said earlier for home defense and range use. (I plan on making sure the wife knows how and can use it, but that’s a secondary concern. I’m in the people’s republic of md and CC is more hassel than its worth right now.) My experiance with hand guns is mainly with the M-9 (with a few 1911 shoots under my belt) and while the M-9 is an ok weapon it, just plain sucks at stopping power and has too much over penetration. This may be because the only rounds I’ve ever ran through one where std ball ammunition as military can’t legally use anything else. So I have virtually no frame of referance to know if civilian rounds (hollow points and the like) would solve these issues. Which is why I figured to ask you all who have much more experiance with civilian accessible rounds.
Granted the most important thing is round placement/grouping and it doesn’t matter what the potential a given round has if your not hitting the target. So unfortuantaly this is kind of a caliber war question. Already test fired a few and have one or two I’m considering that are within the budget set by CINC House, but wasn’t sure of which chamber to get. Both the 9mm and .40 felt good during firing and with practice (which I plan on doing lots of) my groupings will get tighter. While I did prefer the recoil of the 9mm the .40 was/is something I am confortable with and willing to accept if civilian rounds don’t solve the over penetration and stopping power of the 9mm.


Home defense:

SS P-220 45
SS P-229 357

For small framed females, look for a solid single stack. A most popular is Glock 42 380.

You can use for home defense a combo of:

S&W 10 38
SS P-220 45
SS P-229 357
SS P-226 9
Glock 26 9

Bring the person to gun shop and handle all models.


Thanks Master Chief! While those where some of the ones I fired, becuase I’ve always heard good things about them, the main issues I had with some of them where lack of good true ambi controls. (While I primarily shoot lefty, I do shoot right handed almost as much. so I’ld like to he able to easily switch over with out having to take the gun appart. Also while the Glock had okay ambi controls thats mainly because it doesn’t have many. Won’t get into the trigger safety vs traditional up/down debate but for the sake of this purchase I’ve decided to go with traditional up/down, as it makes the wife more comfortable).

Any experiance with either the Bersa Thunder Pro or FNH FNX ? Both had decent ambi controls and felt good while firing. Been reading reviews and have seen too many negative comments on either but figured to ask since you brought up others I’ve test fired.


Last sentance should have read HAVEN’T seen too many negative comments.


I think that recoil is very important. If your weapon of choice has an uncomfortable amount of recoil, you might develop a flinch or similar bad shooting habits. Because the weapon is unpleasant to shoot, you won’t practice as much and that can make you either ineffective or dangerous. For example, I probably shoot 10 or 15 times as many low-recoil practice rounds as full-power loads. I have a recent experience that I would like to share. I have a Sig P229 in 40 S&W that I want to use more. I haven’t shot a handgun in several months. I have some Federal 180 grain loads. I want to develop some handloads for it so I looked up a formula for 155 grain bullets, bought some XTPs, and made some ammo. I took my handloads and the Federal and the pistol to a range and started to fire. Right away I notice that the pistol has an uncomfortable amount of “snap” and recoil. I normally shoot a 1911 and the 229 is lighter but it was unpleasant to shoot. Not only that, I start to plunge (at the instant of pulling the trigger I push the gun forward, bullets hit 6-8 inches lower on the target) and snatch the trigger (lots of horizontal but mostly just big groups). That is me with a new gun and loads I don’t like. So I made up some lighter 155s and bought some 180 XTPs and took them out. Similar experience. Now I am not at all happy. About my reloads: up to this point I have been using Blue Dot. This is a flake powder that is hard to meter and burns fast. Turns out, that was the source of the “snap” – keep reading. In my 1911 loads, I use Vihthuori 310. Some years ago I bought a pistol from Bill Wilson and he suggested the load that I use – 5.1 grains of V310 and a 200 grain SWC bullet. Shoots sweet. I love it. I put 30,000 rounds through that gun and it still shoots like new. So I… Read more »


Thanks for the response, it helps alot. Which is exactly why I figured to ask the forum here, opinions I trust from people who have much more real world experiance in this subject.


Seems I’m getting a daughter-in-law. Son #1 finally broke down and popped the question to his long time squeeze, a great gal by the way, who decided to accept. They’re both Air Force. Cut me and I bleed Navy blue, and her folks are both Marines. This could be epic.


Congrats on that.


Con grats and it could have been worse, one of them could have been Army….


Hey now!


A Proud Infidel®™

So will the Grandkids end up being “Puddle Pirates”? *Ducking quickly into low crawl*.


No, just spoiled rotten. It’s what grandkids are for!
Mini bikes, bb guns, jet skis…


So, If Yemen’s leader has fled the country, does this still make Yemen a diplomatic success for the Obozo administration?


Silentium Est Aureum

Looks like the Dutch Rudder Club is trying to break into music videos:


Who or what the hell is that?

Is she the newest potential ex-wife #9 of the Blobfish?

She’ll fit right in with all the current spandex clad members of the DRC.

Green Thumb

I thought Heavy Chevy gave up on chicks?

I thought he was now into dudes as he appears to lack success with the fairer side….

Green Thumb

My dog ate half of my leather shell carrier last night.

Pissed me off, but oh well….

I just walked him and he just dropped a huge, steaming pile of Phil Monkress with leather attachments in the yard.

How apropos.

3/17 Air Cav

Green thumb……. I’m curious, after your dog ate your shell carrier, did you call him or her a turd?

Just askin


Hack Stone

I have terrible news for all of Hack Stone’s faithfull followers. It seems that someone on this blog betrayed my by providing a photo of me to the Vice President of Sales Development at FirsTec Solutions. Per his correspondence, he has the location of “the criminal miscreant lowlife vet” and his investigators (Prudential Associates?) are “in coordination withe (sic) the Philly police, they have an interest which we are driving out of MD.”

Hack Stone

Stupid IPhone posted before I was finished.

Paul’s prosecuter (I guess Paul has a prosecuter exclusively assigned to handling Paul’s issues) has been in contact with the Philly DA, and Hack is facing Third degree felonies. This could get ugly. It has the potential to be this generation’s MOVE confrontation. If I don’t make it out alive, be sure they get a good actor to portray me. See if Frank Stallone is available. Stay strong everyone, and to the one that betrayed me, Et Tu, Bluto.


A Proud Infidel®™

What happened, is he trying to frame you for Elaine Ricci’s disappearance?





I thought he had hit squad(s)coming for you and the Command Group? That was at least a month ago.


Keep us posted, Hack.

It’s kind of like that episode of ‘Rubicon’, isn’t it? It’s the one where Truxton Spangler gets the 4-leaf clover from Atlas MacDowell and Will Travis realizes he has to go into hiding.

You know the code: Blue 4Q(EE) to the 42nd power.

Hack Stone

I have never seen Rubicon, but I think that The Dutch Rudder Gang will be the featured villains in this season’s The Following (which debuts next week on Fox). Ryan Hardy rescues Elaine Ricci from a large birdcage in the basement of a rundown house in Bethesda. The only clue that he has is that she is being held in a house that does not have a door on the mailbox.


3/17 Air Cav

I finally have a little time to check in. I cooked a chicken in my Ninja slo cooker. Did mashed potatoes, with gravy. Also did biscuits. My wife is not eating much so I’m trying to do the meals she likes, in the hope she will eat a little.

I had some time yesterday, to start up the M38A1 it purred like a kitten. Also ran up the Mule. I loaded it up with firewood for my wood stove. I’ve really been going thru the firewood lately!

Take care all!


You take care of you and yours, AirCav.


There you are!!! Was checking the comments yesterday looking for you and nada. About to put out a APB on you. I know the meals are appreciated. 2 salt tablets and drive on!

John Robert Mallernee

At the “THIS AIN’T HELL” web site, I keep seeing, “#BringElaineRicciHome”.

Who’s Elaine Ricci, and what happened to her?

Hack Stone

Elaine Ricci is/was allegedly the third President of FirsTech Solutions, a company based out of a residence in Bethesda MD that (occasionally) sells software to the federal government. When the company first started, it was run by a woman named Karen Williams, which just happened to be the same name of a woman that worked for Florida Congressman. The astute taxpayers and frequent commentators here at TAH wondered aloud if this would represent some type of ethical conflict and possible violation of federal acquisition regulations, and faster than you can say “Lucky Sperm Club”, the company web site changed the name of the President to another woman. That President (i can’t recall her name), lasted only several days, which lead us to believe that she actually existed, but upon researching the “pedigree” of the company Vice President, decided that she did not look well in federally issued orange jumpsuits, and then along came Elaine Ricci. According to the FirsTech Solutions web site, Elaine Ricci graduated from one of the top five schools in the country, which was so prestigious they did not even need to mention the name), and she was a “pedigreed K Street Lobbyist”, which she was able to succeed at by not having any mention in any media or trade association communiques. A search for Elaine Ricci on Linked In shows an Elaine Ricci that is a wedding planner in Massachusetts, and two in Brazil, so if Elaine was working at FirsTech Solutions, she had a hell of a commute. Alas, the Congressman lost his bid for reelection, which inevitably meant that Karen Williams would be out of a job. Somehow, she was able to wrestle the position of President away from Elaine Ricci, resulting in Elaine Ricci becoming a mere board member of FirsTech Solutions. And then, nothing. Elaine disappeared. We became concerned. Not ones to rest on our Laurel’s, nor our Hardy’s, we have launched a media campaign to raise awareness of the plight of this poor woman. In an interesting development, if you go to the FirsTech Solutions web site, Karen Wickre, not Karen… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Hack Stone, it looks like Paul K. Wickre and Karen Wickre are suddenly being modest about their backgrounds. Paul K. Wickre didn’t list either his communications background (the radio sration) or his part in All Points Logistics. Karen Williams/Wickre never mentioned the work she did for a certain US Congressman either! *OOP!* I mentioned their names, what now? Meh, time for a nap! 😀


John Robert Mallernee


Thanks for the elucidation and clarification!


Say…shouldn’t the Bergdahl review have been completed and announced by now? Wonder who has it tied up?