Letters from Palmer Paul Wickre
UPDATED with Bernath at the end
I wish I could tell you what he’s talking about, but I have no effen clue. I told him if he stopped emailing me, I wouldn’t post anything else. Apparently he didn’t agree to that. So here you go, translation desired if you understand what he is saying:
Paul Wickre
10:52 PM (9 hours ago)to me
They are all down, every single one of them. There is no any TAH
presence on my name, wife or companies. You are done and spent. The
calls into your employer are damning. You are running like a scared
little rabbit.You have no more balls, the mob abandoned you. Who would think for a
little bit of money that all your speakers would turn on you?There is not one post up. You are either a fool or betrayed.
Your words are empty. You are an inferior as I portrayed, as well as
your mob. The filth you attracted are PTSD addled little kids that
wrote the most vile words under your guise.The better class, wins again. The problem you are facing is that
society picks the lower mob to fight wars and die for their betters,
all through history. You are representing the blue collar nee’r do
well lower class, who has nothing, owns nothing and is even abandoned
by the Military after their tour.So that Roman, is your Army. Mine is better with pedigree and
provenance. You lose again as foot soldiers have always been cannon
fodder.You are a lower class of society and proved it through your speech.
You are dregs, thugs, murderes and rapists. You are nothing. Nothing
at all.Less than zeroes, we have the authorites attracted to your 5000 hits,
the DNS recors, the MAC layer addresses, the physical Ethernet ports.If I were you I would worry about your livelihood once I am done with
you and your household.We know on the inside the pressures you are facing.
Ha Ha you lost.
Loser. poser, I guess by know the named posters called you as to
their pressures.Since you are not repentant then I go back to my original scheme to
seek you 7×7 or a horrific destiny to your puny efforts.Your own people gave you up on tape.
I am rich you are poor and you cannot stand any litigation cost, at
all as you have no savings nor net worth. This will be proven out, as
you cannot sustain any legal filings, or court battles, or even fund
them.You are a punk. Once the years go by as to your downward slide, the
last thing you will here in this life is a “click” behind your left
ear. Could be an Mp-3 player, or maybe just an embolism. I have every
confidence out of trust, that your end of days, will end with a small
sound, as God delivers his courtesy on you, for your evil.
Paul Wickre
11:19 PM (8 hours ago)to me
The reddit and facbook and zoom will be down in days.
Guess you lost our voice, you fucking litle girl punk.
You fucked with the wrong guy, re read my posts.
One day you are going to here a click and I want you to know where it is coming from. It is coming from your readers and followers on the American Legion that will get rid of you.
They have called me and they want you out. Try and find a job, Chump.
Mason was bought off you ape.
Email 3:
AS we cut the backlinks, attack your advertisers, and deprogram the Meta-data I want you to know who is doing it\
Email 4:
Google severed all the links I and Tah cnt be found onthe Intenet
Paul Wickre
2:33 AM (5 hours ago)
to me
English Translate message
Turn off for: Filipino
Spilled my coffeeSnort
You are an idiot
You can forget about court you moron
I will give you a hint Next Stop is your WordPress admin account out of NJ
Oh, and one small addition that I am including not to brag, but just in case people are worried about me. My job is more solid than ever. Literally. So far not a single email has come in about me from anyone but the Dutch Ruder club, and every time
UPDATE: Bernath chimes in. I haven’t discussed him at all, because that is working its way through the court system at all. But he wanted it known that he is going after our advertisers. Which is great, since I never get a dine of advertising money. In fact, running the blog actually loses Jonn money each year. We do it because someone has to look out for our brothers and sisters. Either way, to say I am less than concerned about the hit to our advertisers is an understatement of epic proportions. (Also it should be noted that Bernath sent this about 5 minutes after the post went live, so apparently he sits around in his underoos just waiting for us to post.)
Oh by the way, attorney Daniel A. Bernath is demanding that Sony, Ford, Amazon and all those that place ads on your websites that call women cunt, blacks as apes and gorillas in the mist, tormented veterans to suicide, say that the Speaker of the House hates gays and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is “gay” and boasted about killing veterans to STOP PLACING THEIR ADS on your website.
TSO is gone as is all support from the American Legion.
Frank E Caryle has changed his name.
Randy Ryder got hit in the head by a rolling pin by his angry wife and on and on. Guy Power on probation at NASA for creating Wanted posters on NASA facilities and computers.
So, now you will lose any money you got by running your kill-the-veteran website.
I’ve got to fly today and tomorrow but my demand that your advertisers abandon you will be drafted this weekend and be served on Monday.
You terrorists lose against the real deal Vietnam/Cold War veterans, again and again. Who will get you first? Mother Nature or the Real Deal warriors?
Daniel A. Bernath
Category: Politics
Can I sue these fucktards for giving me a headache reading all their shit?
I thought it was the residual snot from the cold I’m still nursing, but no. It’s them. I may be leaking CSF out of my nose. There’s got to be a suit in there somewhere!
Mental anguish / emotional distress.
Thank god two of my aunts were born blind. Since I know braille, going blind reading the crap ain’t no big deal ?
Looking forward to the After Action Report after Tomorrow’s “Festivities”
Good luck, they don’t have any money.
Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to post on the interwebs…
I just wish they’d all get off their ample, dead, cowardly asses and do what they threaten to do so I can put an end to all of this childish bullshit my way.
At least chevalier and visconi are quiet. Its been a year running for bernath and his attempts have failed…stupid every step of the way.
WTF? I am trilingual, but absolutely not drunklingual, stupidlingual,
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanna take these dudes to dinner. REALLLLLLLY, I do. Hook me up Jonn and TSO
These guys have absolutely nothing productive to do with their time, do they.
By “these guys” I mean Psul & Co, not TAH.
Thought I better clarify that because so much can get lost in translation on the internet. Sorry if there was any confusion.
If any of those chumps were truly worth anything, I’d seriously consider suing due to pain and suffering from the IQ points their babbling and blithering sucked right out of my head!!
Dude, I want my life back, after reading that mess…
“No where in your incoherent rambling, did you formulate anything that closely resembled an answer. We are all now dumber for having heard you, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
I don’t think that Psul knows anything about the English language or useful thought processes.
So psul (of the ballsack) Wickretard is our “better,” eh? In that case, please explain why it is that his grasp of the written English language (spelling, grammar, punctuation, the fact the he seems to think that his illiterate chickenscratch is some kind of poetic verse) is distinctly inferior to that which I possessed in the Third fucking Grade.
I’m sorry to deflate your delusion, Wickretard–no, that’s a lie, I’m not sorry at all–but the frequent incest in your family tree did not bless you with a “pure bloodline.” All it did was render you an unhinged moron.
Did you figure out if Psuls family tree is a pole or a wreath?
Bernath, Wickre, and the rest of the moron-club … they just make my head hurt reading their screed.
I’m no English teacher, but damn their grasp of the language makes me extremely sad. You would think that men who are allegedly businessmen and attorneys would have a much better ability to communicate. If one of them worked for me and wrote a letter to a client, and it looked like the stuff they email out, I’d fire them immediately.
They’re imbeciles at best. Full of vile, but empty threats.
And they still can’t figure out who I am or where I live.
I read it at first as ‘full of bile, but empty threats’. The funny thing is it works either way!
I wonder who Daniel A. Bernath will accuse next of being me? As soon as he mentions the name, DallASS Wittgenfeld parrots him like the idiot lackey he is!
Aren’t you Elaine Ricci? Or is that me? I’m kind of conflated on that item.
DAMIFINO, Ma’am! I’ve already been seven
Different Men, possibly eight. I wonder who I’ll be next?
Once seven people are mistakenly accused of being you, that is called “pulling a Chevy”.
Whaddya mean. Hack Stone? The only “pulling A Chevy” I know of is when I have to tow my neighbor’s with a rope or tow strap behind my Ford!
Hey Ex-PH2, didn’t one of the Dutch Rudder Gang critters once accuse Michelle Malkin of being you?
No, I think that was Delilah T.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
TSO, did you HAVE to put ‘underoos’ and bernath in the same line?
Did anyone besides me ever wonder how come we never hear one single word from peckerwood’s sister defending his right to attempt excoriation on us, never mind make a complete ass of himself in public?
I figure it’s because, not only did he stiff her AND his mom out of that money he owed both of them, he also screamed bloody murder at her and threatened her with blowtorches and other unsavory behaviors. And like a sensible, sane person, she keeps as much distance between herself and him as she can. I’m sure his frustrations are enormous. But there’s that fan-crap-tastic wickre family trust that he brags about so often. It’s most likely he doesn’t have a door on his mailbox because there’s a conditional clause in it that says if he doesn’t produce offspring, he don’t get no money from it.
Oh, yeah – I challenged myself to see how much I could AVOID spending while I restocked pantry, fridge and freezer. I AVOIDED
I hate this new keyboard.
As I was saying, I AVOIDED spending a full third of my budget, restocked everything and now have nine GINORMOUS boobs in the freezer.
One’s for dinner, so I bought 10 altogether. This supplements what I already have on hand, which needs to be used up. I have fresh strawberries in the fridge for dessert tonight, also. I am living somewhat high on the hog, and the hog is definitely aware of it.
Ginormous boobs?
I guess we know who four of them are.
Yes, and they aren’t hens, but they are chickens.
Like “raw met on the curb”, these are the days of ours lives.
I really love these pearls of wisdom, or what I call “Wickreisms”. My vocabulary has increased exponentially. In fact, I have used some of his sayings as the basis for passwords at work. The North Koreans never would have guessed that my password was (emphasis on was) Lucky Sperm Club.
Those e-mails remind me of the statements issued by North Korea. If Kim Il Dung ever needs a new speechwriter he should look these guys up.
Have we not spoken to him about getting on the computer after guzzling MD 20/20?
That is a verbal train wreck he typed up…..I could write a thesis on Alcoholic Dementia using him as a case study.
Doc, if you do that, please send me a copy.
I’ve caught the dumbs…. I ain’t got nuthin’…
No sweat Toasty, that incoherent crap sucked brain power right out of My head, too!!
I just re-read the entire post and thread … I is now offishally retarded 4ever.
Tank u all fer dis!
Pudpounders have united here !!!
This is worse than high school drama. Both of you.
I was hoping I could come up with a nice big bucket of smartass, but I ain’t got nuthin’ right now, Psul’s rant sucked points off of my IQ!
Thank God I have points to spare. Sadly, not many at the rate they try to drain them.
Hack is waiting for that Death Squad to scrounge up some gas money to head up North and whack Hack.
Paul, Daniel and Dallas must all be sharing Chelle Tesla and Tina Karsten for something. What it is, I don’t know and frankly, I don’t want to find out.
But wait…
It’s sad when Tina Karsten is smarter than those three dumb turds.
I meant Tina Kersten.
SEE, I read the ramblings of idiots (Paul, Daniel and Dallas) and my brain goes to mush.
Aw, shoot.
I can hear it now… it’s all Jonny’s fault, you know, that none of them ever amounted to a hill of beans.
Instead, they’re all bums. Bummer….
It’s a classic move, trying to switch the spotlight on someone else when you feel the heat. Psul must know the feds are moving in, closing the net around him for his role in Elaine’s disappearance so he’s redirecting to TSO. It won’t work Psul, we see through your charade. Just tell the feds where Elaine is and let her family have some peace. For God’s sake Psul, bring Elaine Ricci home!
I have to admit that i am a bit of a loss here. I guess i am here in the middle of the story and while trying to look up Paul Wickre to find out the rest of the story the only thing i could find was this this:
which only made me more confused. can anyone catch me up about this?
Oh, boy. It all started with Phil Monkress, and just went downhill from there. Phildo was the Big Boss of All Points Logistics, a fed contractor that supplied crummy trailers to FEMA to give people a place to live until reconstruction took place. Phildo got exposed for claiming falsely that he was a SEAL, when he wasn’t. He fired pickwickre peckerwood so that peckerwood could hang out in his tacky little brick bungalow in Bethesda and try to scare people on TAH who exposed Phildo. There were several battles that lasted all night with verbage in multiple languages including Latin and Swedish, but peckerwood was defeated every time. Now, he hates us, one and all. Part 2 is: a smidge over a year ago, a bad lawyer named (bernath) bernutsless was outed for claiming rank and medals he didn’t have. He claimed that stuff because he had stolen someone else’s copyrighted work out of a newspaper and claimed it was his, then was sued for copyright violation and lost. In an act of childish and petty revenge, he stole the real photographer’s Navy retirement portrait, altered it by putting his own head on it, and was outed for it by another blog, and by this one. It ballooned from there to a restraining order in Oregon on someone who lives in the East (no jurisdiction) and now bernutsky is just plain idiotic. As we all know, since he likes to blame runnning out of fuel on an airplane manufacturer, squirrels can fly planes better than he can. Meantime, peckerwood continues to make threats of mayhem and murder toward one and all who attend TAH on even an intermittent basis. bernutsless and peckerwood have become butt buddies. Three different women who have nothing to do with me have been misidentified by birdbrain bernutsless as me, and six (or is it seven?) men who have nothing to do with A Proud Infidel have been misidentified as API. And dullas whipitnflogit is a bull-goose looney RTO from Vietnam who claims he made parachute jumps in Vietnam to amuse Vietnamese orphans. At this point,… Read more »
You forgot to to mention the greatest victim in all of these shennanagins, Elaine Ricci, former present and current board member of FirsTech Solutions. When former congressional aide Karen Williams assumed the position as president of FirsTech Solutions in a maneuver reminiscent of J.R. Ewing, Elaine Ricci seems to have completely disappeared. Thankfully, the good people at TAH, at the risk to their own personal safety, are exhausting all efforts in finding Elaine and keeping her disappearance in the media spotlight.
Don’t forget about the purple pajama parachuting clown Dallas Wittgenfeld.
Don’t forget that he wrote a letter to the Secretary of Defense claiming that I was posting Classified information on this website when I was in Afghanistan!
No matter how hard I try, I cannot decipher any part of Psul’s ramblings, I DON’T speak a word of Idiotese!! Maybe it’s an ancient Idiotanian mantra that makes money, brains, and mailbox doors disappear from whoever speaks or writes it?
Here’s my attempt to speaka his language:
“Saterday. You will know and the fullmoon awits and time has jungle feet. You will in triplicate. Never know that denentae forget. Pain am coming whichway and all of you. megadata downfall freon.”
And now I must lie down. I got myself sick with that effort.
Take yourself a break 2/17, that Meta-data can give bad side effects!! 😀
Daniel A. Bernath, who made the mistake of swearing to be true that which he knew was not, has again demonstrated that he is not really up to speed: He states that I have changed my name. In a sense that is a true statement, but is totally inaccurate in his presentation of it. The name change was done over 30 years ago, Danny Boi. Fortunately for the county sheriff here, the process server that carried Danny’s 166 page comic book to me, knew where I actually live, so no gas was wasted looking for me. We had a pretty good laugh that morning, as I recounted some of the crash landings that Bernath has made here at TAH as well as that field in Oregon that was attacked by a light sport plane.
Just yesterday, I used Bernath’s penchant for lying as I discussed attorneys with a couple of our local deputies. I told them of how, in a lengthy e-mail exchange, Bernath begged me to lie, to say that I had been influenced by Judge Hyatt, a man I had never met, spoken with, or knew of until way deep in the exposure of Dan Bernath. He felt that I was as lacking in principle as he was.
I would think that there are many males who, for whatever reason, must have to catheterize themselves for bladder relief. I don’t know but one who would broadcast it on the internet, in legal papers, or mention it in a courtroom setting. That is a measure of his lack of self esteem, and a demonstration of the fact that he has NOTHING to hold against us.
At the risk of premature exposure of here to fore previously classified ops, I am happy to announce that a very elite, super duper secret squirrel group of techno geeks has developed a metadata shield which will soon be available for wide distribution among TAH cadre and support staff.
That is all. For now.
And the time to adjust your physical Ethernet ports has been changed. New time is Tuesday, 0714 Zulu. Your MAC layer readdressing updates should now be complete.
Over due do over.
Hey, I got a junk e-mail that said all my data had been transferred. Is that part of the scheme?
That issue was addressed previously in art. 7-c of the postdated memo inclusive of all primary and secondary cadre personnel and their subordinate command secondaries. If you did not implement those changes at the time, you now need to manually update all the metadata indicators according to the 1937(q) advisories. Do not, repeat, DO NOT, attempt to update your physical Ehternet ports early in an effort to catch up with any previously uninstalled and unupdated metadata cyclic overflows/underflows.
That is probably more than should be shared via this insecure medium. Or secure large.
Over and outsy wowsty.
Need confirmation, commence SREYWAL code change from Bloe Q6 to Red TX5 at Zero Hour Zulu?
That would be a roger dodger aok over and out 5 x 5. Semicolon.
Exception being the 0714 Tuesday thingy.
I was getting a layer 7 buffer overflow. I reinitiated the connection using an old Token Ring subroutine that I wrote when I was with NSA forward in Djibouti. It cleared the buffers and I’m up and running. If anyone needs it, I’ve got it in Active X. Just e-mail me and I’ll send you the URL.
Where did you get a Tolkien Ring? I thought they were all et up by Smog and the volcano explosion.
Denny the Cheeseater is on another one at Craigslist:
One specimen from the post:
“One site known as “This Aint Hell” marvels and reminds its viewers that its tactics have resulted in the death of 5 people via suicide because of their tactics.. The tag line at their blog says “. . .the only blog with a body count”.
Better watch out… Chevy is now an “author”… he’s gonna drop the hammer on TAH through his newest literary masterpiece “The Internet World of the Damned”!
I just can’t wait to throw away $29.95 on a piece of trash written by a fraud…
He charges that much for his incoherent rambling?
Geezo-pete, I don’t charge that much for my stuff. And mine is funny AND coherent.
Oh, well, I have more on the way!
The “book” extract is also on his FB site under Denny H Chevalier. It goes on and on about evil sites like TAH and he says he names names of the miscreants and their criminal records here and that we’re all social outcasts.
The irony is that on his other FB site, Dennis Chevalier, he libels and slanders former fiance Ms Lorenz…the same he accuses TAH for doing.
I wonder if any of the Dutch Rudder Gang wrote the book’s forward?
Oh, he’s got names, does he?
You know my name, chevette scooter, you cheesy bastard. Say it. Say my name.
Hm, names names and lists criminal records? I hope that he has the documentation that links the names to the criminal records as soon as he hits send to the publisher.
Say my name, dammit! Say it! Say it!!!!!
Hey, I’ve been digging around and the only criminal record I’ve found around here is cheesefish mcblobeater’s.
To clarify, Wickre thinks that he succeeded in taking down our links on Google. What happened was; I blocked the Google-bots that were crowding up the blog last weekend resulting in 504 errors. I turned the bots back on last night and our links are back where they belong on the search engines. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Jonn… you are the master of the Interwebs??? And all this time I thought it was my cat…
Well, it is truly lovely to have confirmation that this feeling of calm, no worries, life maintained without interruption from “them,” and absolutely no paranoia on the home front were entirely justified.
Must be horrible for “them.” While they are indeed a minor annoyance to a few and engaging in criminal activity against some members of this community, most of us are completely unaffected by their nonsense except for the sympathy and empathy we feel for the targets of their lunacy.
Will they ever reach a point that they decide their efforts, while garnering a lot of (negative) attention, are not worth the results they are seeing? Seems like a great deal of energy expended with nothing to show for it.
So all of us who got the dumbs these last few days will live? I know MCPO is really suffering as is 2/17 Air Cav and A Proud Infidel….
Its truly quite worrying..:(
NOT TO WORRY, OUR DEAR TC!! 😀 I’M back up and running, now thinking seriously of researching if the ramblings and blitherings of Paul K. Wickre, Daniel A. Bernath, and Frank Visconi can be used by the U.S. Military as a PSYOPS Weapon. Just think, it gets broadcasted to the enemy being read like Vogon Poetry, then we just waltz in without firing a shot because the enemy has by then either gone brain dead or committed suicide!!
Actually, they could better be utilized as a World’s Funniest Joke weapon:
Meth is a hell of a ride, what a tard.
I hear the Gov(ex) of Oregon and his Fiance may need a lawyer. I nominate Bernath, birds of a feather (IMHO) and all.
If Daniel A. Bernath asks and is denied the case, he can sue the ex-gov for discriminating against a catheterized, not admitted to the Oregon Bar, questionable case presenter for Social Security seekers, almost a lawyer.
A certain Vice President at FirsTech Solutions has a birthday coming up next month. I was thinking of marking the occasion by presenting him with a wrist watch, but upon reflections, I decided that a watch would be of no use to Paul, since he has no need to know what time it is. It’s not as if he has to be anywhere at a particular time for a business meeting.
Hmmmm. . . Danny-boi’s FB page gone dark?
It sure did. FB probably put him in time out after everyone reported him for spamming the FB comments section of TAH.
Oh??? Oh, my!
Does this mean that it could be considered propitious to present a new produc to the world? One that many, perhaps, might find entertaining?
This post is one of those good news/bad news situations.
First the good news. It seems that those miscreants holding Elaine Ricci have allowed her access to her email account, and instead of sending a message requesting rescue, she has sent an email, addressing her primary concern. “Sure have not heard to (sic) many mailbox jokes from old Hack since the Philly PD made a search incident to arrest on the drugs and weapons charges.”
Well, since Elaine is asking for it, let me see what I can do to accommodate. I was minding my own business driving down Wilson Lane, when I was distracted by seeing a mailbox with a missing door. I ended up running over “raw met on the curb”, and now I need to replace the mortal coils on my vintage Jaguar.
As to (see what I did there?) my imminent arrest and/or demise, I am still waiting for the hired crackheads to take me to the Men’s Wearhouse, then treat me to dinner at Medieval Times.
Finally, if Paul spent more time surfing for porn and less time trying to destroy us, he would still have a job.
Ah, I see you are still kicking, Hack. You must be on Broadway.
I keep asking my cat how anyone as boring as the DRC gang of metheads can even get up in the morning, but I get no answers.
And why were they looking for Hack in Philly, when everyone knows you live in Podunk? That doesn’t make any sense. Go, mesna!
Why am I in North Philly? It’s the yang to the ying of the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. And when I say “Yo Paul, smell you later”, I will smell Paul later. It’s only a matter of until I hear the “click”, since in the almost two years that Paul has been unemployed, he has been able to master the art of using Street View. Unfortunately, he still can’t afford a computer that has Spell Check. As to (oops, I did it again) a collection of all of the pearls of wisdom from Paul Wickre, if you can hold off until his inevitable mental competency hearing, you can probably get a Maryland State sanctioned court transcript.
And just a reminder, be sure to check the FirsTech Solutions web site. Every few days, Paul manages to make subtle changes to the employee biographies. And if you happen to view his customer page, you will shake your head wondering how it is that with all of the branches of the Armed Forces (allegedly) customers of FirsTech Solutions, they still don’t have a door for that darned mailbox.
It appears that Paul K. Wickre *OOPS!* has suddenly gotten modest about his background. He mentions none of his experience in the communications field (The radio station) or his time with All Points Logistics! Karen Williams/Wickre *OOPS!* doesn’t even mention her time spent working for a now-former Congressman either. OH GEE WHIZ, did I just mention some names I was told not to? OH, WELL…
Nor does he mention when he served under the Montgomery County Executive. He was just being modest. Of course, he was serving time in the county lock up (assault, DUI?).
HEY, Paul K. Wickre (*OOPS!*) COULD HAVE added “Experience in Criminal Justice/Corrections” to his resume’ right there, GEE WHIZ!! 😀
Personally, since I have sincere doubts about the competence of any part of FirsTec/First Tech – whatever it calls itself – I would definitely want to see hard samples before I’d invest a red cent in their product. They sound so… well, dated, and out of touch with today’s modern world.
I’m quite convinced that I can acquire everything that will meet my techno needs from Staples and the Geek Squad, although I will say that Office Max does have competitive prices. I mean, after all, my little old Chromebook is wi-fied to the cloud, so I don’t actually need any backup more expensive than a 24-gig USB keyfob. That costs about $15 now. I can just drop those puppies in my purse and sail through the day. And buy software? Why buy it? It’s cheaper to rent it and the upgrades are freebies.
I have so many, many options, and I’m may just upgrade to Windows 10, if they ever get it put together. It’s not that I’m so crazy about Windows – XP really was the best platform ever – it’s just the familiarity of it all.
Does that idiot even know that RedHat was discontinued in 2004? You can’t find it on ZDnet or on Azure. He seems really out of touch to me.
These people come off like rank amateurs. I don’t think they’re pros.
Hopefully Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) Wickre will bill Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics about that “missing” mailbox door.
At least with the mailbox door replaced, Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) cannot claim that those All-Points Logistics paychecks (signed by APL’s CEO Commander Phil Monkress), were cancelled….er,..I mean…stolen by others.
I can’t understand one single thought this idiot is trying to convey in his writings… He must be on drugs or drunk out of his gourd. IQ..my god this Wickre is a moron. Maybe someone should contact social services and let them know where this moron is so they can put him back in his padded cell.
I am most feel bad making fun of someone who is so mentally handicapped…. Naw I don’t feel bad at all!
If you REALLY want to know how completely incoherent psulie-o the uncoolie-o is, you could find the spots back to last year, when a bunch of us stayed up all night letting him know we thought he was a complete moron.
I’m not sure if they’ve ever been collected in one place, but he’s definitely not mentally handicapped. He’s just an asshole with a keyboard and a bad temper.
Oh, yes – he likes to throw around phrases like your betters, mongrel, inbred, etc. He’s a real class act.
From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say “GOOGLE YOU” to each and every member of the Dutch Rudder Gang along with “GO GOOGLE YOURSELVES!”! 😀
I sent directions to my house a while back. I haven’t had any real strange pussy in a while. This little princess is about as strange as a pussy can get. I think the little twink just needs some.
Hack, if you’re anywhere near Jake’s Cheesesteaks, could you get me 2, no peppers, add mushrooms, plus curly fries real crisp? And some soft pretzels, too. Is that pretzel guy still selling from his cart on Chestnut Street?
I’m starving for some real food.
With just under twenty minutes until the scheduled showdown between Hack Stone and Elaine Ricci, AKA The Bethesda Candidate, Hack turned on his radio, and Peter Cetera was sing Glory Of Live, or what we here like to call Paul’s Ode To Phil (I am the man that will fight for your honor…) As to (dang, I did again) those who may not be following Hack on FaceBook, Paul/Elaine sent Jonn an email that Elaine will be killing Hack Stone this evening at 21:00 (Zulu – 5) in a North Philadelphia housing development. So, in the event that I am never heard from again, it means that Paul was able to steal his neighbor’s EZ Pass to pay the tolls up I-95. Just remember, Elaine did not do this willingly. She was being coerced. Paul threatened the life of Elaine’s fiancé, Will Chamberlain. She had no choice.
Boy, I really burned up the clock on that last post. Six minutes left, just enough time for Hack to make love to his lovely bride/soon to be widow Rosetta three times and chug down a beer.
Don’t strain anything.
Since Paul has not been pulling in $40,000 a month for almost two years, is he legally prohibited from listening to Men At Work?
All-Points Logistics theme song (satire….not really):
A certain someone has a birthday coming up on March 18. I was contokating getting him a watch, but the I thought “Why bother? It’s not as if he has to be anywhere at a specified time for a job or business meeting.” So, I’ll just send him a $10 gift certificate to the The Salvation Army Thrift Shop. Then he can pick up two more leisure suits so he will have something nice to wear at his next court appearance.