Vermonters debate gun control
Vermont folks love their guns, and there are very few restrictions on gun ownership – like Arizona, if you can legally own a firearm, you can carry it concealed without permission from the State. Of course, the handwringers need to change that, despite the fact that the feds have said that Vermont is the safest state in the union in regards to crime. They have introduced Senate Bill 31 to change all of that, according to the Associated Press – mainly by expanding background checks to include private sales that aren’t between family members. You know, the same thing that Democrats in the US Senate tried last year in an attempt to open a back door to gun registration.
Hunters have nothing to worry about, said Ann Braden of Brattleboro, president of the group Gun Sense Vermont, which supports the measure.
“This legislation doesn’t affect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. It’s focused exclusively on keeping guns out of the hands of convicted abusers, violent felons, and drug traffickers,” she said.
Yeah, hunters have nothing to do with this – it’s firearm ownership. Period. The flatlanders have been trying to change Vermont ever since Bernie Sanders became the mayor of Burlington. The Senate Bill includes restricting firearms ownership for the mentally ill and felons – things federal law does already. The thing they want to do is get the expanded background checks and the other elements are just distractions. It has flatlander Nanny Bloomberg’s fingerprints all over it.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Never enough for these clowns, is it?
I used to love Vermont ’til many of the rich liberal hippies from NYC took it over.
Good news is, this won’t stand. The good people of Vermont will squash it.
There are two things that are very few and far between in Vermont: minorities and murders. As for murders, there were 10 in 2013 and 8 in 2012. How many were by shooting I don’t know but nearly every one was a domestic of one sort of another. So, if VT really wants to reduce gun crime, it’s best bet is to outlaw all personal relationships.
If they start screwing with the syrup and the cheese they might find out just how many Vermonters actually possess firearms.
Thanks for using the term flatlander correctly.
And the flatlanders are messing with our maple syrup and cheese. They want us to do it the way they did it were they came from. Its like having community organizers everywhere just like Chicago.
What are these cretins doing to maple syrup and cheese?????????
It’s bad enough when I have to get ANY maple syrup from Canadianland. It’s hard to find around here, but I can order it from Vermont Country Store.
I cant say because of the nature of my top secret level 9 security clearance. But Soylent Green is people. This stuff even goes beyond Seal Team Ten.
They’re leeching the maple out of the syrup and the milk out of the cheese.
I do come out from under my rock ocassionally, and find out stuff like this.
Anytime a gun control group tells me that I, as a hunter, don’t have to worry I know I have to worry. Gun control nuts always bring up hunting when they talk about gun control, as if that’s what the Second Amendment was intended. Fuck them all.
In the same spirit, US District Court Judge Reed O’Conner has issued a judgement against the interstate ban on buying handguns.
This is HUGE, no doubt it will continue working its way through the Federal Courts but so far they are on our side.
I left Wisconsin for Texas last year and was surprised that my Constitutional Right to buy any gun was rescinded as soon as I crossed the Wisconsin State Border.
I am now a Texas resident and can buy as many guns as I want !!!
Which… Is a lot !!!
Never fails. Liberals always look around for anything working out successfully and then go about seeing how they can fuck it up.
So does this mean I can go hunting in Sugarbush or not?
Whenever I see anything with Gun+Sense in the title or the same sentence, I know it’s not. I find the nearest exit, ASAP
Jeebus, what would liberals do with themselves if they weren’t screwing with everybody else’s lives and property??
(That was a rhetorical question, you don’t have to try to answer it.)