Yer Sunday Silly: Look, Up In the Sky! It’s a . . . WTF?

| February 8, 2015

Well, it appears we in the USA have no monopoly on government stupidity – or gullibility. Looks like the folks in New Zealand can give us a run for out money.

In the city of Auckland, the city council commissioned some public art. They paid the artist the equivalent $147,000 (US).

They got what is purportedly a sculpture of a cloud – indeed, it’s titled “Transit Cloud” . It’s currently suspended over a walkway near a major transit hub, on public display. It’s seen by thousands daily.

I say it purportedly looks like a cloud because, well, that’s not exactly what I’d say it looks like to me. But I guess YMMV.

The sculptor says his “sculpture” was indeed supposed to represent a cloud, and further that he “was confident it would look different once 50 metres (165 feet) of neon lights were connected to it and lit up inside the structure.”

Yeah, right. Somehow, I don’t think so – at least not in broad daylight when people can see it.

You could not make this sh!t up if you tried.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Government Incompetence, WTF?

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NR Pax

The average PFC could draw a better one. And this ranks up there with the art that the city of San Jose purchased that is supposed to be Quetzalcoatl but looks like a lump of dog crap.


Carrying on with part of the theme of my last comment (in the Williams story) the model for this “cloud” (yeah, sure) definitely was not an Irish model….speaking for myself, of course! 😉


Too small?


Did I say….small? I was just noting my Irish heritage and its shortcomings.


See it’s fuckers like that who give the rest of us artists a bad name.

““I’ve studied art and drawing for many years and I never came across a phallus made out of thousands of triangles that was six metres long.”

Yeah, well you just made one shit for brains. Just because you haven’t seen one before doesn’t mean it can’t be done – obviously.

“People enjoy mentioning this stuff, I think. Technically anything can be phallic — a tree, a lamp post,”

Yep, especially when it is shaped like a dick!


“Oh my God, it’s a cock and balls,” resident Phil Wellman told the newspaper


I’m still laughing at that comment….

2/17 Air Cav

“Oh, you work there to? Where’s your office?”

“Right next to the dickhead. Your’s?”

“One floor below the balls.”

Big Steve

Good one 🙂


Bernath’s face would look awesome on the tip of that thing

Semper Idem

Cloud, my shiny metal arse. That’s a dick.


A cloud? That’s a cock-and-bull story if I ever heard one.



I am glad I had finished my tea. I just HAD to click on the link, didn’t I? Just had to!

If I were to write up a critique, it would be brief and direct, as follows:

“The artist, in his pursuit of a freeform stylized sculpture, has consciously projected his undisclosed feelings of masculine inadeqacy for the public to view and criticize, with this piece titled ‘Transit Cloud’. My advice to the artist, as a critic, is simple: if it’s that hard for you to get a date, you might consider improving your personal hygiene and stop dressing like a slob. In the meantime as a taxpayer, I want a refund.”


The comments are priceless:

He said it was six metres…the women said it was two.

Only a pathological liar could look at that “creation” and deem it “a cloud.” I sense a lawsuit…

New line for a drunk dude: “there is a cloud in my pants and its about to rain”

Is that a thunderhead in your pants or are you just glad to see me?

You can’t make this stuff up. Reality is definitely stranger than fiction.

Big Steve

This ass clown artist trying to claim this thing is not what it clearly is… well… he is either mental or just a closet pervert.
Probably some effete gay artist.

But how effed up is the city council there in Auckland to pay for and allow this thing to be erected??


Obviously, when requesting the grant, the artist did not submit a sketch of the final sculpture.

Ozzie 11B

“erected” is a good choice of words LMAO


I thought the best comment posted at the story was “In the United States, it would be paid for with “stimulus” money.”

Rim shot! Bada boom

The Other Whitey

The good folks of Auckland should just admit it and incorporate it into their tourism campaign. “Auckland: Home of the world’s most expensive schlong!”


Don’t tell me its a cloud then piss down my back.

Perry Gaskill

The New Zealand Herald gives a bit better background on this including a quote from Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse who stiffly defends the Auckland chubby without actually having seen the thing.

Seems to me it might be time to amend Nelson Algren’s Three Rules of Life:

Never play cards with a man called Doc.

Never eat at a place called Mom’s.

Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.

And add…

Never buy art from a guy named Gregor.

AW1 Tim

I’m thinking that he was working hard to try and erect something that would penetrate the city council’s treasury.

It appears that the artist, at least, got a happy ending to his effort…….

AW1 Tim

If it’s up for more than 4 hours, aren’t you supposed to call the EMT’s or something?


That, or to to the ER and request surgery.

The Other Whitey

Please PLEASE don’t call me to deal with priapism.

Incidentally, last week I saw another example of why alcohol, stupidity, and firearms don’t mix well. Drunk whiskey-tango dumbass was playing with his .357 and blew his right nut out of the sack. Bled all over the place like a Tarantino movie. Suffice it to say, I’m never going to un-see that shit.

John S.

That sounds like a feel-good story, if he’s voluntarily removing himself from the gene pool.


No, unfortunately he didn’t. He still has the left one.


Is that the Emperor’s new cloud? Only wise and sophisticated people can properly see it. The base and boorish see something else…


That’s nothing compared to Calgary’s 500K giant blue cock ring.

Tom Huxton

Years ago in Detroit (The Motor City), some “artist” sold a sculpture to the city made of autos crushed into a huge cube. It sat in front of the federal building for waaaaay too long. I hated it


That’s OK, in New Mexico we have the ‘Chevy on a stick’. Still God awful though now they try and pass it off as a “Treasured piece of the Duke City”


Gives new meaning to the “clap” of thunder…


Oh, the potential pranks for the teenagers in Auckland to ponder.

A Proud Infidel®™

The dumb pricks ponied up the money for it without asking for at least a sketch of the final product, and the weenie of an “Artist” is defending that thing. I wonder what he was thinking of when he made it, me must be a real dickhead! What’s next, will the art-weenie describe it as “A cloud that looks like a sausage and two meatballs”?


“However, sculptor Gregor Kregar said there was never any intention of creating a large phallic image …”

In a related story, Gregor lost his penis and testicles in a horrible playground accident when he was 7 … he said, “I would not know a phallic image if it slapped me in the face.”


What a dick. 😉


This is something along the same lines as the “Cheese House” in Powell, Wyoming.

In 2001 while the wife and I were still in Powell, a “artiste” sculptor from New Yawk City by the name of Cosimo Cavallaro came to town and completely sprayed (interior with all furnishings and exterior) down a little one bedroom shanty with 12,000 pounds of melted cheese.

The town had a little parade and played it up, but everybody knew it was just a crock of shit. Anyway, they took all kinds of pictures of it and it was news for a while.

A few days after the “artiste” left the house was demolished and hauled off to the Park County landfill and the Fire Department then held a fire training exercise on the vacant lot.

The smell of burnt fondue hung in the air for a week afterwards.

Heavy Chevy sure missed out on a golden opportunity for supper.


It kind of redefines the term “cockup”

A Proud Infidel®™

Or “dicked up”, so now if a storm comes through and damages that “sculpture” they’ll have a very expensive “broke dick” to fix!!


There once was a man from Nantucket…