American Sniper discussion

| January 26, 2015

So, since Michael Moore made it acceptable to criticize the troops, everyone with a keyboard has taken to the internet to voice their vacuous opinions that “war is bad”, you know, as if we didn’t know that already. Actually, American Sniper made the American public face the war that was fought in their stead, and they don’t like being confronted with the images that they ignored with their little yellow ribbons stuck magnetically to their automobiles.

The most ridiculous complaint comes from the Muslim community;

The [American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)] notified the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and local police about the threats and asked the two Hollywood stars to condemn the violent rhetoric used by filmgoers.

“Your visibility, influence, and connection to the film would be a tremendous force in drawing attention to and lessening the serious dangers facing the respective communities,” the letters signed by ADC president Samer Khalaf said.

Perhaps they’d be happier if Mister Eastwood had made the villains in the movie about the Iraq War to be Neo-Nazis, you know, like Hollywood did with Tom Clancy’s “The Sum of All Fears”. I doubt that most Americans would take time out of their lives to verbally attack American Muslims for the portrayal of al Qaeda enemies in a movie. So, I don’t believe their complaint in the first place.

Bill Maher, that moron who keeps me from subscribing to HBO, decided that he bring attention to himself by calling Chris Kyle a ‘Psychopathic Patriot’ because Kyle took out the trash. The folks Kyle killed would have killed American troops just as fast as they would have killed Maher or any other American they could find, either in Iraq or here in the United States.

Howard “The Scream” Dean decided to inject himself into the debate by claiming that ‘American Sniper’ Fans Are ‘Angry’ Tea Party Supporters. I guess we know which demons haunt Howard Dean’s dreams.

I could quote a new Leftist everyday with some specious complaint about a movie that most of them haven’t seen, but the fact remains that the movie has grossed over $200 million in a little more than week since it’s release. If there’s a political warning in those kinds of numbers, it’s one that the left needs to pay attention.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Tell ya what, we’ll stop the “hate speech” when they stop their lunatic fringe from “death to Israel” “death to the US” “Great Satan” :kill the Jews” etc., as well as the beheadings, suicide bombings, and so on.

RGR 4-78

Well said.

A Proud Infidel®™

The American liberal – Nospineamus nonutseitheramus, is a slithering invertebrate scavenger as well as an excellent example of an “Omega Species”. Members of this species do as little as possible when it comes to being constructive, every effort and action they make is to either satisfy their emotions or to attempt to ingratiate themselves to the rest of their crowd. They are almost completely incapable of legitimately accomplishing anything useful or constructive on their own, thus they make a bawling, crying, or screeching noises in an attempt to divert attention from or denigrate the actions and deeds of other species who legitimately accomplish and achieve. They are very easy to track, they leave an obvious slime trail wherever they go, some say it’s a wonder that this species hasn’t been rendered extinct via predators, but others quickly prove just what a vile and socially venomous species they are as well as socially parasitic, and they have a knack of conning others to pamper and guard them. They are not unlike either a bacteria, virus, or parasitic fungus to any culture or society, they infect it, bleed it dry, and then move to another hosting locale to repeat what they’ve done expecting different results, many consider members of this species to be insane.

©2015 A Proud Infidel®™

E-6 type, 1 ea

This is perhaps the greatest thing I’ve ever read, on the internet or otherwise.


A Proud Infidel®™…Thank you and well said. I have three words for their solution…”Slug-Be-Gone”. Pour a little in their limousines, their upper crust restaurant seats, their politically rally point walkways and, viola! They dry up and blow away. Oh if it were so easy.

A Proud Infidel®™

MORE TO COME – Just be patient! 😀


Remember to include the whineapottomus, the minimalistis travaillerius, and the well-known recepticonis welfarensis.

I know they are subspecies, but they are fathered in many cases by the primary genus males.

A Proud Infidel®™

As Elvis woulda’ said:

“Thank-yuh, thankyuhverymuch!” 😀

I just posted the next installment (“THE AMERICAN MILITARY WARRIOR, (Steelspineamus badassimus maximus)” further down this thread, critiques and comments are graciously welcomed!


Veritas Omnia Vincit

The sad reality about the left is they are suddenly aware they are losing the culture wars, that unlike their own sad sack selves most Americans are proud of their nation and proud of their soldiers.

It doesn’t mean we want to see those soldiers sent around the world in an endless series of conflicts whose missions are so ill-defined that no long term gains result from the completion of those conflicts. It just means we respect those who answer their nation’s call to service and agree to be the pointy end of the spear that is often called foreign policy.

Michael Moore and others like to make movies to make people think, or so they claim, it’s interesting to see their reaction to a movie that was made to make Americans think by a man who doesn’t share their political affiliations.

Does seeing that movie make Chris Kyle’s life seem glamorous to anyone? Seeing the damage done to his family by his own actions, the damage done to himself should make all Americans aware of what it is that we ask young men to do in our names.

Chris Kyle did his job, it was often a dirty, ugly and horrific job but he accepted that duty and did it with singular skill and sense of purpose. That’s an honorable method of conduct, and to me greatly respected for the skill set and dedication to duty and country. In the end we need men like this when we intend to defend our nation by taking the fight to our enemies. It’s good to see the toll that takes on a man and his family and perhaps the rest of a supposedly grateful nation will finally understand how important honoring their promise as a nation and their ensuing responsibility to these men is of paramount importance if we are to remain a great and honorable nation.


VOV, as usual, very well said. But I would insert, “Michael Moore and others like to make movies to make people think ‘politically correct group thought.'”

They only want to make movies that make people think their way, which is why they are so immediately hostile to a film that is so obviously successful in making people think thoughts that Moore and his ilk so vehemently oppose.

And I completely agree that the left is becoming more and more insecure as they see their vision for America’s future being soundly rejected by a growing majority of Americans. American Sniper is a quite visible ratification of that rejection and it scares hell out of them, especially coming at a time when it is becoming glaringly obvious that their messiah has “feats” of lead.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thank you Poetrooper, I stand corrected with your appropriate amendment to my words!

Bryan Sikes former Sniper: A takedown “My buddies and I got a good laugh over the tweet, so I thank you. For a guy worth $50 million dollars, you sure have quite a bit to bitch and cry about. I guess like a moth to flame, you too gravitate towards things that are popular and in the moment — in this case it’s snipers. Too bad for you that your attempt at being relevant via your 70+ year old family experience has failed. It has only made you look dumber than a bag of hammers. Next time you should try something more original than going after snipers for one reason or another…that was so last month. It’s typical of “men” like you to criticize the intestinal fortitude, focus, discipline and patriotism of a sniper. It must stem from an inferiority complex or something. But hey, it’s okay cupcake. We snipers are thick skinned and the efforts of world class turds such as yourself to portray us in a negative light only makes us laugh. If you and I were in the same room, I’d throw you a smile and gently pat you on the head knowing you’re nothing more than a mouth breathing, Crisco sweating waste of space not even worthy of being in the presence of a sniper. It’s almost funny how people like you preach things like ‘acceptance’ and ‘not passing judgment’ or ‘labeling people’, but then are the first to do so when a person is in some way dissimilar from you. So tenderfoot, I leave you with this final thought: what if you found yourself in some sort of hostage situation where you were held at knife-point by some crazed person and they were dead set on making an example of you by bleeding you out on Hollywood Blvd in front of the world, and the only way out was with the precision aimed fire of a sniper? Would you want that coward to take the shot? Because knowing how you feel about snipers such as myself and your hatred of firearms, I’d probably drop the… Read more »


“Crisco sweating…” – nailed it!
As for the Jack & Coke, it would be my privilege to buy the first round, although I suspect I would have much competition.


Ooooooh, Bryan, that’s gonna leave a mark!!!

Well said, sir!



Beautiful. Although “Crisco sweating” and “Michael Moore” together paint an image worse than any combat photography can generate.

Big Steve

Damn, there’s some great stuff on this blog.
Mr. Sikes nailed it, concerning the character and motivations of the despicable Moore.


Oh, that is SO nice, Brian. I admire your style.


That’s good stuff there. Well said


It’s glaringly obvious why the left has their panties in a twist over “American Sniper”: For the better part of a decade they’ve been making movies that slagged our soldiers as either naïve bumpkins conned by foolish patriotism into fighting a “war for oil” or as psychopathic killers and rapists, and for some odd reason, those movies have all crashed and burned at the box office.

So when somebody makes a movie that portrays military members not as two dimensional cardboard cutouts but as real live human beings doing a dangerous, dirty, and necessary job just like their fathers did in Vietnam, their grandfathers in WWII and Korea, and their great-grandfathers did in WWI, the left loses its collective shit because they can’t believe the American people don’t buy into THEIR simple-minded view of “America = bully.”


You know, they don’t have to live here if they don’t like this country. They can go live some place else and not use my free air.

Old Trooper

Yeah, they have already investigated and determined that the whole “threats” thing is a media and ADC hoax. They are using 4 tweets, with 1 being counted twice, so, actually 2 tweets, to base their bullshit story on. Of the media outlets that have run the dire headline, only a few even provided any evidence and it all pointed at the 2 tweets. Out of 330 million people, they are losing their mind over 2 tweets to paint the entire country. Sarah Palin spoke for 30 minutes this past weekend and has had more threats against her than any muslims from the movie.

Fuckin candy-ass limp wristed bed wetting commie blowhards.


What you said brother….what you said….

Pinto Nag

Just to go on the record — I admire snipers, and I look forward to seeing ‘American Sniper.’

Moore can go pound sand.

Former 11B

That vile crap that Maher and Moore said pales in comparison to this shit that praises Eddie Ray Routh that came across my Facebook feed from a “friend” who is now deleted and blocked.


I followed the link to the ruthless page….what a crock. at any rate it looks like there was 38 shares.

Pinto Nag

I read that link yesterday, and had to wait until today to comment on it. That is as horrifying and disturbing an article as I’ve read in some time. To think anyone is that messed up mentally is just beyong comprehension. And to think whoever wrote it is walking around unsupervised….not good. Not good at all.



Another libtard heard from! Allen Colmes takes this special moment to beclown himself:

Old Trooper

Of course the commies are going to go after Chris Kyle; he’s not here to speak for, or defend, himself!! The bed wetters would never say the shit they’re saying if Kyle was still alive, because they have no cajones. So, they take the opportunity to show their vagina and their ass now, because they are losing the American audience, who have finally had enough of their shit.


Yes, but they didn’t know who Kyle was until Routh murdered him at point blank range for a pickup truck.

I M Simpleton

Best line in the movie:

“That’s evil like I’ve never seen before.”

That’s the whole reason we went there. The left does get it. They want the evil to to win.


So my son & I went to see American Sniper this past weekend. Not afraid to say I was in tears by the end. Not because of the scenes in Iraq, but the difficulties Chief Petty Officer Kyle experienced and the impact it had on his family between combat tours. Withdrawing from family & friends, reacting to certain noises, sights, smells….and his desire to go back for more. These were a lot of similarities that I had trouble with each time I came home. It was as if I was outside looking in, not just on my mental health & emotions, but those of my wife at the time and my son. I did crawl into my shell, was always hyper vigilant, had the shakes, insomnia and I wouldn’t open up to my wife who had a hard time trying to figure out what I went through and how to bring me back to reality. Combat puts lightning in your bones and fire in your heart, and you NEVER want to leave your buddies or let them down. That’s why war can be addicting. I was not a door kicker, grunt soldier. My job on base as Fire/Medic rarely took me outside the wire. But I have seen my fair share of blood and the absolute brutality men can inflict on another. Those images never leave, ever. Sometimes they rise to the surface, sometimes they are dormant for months. It is how you deal with and control your experiences that shapes your future. I do not blame the downfall of my marriage completely on my wars, but it did have a big effect. Luckily I have the best ex-wife in the world, who raised our son properly when I was gone. I could ask for nothing better and thank God daily for the son I have. So the movie isn’t just combat, blood, guts, etc. It does an excellent job of portraying the unseen wounds we bring home from the battlefield and the impact they have on our families and ourselves. To my military brothers and sisters: if you need… Read more »


@ Misslefire Thank you! Thank you for the well laid out comment above. That is all.



It gets the best of you, but, you know what to do and you’re doing it! One of the guys I served with went to Iraq and ended up on Patrols. He was older and had a different way about him and I think it helped him to “compartmentalize” alot of what he saw. I am convinced his demeanor saved some of the young ‘uns from torment. I met him down at Bragg while he debriefed and he seemed calm and together. He revealed that he is calm and together and appreciates that he can keep his feet on the ground. But, everyday, he says a prayer for those he couldn’t save.
God Bless you and your family.

A Proud Infidel®™

@missilefire –
There are other regulars here on TAH who have my contact info, let me know if you ever come near my AO, your first couple of shots and beers will be on me!!


As for me, I just don’t understand the hype. I can’t be bothered to watch the movie. Kyle’s tally of 160 confirmed kills out of 255 claimed just isn’t anything to write home about. There are plenty of other snipers with higher kill tallies and greater feats. Hathcock, whoever it was that sniped a VC sniper from 900 yards while on a moving boat, Zaitsev, Sidorenko, Häyhä. Häyhä especially for reportedly pulling off two Hathcocks in a row on an artillery periscope with only iron sights:,2084651&dq=simo+haeyhae&hl=en
Yet Chris Kyle gets a movie while Simo Häyhä only gets a fan-made movie poster for a movie that may never be.

Old Trooper

Does Enemy at the Gates ring a bell? American Sniper was a book that someone thought was good enough to make into a movie, kinda like Lone Survivor. That it’s a great movie is because people want to see it from the POV of someone who was open about coming home and dealing with family and friends. If that twists up your undies sounds like a personal problem. I enjoyed both the book and movie, just like I enjoyed Lone Survivor.

As for Zaitsev; there is a lot of discussion that some of his exploits were created by the Soviet government for propaganda purposes.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Hell, the whole ‘super German Sniper Major Konig’ has never been validated, for that matter. The only place that name exists is in Zaitsev’s autobiography. He claims he was told by a German prisoner who supposedly knew about it, but no one by that name was ever assigned to the Eastern front or ever was a sniper in the German Army; let alone ran the German sniper school. Yeah, lots of propaganda.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I’ll 2nd that! One thing about commies you can count on, they lie. And there’s a lot more commie trash to take out. And now mooslum terrorist are on the list.
Kyle opened a lot of people’s eyes when he shared his story. I hope it helps others in adjusting when they finally come home.
We owe people like him the respect and gratitude of the whole nation…so kristoffer if you don’t understand, your not seeing what everyone else is! Try opening your eyes.


Regarding Michael Moore and the rest of the leftists commenting on the issue: I think this source sums up my sentiments towards that crowd quite nicely (starts on p. 387 of the preview).

“Bless” ’em all, indeed. (smile)


The idiocy of the left never ceases to amaze me…. actually it’s starting not to which is just damned deppressing. On the flip side the auto reaction to talk about Saint Kyle is almost as frustrating. Don’t misunderstand me, Kyle was a hell of a man from what I’ve seen, one of the finest of warriors and a man who truly loved his wife and children. He’d also started to do something great things for vets as well.

BUT HE WAS A MAN and men are flawed.

I can’t help but think of Greg Boyingnton who said “Show me a hero and I’ll prove he’s a bum” He told Robert Conrad before he played him on Baa Baa Black Sheep “I was a son of a bitch” Conrad said he’d play him that way. Many of the characteristics that we recognize as the nature of soldiering cause the liberals to lose their minds.

I like to think I have a realistic view of my hero’s which includes Kyle. But I don’t worship them.

A Proud Infidel®™

VERY well said Mike, my opinion is that liberals want to do as little as they can to elevate themselves as quickly as they can and once elevated, they expect everyone they consider at a lower level to worship them regardless of what they say or do. Liberals almost never back their deeds with words, they’re the ultimate hypocrites.


I had a history professor say that she didn’t care for Boyington because he wasn’t a nice man. I asked her, how nice do you really have to be during a war. I saw a review of Kyle that said he was kind of a dick. I’ve been reading the book and I enjoyed the movie and I’d have to agree. He could be a dick if you believe that calling it like you see it is being a dick.

Kyle was a SEAL, he was in the business of killing people who were a threat to his mates and his country. He pulled no punches and made no apologies. You can also detect a level of pride in his work. He was good and he knew it. He was humble enough to admit that there was more than a little luck involved but he was proud of what he was doing.

Calling people who would send a child to become a target evil savages seems accurate to me. But to a liberal he’s judgmental which is a cardinal sin and he kills people while thinking like that about them. They don’t understand the discipline of only doing it under authority and according to the rules. They work off of simplistic ideas of how life really works.

Kyle also called himself out. He realized that his chosen profession wasn’t affecting him just for the better. He confronted his own dark side and worked to rise above it by helping others as well.

I’ve never met the man, maybe he was a bit of a dick….sometimes thats what the world needs though.

Maybe this thread is to serious for this buuuuuut maybe not.


Coming up through the ranks, some of the best NCOs and Commanders that I had were total pricks at times. They called it like they saw it, had no agendas other than the mission and the welfare of their troops, and had integrity. If your feelings got hurt, tough shit, but you always learned from them. You always knew exactly what was expected of you and did your best to succeed. Those men were Warriors in every sense of the word and the type of Leaders I aspired to be.
Don’t know if I succeeded, but I do know that I was a better Soldier, a better man, and a better person because of men like that.
Screw those who don’t “get it”.


Damn skippy, NBCguy. I got to Ft. Hood and met the very best NCO in my short career. I considered myself to be sharp but he really “sharpened” me and did it with a graceful toughness. Loved.that.guy. Samuel G. Parrish.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s the next installment:

THE AMERICAN MILITARY WARRIOR – Steelspineamus badassimus maximus, is a very strong-minded, competitive, hardworking, productive, dedicated, team-oriented, caring, and strong-willed species to say the least. This breed is the complete antipode (polar opposite) of the American liberal (Nospineamus nonutseitheramus) and makes the latter defecate itself and run in fear when in the presence of the former.
As said earlier,The American Warrior is very strong-willed and possesses a very strong backbone, unafraid to stand for what’s right regardless of the consequences (Compared to the Liberal which says or does all it can just to fit in and “be cool”) The American Warrior makes its opposite, the liberal, either tighten up into complete silence while it urinates and defecates all over itself, or run in fear while doing the same. The American Warrior is beyond a doubt an “Alpha Species” that also cares for, nurtures, and mentors others as well as helping its own and others heal after tough battles and situations. As some see it, The American Warrior exists in different degrees, but the real members of the species stick together period, and do what’s right, they would rather die than give up what they truly stand for. Many have tried to “Divide and Conquer” this species in the past and failed, this species always prevails and triumphs.

©2015, A Proud Infidel®™



Christ almighty, I wish everyone would just shut their pie holes already.

After people saw all the attention mikey moore was getting over a little tweet, they all jumped on the bandwagon and started making inflammatory statements about Chris Kyle and American Sniper the movie, just so THEY could get their 15 minutes of snobby fame.

Attention is what these idiots want, negative or not.

It’s like those losers who flame the military on social network sites, hoping to piss people off so they could get aroused from all the hate. Because their sole objective is to get attention, that’s all. Howard Dean and all these public figures, STFU already. And everyone else needs to stop paying attention to them.