Five more Gitmo grads integrated

| December 31, 2014

Gitmo grads

Five more graduates of Guantanamo University have been resettled in Kazakhstan, according to the Miami Herald after the aircraft they were riding to their new homes had mechanical problems;

The transfers of three Yemenis and two Tunisians demonstrated the far-flung nature of the State Department’s resettlement deals as it tries to chart new lives for cleared captives whose home nations are too unsettled for repatriation.

It was also the latest in a surge of transfers that has reduced the prison camp population to 127.

So I guess that’s one way to close the prison without Congressional approval. We can always drone them later, I suppose.

But the base at Guantanamo doesn’t seem to be closing anytime soon. According to another Miami Herald article, the Navy is pumping more money into the base for a new dependent school;

Congress recently allocated the funds for the new W.T. Sampson School to put the children of American sailors stationed here under one roof. It will meet Americans with Disabilities Act standards, have a proper public address system, computer and science labs, art and music rooms, a playground, cafeteria and gym — just like any new school anywhere in America.

But the investment also illustrates the Pentagon’s intent to keep this base open even if President Barack Obama manages to move out the last 132 war-on-terror captives, and close the prison run by 2,000 or more temporary troops and contractors.

Category: Terror War

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Might as well close Gitmo since Barry is normalizing relations with Cuba. We don’t need them on the wall anymore…..
Unless it’s to provide security for Rep Menendez when he goes down to Cuba for some underage hookers and cigars

B Woodman

What’s the Kongress Kritter using the underage girls for? Cigar humidors, a la Clintoon?

Roger in Republic

Gitmo graduate ought to be a euphemism for “cadaver”. The lesson here is that terrorists need to be tried and executed. Firing squad works for me.


They should have used AirAsia.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Geez, I was hoping we would relocate them right alongside
Bin-Laden….preferably their trip down would start with them alive, but I would be okay with a DOA entrance as well…


Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, aka GITMO, will not be closing any time soon. Camp Delta, which houses the detainees, is what Barry wants to shut down.


Too bad the headline doesn’t say “interred”


Its catch and release just like fishing. Next they swim away grow bigger and make babies. Its job security for everybody.

Adirondack Patriot

GTMO has a huge value to the United States other than Marines staring at the commies and providing Section 8 housing for goat molestors.

Just look where it is centrally located in relation to Jamaica, Haiti, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. It is a critical asset for Coast Guard migrant operations.

The Coast Guard also operates air assets from GTMO for narcotics interdiction and search & rescue. Seventh District flies out of Miami, GTMO and Grand Inauga Island in the Bahamas. All three bases are part of an essential triangle.

The Coast Guard also uses GTMO for support of cutters on patrol in the Caribbean. They come in for medical purposes, maintenance and re-supply.

The Cubans will want GTMO to remain open after normalization because the Coast Guard and Navy will continue to provide SAR and humanitarian support, especially for hurricanes and earthquakes.

The Navy runs a good base down there. They are good guys, except for the hoards of E-4 MAs who want to write a traffic ticket every 10 feet (joking). There are always people wanting to knock GTMO, but — like Subic Bay — only after it is gone do you realize how valuable it was.

B Woodman

I agree that the five GITMO grads (and all their fellow cellmates) should be repatriated, anywhere in the world they want . .. . . . land or sea . . . . . from at least 1000 feet. . . . . . without a parachute. Happy landings!!


I guess maybe we will get to see these f@$& sticks again soon. Next time the better practice will be to leave them on the field with two in the body and one in the head. I will be running a special on ammo, everyone gets three.


USMC diplomacy.

2 in the chest
1 in the head


If Obama had a terrorist relative…..

If these guys are so swell why isn’t the prez boarding them up at the White House. Surely it’s the least he could do in reparation for their unjust confinement and torture right? Also Diane Finstein could give some of her 40 acres from the tax pool she’s robbed over the decades to atone for her torture sins.