The State of the Blog Address

| December 31, 2014

So here we go into yet another year of blogging, but going forward, let’s look at 2014.

TAH 2014 traffic

TAH 2014 popular

Over 3.8 million unique visitors this year up from 2.6 million in 2013. Our most popular post, after the Stolen Valor page last year was Soup Sandwich, this year our most popular post was the one about Katrina Moerk the trolling 1SG, followed by Joe Teti – our two most popular posts weren’t even Stolen Valor people. Ron Mailahn and Soup Sandwich make an appearance again this year, with Derek Church, the Round Ranger, ending up the most popular phony that we exposed this year, but then he had sockpuppets and his wife campaigning for him.

For the first time, we upgraded our presence on the internet with a dedicated TAH server and we changed the format of the blog back in March. We would have ended the year in the black (from ad revenue and your donations) for the first time if it hadn’t been for legal expenses brought about by people who think they can sue us so they can be as phony as they want to be. It didn’t work for them, and legal expenses for my sole proprietorship are tax deductible – so I win again on the front lines of Stolen Valor.

By the way, the results of the Stolen Valor tournament will publish at 2359 hours (that’s 11:59 pm for civilians) tonight, so check in during your celebration.

Thanks to all of my fellow co-bloggers here as well as all of the regular commenters who can’t seem to quit us for yet another successful year. Special thanks to Mary, Doug Sterner, Don Shipley, Scotty Hughes and Bulldog1 for their invaluable contributions to our success. And our most popular busts this year, Derek Church and Mark Tiemann, the Round Marine, came from your tips – so don’t stop believing. I don’t know exactly how many phonies we (us and our partners) busted last year, but I do know that since March, it’s been over two hundred.

Category: Bloggers

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

Congratulations Mr. Lilyea, I’ve said it many times here and will continue to say it. I appreciate your work and those of the many here who continue to alert us all to the liars in our midst.

Additionally, I appreciate the place to vent my old guy rants and I truly appreciate the camaraderie from my fellow commenters many of whom have been truly gracious in aiding my efforts to be accurate.


VOV…Here Here and well said.



Sparks got it exactly right.

Jonn…….there’s a lot of good reasons why guys like us visit here multiple times a day….honor, truth and BALLS!


Aren’t we supposed to vote again today or did I misread? Not that it matters since the Fat Lady is already warmed up for 2359 (not that I’ll be up to see it).

B Woodman

Not that SJs vote would change the tide of the vote. BERNASTY FOR TEH WIN!
The only question is how large is the margin?

Climb to Glory

Happy New Year to everyone. Bernath for the win. I’m right with ya.


Job well done, Looking forward to 2015!

Sgt K


Thank you for all you do. Happy New Year!


Good Work Jonn and the rest. I’m glad I found this site; makes the day go by a lot faster. Looking forward to 2015.


Thank You Jonn, TSO, Hondo, AND (in no particular order)
Ex-PH2, MCPO NYC USN Ret, Sparks, Green Thumb, Kinda old ET1, A Proud Infidel®™, CB Senior, B Woodman, OldSoldier54, Climb to Glory, NHSparky, Flagwaver, SJ, Enigma4you, Poetrooper, GDContractor, OldSargeUSAR, Sapper3307, John D, LIRight, Marine_7002, RGR 4-78, OWB, Scotty, MrBill, Mustang1LT, thebesig, Thunderstixx, Commissioner Wretched, Ex-344MP, Andy11M, Semper Idem, Friend S. Wilkins, Dennis – not chevy, Just an Old Dog, Jabatam, Jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner), Isnala, Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else, C2Show, AW1Ed, NR Pax, HMCS(FMF) ret, richg, E-6 type, 1 ea, CLAW131, JarHead Pat, W2, Smitty, streetsweeper, JAGC, 2/17 Air Cav, 3E9, UpNorth, Dave Hardin, 68W58, and anyone else I didn’t mention here.. (my brain’s about “es-plode”)

HAPPY NEW YEAR and as Tiny Tim said….. “And God bless us, everyone.”


And VOV too!! (D’OH!)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No worries my friend…it’s all good thank you for the sentiment and know it’s shared equally on my end as well!


What VoV said. 😀 Lol



Right back at you!

I went to one unit reunion in 2007 – the home of some of the finest bourbon in the world, St. Louis…..let me throw this idea out there.

How about a TAH bar-b-que somewhere in the mid-USA Summer 2015?


If you’re gonna have a good Barbecue you gotta come to Texas !!!


Ummm no. BBQ is P-I-G. North Carolina preferred. Not C-O-W. C-O-W is yummy but it ain’t BBQ.


Never been to Texas – I hear there are a lot of “like-minded” folks there….as for NC – it’s about an 8 hour drive from LI, NY.

To tell the truth – I’d go anywhere except the Peoples Republic of California (NY is shooting for a similar title).


Good BBQ – it’s all good, just some is different.

Perry Gaskill

Agreed, LI. California is a terrible place, and everyone should stay away if possible. My neighbor with all the horses and Angus flies a 1st Cav flag on his flagpole; I tell him it should be one with a red star, but he ignores me.

Commissioner Wretched

Happy New Year to you as well, ChipNASA, from the Old Commissioner.

A Proud Infidel®™

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and ALL the Fine People of TAH®™!!

B Woodman

You’re welcome.

Dave Hardin

“May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!”

Happy New Year to all.


Happy New Year to everyone ChipNASA mentioned, but I have to say a very big Thank You to Jonn Lilyea and all those on the Front Line of this war we are in, and allowing us to chime in with our thoughts on this blog.


Awe, I feel included now.

Happy New Year to my brothers and sisters here on the blog. I’ve found another online home with other like-minded individuals and the voices in my head have found other people to talk to!

And an extra special Happy New Year to those special snowflakes who will read this without the ability to post. May you live in interesting times.


Back at ya, Chip!

And everyone else on the list as well!

(Guess each of you can figure out which list that would be. Uh-huh.)


CHIP: Thanks for the mention and thanks to Jonn for TAH. It has been a fun year, and 2015 can only get better. Happy New Year to all here.

Hack Stone

I guess the only one will give me any attention is my esteemed colleague and Vice President of FirsTech Solutions, Paul K. Wickre. Here is wishing as much personal and professional success in 2015 as Paul had in 2014.

And before I forget, say a prayer for a successful return of Elaine Ricci, board member of FirsTech Solution. For those that did not see my Facebook page, she seems to have gone missing.


Happy new year to you too brother


Thank YOU Jonn, for another great year of camaraderie, and the good works you and your admin team do.

And thank YOU to the regular commenters here for making this such an enjoyable place to visit daily, and for the feeling of brother/sisterhood that coming together with shared experiences and shared purpose engenders.

Happy New Years to you and yours from me and mine. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

For the record, this State of the Blog address was, by my count, begun and ended with 10 minutes of raucous standing ovations and was, during its delivery, interrupted by applause 27 times. Here’s a smidgeon of what it sounded like.



Hey all, sorry to post off topic but I found this today on Twitchy (it links to a Daily Beast article). I usually have no use for Daily Beast, but this article deals with the bullshit that the Air Force is trying to pull by retiring the A-10. BLUF: The F-35 will not be able to use its 25 mm gun (with its fight-stopping 180 rounds) until AT LEAST 2019 due to the fact that the aircraft’s software suite does not include programming to fire the gun. Great, just fucking great!

Pinto Nag

Love everyone here at TAH — particularly you, Jonn. You folks are my sanity (what little I have left, at any rate.)

Happy New Year to you all.


Congrats, John, and thanks. Here’s hoping for a better New Year!


I appreciate all the crap you guys put up with from the posers you bring to the buffet table spo we can all cut a piece out of their asses.
I wasn’t able to donate a lot this year, but hopefully the new year will bring better fortunes with a new business.
Thanks to Jonn and all the rest of you from the bottom of by old grouchy ass heart !!!
I am here several times a day too. Where else can you have so much fun kicking assholes when they are down !!!

Dennis - not chevy

Happy new year to all!

Green Thumb

TAH rules!

Commissioner Wretched

Thank YOU, Jonn, for this outstanding site. The work done here is vital, and I for one am damned glad it’s being done by such fine folk.

Happy New Year to you!

A Proud Infidel®™

What I said earlier in a reply, all the posers, embellishers, and those who threaten and/or sue any of the Fine People of TAH®™ can PRACTICE COPROPHAGY!!


Now, now. Those shit-eating morons might not understand big words.

(see what I did there)


Thanks and happy new year to you, Jonn, and to everyone!


Thanks to Jonn as the MMFIC and all The Cadre for the TAH experience. What scares me is that I think that Jonn can track how much time I spend on TAH when I’m supposed to be doing computer “work”. Happy NY all!


Best place ever.

I owe a big ‘THANK YOU’ to some guy named Jonn V. Lilyea. Because of this blog, I’ve become a far better writer than I had hoped to be.

Does anyone who this Lilyea guy is?



Who? 😉

2/17 Air Cav

It’s her new tag, short for Excellency-PH2.


Awww, I’m just punchy from a 16-section duty because the catbox cleaner didn’t show up to take care of the doots, and the Flaming Assault Squirrel Team took off with all the corn.

Happy and Prosperous New Year, if I forgot to say it elsewhere.


!@#$#$%@ing typos!

Sorry, but I had 16-section duty all week because the catbox cleaner didn’t show up when he was supposed to and the Hairball Patrol was outside the go-line watching for invading flaming squirrels.

Happy New Year, anyway!


See what I mean? I couldn’t even key in my moniker correctly.

No more squirrel watches. They’re stealing corn everywhere.


Thank You Jonn for all you do and have done. A very Happy New Year to everyone, especially the veterans of Phu Bai Combat Base. They are SJ, 3/17 AIR CAV, Joe Williams, John Robert Mallarnee, and (I think) Perry Gaskill. I am honored to have served (although at different times) with each and every one of you.

3/17 Air Cav

Great job Jonn! I’ll echo the sentiments of everyone else here at TAH, thank you for all you do. I’ve never been addicted to anything. Well maybe booze. TAH comes close to a addiction for me. It’s the first thing I do every morning

Claw……Here’s a thought, how about a greater northwest get together, it would be nice to put a face with the screen name. Sparks could be the MC. If we need security we could import MCPO. Maybe even EX-PH2 for the photo shoot!


I’m in. Just name the time and place. Besides I’ve got a hankering to check out the Mule and the Fresca cooler!!.


Fresca? I remember that from my childhood. Not bad if chilled. However, I am going to pick up a sixer of either Great Lakes Eliot Ness Amber Lager or the Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold, whichever I can find. If I can find neither, I can always pick up a sixer of The Veteran Lager (available only in the Midwest for now).

3/17 Air Cav

Mustang…….you and Claw should get on each other’s Xmas list. You two can exchange Xmas presents. Claw can send you Fresca, you can send him Ham and Mothers.

Unbelievable, now there’s two people who like Fresca? That stuff will take the chrome off a bumper. Oh well each to his own I guess. Smile!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Monster makes a sugar free energy drink in a white can (Zero Ultra) that reminds me a great deal of Fresca, sort of a citrusy almost grapefruit kind of taste….not too bad if you like that stuff.


Rip Its Gentlemen and Ladies. That’s all I have to say.

Ohh, maybe not. When I used to goto my Aunts we used to drink Fresca 🙂 I love me some Fresca.


Rip Its??


6 oz of sugar in a 4 oz can


Yeah, but those TCNs would move a mountain for ’em!

Hack Stone

I’ll just leave this link here.


I picked up the Eliot Ness Amber Lager. Never had it before, but I have heard good things about it. Also have a bottle of Perrier-Jouet Grand Brut that the wife and I will share at midnight.

A Proud Infidel®™

I grabbed another bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale, I still think it’s named after me!!


That’s good stuff there. The bottle is funny as hell too. Especially the part where it belittles you before drinking it:
“This is an aggressive ale. You probably won’t like it. It is quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. We would suggest that you stick to safer and more familiar territory–maybe something with a multi-million dollar ad campaign aimed at convincing you it’s made in a little brewery, or one that implies that their tasteless fizzy yellow beverage will give you more sex appeal. Perhaps you think multi-million dollar ad campaigns make things taste better. Perhaps you’re mouthing your words as you read this.

At Stone Brewing, we believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator represents the height of tyranny – a virtual form of keeping the consumer barefoot and stupid. Brought forth upon an unsuspecting public in 1997, Arrogant Bastard Ale openly challenged the tyrannical overlords who were brazenly attempting to keep Americans chained in the shackles of poor taste. As the progenitor of its style, Arrogant Bastard Ale has reveled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it… but only one can ever embody the true nature of liquid Arrogance! “


1LT, Sir, Tasteless fizzy yellow beverage? Is that anything like the Zohan’s Fizzy Bubblech or Fresca?


Nope, more like Miller Lite! Man, that stuff is awful. Hell, anything made be Miller is pretty lousy.


That probably includes Blatz and Schlitz. Remember, “When you’re out of Schlitz,you’re out of beer” !!!!


Actually, Schlitz is pretty damn good nowadays. They attempted to recreate the old recipe and it’s quite tasty. Plus it has a nice amber hue.



It’s Australian for beer.


3/17,Maybe I should have said the NON-Fresca cooler. Because I know the ammo can cooler mounted to the Mule will be painted OD Green and have a picture of a Fresca can with the red circle and slash through it. As I have described before, the Viet Nam Era Fresca tasted like warm piss with one drop of Lemon-Lime for flavoring. God awful stuff,you couldn’t even give it away. But the cans were a very effective riot control tool when being mobbed by the native populace.


Plenty of room around where I live and a military museum not too far off, with a Huey or a Cobra – can’t tell which, ’cause it was underwraps – and some tanks a short distance away. Plenty of lodging, shopping and a small commercial airport within a short distance, too.

Of course, if you are a private pilot, you could fly in as long as you remember to put enough AvGas in the tank.


I might add that there is also a cheese and sausage museum nearby.


EX, There is a possibility that I will be passing through your area if I make it back to my native Indiana for a family reunion in late July/August. There is a Huey helicopter mounted on a pole at the AL Post in Fairmount,IN (home town of James Dean)that I especially want to visit. That bird was in my company (even in my flight platoon) during the same time frame I was there. Hell, I even flew on that bird as I was getting my initial in country training before I was given my own helicopter to be the crew chief on. I tried to go back there this past year, but events precluded that. So I’m going to really try to get back there this year. So maybe we can share a beverage or two somewhere along the line.


Just let me know.

3/17 Air Cav

Soooo……..Claw being that you were a Crew Chief, and in charge of your Huey. Did you ever have the occasion to see the need to add a additive to your JP-4 for added power? And if you did was that additive a certain liquid that’s first letter was F? Smile


I’m sure you meant Foo-Gas,right? Cause if we had added the other F into the fuel,it would have eaten holes right through the bladder regardless of the crash worthy fuel system safeguards. Smile


Oh,Geez,did I leave out Sparks as a beautiful North Phu Bai vet? If so, I’m sorry Buddy. Anyway, get well soonest and have a Happy New Year!!


Back at you Claw and to all you other f’ing Phu Bai’ers. Think I’m still picking red clay dust out of the nether regions. Glad we’re all still able to participate in Reveille and give a salute to our brothers that did not make it.

3/17 Air Cav

SJ…… I can honestly say in my 11 months, 12 days in Vietnam, I felt like a exchange student. My AO’s were: Phuoc Vinh, Dian, Tay Ninh, phu Loi, and last but not least, Phu Bai. Sorry to say my last stop was the worst! Phu Bai, wet, rainy, foggy, muddy, shit hole!

I came from the Air Cav, no saluting unless major or above. Got transferred to the 101st. In Phu Bai. What a shock, even had to salute butter bar 2nd LT’s. That was a tough six weeks. Till I DERO’SD!

Perry Gaskill

Thanks and Happy back, Claw. Same time frame but further south in MR II.

So, I’m in the hardware store the other day picking up a gallon of muriatic acid to etch the concrete in a garage floor and thinking: Where’s the Fresca when you need it?

Joe Williams

Thank you, Claw. To all the rest of the TAHers, Thank You for all the great responses on the Blog. May a better year be for all.Far—– Wander and HS S, Thank for your opinons. Cannot forgot the Poetrooper of Love.Wes, Google the PTSD. There are some great vids about the effects from real fomer service. Anybody who thinks I have written anything wroth repeating. You are free to use it. PS Don’t hold yur breath waiting Joe


To Jonn and all the cadre and all the rest that visit here, because we hate Stolen Valor. Happy New Year!


Who is so negligent he doesn’t fill his fuel tank. Runs out of gas short of the runway and tries to SUE the aircraft manufacturer?

Any guesses? (grin)


OK, I’ll bite. Who?


LIRight, okay another hint:

He thinks he’s a REAL DEAL attorney. The gentle rustle of bushes drives him bat shit crazy. Plus he’s a lousy photoshopper.

Guess again. (smile)


I’m at a loss…..drawing a complete blank.

Happy New Year, Binh!


Happy to New Year to all here at TAH! I look forward to the final vote tally and the crowning of this year’s Clown Prince of Phonies and look forward to more laughs, facepalms, and WTF? moments in the upcoming year!


Don’t think that I can add much that hasn’t already been said; but to Jonn and his cadre I sincerely thank you for what you do and what you allow us to do.
To the rest of the TAH Nation, you guys and girls rock! There are split seconds where I almost wish I was back in the Army, but then I realize that there are very few folks like you that are still serving, so, nevermind.
Everybody please have a happy and SAFE New Year and make it back here in one piece.


Either Daniel Alan Bernath thinks he has to up his campaigning to win a post Coprolite One, round, or he has gone full bat shit crazy! 😯

Perhaps he doesn’t realize that he got the most votes for the horses ass medal! :mrgreen:


I ran a name by him to see if that guy was ever a US Navy SEAL. Results came back negative. Didn’t receive an invoice, don’t anticipate one. Daniel Alan Bernath, not a CPO, not an honorary CPO, never a CPO, is arguing that Don Shipley is charging for those services. 🙄


That is the most painful and brain-killing experience ever! All I have to say is: Danny-boi, you need to stop digging. Messing with “The Hair” will only end badly for you when he tires of your stupidity and serves you with a lawsuit (a legitimate one, not the shit you pull). Oh, and apparently SecDef Hagel didn’t pay no never-mind to those bullshit letters you sent about me so go fuck yourself and when you’re done with that, go fuck yourself.


It’s like he WANTS someone to fuck with him.

Hey, memo to Dan “404” Bernath:

You don’t want this kind of attention, but if you insist, who am I to stop you?


Hack Stone

It’s nice to see that Bernath has some hate for me on that website. Other than calling him an Honorary Glider Pilot, I haven’t given him much attention. I guess for now on he will be getting the Deluxe Wickre Package from me. That includes song parodies, poems and “court transcripts”. And since I know that you are reading this, I have no connection to Don Shipley’s poser hunt video, I have never met Don Shipley, and I have never communicated with him in any manner. You must be pissed because I did not accept your Facebook friend request.


Hack, when you call bubblebrain an honorary glider pilot, you forget one small thing.

Real glider pilots had stones. He does not.

Hack Stone

From his website linked above, it is obvious that he has some latent homosexual tendencies (not that there is anything wrong with that). So we have a Sailor (Bernath), a cop wannabe (Chevy), that Native American Ranger poser (can’t remember his name at the moment). Do we have a poser construction worker to complete the Village Idiots disco group?


Maybe a cowboy, a biker, and a construction worker?

Funny historic note; there have been 16 guys who have been in that group. The Cowboy and the Indian were gay, all the rest were straight.


Rowdy Anderson could be the Cowboy, Monkress could be the biker (or almost any of the multitudes of biker posers that have appeared here) and Pinhead Blake (is that a hard hat he’s wearing or a helmet?) could be the construction worker.


Latent? Latent?!? LATENT??????

I had no idea that you were so willing to understate that, Hack.



First, I am at an undisclosed location in NYC with … ah …the guys. I will be here till it is over and all have departed Times Square.

Second, you say, “thanks to all of my fellow co-bloggers here as well as all of the regular commenters who can’t seem to quit us for yet another successful year.”

I say, “I tried to quit, the 12 step program failed primarily because this is an awesome place to hang my hat.”

Happy New Year!


MCPO: Don’t let the Ball hit you in the noggin….you need to be alert to see the grande announcement here at 2359…the Fat Lady is in full voice warm-up.

The Fat Lady



Ain’t dat da truff!


Happy New Year, Master Chief, and a prosperous and successful one, too.


Best wishes to Jonn and the entire TAH crowd for a great 2015. I rarely agree with most of you, but I always learn plenty!


As long as you continue to be willing to learn, at some, perhaps most, of us do not require that you agree all the time. Wouldn’t that be boring? 😉


It was Bing Crosby, WWII, UFO shows for the troops.


I don’t comment often but do check in a couple of times a week. Thank you, John, for keeping this site going and thanks to the rest of the motley crew here for all the info and entertainment.
My undying appreciation to all those who’ve ever taken that one step forward and worn their country’s uniform.


A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all!


Well done, Jonn! Guess it needs to be said that my thanks include your minions and the families of you and those minions.

Onward and upward.


John I have a feeling when you get up to the pearly gates you’re going to the vip line because of your TAH work.

You keep smoking out those posers!