Can You Say, “Stonewall It”? Sure. I Knew You Could.

| December 4, 2014

Provided without comment, except to say that I’m shocked, shocked.

Feds balk at releasing docs showing IRS
sharing tax returns with White House

“Most transparent administration in history?” Um-huh. Sure. Whatever.

Yeah, your leg’s wet again. And it’s not rain.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Crime

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Bunch of turds circling the bowl now…
These clowns are continuing to toss their bull s&*# in the face of all of us citizens…


Isn’t this kind of like little kids hiding the cookies when they get caught with the cookie jar?

I was right. They have the maturity of 5-year-old spoiled brats, and the integrity of the Gang of Four.

Oh, wait – is that insulting to the Gang of Four?

Okay, how about the integrity of Tonya Harding?


The only thing that is shocking is that anyone would be shocked by all of this.


I am shocked – SHOCKED I say – that you are shocked.

Or not shocked. I’m confused. Whatever.

Seems to me that it is remarkable that, when faced with the facts as published, this administration decided that this is how they would behave.

“okay so here is the plan. We will just say it didn’t happen and not talk about it. Our supporters will believe us. We accuse all of our detractors of being Republicans … or something.”

And they think that this is a good plan?



It’s a great plan, the press will support them and only report what Herr Commissar wants reported.


Their plan seems to have worked, so far. And, if it appears that some may be waking up, they yell “Racist!!! Over there!!”


The Obama Administration covering their asses again? Go figure. Who would’ve guessed?


I expect to see these docs about as soon as we will see those 30k “lost” emails that were just recovered.


In fairness maybe the reason is because the documents in question are the actual tax returns. Of course that would mean that they share over 2,500 returns with people who had no business seeing or having access to said returns.

The Other Whitey

I really hope we see a huge stack of federal indictments for perjury, destruction of evidence, obstruction of justice, and similar charges around, say, February 2016.


Bunch of racist haters. soon the news vans will be outside your parents houses and going through your academic records to show you’ve been a racist you’re whole lives.

Anybody got a countdown clock for when Barry “I am not a crook” will take that final helicopter ride a la Tricky Dick?


Nixon wasn’t a world class joke the current POtuS is. #44 isn’t going to be invited to the WH by any of his successors for advice on complex domestic & foreign policy matters. Obama, except for being the first “AA” prez will be relegated to the dustbin.

Green Thumb

This sounds a lot like the VA as well.

Roger in Republic

In related news: The President has said that he only found out about this situation by reading about it in the newspaper. He is sure that it never appeared in his daily briefings. “I’m as mad about this as anybody and I will order a top level commission to get to the bottom of it.” He was reported to have said. When asked when we might expect the commission to be named. he said “No time now, I’m late for my tee time.”