Joe Teti on the warpath

| December 4, 2014

Courthouse News reports that Discovery Channel personality, Joe Teti is going on the warpath against our friends Mykel Hawke, Scottie Hughes and George Davenport for Teti losing business because they questioned his military career;

In a lawsuit filed in the federal court in Charlotte, North Carolina, Teti says Mykel Hawkeye, who claims to have been his Special Forces Operational Detachments commander, has made false statements about him on Facebook and other website.
In addition, Teti says, Hawkeye has made similar defaming comments to the Discovery Channel itself, and to companies with whom he has endorsement deals.
In his complaint, Teti says these statements ranged from Hawkeye’s having falsely claimed that Teti has violated the Stolen Valor Act; that Teti and his fiancé have threatened and harassed Hawkeye and his family; that Teti created false profiles online to attack Hawkeye; and that Teti has a history of stalking and “harming women, children, and animals.”
The Discovery Channel star says none of these accusations are true.
Teti has also named George Davenport in the lawsuit. Davenport is a member of the nonprofit organization Special Forces Association, of which Teti used to be a member. According to the lawsuit, Teti ceased to be a member when his membership lapsed because he didn’t pay his annual dues and renew his membership.

For you legal eagles, here’s the lawsuit;

Teti Lawsuit

I guess Teti found someone else to be mad at besides us for the time being. I’ve had enough fun in the courts to last me a few weeks, so I’m glad he ignored us for the time being. But then, I never said anything that he could dispute, even though he did. Here and here and here. I guess he just punched himself out early with us.

I also remember that after I posted the piece I did on him, he called me and had his lawyers sitting in on the call – mostly because he wanted me to edit your comments. When I told him that he could only judge me by what I wrote, he took me off the speaker.

But at least we didn’t publish the first FOIA we got on Teti. THIS IS NOT FROM THE RECORDS OF JOE TETI OF THE DISCOVERY CHANNEL SHOW:

Wrong Teti

Wrong Teti 2-1

Yeah, that was the first one we got back, so we really thought we had something, but cautious guy that I am, we decided to take another whack at him and got these records back the second time. That would have been embarrassing.

But, back to the lawsuit – Teti claims that all of these problems and the folks who started publishing his records were influenced by Mykel Hawke, I just want to be clear on this; We embarked on this journey without Mykel Hawke. We were curious when David Canterbury was fired from the show whether Discovery Channel would repeat the mistake and we got Teti’s records on our own. We never communicated with Hawke until months after the post was published. Mr. Hawke has never had any influence on us. In fact, after I published the Teti records I paid little, if any, attention to the controversy aside from reporting what is in the media.

Other than what Teti and his troops said on his Facebook pages and rarely on these pages, I have never felt threatened or stalked by Teti. Mykel says that he has a restraining order against Teti which he hasn’t previously disclosed publicly and that’s what triggered Teti’s lawsuit. I’m just glad that we’re not in this particular free fire zone.

Category: Who knows

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What a big teti-baby…



Monique Marie

Slowly, ever-so-slowly, the tables are turning and the winds of change are bringing TRUTH to the shores of those who would hide from it. Time is no friend to those who LIE for Greed and Profit. Teti is finding this out right now as we stand with the SFA and Captain Hawke in the SLAPP lawsuit teti instigated and now Discovery shall be forced to face the horrible things they allowed to happen to the Hawke family due to teti and his LIES….

The Truth WARRIORS stand with you, Captain Hawke, in this fight against DISCOVERY. This is a long time in coming and TRUTH, HONOR, & INTEGRITY shall prevail.

Discovery practices this as does teti:
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
― Adolf Hitler

What Captain Hawke adheres to:
“In a time of Universal deceit, telling the TRUTH is a revolutionary act”–George Orwell

Link to Hawke Lawsuit:


Urine mixed with peach wine coolers.


Is he still drinking his own urine?


You might want to ask Mykel Hawke the same thing. But wait, he doesn’t want people to know that little factoid.


WOW … just wow!

Considering his uncanny ability to voluntarily enjoy a cup of urine on occasion and with the coming winter and the cold weather associated with such a change in season, I submit a musical interlude just for Joe:

Joe Williams

TSO, Iam not a lawyer. I do not think after the discovery session that this lawsuit will be tried. I think Scotty scared Teti . Because Scotty accepted Teti’s challnge to fight. Just my opinion. Joe

That Guy

That sounds like another blowhard who issued a challenge and then wouldn’t take people up on it. A douchenozzle whose claim to fame was hiding in a ditch off of route IRISH…


Meh…..never did like those survival shows…..

Route Irish though….I absolutely used to dread going that route to BIAP from Rustimiyah. Way too many overpasses, and the Iraqi checkpoints did nothing to calm the butt cheek clench that always happened when we went that way.


Aw HELL NO!. I hated that road, We did a ton of the T-wall missions in 06-07.
half the time Irish was black so it was “Tampa” all the way.
Nothing like sitting parked in a guntruck in the middle of the “hood” in Bagdhad while they unload T-walls off PLS’s.
Taji to Rusy to Biap to Taji to Anaconda and back, Wash, Rinse, Repeat. Then they pulled us off that and had us escorting everything down to Hammer, which I understand , no longer exists.

Green Thumb

Teti is a shitbag.

What a loser.



No Joe,
You can’t have the Stolen Valor Tournament 2014 award.
Not Yours.

(spew alert)

Green Thumb

When this is all said an done, the known assclown, Joe Teti, could always get a job with All-Points Logistics.

Commander Phil Monkress would welcome him with open arms.

Old School Sgt.

Wait a second.. These claims against him, are they false?? Did Hawkeye say anything that was a lie??

Look here JoJo Tittie All you have to do is show your DD 214.

End of Story. Prove that people are lying about you and you can collect $200 and you can PASS GO.


Standing ovation, sir! Just show the DD214’s… Enough said!


I’m guessing he will . . . during discovery, when the defense counsel demands to see them.

Either that, or he’ll drop his lawsuit about then.


#22 on page 2 says that Joe T. was wounded as a result of “direct enemy fire” during his “Deployments”. Did he earn a Purple Heart? I think that answer would define his status for us here at TAH.


I’m still not sure exactly what Teti lied about though? He completed all the courses he claimed and he did serve in combat.

That Guy

He never served in combat with the military, but as a contractor. He bailed on the military with all that training RIGHT after 9/11, which is really questionable because most of the special forces guys I was blessed to know were literally chomping at the bit to go to Afghanistan. He’s also likely lying about working with the CIA and the nature of what he did.

Green Thumb

I wonder if he is having drinks with Alex Popovic?

Green Thumb

And maybe sharing a 12 inch too?


Green Thumb, I don’t think the two of them have six inches combined.


*you read my mind*.


I was thinking 8 vice 6. But I do generally tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. (smile)


So what do we call someone who served in combat after they got out of the military? Are they not a combat veteran? This is a genuine question.

Green Thumb



If it turns out he was with some CT CIA unit overseas would that qualify him as a Combat Veteran in your guy’s eyes?

I see where the guy has done a lot of shady stuff and probably deserves to get knocked down a rung or two but this really feels like grasping at straws IMO.

2/17 Air Cav

First, Mike, we don’t share the same eyes. In fact, we had a good go-round about this quite some time ago. You might want to check that old thread out. I’d link it but Lord knows how long it would take me to find it.

2/17 Air Cav

The good go-round referred to the “combat veteran” claim, not the CIA shit. I though I’d better clarify that after reading ByrdMan’s 1:12 comment.


I think it’s odd that the only person ever to claim that Joe Teti was a part of super secret CIA counter-terrorism unit is Joe Teti.

The first rule of CIA CT fight club is you don’t talk about CIA CT fight club.

Unless you’re Joe Teti and then you can talk about how you’re not allowed to talk about CIA CT fight club.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nothing wrong with Mercenary work….when looking for a bit of adventure it’s often the only game in town. Or it used to be a long, long, time ago.

2/17 Air Cav

A bodyguard.


A mercenary.


Oops,sorry GT,didn’t mean to duplicate.



Green Thumb

More like Manhole Inspector.

Why do you think Cody left?

2/17 Air Cav

Well, first things first. A complaint is proof of nothing but is a civil procedure necessity to get a case rolling. It’s one side of a story that triggers a response. It usually portrays the alleged tortfeasor as evil incarnate and the complainant a silent saint. Why did any company sever its ties with Teti? Was it because its PR people didn’t want a piss drinker representing the company’s product? I have no idea. Was it because it saw something he had written or said and it wanted to disassociate from him? I have no idea. Was it because he was not worth the investment because his expected following, his fan base, didn’t pan out? I have no idea. Was it because it learned that certain information about him that it thought was true proved to be false? Again, I have no idea. For the potential answers to these and other questions, stay tuned.


Joe Teti is an immature knob who continues to do that whole “lying by omission” thing. He’s using semantics and obfuscation to try to make money.

E-6 type, 1 ea

“Mr. Teti, have you ever consumed your own urine?”


“No further questions your honor.”


CIA super jihadi killer sure has fallen on tough times.

2/17 Air Cav

“I don’t often drink piss but, when I do, I prefer my own. Stay thirsty my friends.”


I bet he follows it up with this…..


Awww, poor Joe is all butt hurt and sore. Put some cream on it Joe and we’ll call you a Whaaambulance.


Joe can now prove he is telling the truth by proving the people he named are lieing . Thats something he can not do this should be interesting . Im getting the popcorn and watch urine boy crash and burn

John C

Was the case removed to federal court? All I see is the state complaint.
Fun fact, if it is in federal court, one of the judges to whom it could be assigned was the first active district court judge to preside as a JAG in a combat theater (OIF).

2/17 Air Cav

No, the filing was in state court. Looks like the reporter screwed up. This raises an interesting legal issue regarding whether personal jurisdiction can be established for those defendants who do not reside in North Carolina. Suffice it to say that it is not an automatic thing, long-arm statutes notwithstanding.


“This raises an interesting legal issue ….”
Yeah (interesting being a relative term). I started mulling the PJ stuff; but got sidetracked thinking how I’d work “potty mouth,” or the more direct “Joe Teti drink his own pee” into the Answer. In any event, it’s nice to known Group can hold their own against NSWF when it comes to CQCF (close-quarters cat fights).

Somewhere, a Discovery producer is furiously working to get Hawke, Grylls, Canterbury, Zweig, Chris Ryan…all on one show. (Hey, is Matt Bissonette doing anything?) The last to arrive is Cody Ludin, who looks around and promptly turns on a 180° dime.*

*Which obviously is much faster in bare feet. Learn more on Discovery Presents: Cody Lundin’s “Oh, Hell No!,” sponsored by Shitty Survival Gear, Inc.


I am going to give my 2 cents,

A combat Vet is someone who served in combat as a member of a Nations military force, in the case of the US i would say were they subject to the UCMJ while in combat. if so then by all means call yourself a combat vet.

Contractors don’t cont. They are very well paid and have the option at anytime to say I quit without facing more than a monetary fine for non completion.

They do not face the same consequences as military.


FWIW when I was contracting, I was repeatedly reminded that I was subject to the UCMJ regarding any criminal acts I might commit. I never tested that premise. Regardless, I will never assert myself as a veteran, combat or otherwise.


In the broadest possible definition of the words, a combat vet could perhaps be considered anyone who has survived a fire fight. However, since there are agencies with much more restrictive definitions of what a veteran is, and what combat is, it is ridiculous to attempt to use the words otherwise. Or imply that they mean something other than what military veterans know them to mean.

Part of being a mature adult is realizing that words have meaning and that sentences can be constructed which purposefully mislead. Honorable people avoid misleading others; sociopaths mislead others just for grins (or other less than honorable reasons).

Mark L.

You know, I can ALMOST forgive him on his stolen valor acts, but one thing I can’t forgive is anyone being a reality show whore. Reality TV is for idiots and the people that participate in the shows should all be shot into the sun on a one way rocket.

I’d take 1,000 stolen valor idiots before I’d take 10 new reality show whores.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

At least with a whore you’re not surprised by what you get Mark…a knob reality star is just a knob reality star. You expect nothing and are not surprised at getting nothing.

One tends to expect more from those who earn a variety of accolades through effort and self sacrifice.

That’s more a betrayal than a simple lie. The fucktards who never served and lie are fucktards plain and simple.

The guys who served and lie, well they know better. They know the kind of men they are pretending to be and thus their lies are more betrayal than simple falsehood. It smells and feels worse to me.


I agree with what you’ve said, partly because there was another ‘survival’ show that actaully had good, common sense advice.

Teti doesn’t appear to be aware of simple common sense. He does grandstanding instead.

And his show is not the same thing as historical re-enactments or events like Renaissance faires.

I learned more about making a shelter if I’m lost in the wild by watching how a shelter is constructed by native tribes in the Amazon, out of local materials, than anything Teti could possibly conceive of.


The Lawsuit is Bogus.

Just a childish scare tactic of Teti’s that is bound to have negative effects towards his flamboyant posture.

He’s a punk and a bully who has been challenged on the play ground and is crying to the teacher now.

Green Thumb

Joe Teti reminds me of a hot, fresh, steaming pile of Phil Monkress.

A Proud Infidel®™

Has anyone here or anywhere else thought of calling a WAAAAAAAAAAAAHmbulance to come pick poooor ‘lil Joe Teti up, give him a peanut butter sandwich, some fresh Kool-Aid and a group hug while everyone sings “Kum-ba-yah”? I would, but I honestly can’t because my Give-a-Shitter is BROKEN!!


That wanker is at it again. Boy they don’t learn do they. The latest is they fired his ass for injuring or killing a dog. Because stray cats ran onto the set or site being pursued by a pack of dogs and one of them nabbed a cat. Ol pyscho Joe went ham on the dog saving said cat. But, is shitcanned in the process.

Looks like he should get a CIBFI ( Combat Infantry Badge For Idiots ) instead. Everything I’ve heard about this Gruntish Jane is muttled beyond a master GF eery.

What a bloody urine drinking cat saving nobbish pisser he is


That is REALLY old news. We already know about that.

But I do have a question. Do you always type drunk?