Tuesdays with Claymore

| November 18, 2014

“Good morning ladies.”

Russia Today…bastion of moderation.

In socialist DC, the ACA screws YOU.

Throw me into that briar patch.

Election analysis: loser Dems lost because they refused to embrace Teleprompter Jebus

…well that escalated quickly.

Too old, too stupid, too communist…whatever.

Labor pains

Progressive president is needed to “save” the country?

Federal government should make the states comply…yeah, let’s try that.

Dog ate my homework.

Gamergate…because every other problem ever has been solved, so let’s obsess over this shit.

Up next, pesky student loans and iPhone bills.

Fauxcahontos’ Heap Big Medicine Show

…but don’t ever say they don’t support the troops.

From the “Hey, why didn’t we think of this first!” file.

“Seeking a better life”, now a good excuse for virtually anything.

First they came for the centrists, but because I don’t care…meh.

Grubering Hillary

This just in, GOP set to “steal” 2016 election (fyi, steal = win to a leftist shitbags).

It’s like Star Wars, except Darth Vader is on the Rebel side and Chewie is married to the president.

Pure as the man-made global warming induced winter precipitation.

Right wing corporate media controls MSNBC…uh…ok.

I think the word you’re looking for here is ‘pussy’.

Dirty Harry

And yet no one bothers to watch Al Jazzera. Go figger.

Debbie does DU

…or, “Nancy Pelosi changes subject when confronted with a direct question.”

Are we not men? We are DEMO.

Americans won’t vote their best interests because they’re stupid.

Berlin Wall? Torn down by community activists. True story.

Key to winning? Lie and control the bench.

Locking the gun threads.

…sort of like having sex with your teacher when you’re homeschooled.

Well, don’t they?

Oh please, don’t forget the willing accomplices in our public schools, they deserve credit too.

On DU, fake “capitalists” love Communist China.

Protesters threaten to burn city, then cry racism when government decides they don’t want city burned.

Welcome to 1984, Mr. Progressive shitbag.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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