Well, Well, Well . . .

| November 18, 2014

The irony here is indeed delicious.

US group CAIR named terrorist organization by United Arab Emirates

The linked story is worth reading.

This shouldn’t really be a surprise, though.  In 2007, CAIR was named (along with a sh!tload of others) as an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to funnel money to Hamas.  They’ve also long been accused of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Maybe one day our government will one day wake up and treat them accordingly. To paraphrase the little kid from Angels in the Outfield: “Hey – it could happen!”

Unfortunately, that day won’t be today.  The US Department of State reportedly had “no comment” when queried about the matter.

Category: Foreign Policy, Reality Check, Terror War

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Wish you could see my shocked face. Both that CAIR was labeled a terrorist organization and that our State Department is doing nothing.


Maybe the State Department should be renamed “State of Confusion Department”. It seems to be their gross national product.

The Other Whitey

Fuck CAIR. Fuck them, fuck their families, fuck their neighbors, fuck their sponsors, fuck their pig-fucking mothers. We are at war with Islamic terrorism, and I’m pretty sure the Sedition Act of 1917 is still on the books. If not, then bring it back. Then shove it right up their asses.


Preach it and Amen brother. Let the world know what douchenozzles they are!


Cut loose on the mutherfarkers.


I first made acquaintance with CAIR when they tried to horn in on a peaceful demonstration in favor of the invasion of Iraq, when the guys at Muslim Wakeup warned that CAIR is a terrorist-supporting group. I was disappointed, because at the time they seemed reasonable. Then, by about 2007, they had lost ALL their American Muslim membership, as their language became more and more radical. I am sure that being named an indicted co-conspirator to crime was the last straw.

Neither CAIR nor the lame stream news have been disclosing the source of its funding or identity of its staff over the last several years. I suspect CAIR is not an American organization, at all.

tavern knight


Mayhap, our State Dep’t is REALLY known as the Apathetic Dep’t.


“Officials at the U.S. State Department did not immediately return comment when asked about the UAE’s designation list.”

Who else saw that coming? Why? Because it is a big curve ball to Obama. (“apologist to the world for all things Muslim and himself, a Muslim at heart.) No the White House staffers are meeting with him as I type to come up with a great cover story. It won’t be, “We have heard our friends and allies in the UAE and are now distancing ourselves from CAIR and will look closer into these allegations.” It will be, “The UAE are over zealous in their assessments of our close friends and peace loving Muslim brothers in CAIR. We in the Administration, are at a loss to understand this latest effort of the UAE to sow discord within America and we say to them and the world, we stand strong and firm with our CAIR friends. Allahu Akbar! Uh, we meant, God Bless America, yea that’s it! Sorry my bad.”

Farflung Wanderer

Hell, Mark Levin’s been calling them a terrorist organization for years.

Nothing is going to happen under this administration, but I hope that the next President will start gathering warrants and kicking in doors with extreme prejudice.

You want to know where ISIS is getting support inside the US? Look to CAIR.

2/17 Air Cav

Comes now this beauty:

“Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”

2/17 Air Cav

If what I posted above is not clear, CAIR is jumping on the Ferguson, MO bandwagon in prep for release of the grand jury result.


We are close enough to be locked and loaded. Told my hubby last night they (Cair etc) would be instigating crap.
Target practice tonight!