Tuesday morning feel good story

| November 18, 2014

Paratrooper justice

Fred sends us this morning’s story which is a little different than most of our stories – this one involves a burglar who encountered a paratrooper who wasn’t going to be victimized twice in Washington State;

Myers immediately recognized the guy because he’d seen him on surveillance footage when he broke into the basement Tuesday night and actually spent the night there.

The couple didn’t know he was there until they found clothes and cigarette butts he left behind and reviewed their video.

“He was moving around my house. It was so scary,” Megan Pierowicz said.

The suspect didn’t steal anything except for a dress shirt; you could see on camera he managed to button it up backwards.

“We joked all week about setting this place up ‘Home Alone’ style and having marbles roll down,” Myers said, laughing.

On Saturday Andrew said the guy came back—maybe for his own stuff, maybe for some of Andrew’s stuff this time.

There were no marbles—just a good old-fashioned fistfight to a soundtrack.

“It’s been a running gag all week with people waiting to see how this thing ends so I did put music to it,” he said, showing us the video of the ordeal he edited together on his computer.

It’s funny now, but the couple knows things easily could have ended much differently.

Here’s the raw unedited version;

If that’s not enough for you, Chief Tango is back with two more, the first from Michigan;

A man is dead and two others are in custody after a deadly home invasion in Menominee county, Michigan. Police say 19-year-old Matthew Franjose and 20-year-old Thomas Hartman, both of Green Bay were arrested after trying to break-in to a home early Monday morning. A third suspect who police have not named was shot several times and killed as he entered the home on Rangeline Road In Mellen township.

Prosecutors say the homeowner shot the intruder as he was breaking-in. That suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.NBC26’s Eric Crest has more on the investigation.

Menominee law enforcement told NBC26 this afternoon they have an overwhelming amount of evidence to process in the weeks ahead.

The next story is from Alabama;

“The homeowner had got home, got out to open the gate on the driveway to their home and a group of four or five guys approached him from the across the street,” Berry said. “At least a couple of them were armed with hand guns.”

Berry said the home owner told police he fired his gun after he was threatened by someone in the group of armed men.

“I believe his quote was we’re going to kill you,” Berry said. “He had been over to his business here in town and had a gun on him for his personal safety. He said he fired into the air, but apparently the guy was close enough to him that it struck him in the face.”

Berry said the group of men dispersed after the gunfire and the man wounded from the gunshot walked to a neighbor’s house for help. The homeowner’s wife, who was inside their vehicle waiting to go up their driveway, called 911.

Berry said the 24-year-old man wounded from the gunshot was taken to Flowers Hospital for treatment. He said the man did not suffer life threatening injuries, but has had surgery.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

RE the Alabama story: so much wrong that fortunately for the homeowner turned out right.
1-Fired into the air, but shot the perp in the face?
2-Fired a warning shot? Never, never, never!
3-The perp lived? What caliber was the homeowner using? The perp should have been dead in the street. Now he’s just another useless welfare tax burden (if he wasn’t already one before).


B Woodman…Let’s run down your analysis.

1. Check
2. Check
3. Check

Yep, look’s like you called it brother!

B Woodman

RE, the first story. I lurves a good beatdown, when the good guy wins! Way to go, Mr Myers! And to set it to music afterwards?! Priceless!

The second story is a true “feel good” story. Perp breaks in, homeowner shoots, perp dies.
“And the world is a more peaceful place. . beginning now.”


B Woodman…And the congregation all said…Amen.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

I bet the cops in that first story didn’t have an easier collar that whole day.


It’s surprising, from what we’ve heard lately, that Seattle PD even responded, what with their “can’t get to it” type battle they are having with city hall and supposed man power shortages.

Brent Glines

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