Yet Another “Global Warming” Update

| November 18, 2014

Well, let’s take a look at our latest news stories about that “global warming”, shall we?

But global warming is “settled science,” remember.  “Pay no attention to data saying otherwise.”

Or maybe it was, “Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.”  I forget.

Category: Global Warming

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Yeah, I’m in upstate NY. The only potentially good thing about this “global warming caused cold” is saying SNOW DAY! and getting to work from home.

Granted, with my luck, the snow will sweep around my particular neck of the woods.

But its still freakin’ cold. 24 degrees, but 6 with wind chill.

AW1 Tim

I do so love it when the watermelons claim that the consensus of “scientists” claim that this is settled science.

I am a fairly well educated man, and one of the first things you learn about science is that “Consensus” is NOT “science”.

If you scratch a little deeper on the surface, you’ll find that overwhelmingly, climatologists refute the whole thing and point to it being a scam, which it is.

And “Watermelon” is one of my favorite terms when referring to the folks supporting this, because it aptly describes them: Green on the outside, and red on the inside.

A bunch of socialists pretending to be greenies in order to gain power and impose their failed policies.


AW1, that saying is awesome, and I am lifting it! Watermelons! Already using it at work. Fifteen degrees in the Detroit suburbs this morning. Suck it, Al Gore!


“Watermelons” works great, but my new favorite phrase for them is “Climate Scientologists.”


While it’s absolutely true that consensus is not science, it should certainly give you pause when thousands of independent scientists -of differing political stripes, ethnicities, national origins, etc.- all point to the same general idea. Pointing out local cold temperatures as some sort of proof that ‘global warming’ is a hoax is a bit like surveying your small town, finding only one in every thousand people are Chinese, and then claiming that reports of China having over a billion people are false. After all, you don’t see very many Chinese! Why, the world would have to have over a trillion people at this rate for there really to be that many Chinese, right? A better argument, of course, would be to point out where the models or input data that are the primary tools of the field of climate science are wrong. Fortunately, all of this data is readily available – you can download it, look at the model source code, run it on your own computer if you wish. If you have (and I have), you’ll find plenty of things that are less than perfect, but that’s how models are – they’re always imperfect. If we simulate the gravitational influence of planets and moons in space -important to spacecraft trajectories- the physics is imperfect, yet still predictive and useful. The same applies to the climate science models. Part of the problem, honestly, is that things are so stratified – you only get the most alarmist types in the news, on either side, and that stretches the believability of the field on the whole. I would absolutely encourage anyone who things it’s all just a bunch of made-up garbage to head down to their local university and listen in on a talk or three. These talks are never about, “Oh, the sky is falling! Global Warming!”, they’re about things like oxygen isotype ratios (O16/O18), the influence of cloud cover on sea surface temperatures, radiative forcing of different aerosols, etc. If you ever do that, you’ll see that there are always more questions, but generally speaking the science being done is… Read more »


LC, you are so wrong…
All you lib’s want to do is use “Climate Change” as an excuse to grab power and regulate the population of the US.
Fortunately many of us here have studied the “science” of climate change and see it for exactly what it is.
Horse shit…
Go back to the DU and let us live in our own world we have built…


I’m not a ‘lib’ and have zero interest in grabbing power and regulating the population of the US. I feel I tend to keep a fairly open mind on this – my knowledge of atmospheric and oceanic science is pretty minimal, but I have seen the models and the data they use, and I understand enough to see their weaknesses.. and yet how they are still useful scientific tools.

Point out where their faults lie and I’m quite happy to learn, debate and, if shown to be wrong, change my mind. And likewise, the scientists will improve on any faults with their tools.


LC, I recently did an environmental science class in college that touched heavily on this same subject and the effects of things in relation to climate change and global warming. First off, remember that “global warming” as a term became soured over a decade ago due to scientists purposely falsifying numbers in the EPA and European Govt agencies to bolster “global warming” So, later on they came up with the term “Climate change”. Why climate change? Because at the same time, standard numbers were showing a “cooling” period, which doesn’t work so well with “Warming”. Further, there are billions being made off “climate change” and “green energy” concepts by many. Why is it getting support? Because parts of that money are going to politicians so they can change laws. Laws are being written to give tax breaks, credits, grants, etc., to businesses (i.e., Solyndra) just because they say they are “green energy” or they are going to “study climate change and show how horrible it is getting!” I even reviewed evidence from various Govt agencies and Int’l agencies about Deforestation in both the Amazon and Arctic Tundra whereas “scientists” are claiming massive deforestation efforts and seemingly making things look worse than they are. (rounding up in statistical terminology) However, I saw evidence on the other side of it indicating while there is some deforestation, it is not having a severe effect and is not significant. (The Arctic Tundra alone creates enough oxygen for the entire planet, let alone the amazon and/or any other area of the world that is green.) I have a dozen references for both sides of the argument. Some references indicate “warming” and some indicate “cooling” because that’s what those “scientists/researchers” get paid for. As well, per the US EPA, the soil, air, and water in/around the US is cleaner than it was 30 years ago. It continues to get cleaner. But what good does that do when China, Indonesia, and other SEA countries are spewing out pollution at astonishing rates? We are punishing ourselves and it won’t do any good because they tell us “F.O.” about… Read more »


Eric, in the early 1980s, the prediction was that we would see runaway global warming and the entire northern hemisphere would be a tropical zone.

What all of those people fail to take into account is that, in order to have a ‘runaway’ tropical climate, as in the Carboniferous Era (600 million years ago), the continents have to be in one large land mass, e.g., Pangea or Gondwanaland. Where I live now was once the delta of a river that ran into the Tethys Sea. I have a fossil shrimp from that time in my bookcase.

The geography on Earth as it is now does NOT provide the configuration required for true global warming.

In regard to deforestation and oxygen production, there are kapocheks or forest preserves in Russia and eastward in Siberia in which the trees and undergrowth are so dense that no human can get through them. You have to be a small bird or a chipmunk. They contain carbon sinks in the form of peat bogs. Without them, the CO/O2 balance will move into too much O2 and we’ll have dragonflies with 2-foot wingspans.

So, please tell those morons who think that the Earth is about to implode on them to mark the implosion date on their calendars, because it isn’t going to happen.


That’s the problem. No matter what evidence you present its “well that’s not true!”

It irritates me because then the response is just “oh you’re one of those deniers!”

I don’t mind doing recycling or cleaning the air, or even how they are improving landfills to better cause decomposition and collection of methane. The EPA becoming the environmental police and acting like law enforcement I do.

Or as NBC would say:

The more you know….


A record LOW temp for a daytime high (22F in November, 1903) is about to be broken if this cold continues where I am.

The one good thing that has come out of the climate science claptrap is better weatgher forecasting for the short-term period, which is days and weeks.

Still, the Farmer’s Almanac and Old Farmer’s Almanac both predicted this.

You can now subscribe to both of them online and/or order print copie online. They may have anecdotal evidence and folkloric stuff (like persimmon seeds showing as spoons means long winter), but for a small amount of money you can hang that on the pot hook next to the ice box.

Is there any point in repeating that climate change is not the equivalent of the drive-up window at McDonald’s?

The Other Whitey

My aunt up in Boise just texted some pictures of my cousins having their first snowball fight of the season. That’s one of those places that normally gets arctic-cold, but doesn’t get huge amounts of snow. This winter it looks like they’re going to get arctic-cold AND get huge amounts of snow.


Out here in the Northwest we were expecting another “Indian Summer” as it is called. But no. record lows already and the last several nights have been in the teens or lower. Colder than a well digger’s ass all day!


Anybody want to guess the watermelons rebuttal?

“This is just weather. The CLIMATE is getting warmer.”
And the climate is getting warmer. As long as you disregard all the data…..

Semper Idem

Climate is simply weather patterns over a long period of time.

When the weather gets colder over an extended period of time, then the climate is getting colder, not warmer.

I just got out from a one-mile walk in Northern Virginia. The temperature now is 33F – one degree above freezing. It’s gonna go down into the twenties tonight. I guess I better drive my car more – that means more hydrocarbons, which in turn should help fight global cooling. ;o)

Joe Williams

Sunday,a half inch of snow. Lows in the teens. High for the week’s forecast 56. Where is the hot temps? Joe


Who you gonna believe ???
LC or your own lyin’ eye’s ???


All I’m going to say is that I ran my furnace until June 5th this year (2014).

I have never done that or had to do that before. EVER

The outdoor temperature most of the summer was below 78F daytime, and in the 50s at night. I never took the blankets off the bed except to wash them.

We have arctic cold right now, with high humidity/. I keep hoping that we’ll get snow, enough to pile against the base of my house for a steady state temperature all winter.


Update from noon weather report:

Record low HIGH (22F nov. 1903) has been broken by a high of 19F today
Record low LOW temp (8F in 1880) has also missed by a low of 9F today

NOAA: Never has so much of the northern hemisphere been covered by this much snow this early in the year.

There is more snow on the ground in the lower 48 than there usually is at Christmas or New Year’s Eve/Day.

N.B.: 50.2% of lower 58 states have snow cover of 1/2 or more inches.

Last but not least, there has been, for the past three years, a pool of warm air and water in the north pushing arctic air south over the entire northern hemisphere.

Alao, according to one tourist from Alaska, beards help keep your face warm and keeps the bears away.


Second update, and this comes from the National Weather Service, so you know it’s official:

All 50 states had weather stations register temperatures below freezing, including Hawaii at 31F.

All kinds of records are being broken, e.g., the number of consecutive hours below freezing (173 hrs in 2014 beats 170 hrs in Nov 1903).


I’m in upstate NY, I had to turn on my heat in freaking July for a week it was so cold. My neighbor has lived up here for over 20 years and said this was the weirdest Summer she’s seen in a while.

Goodie, the winter is going to be extra suck, starting this week obviously…


Oh, Eric! The evening news just reported 4 deaths connected to the recent New York snowstorm, 3 of which were from shoveling snow, a total of 3ft of snow and not counting drifts and snowplow stuff.

And the prediction is for 6 feet.

Yes, that’s right, boys and girls – 6 FEET OF SNOW IN NEW YORK STATE.

I assume that’s lake effect snow.