Joe Biden’s napping allegedly kept families of the fallen waiting 3 hours

| December 21, 2024

One of the family members of the Marines killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal said that grieving families had to wait three hours before seeing their loved ones’ remains transported. Joe Biden reportedly was napping on Air Force One on the tarmac. Biden’s presence was required for the remains to be transferred to their next stop. Roice McCollum described this incident as one of two insults. The other insult being Biden’s checking his watch when the remains were being transported.

From Daily Mail:

While Biden was absent from the withdrawal planning, he did show up to greet the caskets of the US Servicemen and woman who were killed, infamously checking his watch on the tarmac before their coffins were brought out.

It was his second insult to their families that day, according to the sister of Rylee McCollum, one of the men who died.

‘(Biden) made us wait an extra three hours to receive the bodies of our dead family members because he couldn’t pull it together,’ Roice McCollum told

Roice said she and others were waiting for Biden to appear when a military officer told her he was napping on his plane.

Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, and Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, who were also killed in the Kabul blast, told that their families were also left waiting on the tarmac.

‘We sat in that office for what seemed like an eternity waiting on the doddering old fool,’ Hoover recalled.

The White House denied the families’ claims.

A spokesperson told Daily Mail: ‘That claim is untrue. As President Biden said on the 4th anniversary of the tragic attack on Abbey Gate and in the letters he wrote to family members after meeting with them in Dover, ‘these 13 Americans–and the many more that were wounded–were patriots in the highest sense’ and ‘we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will never be able to fully repay, but will never cease working to fulfill.’

‘The President honors these families, who have given more to their nation than anyone ever could, and holds them in the highest regard’

Summing up the experience that day, Roice said Biden ‘was far beyond a position where he should have been in office, but the powers that be covered it up. We were left in the dark – worse than that, we were blatantly lied to.’

Additional Reading:

Potter, W., & Laco, K. (2024, December 20). Senile Biden’s insult to families of Marines murdered in disastrous Afghan withdrawal. Daily Mail. Link.

Category: Afghanistan, Gold Star, Joe BIden, Veterans in the news

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I cannot say it enough.

Fuck Joe Biden.


I agree. I don’t even have the words anymore for this kind of behavior.

A Proud Infidel®™

Another piece of his legacy of perpetual failure and malfeasance.

Last edited 1 month ago by A Proud Infidel®™
E. Conboy

More than likely he was DOA and they were attempting to revive him. It’s amazing what AI can do, ain’t it?

Prior Service (Ret)

That “spokesman” states the claim is untrue then says absolutely nothing to refute it during his attempt to refute it. Maybe it’s one of those, “well 3 hours is a full up sleep period so he definitely wasn’t napping.”

Dennis - not chevy

I wonder if the officer who said Slo-Joe was napping is in hiding or the witness protection program?

A more nuanced comment would have been, “Slo-Joe has been detained (or some other lie just to cover for the guy)”.

Whoever the officer was showed integrity by telling the truth and let the chips land where they may; hopefully not upon the officer.


Within certain communities, this story has been well known from the first days.

There was some consolation in the outrage over the photo of Biden checking his watch, but that wasn’t the biggest or only outrage of the day. Think of this in the full context. Sitting and waiting for over 3 hours while dealing with unimaginable pain and grief, after a guaranteed sleepless night, after traveling across the country mere hours since receiving notification their loved one wasn’t coming home … And then being condescended to by Jill that she deigned to bestow the blessing of her presence; that her doddering, senile charge’s presence was all that should matter to them, the families; after staff treated them as if they, the staff, were in charge and not Morturary Affairs as they disrespected the families and military decorum.

In truth, Mortuary Affairs are true secret superheroes. Very few see or understand the herculean efforts they undertake in the care and comfort of the families. And the CinC, Administration, and the media didn’t give a crap, lied about what happened, patronized and dismissed the families. If I had to cite one reason to hate Biden, the Dem party and the media, this is it.

That officer was and will continue to be covered for by the families by not being named. Because they wouldn’t -claimed at the time they didn’t know the name, plausible given the circumstances, fog of grief, etc. – the media wouldn’t publish their allegations. Because the media couldn’t independently verify the allegations.

It is this same claim – fog of grief – that has allowed the media and the Biden admin to continue to dismiss the legion of complaints and allegations of those families. Just like Cankles did with the Benghazi families. I’d say none of them should be able to get out of bed for the crushing weight of shame that is theirs, but that would require an integrity and character they lack.

God forgive me for the unbridled hate in my heart.

Last edited 1 month ago by OAM

Bless you OAM, I can’t imagine the pain this must bring back up for you.

As if we needed more proof that the dims truly hate us…


I remember hearing from someone that Mortuary Affairs also has some of the highest PTSD rates of any MOS in the Army. Incredible respect for what they do.

Taking Chance (the Kevin Bacon movie…) boy, that shed a little light on what they do and see for me.


Retired Grunt

I’ve always had great respect for mortuary affairs soldiers. I saw first hand numerous times in theater their care for the dead. I’ve had bodies that didn’t go out on Evac and had to get picked up back on the FOB or, during the invasion, a BN aid station.

E. Conboy

I share these sentiments.


Both named and unnamed “spokespersons” have had such a demonstrable, unblemished history telling the truth over the past four year. I see no reason not to take the “person” at their word. /s


A nap is 10-15 minutes. 3 hours is a nights sleep. You gotta be pretty feeble to need a 3 hour sleep in the middle of the day.
Checking the watch reminds of a political debate a few years back and it was politicized as being very inappropriate. So what’s changed…it is a dem doing it a…slow Joe can do no wrong.

Retired Grunt

What the establishment has done to Joe Biden should be considered elder abuse and charges should be filed. I don’t really like old Joe but we have known for a LONG time that he is not really in charge.

USMC Steve

True dat. It was Homey da Klown’s third term.


He needed a hit from Hunter’s go go pipe


A hit from Hunter’s go go pipe would have over revved his engine and flatlined him forever.


And the problem is? 😉


Yeah, WH claims it’s untrue…. right.. gold star families would lie about something like that… 😒

Absolutely disgusting. FJB — hope he rots and burns in the deepest level of hell and keeps plenty of room for the rest of his administration to join.

Worst president in US history.


THE most despicable person…EVAH! Prove me wrong…I’ll wait.


KOB, Agreed. Phuck JOE BIDEN. Now, I can’t blame him for the decisions that impacted this country as I deeply believe that Jill, Big Mike and Barry were all in on calling those shots, (even Heals Up likely had no say) but his actions on the tarmac that day were just plain heinous.

Dennis - not chevy

Some day there will be a funeral and all of the living Presidents, several Heads of State and Heads of Government, Cabinet Members (except for one), Senators, Representatives in Congress, Generals, Governors, and so on will gather to honor the office not the man. The dims won’t understand that.

There are just somethings one doesn’t do at a funeral or memorial service. Making yourself the guest of honor is one of the things one doesn’t do. Alas, the dims are much too dim to realize that.


I’d pledge $100 to the guy/gal who gets caught checking their watch during that most somber of moments and chuckle more than a little.

A Proud Infidel®™

SHIT, I’d do that for a shot and a beer!


Give me the shot and I’ll stand right beside you. We can do a synchronized watch check, like a slow salute. In fact, we could probably get a company-sized formation of volunteers here…


Throw in a Yuengling or two and I’ll add a couple of loooong yaaawwwwwwns for good measure. Farting is optional.


Shot and a beer? I’d do it for free!!!

Hack Stone

51 Intelligence officials signed a letter stating that this thread bears all of the hallmarks of arks of Russian disinformation.

Hack Stone

Stupid company issued phone. The Y2K software needs updating.


If only you knew somebody….

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds more to me like that phone has been operating on outdated Red Hat Software purchased from the trunk of a worn and rusted-out jaguar!


My new phone does this weird thing. I read my message and the English is correct. I hit send and words change and drop out. I think it’s AI helping out.


AI is artificial retardation.


Note to whoever puts out these WH announcements.

Don’t bother. We don’t believe diddly squat of what you say. It’s all bullshit.


First time I’ve heard that Sleepy Joe was sleeping on AF1. The fact the MSM has not commented either way leaves me to believe its possible. I dealt with my Nana’s dementia, so Joe’s handlers might have needs to medicate him for an appearance. He still fucked it up by checking his watch . Imagine the absolute FIRESTORM if DJT was accused of the same offense.


Okay when Democrats do it.

Hey, prescribed methamphetamine overcomes Parkinson’s for a while.
comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
A Proud Infidel®™

Get yourself a copy of the book “BLITZED, Drugs in the Third Reich” by Norman Ohler, it goes into detail of how that brand of meth was pimped on Germans, especially the Wehrmacht!





That’s just methed up!


Exile Biden to Afghanistan
Exile Turdeau to Cuba. Let him visit Unkie Raul

Amateur Historian

Are there any d-rats on this planet who actually have the ability and the introspection to look in a mirror and say, “I’m a shitty human being.”?


Possibly the ones who voted for Biden last go-round and realized what idiots they (and their chosen one) were/are.

I can only hope and pray this incoming administration hits the ground running and makes some real progress cause… boy, do we need it…

A Proud Infidel®™

NO surprise to me whatsoever, Joe Biden has never been concerned about anyone other than himself. It’s not just him, anyone else remember when “Blowjob Willie” Clinton tied up air traffic at LAX for about three hours because he wanted a haircut?


Yeah, a ” haircut”


…with a happy ending.


Fn disgrace of a man and Human, and an absolute Fn disgrace as an American president!

Army-Air Force Guy

At least Jimmy Carter can leave this world knowing Biden’s presidency is/was way worse than his.

A Proud Infidel®™

Thanks to B. Hussein 0bama and Biden, Jimmeh Kahtuh will now be known as the THIRD worst POTUS in our lifetimes!

RGR 4-78

What Obama should have said, “never underestimate Joes ability to be a shitbag”.