Oh, Fer Christsakes – Not Again?!

| November 17, 2014

Geez. Will someone PLEASE give the     clueless fools in charge in DC      current Administration a quarter and tell them where they can buy a clue?

Title of the article says it all:

U.S. weighs expanded CIA training, arming of Syrian allies struggling against Assad

“Bad idea, sir. Very bad idea.”

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Foreign Policy, Government Incompetence, Military issues

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B Woodman

Toss in a box of knives. No additional training needed. But seal the border on your way out, to keep those goat-f**kers inside their own borders.

Old Trooper

Didn’t Einstein say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?



How long before it implodes and we all get hit by flying debris?


Give it a year and a half, conservatively.


Wash, rinse, repeat. Wash, rinse, repeat.


3E9…What you said. Been there, done that, never, ever works out to our advantage.

The Other Whitey

Which “Syrian allies” are we talking about this time? ‘Cause last time, they turned out to be ISIS. Which fine, upstanding bunch of rapists are we arming now?

For the love of God, will they ever get it through their heads that our only allies over there are the Kurds and Israelis?

CC Senor

From the article, the money quote:

“Even so, there is little indication that U.S.-trained and armed moderates have had any substantial impact on the direction of the conflict in Syria.”


But they get to feel good about themselves for merely doing something, you see.

Dear God, will this nightmare never end?


The more things change, the more they stay the same. Teh stoopid abounds in this administration.


I find it charming… in an extremely enraging manner, that folks around here can still harbor the delusion that anyone in the Obama Regime has any interest in actually serving the US’s best interest on any issue at any time, anywhere.

B Woodman

Define “around here”?
If you’ve been reading this site for any period of time longer than 5 seconds, you’d know that regular readers and commenters of TAH already know that the Obola Regime holds no love for the former Republic of the US of A, or the interests of its free citizens (not the serfs).

Now, we do have those few and intermittent commenters who LOVE Teh Onez, but they’re generally marked as TROLLS.


Busted lol.

I went with a standard cookie cutter bit o’ wordage much like that “…common welfare…” bit in the Constitution that was pulled over from the Articles of Confederation because it sounded pretty.


“… expanded CIA training …”

I’m a broken record, yeah, I know.

Anyone remember Laos? Afghanistan? Central America?

It isn’t the Christians In Action, it is the entire idea. There are many countries with a stronger reason, better connections, and more resources to get involved in Syria than we have. If THEY are not involved then what exactly is our justification for getting involved?