Hagel: US “accelerating” training of Iraqis

| November 17, 2014

The Associated Press reports that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a former infantry sergeant who should know better, told reporters that US advisers in Iraq are accelerating the training of Iraqi and peshmerga troops who will fight against ISIS/ISISL/Islamic State forces;

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the U.S. military is accelerating its efforts to train and advise Iraqi forces fighting Islamic State militants.

Hagel said U.S. special operations troops in Iraq’s western Anbar province are getting an early start on the train-and-advise effort.

Hagel said the effort began a few days ago. He did not provide details.

I have o idea how you do that, accelerate training, unless you add more hours to a day. You either train to a standard or you don’t. But, you know he’s a politician now, not a soldier, so he just says things people want to hear…no one expects his acceleration of training to work in anyone’s favor, well, except ISIS’ favor.

Speaking of pretty words, Hagel went on to the Reagan Library from NTC and announced more shit he doesn’t understand;

Hagel announced a “defense innovation initiative” that he likened to historic and successful campaigns during the Cold War to offset military advantages of U.S. adversaries. He described a “game-changing” strategy to sharpen American’s military edge in the face of budget impasses on Capitol Hill.

“We must change the way we innovate, operate and do business,” he told a defense forum at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

In a memo to Pentagon leaders in which be outlined the initiative, Hagel said the U.S. must not lose its commanding edge in military technology.

Of course we mustn’t lose our technological edge, but the Pentagon is throwing out the experienced officers and NCOs – the greatest benefit of a decade of war – to keep the head nodders, the officers and NCOs whose only real accomplishment was to keep themselves out of deployments for a decade of war.

I guess that’s how you innovate – toss out the experience, and shift the focus of the forces to a part of the world where no one is shooting at anyone.

Category: Big Pentagon

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Individually it’s not possible to accelerate training much, Jonn. However, you can increase the throughput (e.g., train more people in a shorter time) by using more trainers. I’m guessing this is what Hagel is talking about, and that this is a prelude to another “incremental deployment” of more “trainers and advisers” than the 4,000 or so currently there or scheduled.

Meet the new war
Same as the old war

2/17 Air Cav

What the hell am I missing? I thought that US forces put years of training into the Iraqi army, only to have too many turn on us and, later, run like hell when left to fight on their own. What am I missing?


2/17 Air Cav…Thank you. Training the Iraqis? Why? Did they forget all the training we’ve already invested in them? As far as helping and training the Kurdish Peshmerga troops, I’m all for that, because they have SHOWN they have the balls and heart to fight. Unlike the Iraqis who are again, waiting for us to save them from their cowardice.

By the way, I just looked up the word Pershmerga for the first time. Translated it literally means, “those who confront death”. The Iraqis need to get some training and balls from them!

A Proud Infidel®™

Same shit, different day. What are we to expect from B. Hussein 0bama & Company other than incompetence and imbecilic bullshit?

B Woodman

Peshmerga, yes. Iraqi, no. Not only no, but HELL NO!


Wait… accelerating training of the Iraqis? I thought they were all trained and ready to do it all on their own when we left… Mission Completed, US Troops were out of Iraq…


Accelerated training? Hmmm….

Oh, I have it. It goes like this:

This is a gun. These are bullets. They go in here. That’s a target. Put the bullets into the gun, aim, and shoot.


Ex-PH2…Spew alert please! That’s why I keep a rag next to my chair to wipe of my screen and keyboard!

I M Simpleton

There’s a reason we gave those idiots blanks only. I saw one recruit blow a hole through his foot with just a blank.

Hell, half the recruits that would turn up were Medhi militia infiltrators anyway.


Wow; you would think they weren’t properly trained when we left like we said they were. Wait a minute! You don’t think we left the country simply to drive home a political agenda? Say it ain’t so!


Yes, lets accelerate the training of Iraqi troops. ISIS has to be running low on Hummers and guns due to air strikes. We need to give the Iraqi troops more gear for them to abandon at the first sign of trouble.


You innovate by tossing out experience, sure, but also by layering on more manditory annual refresher training – SHARP, TARP, Suicide prevention, Resiliency training (now a quarterly requirement), Information Assurance, Code of Conduct, EO, Composite Risk Management, Fraternization, Law of Land Warfare, OPSEC, PII, Trafficking in Persons, Accident Avoidance, Thumb Drive Awareness, Portable Device Awareness, Computer Security, and I shit you not, Safe Home Computing. That’s what I remember off-hand (I have to collect the certs) – there’s certainly more throughout the year as well.

And some of it is good stuff, no doubt – the OPSEC, TARP, maybe something on Don’t Be Stupid Online – but seriously, what a waste of resources, both mine and the Army’s.


Maybe we should just develop a new CBT for the Iraqis and leave it at that.


SSG E…All those training mandates you listed, remind me of how glad I am to have served in a much simpler era before computers and Power Point. My hat’s off to you Sergeant and all those today who have to endure all of that.

2/17 Air Cav

Truly, Sparks. I cannot imagine the horror of undergoing that ‘training.’ I recall a race-relations class. It almost ended in a race war when the instructor began the class by asking us to call out any racial epithets we knew. I don’t think we omitted any and, for some reason, it really didn’t go over so well.

CC Senor

Did you also have specialists punching out majors because all of you had been told to remove rank insignia at the beginning of the class?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’m surprised that my phone is not ringing.


Could the training results really be a surprise when using someone like me with no operational background? I stand ready to go to Iraq and fuck things up there too.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


You are truly an inspiration to posers and shitbags everywhere!

Kudo’s on your never ending quest to be irrelevant!


3/17 Air Cav

You can’t teach courage and motivation!

The Iraq troops are lacking of both.


…and then some…..


Hagel’s innovation is making the forces so politically correct and sissified that any enemy will fall over and die from laughter.


Shit like this makes me wish I had 3 hands so I could do a triple facepalm. I’ve said it to my fellow officers and to my NCOs: I wonder what General Patton would have said about all of this “training”?

Something tells me it would have started and ended with a profanity-laced tirade and a couple of soldiers getting the shit slapped out of them in between.

Climb to Glory

Looks like Rip Van Hagel got a visit from the Good Idea Fairy. Awesome. If stupid were a currency he would be a very rich man.