Stolen Valor in WI

| November 16, 2014

Someone in Wisconsin sent us a link to a news article about the work that the FBI is doing in that area in regards to Stolen Valor. The author of the story, John Maino, I’m told is a real troop supporter and it shows in this article;

In an FBI evidence room of sorts in Green Bay, you’ll find legitimate looking military awards and uniforms taken from impostors.

“When you consider the sacrifice made over the years particularly with our combat vets, many of those who never returned home, the notion that this somehow is not a victim less crime is absurd,” said FBI agent Jerry Mullen.

Some of the evidence is almost comical such as phony diplomas from elite training courses.

Mullen shows a piece of paper and says, “Special forces Q course graduation certificate clearly just printed off the internet. Looking at it, there’s even misspelled words like the word soldier is misspelled.”

There are a bevy of reasons why people try to pass themselves off as vets.

“Maybe trying to impress a girl or trying to get free drinks or a pat on the back.”

But the most serious, using it to steal money from well meaning veteran supporters, and that, being a felony is the one the FBI takes most serious.

“The new stolen valor act is on the books. It requires that the government prove there is financial fraud in that.”

Ironically, it’s the nation’s support of vets that makes it easier for the frauds.

“That’s the lowest you can go, because everybody is willing to help vets out and this is how they are taking advantage of that,” said Desert War vet Bryan Vander Bloomen.

They show a screen shot of This Ain’t Hell’s “Stolen Valor” page and just to clarify, I’m not a Navy SEAL. We’re told that Maino conflated me and Don Shipley in the report. In reality, I don’t have the hair to be a Navy SEAL – that’s why I was just an infantry platoon sergeant.

The phony finery in this video was taken from Bryan Austin and we hear that Austin is serving three years in the pound and his fakery impacted his sentence from his Navy-veteran judge and the prosecutor really highlighted it during sentencing. Agent Mullen, in the video is the fellow who found the pr)n on Austin’s computer.

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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Imagine that, the FBI knows what stolen valor is.

Now they need to get off their asses ans start prosecuting these other fucktards in the other 49 states


Now, this should be a Sunday morning feel good story.

Green Thumb

I agree.

This just made my day.

Knowing “LTC” BH Austin is in prison and getting “stretched” makes me smile.

It could not happen to a more deserving person.

B Woodman

“And the world is a more peaceful place, . . . . .beginning now.”

2/17 Air Cav

“Whoever, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds oneself out to be a recipient of a decoration or medal described in subsection (c)(2) or (d) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

I’m glad the FBI is on this, although I would have preferred to hear how many cases have been brought since the SVA was rewritten to pass constitutional muster and how many have been successfully prosecuted. Mullen is only partially correct when he says that the act requires financial fraud. A “tangible benefit” may be a job, a lunch, or free admission to a sporting event, to name a few.

As for Jonn being mischaracterized (though not by name) as a former Navy SEAL, I rather enjoyed that. Oh, I can see the SEAL part. I just can’t see the Navy part.


Glad to see Bryan Austin got his comeuppance. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving phoney.


Glad to see that at least one of the alphabet agencies are doing their frickin’ job.


Thank you to all at TAH for their hard work and Lord only knows how much abuse from these cheats when TAH has the balls of brass to post it worldwide and let all of us know about it.
“Cry havoc !!! And let slip the dogs of war !!!”

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Not to be nitpicky, but I am unaware of any “Desert War” for Vander Bloomen to be a veteran of it.


There goes one of the stories they were talking about. This guy sounds sick.


Judging by the way they speak I suspect Terry Powell and bernath have the same uncle-daddy.


Just like Birdbrains Bernath…this guy has an anger problem.

Powell: “I was a fucking Medal of Honor recipient. Fuck you reporter!”


Sadly, this is starting to become a common occurrence in WI. A few years ago, they busted some people who were using the identities of fallen soldiers in the state to commit fraud. Getting very bad and disgusting with this stuff in the state I currently live in, aka WI.

2/17 Air Cav

You know, there are states with their own SV laws. How many states I can’t say. South Carolina has what I would call the model law, one that goes beyond the Federal statute. In states w/o SV laws, it takes a federal prosecution to bring these valor thieves to justice. And, as a general rule, federal prosecutors usually go after sexy crimes. SV may be getting sexier to charge but it’s not there yet. So, check your state laws. The quickest and surest way to do that is to contact your state (not federal)senator or representative/delegate. If the answer is no, there is no SV law in your state, you know what to do.