Sunday morning feel good story

| November 16, 2014

This morning’s feel good story comes from Missouri;

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department said store employees were attempting to stop a man, later identified as 48-year-old Robert Lawson, who appeared to be intoxicated from leaving Karsch’s Market around 10:20 a.m.

Employees told authorities they followed Lawson as he left the store and made his way to the vehicle. Lawson then pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the employees.

One of the store’s employees, a 23-year-old man from Imperial who has a concealed carry license, felt threatened, pulled out his own handgun and shot Lawson.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

It’s too bad this played out this way. Not being there, I can’t know the details and the whys. But I can visualize some alternatives, involving po-po and/or a taxi, and a live (and hungover) Mr Lawson.

“Young, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.”

Cue the family/relatives (if any) for a wrongful death lawsuit in 3, 2, . . . . .
“Why couldn’t he have just shot him in the arm or leg?”

Old Trooper

The “whys” is that the late Mr. Lawson pulled a gun. That he was intoxicated and had a firearm makes it worse. The old adage that “guns and alcohol don’t mix” was proven.


With you to a point Woodman. Little detail but it looked almost like these guys were trying to keep him from driving drunk and harming himself or others. 911 would have been appropriate at this stage.
However, pulling a gun on those folks changed the dynamic somewhat. Wounding him wouldn’t have diminished the threat he posed as he could have fired back. The store employee did what was necessary to eliminate the threat. The irony sucks.

B Woodman

Sorry. Posting at oh-dark-too-damn-early leaves its toll.

I should have added a /sarc or /snark tag after the last sentence, specifically for just the last two sentences.