Frein charged with terrorism

| November 15, 2014

Derek sends us a link to an article in the LA Times which reports that Erik Frein, the fellow who shot two Pennsylvania State Police officers has now been charged with being a terrorist to accompany the charges of murder and attempted murder after he admitted to investigators that his intent was to “wake people up”.

In an amended criminal complaint filed Thursday, police said that while being interviewed after his arrest, Frein said that “he wanted to make a change [in government] and that voting was insufficient to do so, because there was no one worth voting for.”

Frein also said that shooting the troopers was an effort to make that change and that the fatal shooting was an assassination, the complaint says.

Additionally, the complaint says police found a letter addressed to “Mom and Dad” on a thumb drive belonging to Frein. The letter laments the state of the country and says that only “another revolution can get us back the liberties we once had.”

Now that’s all well and good, but Nidal Hasan and Carlos Bledsoe made the same types of claims, admitting that they were agents of change, that their intent was to terrorize. I’m sure that Frein’s acts were no less terroristic than those other two. But he has that pale skin that goes along with the government’s perception of what terrorists should look like, I suppose.

Category: Crime

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Workplace violence verses domestic terrorism seams to depend who they are prayed to. And if anyone in charge has the spinal column to say the truth.

2/17 Air Cav

I can’t get with the terrorism charges being used the way they are–and aren’t, as you point out. I just can’t. That idiot from Berkeley county, West (By God) Virginia who charged the guardsman with terrorism for running NEAR a school (before school was even in session) attired in military gear sealed it for me. It’s akin to the hate-crime laws to me, just ripe for abuse and misuse. In this knucklehead’s case, murdering a police officer and attempting to murder another are sufficient charges. I don’t much give a rat’s ass what his motive was.


2/17 Air Cav…I agree. In the category of “no standards whatsoever”, the charge of terrorism is at the top. It all depends on what makes it look good for the Obama and Company folks. Period. Intentions, like Hasan’s which were very explicit, make no difference in the yes/no call.


If you’re white, your intent is FRIGHT (terror)
And I can’t seem to figure out how to rhyme something about other pigments and violence.

Screaming “Allahu Akbar” while dispensing bullets at people and studying with Anwar whilst positing in classroom presentations about jihad and the global push for world wide Islamic rule is NOT AT ALL A TERRORIST ACTIVITY, but shoot a cop and being a little mental (claiming revolution etc) and THAT’S TERRORISM AT ITS CORE!!!

I can only see Gary Busey shaking his head in a state of personal confusion right now.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Okay, this guy shoots two leo’s, killing one and is legally classified as a terrorist. The Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hasan prayed to alah, was a confirmed believer in islam, kills 13 service members and wounds 30 other service members and this heinous act is classified as a workplace violence incedent. EXCUSE ME, but WTF!!!!!!!!!

Call this sorry piece of shit a cop killer and if found guilty, execute his sorry ass, but to add the charge of terrorism is just plain stupid and sure as hell will not expedite his execution any faster. if anything, it could be used in his appeals process and can drag out his case for decades.


While I agree with what you said, OIF, it’s worth noting that Frein is charged with terrorism under Pennsylvania state law, not federal law. That said, it’s piling on, as far as I can see. He’s charged with murder, already.


black terrorism in furgeson and no DHS.

Our current law enforcement administration is batshit retarded.