Daniel A. Bernath; disorder in the court

| November 7, 2014

Disorder in the court

There was a court hearing on September 12th, this last in the County of
Multnomah, State of Oregon in regards to a mountain of legal motions. I wish that I could have been there to see it live, but circumstances precluded it, so I’ve spent a few hours pouring over the transcript of the proceedings. I’m sure that it was better live, but this will suffice. The victims, or their lawyers were finally able to face their accuser – the terrorist Daniel A. Bernath – and he danced like a monkey for their entertainment. Even though the judge didn’t seem amused;

THE COURT: And in that regard, Mr. Bernath, just a word of caution, and that is that it’s never appropriate to treat opposing counsel the way that you did in your exchange with Ms. Kalin.
That has nothing to do with the reason that I granted the motion. I’m perfectly capable of setting my concerns about unprofessional conduct aside and ruling on the merits, but what I read in that email is just atrocious, and especially making the comments you did about female lawyers is so inappropriate, and so way over then line. Don’t do it again. Do you understand that?
MR. BERNATH: I do, but that’s my view of female lawyers.
MR. BERNATH: [Indiscernible].
THE COURT: Do I need to say it again?
MR. BERNATH: [Indiscernible] again but that —
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. BERNATH: I’ve never been able to —
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. BERNATH: — make a deal with a female
THE COURT: Do not, don’t do it again. It’s
not appropriate. Life’s too short to be making barbs like that at the person that you’re dealing with in litigation. Don’t do it.

So what email exchange was the judge talking about? This one;

From: Daniel Bernath ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com
Subject: Poop puke hallucinating. Entering Bangkok hospital
Date: July 2, 2014 at 9:49:37 PM PDT

I have either degue fever or similar or food poisoning. Hospital in Bangkok
I am too weak and brain stressed to function. This also will be in my ex parte motion to expand time

From: danielabernath ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Motion to Dismiss
Date: July 6, 2014 at 5:53:59 AM PDT

That’s it? The big M? You be getting plenty of details about his tort feasting in Oregon. NASA is a defendant and we can expect removal soon
2nd amend. C on the way. I’m demanding $15m and will pursue this case against your client, American Legion and all the other sadist murderers to jury verdict only, hon. Bam
Bangkok doesn’t make a big deal of the 4th of July by the way.

From: Daniel Bernath ussyorktowncvs10@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: hello from atty Bernath
Date: July 1, 2014 at 11:21:31 PM PDT

You have misreprsented what I said. What is it with you girl lawyers.
You alwasy act like you are mad at the world,sitting on the e?ge of your seat and with an inferiority cmples.
A Daddy doesn’t love me thing, perhaps.

Sorry to have to should but holy smoke, why ?o you have to lie.

I will oppose your motion and you are wastingyour clients money.

Yes, he is an asshole and he probably has a Mommy problem, which seems to afflict the other two Lemon Party Triad members, too.

Anyway, my lawyer takes on the “bush shaking” issue;

In March of this year, Mr. Bernath obtained a restraining order in Washington County Circuit Court and swore out in his declaration that Mr. Lilyea was knocking on his door, hiding in the bushes — or I rephrase. His declaration, that Mr. Lilyea was menacing him; his testimony on the restraining order hearing is that Mr. Lilyea was knocking on the door, hiding in the bushes.

Two problems with that: One is that he, in the hearing, propounded evidence and put dates on which this occurred. The dates on which — one of the dates dates on which this conduct allegedly occurred was after the restraining order was issued in Washington County Circuit Court, and it happened to be on a day where Mr. Lilyea was attending a medal of honor ceremony in the White House.

And Mr. Bernath was kind enough to submit in his evidence a photograph of Mr. Lilyea and President Obama in the White House on the day he was allegedly knocking on Mr. Bernath’s door in Tigard and hiding in the bushes. And Mr. Lilyea does not leave his home but for in a wheelchair, so it would have been particularly difficult to knock on his door and hide in the bushes.

I do have long arms, but they don’t reach from the White House to some alleged bushes in someone’s alleged yard in Oregon.

Remember how we’ve been telling you that Bernath has included people in his “counter suit” who have never heard of TAH? Well, my lawyer continues;

Electric Power Systems is a client of ours. There’s a declaration that says Electric Power Systems does business in Oregon, or at least there’s some submission there that may or may not have been made by Mr. Bernath.

Electric Power Systems that he refers to in his is not the document that we have — it’s not the client that is named in this case. So those are who our clients are. I bring that up specifically because my clients —

THE COURT: Wait. With Electric Power, so what you’re saying essentially is he’s got the wrong party?

MR. BOUTIN: Got the wrong party, which apparently doesn’t make any difference to Mr. Bernath, but there you have it.


MR. BOUTIN: All right. I have had conversation with the risk management officer at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Kentucky. Their concern is that they have received —

THE COURT: Are they one of your clients?

MR. BOUTIN: Not at this point.

THE COURT: Are they a defendant?

MR. BOUTIN: They don’t know.

THE COURT: Oh, okay.

MR. BOUTIN: They tell me that they have received a summons, as I have personally received a summons. Mr. Hodson is — or, excuse me, Your Honor. Mr. Hood is here today as counsel for me. The motion to dismiss the case as to me is one of the cases that — or one of the motions that’s going to be heard on October 3rd. And, as has my law firm been served with a summons in this case, so again, Mr. Hood is representing me and my law firm.

St. Elizabeth’s Hospital is in the same boat. They have received something that looks like a summons, but they have not been able to go through the 166 pages and see where there’s actually anything that says they did anything, other than employ this guy who doesn’t know anything about This Ain’t Hell or Dan Bernath or any of the rest of it, and does not know who is in Oklahoma who actually would post on [indiscernible] on the website. So —

THE COURT: You’re not arguing on their behalf today?

MR. BOUTIN: Not arguing on their behalf, although it’s just — it’s the same fact, that there’s nothing in the 166 pages that has my name. And Mr. Bernath has filed pleadings that say — well, at least he’s given us pleadings, or what appear to be pleadings, that say, there will be next time around. But it comes back to the 21A (8) motion and the motion to dismiss with prejudice.

And then there’s even people who the super-sleuths can’t identify, nor are they very interested in identifying, just so long as someone shows up in court;

I would submit that looking up HMCS(FMF) on Linked In is not a reasonable inquiry under the circumstances, partly because I just did that on the break and I came up with 11 different people who use that title in their Linked In profiles.

I also attached, I believe it’s Exhibit C to my declaration, an Internet search of multiple individuals using that title. So that in and of itself is not a sufficient reasonable inquiry that entitled him to sue my client to begin with.

Secondly, Mr. Bernath has understood and known about Mr. Thomas’s position and he’s got the wrong person since at least the 11th of June, 2014. That date comes from the first communication I sent to him on this topic, which was a letter asking for him to voluntarily dismiss because he had the wrong person, and attaching much of the evidence I attached to my reply brief.
That’s three months. I haven’t gotten any discovery on this topic at all, so, you know, he has had an opportunity to [indiscernible] some discovery, he hasn’t done so.

There’s more comedy gold in the transcript, but I’ll hold off on it. Things like one defendant who has never been served, but Bernath says that they have – but some clerk somewhere didn’t do the report, even though Old Scatterbrains can’t find his receipt for the service either. He whines and moans about some huge conspiracy to “get Bernath” between all of these government and non-governmental agencies, as if he some sort of threat to national security. He denies that he was ever suspended by the California Bar, so I guess he’s never seen this from the Oregon Supreme Court.

He says that he doesn’t know where the photoshopped image of him on another sailor’s uniform came from and that the only place that it’s ever been posted is on TAH. Well, here and a web page entitled “Bernath Resume”;

Bernath Bio

Of course, Bernath claims that he doesn’t know who owns that website. WhoIs knows, though;


And the “CPO” claim has been removed from the picture, finally. I would post the entire transcript, but I’m sure only a few would go through the 176 pages. Maybe some night, when none of you can sleep.

Category: Bernath

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Combat Historian

In additon to the 3 Stooges, you should thrown in the Marx Brothers and Abbot and Costello to equal Teh Stoopid in this one…


The whole thing would be comedy gold, if it wasn’t wasting the courts and attorneys time. Bernath couldn’t possibly have known less about what was going on around him. The whole discussion about how the reporter called his friend in Florida and said bad things is a classic, because it literally is like Day 1 law school heresay discussion. Why he thought he could get away without a sworn statement for that is completely beyond me.


I’ll lean towards comedy gold.


The Court seems to be exercising an impressive level of patience with his tomfoolery.
Treating him like a “special” adult.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

He needs a good spanking. I am sure that Monkeywrench or Cheavyliar would jump at the chance.


Comedy Gold.

And just FYI Jonn, I would definitely read the whole thing.


After reading that I’m not sure if I should laugh or go get an aspirin.


Doing both works. (smile)


Off topic for a sec Jay.

I just wanted to check and see if you recieved my contact info?


Oh damn. I sure did but completely forgot to email you. I’ll do that now.


No problem brother, just wondering. I won’t see it till I get back to work on Monday, but there’s no hurry. I have a yahoo address Jonn could give you, but damn if I can remember how to get into it, lol. Monday is soon enough. (story of my life) 😉

Mr Wolf

Even the very very best episode of Night Court wasn’t this nutzo.

Judge should have ordered a straight-jacket right then and there.

Old Trooper

I probably wouldn’t read it, because it would piss me off so bad that our legal system allows this numbnuts to continue to abuse it, as well as his victims, as he has for many years. Can’t a judge limit him somehow? Maybe they could find him mentally incompetent and have him committed to a mental facility for a nice long time?


Thanks Jonn!

Yes, I have read it too!

But I did not have to read it as I was there on September 12th.

I had the courage to face off with Bernath twice. Bernath on the other hand has no moral character (or at least severely diminshed) as he failed to face off with me early this past summer when I travelled to Portlandia to answer his pro se comedy act.

On Sept 12th he shook like grade schooler who knew he was about to have his ass kicked in the parking lot of the school in front of the balance of the students and teachers that all agreed he deserved the ass kicking.

He was unkept in appearance, sloppy in dress and disrespectful to the court and attending real lawyers.

He carries a cane, he does not walk with it. In fact, when he attempted to confront me in court (did not go well for him) and after failing to even get a response to his pathetic attempt, he stormed out of the court room, quickly without the aid of his cane which he left propped up next to his seat in the court room. Yes … his cane is a prop and part of comedy routine.

Bernath is at best a horrible lawyer, unwelcomed member of society, Valor Thief and a complete fraud (his onion is fully peeled). To classify the worst of Bernath … well we have not seen it because we have choosen not to disclose it yet.

The story of Bernath is NOT over. There is so much more to tell.

We control the battle space.

See you soon Danny Boy, in court. Better up your court room game a wee bit!

You have underestimated the reach and influence of the CPO Mess …but you would not know that because you are not, never was nor will you ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!

Open Channel D

If this story doesn’t end with Bernath getting frog-marched off to County Jail I,’m going to be sorely disappointed.


You won’t be disappointed.



I think institutionalized, in a rubber room, a straitjacket and a ball gag, so they don’t have to listen to him rant. And maybe a Thorazine drip.

Green Thumb

Turds and Tools: The Daniel Bernath Story.


It’s a travesty that this jerk was ever admitted to practice law in any jurisdiction. The Oregon bar got it right.


It’s a travesty that some well meaning CPO helped this jackass get his GED while serving on the USS Yorktown.


How has this even gotten into a court of law?

The legal system in this country has to be seriously out of whack when a clown of Bernath’s stature (huge clown) can tie up the court system with this gibberish and can even get a hearing before a judge.

How does the judge not just come unglued and physically assault Bernath for wasting his and the courts time? I bet the judge could get away with it.

My God this is pitiful. A phony, fraud unhinged pimple on societies ass actually got into a court of law with this mess. I cannot stop shaking my head.


I would love to read the whole transcript… what utter comedy gold, except for the fact it came at the expense to so many who didn’t deserve to have to stand before a Judge.


God, I love this comment thread.

2/17 Air Cav

MR. BERNATH: [Indiscernible] again but that —
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. BERNATH: I’ve never been able to —
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. BERNATH: — make a deal with a female


hahahahah I thought of this too

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Sadly this fellow was capable of passing the bar in California and practicing there for some time….

I’m not certain what that means, but I don’t think it can mean anything positive.


Small rodents and certain species of wheat grass are capable of passing the bar in California… even so, yes, it’s surprising Daniel managed the task himself.


I was there for it, live. Then, last night, I read it to my wife… Sober.

It’s like a really bad movie. You watch it in the theater and have to physically keep yourself from groaning at the antics and then buy the DVD just because it’s that bad.



I was supply with an Infantry company and am 40%. At least Rod was closer to the mark than Oh, Danny Boy.

John Ginsberg

If this shithead is making like he’s an attorney when he’s not, then I’m surprised that he’s not hit with an unauthorized practice of law claim. Of course, since he’s pro se, I’m sure he’s covered, but I hope that he’s placed on a vexatious litigants list that’s presented nationally. I hope Bernath tries to fuck with me. I’ll sue his ass for everything he’s got and put him in the poorhouse.

jedipsycho (Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner)

Be careful what you wish for. 🙂


From what I’ve picked up glossing over all the Bernath-related threads … you’d have to sue his wife to get anything. Apparently everything is in a trust or her name.

Or, perhaps you could sue him for his pistol? I’ll bet that’s not in her or a trust’s name.

gas tank

Oregon’s vexatious litigant bill didn’t make it out of committee last year. Perhaps some Oregon TAHers can contact their state reps to get this passed post haste.


Thank goodness that I’m not stuck having to play with this idiot, but if I did, oh the fun I could have as I have a very experienced ( and kinda pricey too) female lawyer. She’d probably battle him for me pro bono just for the entertainment aspect.


Wow. I love it when you dump these things.

Do you have something similar for Chevy? Can’t believe that he’s stayed under a rock this long.

That Guy

I want the entire transcript, I’m getting nothing done today!!!


I’m going to need a copy of that someday, Jonn. If for no other reason I can look at it after a 14-hour day out in crap weather (like yesterday) and just smile.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

A Proud Infidel®™

That brainless dreg of a shmendrick still accuses the wrong Man of being me. So far he/it has impugned FOUR different Men. And he was wrong every time! As I see it, he’s still doing the equivalent of playing with matches inside of a straw house!

Delilah T.

What was he doing in Bangkok in June 2014?

Green Thumb

Rent boys.

Roger in Republic

Something disgusting with underage children would be my bet.


This will just tear him up.

His daughter Nicole graduated from the university of oregon on June 15 of this year,

They (Martha Wong, Daniel Bernath and Nicole Bernath) took a trip to Vietnam and Thailand. He was in Hanoi Vietnam on July 2nd they did not get to Thailand until the 5th or 6th of July.

But we know the fucker would lie about the color of the sky for no reason


hahaha most excellent.


OPSEC breach detected.


Giving legal advice to Michael Yawn?



I read all 176 pages last night when the lawyers sent the transcript.

It became apparent very quick that D A Bernath Esq had brought a pocket knife to a sword fight.

He refused to follow or did not understand the rules. His story changed several times on where he actually lived.

He think that just saying something makes it the truth. He actually acted offended when asked what his proof was.

The Judge was very fair is allowed Bernath a lot of latitude.


Hey now, maybe you got one of those newfangled hoverchairs, and you used that to harass poor ole Daniel?

I only know about them because I once was sprayed by a skunk that had lived near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. He (the skunk, not poor ole Daniel) also told me about deer in Oregon who took out a hit on Daniel after he demolished a field they had planned to harvest for their Fall Spectacular.

Clearly this is a conspiracy, top to bottom, and the reason no one could find you in the bushes is because you were actually hiding behind the chimney. Very clever sir, using the President as your patsy, no one knew you actually constructed a full scale replica of the White House in a hidden meadow on the edge of Mt. Hood.


Hey Jonn,

Could you possibly email the transcript? God knows I could use a good read.


I think I need to follow up on the goings on of the idiot with a rat on his face.

Something tells me the DMV, CA State Bar, and a few other entities would be less than pleased.

A Proud Infidel®™

Don’t forget the Oregon DOT, they enforce Commercial Motor Vehicle laws & regulations, and they might be interested in finding out if he’s been operating a Passenger CMV sans the proper DL Endorsement and proof of medical examination, things that are required to legally operate a passenger van like what was pictured on a previous thread.


he reminds me of Joe Pesci’s Vinny in the first courtroom interaction with the judge in My Cousin Vinny. Only, he doesn’t have any of the skills theat Vinny eventually used to win.

AW1 Tim

I agree that what’s best for all parties is that Bernath’s estate be seized and auctioned off to pay the attorneys and defendants.

After that, Bernath should be sent for a 72 hour psych hold, followed by involuntary commitment to a Psych hospital and and there given a long course of Thorazine.

It’s the only solution that will bring some sort of closure to this whole depressing (and utterly bizarre) situation.


Our fake CPO has been busy on the sport pilot pages as well. He still believes that airplanes need more warning placards for the amount of fuel in the gas tanks. They luv the little guy just as we do.


Yeah, I checked out one of those threads and they hammered his dick flat when he started with his stupidity. More than one poster linked over here to This Ain’t Hell to show just what kind of douchebag he really is. As I’ve said to many people:
If one person thinks you’re an asshole, it could just be them. If two people think you’re an asshole, yeah could just be personal. If everyone thinks you’re an asshole, well then, you’re probably an asshole.

Bernath, you’re an asshole!


You know, I’m offended at that.
All my other friends that are assholes will be offended at that.

Around here, I got really mad at one of my friends that really pissed me off the other day and I called him a “Bernath”.
That really hurt his feelings and he cried. (Maybe it was a bit of diarrhea, I don’t know). Anyway, I apologized.

That’s how we do it around here.




An open letter of apology to all fellow NCO’s that earned their strips and proud title of Asshole. We are the backbone of the Army. Something this invertebrate will never understand.

A Proud Infidel®™

I always thought that “Asshole” was the nickname of ANY NCO that gave a fu*k about doing what’s right instead of “being cool”!



As one of them put it, so aptly, there are definitely squirrels in his attic.

N.B.: Spew Alert:


A Proud Infidel®™

He also has a LOT of bats in his belfry! Right now he’s accusing TWO other Men of being me at the same time, but history has taught us not to expect anything but idiocy from Daniel A. Bernath.


Not much I can say that would be any better than what has already been offered !!!
This dude must be on some of that Bad Brown Acid from Woodstock !!!
What a clown !!!

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

There is nothing that I can say that already has been said about Daniel.

I do see the day that he will either be incarcerated or involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital. I also see the same happening to the ShOrTBuSWiNDoWLicKeR if he continues his alliance with a Non CPO/Lawyer Daniel Bernath.


At what point does the soon-to-be unemployed Karen Williams play the part of Yoko Ono and break up the Lemon Party Triad?

Oh, wait–ain’t happening. She’s as batshit crazy as the rest of them. And Mrs. Bernath ain’t helping matters either.


You should get the video of this trial and post it on the site. Start a drinking game. Every time he lies, you take a drink! It’ll be fun until we are all dead of alcohol poisoning in the first two minutes of his first response.

Guard Bum

Holy mother of god. I just read this…http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/itainthell/American%20Legion%20sued%20for%20racketeering%20by%20veteran2.htm and have a couple things to say.

1. The description of his catheter is painful and makes me squirm.

2. Ex-PH2 – Wow….nice photo.

3. Is there a site or need to set one up for contributions for legal a legal defense fund for you guys?

This guy gives all outward appearances of being severely mentally disturbed and I am left wondering what would cause someone to separate at the seams like that?

gas tank

aviation fuel?

stay thirsty my friends.


Is there any chance that the judge will see Bernath for what he is and have the cum guzzler rules as incompetent? There’s no one who can read a single thing that Bernath has submitted without coming to the conclusion that the guy isn’t playing with a full deck. It’s like there’s a drug crazed monkey juggling hammers inside that guy’s skull.

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure the Judge sees right through Birdbath’s stupidity.
Birdbath is a known crackpot and serial litigator. He tossed Bernath’d bullshit out of court the last time but reluctantly he could not issue a ruling to stop Bernath from refiling however he did set limits on the ammount of correspondence Buttblast could present ans what his acceptable conduct should be.
In the American Judicial system pretty much anyone who has a grievance can file, either by paying a lawyer or going pro se. The only way that someone can be stopping from filing a suit pro se is if they are mentally incompetent. The other way is for them to be counter-sued and financially broken


SHHHHHHHHHHHH, Everyone quiet down. Someone is at the door. ( I think ) I just saw them shaking the bushes outside. It’s gotta be one of those Bloggers from TAH. I’ll uncover who it is in Monkey Court !

disgruntled veteran

ROTFLMMFAO!I read that part earlier! That comment made me spit my beer out I’m laughing so damn hard!


What surprises me I guess is the Judge. I have heard them in small claims court and they are very patient with the average Joe presenting his case when he knows nothing of the courts and its procedures.

On the other hand I have heard them in regular court have NO patience whatsoever, with real lawyers who present reams of funny looking documents about a frivolous case such as this. They were quick to say, “Counselor, STOP! How long have you been practicing law!!?? (“20 years your Honor”) “Then you should know far better than to present this court with mountains of nonsensical hearsay, conjectures and opinions, instead of factual evidence germane to the case at hand! I am going to postpone this case for two weeks and when you return, I want to see nothing but concise, admissible and UNDERSTANDABLE evidence in my court! Do you understand me counselor?”. That was word for word by the way. I just don’t get why the Judge entertained all of Bernath’s junk, especially with him espousing to be a modern day Clarence Darrow.


Actually, in a previous hearing, the judge did ask Bernath if he would “like competent counsel.”

True story, bro.

Just an Old Dog

Birdbath’s legal “career”, if you can call it that, has been dealing mostly with Social Security cases. Winning those generally boils down to presenting the judge with a report from a medical professional that your cliet is incapacitated to the point that they can no longer perform work.
These aren’t lawsuits, they are simply “hearings”. A well spoken 20 year old with tact, a good head on his shoulders and a bit of research can be a good advocate for people is a hearing.
Birdbath was such a cock that he was banned from representing cases in front of Social Security hearings because of over 50 cases of misconduct.
I’m willing to bet it was equal parts of him being a raging asshole in court and him either ripping off clients or being so incompetent that they didnt have a chance.
By the way someone mentioned that cock-breath has a daughter just out of university.
For those of you that don’t know it Birdbath’s website “A Special Day” was supposed to be a website for his daughter’s Wedding Photography business. Apparently he jacked the domain back to post his fucktarded ravings.

HS Junior

So that’s why he calls it “a special day guide.” I always wondered about that.

Just an Old Dog

Well I guess the domain “Psychopathic Shitbag Liar” wasn’t avaliable.


I am reading the transcript of Bernaths TRO against our friend Jonn. I am appalled that the idiot passed the bar. I have sat next to Lawyers’ in court on many cases. I had never heard a Attorney try to speak over the Judge and make a complete asshole out of his self.
Now, I understand what I’m going to have do and go through. He’s a angry little fat slob with a little man complex. His language in court is like crappy on the Judge and our whole Judicial system.
I laughed myself silly when Bernath ordered Jonn to call him Chief Petty Officer. Jonn said no and why. Judge agreed he didn’t earn that title and said he will be addressed as Plaintiff or Mr. Bernath.
I’m really sorry that all those he sues, has to go through this crap via emails, threats, lies and in court.
Your all a bunch of Military heroes’ to us and praise Buddha you all came home. Thank you for your service in our Military to keep our families safe. Now please excuse me, as tears run down my face. GOD BLESS AMERICA