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10 years ago
A 1.82 intox test in the article must be a typo. Hell a .18 is pretty damn high for a full sized man…..a 1.82 and she’d be on a gurney in the emergency room with IV’s in her arms.
Still, this woman obviously didn’t corner the market on intellect.
10 years ago
1.82 on the breathalyzer? Either the writer of the story had a few himself and moved the decimal point, or this woman has had her blood completely replaced with booze and then some.
Don’t know who is more clueless – the drunk or the writer.
Most people don’t understand the BAC system. A .08 BAC doesn’t mean you have 8% of your circulatory system with booze. If you had a 1.0 BAC it would mean you had 1 gram of alcohol per every decaliter of blood. So a 0.1 BAC would be 1/10 of a gram per decaliter of blood. While having a BAC of greater than 0.3 can result in possible death. There have been multiple instances of people exceeding well past 1.0 BAC and surviving with no ill effects afterwards.
10 years ago
Her BAC was .18. Reporters don’t know how to interpret what they’re told. Then again, it was AOL.
.18 is pretty good for a female, though. I have to believe she was still on the way up from the alcohol she’d consumed.
Worst I ever saw was a guy I arrested one night, stopped at a traffic light, foot on the brake, just staring straight ahead. When we got to the jail, he blew a .47 on the Breathalyzer. Took him to the hospital in an ambulance.
This guy walked to the cruiser. And walked from the cruiser to the jail. Then he started to go downhill.
He spent two days in ICU. His criminal history had alcohol related offenses going back 30 years.
Had a woman in Portsmouth drop her kid while trying to board a harbor cruise. She blew a .49 on that one.
A few months later, she got pulled over and blew a .32.
Worst I ever knew of was an Aussie off one of the boats during RIMPAC. Found him passed out in a Conex box. They took him to Tripler where they said he had a .78, which is one of the highest they had ever seen that lived.
Gee, that was convenient. Why can’t they all be that consdierate? One of my favorite bars is right across the street from the county lockup and I am always VERY careful whilst drinking there.
A Proud Infidel®™
10 years ago
Maybe another fitting title for this thread would be “DUI Dummy”!
A 1.82 intox test in the article must be a typo. Hell a .18 is pretty damn high for a full sized man…..a 1.82 and she’d be on a gurney in the emergency room with IV’s in her arms.
Still, this woman obviously didn’t corner the market on intellect.
1.82 on the breathalyzer? Either the writer of the story had a few himself and moved the decimal point, or this woman has had her blood completely replaced with booze and then some.
Don’t know who is more clueless – the drunk or the writer.
I agree, a typo – it has to be a .18.
Most people don’t understand the BAC system. A .08 BAC doesn’t mean you have 8% of your circulatory system with booze. If you had a 1.0 BAC it would mean you had 1 gram of alcohol per every decaliter of blood. So a 0.1 BAC would be 1/10 of a gram per decaliter of blood. While having a BAC of greater than 0.3 can result in possible death. There have been multiple instances of people exceeding well past 1.0 BAC and surviving with no ill effects afterwards.
Her BAC was .18. Reporters don’t know how to interpret what they’re told. Then again, it was AOL.
.18 is pretty good for a female, though. I have to believe she was still on the way up from the alcohol she’d consumed.
Worst I ever saw was a guy I arrested one night, stopped at a traffic light, foot on the brake, just staring straight ahead. When we got to the jail, he blew a .47 on the Breathalyzer. Took him to the hospital in an ambulance.
UN, I handled a few alcohol related coroner’s cases. The one I can remember right off, the decadent was a .40. Drank a couple of bottles of Cazadores.
This guy walked to the cruiser. And walked from the cruiser to the jail. Then he started to go downhill.
He spent two days in ICU. His criminal history had alcohol related offenses going back 30 years.
Had a woman in Portsmouth drop her kid while trying to board a harbor cruise. She blew a .49 on that one.
A few months later, she got pulled over and blew a .32.
Worst I ever knew of was an Aussie off one of the boats during RIMPAC. Found him passed out in a Conex box. They took him to Tripler where they said he had a .78, which is one of the highest they had ever seen that lived.
Where did you work?
Gee, that was convenient. Why can’t they all be that consdierate? One of my favorite bars is right across the street from the county lockup and I am always VERY careful whilst drinking there.
Maybe another fitting title for this thread would be “DUI Dummy”!