Tuesday morning feel good story
This morning’s feel good story comes from Colorado;
“She said she just heard some crashing, and got up and saw that this guy was climbing through her window,” said homeowner Linda Orist of her tenant.
Orist said her tenant was upset and shaken up but was relived she was OK.
“She was upset that she had to kill someone to protect herself,” said Orist.
Orist said the man initially tried to get in through the back door. When he was unsuccessful, Orist said he broke a window with a brick and tried to climb in.
“She warned him that she had a gun and to go away but he, I don’t know, for whatever reason, he kept coming, and she shot a warning shot into the wall and he kept coming so she had to shoot him twice,” said Orist.
Another story comes from Chief Tango and happened in Missouri;
According to investigators, the two suspects walked into [Elicia’s Pizza] on Gravois, pulled out their guns, and announced they were robbing the pizza parlor. The first suspect walked behind the counter and began taking money from the register while the second suspect kept his gun pointed at the owner.
The owner, who has a conceal-carry license, pulled out his gun and began shooting at the suspects. As they fled the restaurant, the first suspect collapsed outside after being shot in his leg and buttocks. The second suspect ran east and got away in a maroon minivan. It is believed he was also shot, but there is no evidence to confirm that assumption.
Read more: http://www.kmov.com/news/talkers/Elicias-Pizza-owner-fights-back-during-armed-robbery-Sunday-281234451.html#ixzz3I2B8b0mK
Category: Feel Good Stories
If you haven’t already make sure to Go Vote.
Isnala…Thank you and Roger That!!! VOTE! Vote twice if you can and and you’re voting conservative.
I’ll be heading down to the polls around 10am.
Aaaahhhh !!! I love a happy ending like the first story !!! One can only hope that the second pukewad dies of his injuries !!!
The first one is great, double tap !!!
And another puke is DRT and off to the great ghetto in the sky !!!
You would think they will learn about us grouchy people with guns…
It’s disturbing that the television station felt it was necessary to go to a lawyer to justify the Colorado resident self-defense!
I just don’t get a guy breaking a window with a brick. I mean who needs an alarm system when they announce to the whole neighborhood “Hey I just busted a window!” Stupid is as stupid does and he won the biggest stupid prize of all.