Worried About an Epidemic Caused By “Dumb Government Tricks”? Too Late. We Already Have One.
More precisely: we have one today, courtesy of our clueless DC clown krewe’s wonderful Administration’s “we don’t need no steenkin’ public health” policies.
We already know the current group of fools and tools calling the shots in DC Administration doesn’t want to take effective measures to keep Ebola out of the US. Logically, since Ebola seems to be about 70% fatal that means they’re apparently OK with letting Ebola come to the US and kill maybe 90 or so folks by the end of the year. (Projections are for up to 130 additional cases of Ebola in the US by year’s end under the Administration’s current “don’t worry/be happy” Ebola control policies; 70% of 130 is 91.)
Well, that really should be no surprise – hell, we should have seen it coming. Because those starry-eyed, “We Are the World”-singing, ideology-driven imbeciles the current Administration is already responsible for the needless deaths via imported disease of several US children; the paralysis of dozens of others; and hundreds ending up seriously ill in hospital emergency rooms and/or ICUs due to their asinine policies.
We all know that the Marxist morons running the Executive branch current Administration has essentially run an open Southwestern border for months – “for the sake of the children”, allegedly. Well, along with the criminals and other illegals who took advantage . . . another thoroughly unwelcome import seems to have come along for the ride.
It’s called EV-D68. It’s an enterovirus that’s common in Central America, but which was previously quite rare in the US.
Because of recent Administration policy along our Southwestern border, however, today it’s no longer rare in the US. In fact, today the US appears to be smack-dab in the middle of a full-blown epidemic of EV-D68.
Wonder how that happened, and what it’s done? Here’s an excerpt from a DailyCaller article on the subject:
The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence.
. . .
So far, that virus has been found in nine people — including at least three American kids — who died from illness. It has apparently inflicted unprecedented polio-like paralysis in roughly 50 kids, and it has put hundreds of young American kids into hospital emergency wards and intensive care units throughout more than 40 states. Most of the dead have not been publicly identified.
Yeah, you read that correctly: thousands sickened, hundreds seriously ill, about 50 paralyzed, and 9 dead – so far. In just a few months, the disease has already spread across more than 40 states (47, to be precise). And more cases are certain to appear in the future.
Sounds like a freaking epidemic to me. Hell, it’s probably established and endemic in the US now.
And the “best” part? It was a completely preventable epidemic. It was caused by a handful of politically-driven, manifestly stupid policy decisions – decisions that gave higher priority to helping non-citizens break US law than enforcing US law or protecting the nation.
You should go and read the full DailyCaller article. It’s fairly long, so budget time accordingly.
I’m guessing the article will p!ss you off royally. It damn well should. And after reading it, perhaps the Administration’s seeming lack of concern about Ebola will make a bit more sense.
Why? Well, for what it’s worth: reading the DailyCaller article, it appears that the CDC seems to be doing it’s best to “stonewall” inquiries regarding technical data and analysis about the origins of current EV-D68 epidemic, and possibly also downplay its severity. They don’t seem to want to answer reasonable questions, and almost seem to be making difficult for 3rd parties to obtain much information about what’s going on. “Deliberately uncooperative” is the phrase that comes to mind.
To me, that kinda sounds quite familiar – and says much. But maybe that’s just me. Interpret the situation as you see fit personally; come to your own conclusions.
But here’s my take: after seeing how the Administration handled EV-D68 and is handling Ebola, there are really only two possibilities that come to mind that plausibly explain the “why” behind their actions in each case. And, bluntly: both of those possibilities absolutely reek.
Best case, the Administration is acting as it has because they’re utterly incompetent and clueless – so incompetent and clueless that they literally don’t realize their policies are endangering the US public. Or maybe they just are too stupid to believe reality when it smacks them in the face. Either works.
That’s the best case.
Worst case? Worst case is that they know full well they’re endangering the public. But in spite of that knowledge, they’re going ahead anyway – because they just don’t give a sh!t that their asinine, politically-driven policies which deny reality are needlessly costing US citizens their lives. To them, playing politics is far more important than protecting public health and safety – so it’s “full speed ahead”. A few unnecessary innocent corpses here and there are just “the cost of doing business”.
Previously, I could believe either of the “best case” options above. But after now seeing two recent, similar examples of this Administration’s blatant disregard of public health and safety to push their political agenda, I can’t really say I can believe that any more.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Government Incompetence
The longer the willful ignorance, or whatever it is, continues, the more difficult it is to believe that the inevitable disastrous results are accidental.
Vote. Then demand that they do their jobs.
If they send a bill to the president and he vetoes it then IMMEDIATELY revote it and make it a law.
If we re-take the Senate we must ensure that they do their jobs. If that takes using the same tactics against Senator Reid that he used to ram legislation through on us then so be it.
Border security.
Debt reduction.
Cancel stupid defense projects like the F-35 that don’t work and waste billions.
Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obama-Care.)
Cancel redundant programs and streamline the primary ones.
Force federal agencies to do their primary jobs (looking at you CDC.)
Strip federal agencies of the power to self-increase their own rules/laws (IRS, EPA, etc.)
Pass legislation to tear down and rebuild the damned VA healthcare system, and make it easier to fire the bad apples.
And more.
Gravel, you left out ‘fire a large group of public employees (politicians) who don’t care about anyone but themselves’.
Actually, I didn’t. There was just way to much to sit here and type, so I was trying to be brief. Otherwise I’d be here for days condensing and typing the problems into one or two sentences each.
EX-PH2….Thank you! From my local elections to the national, that will hopefully be the first order of business. ‘fire a large group of public employees (politicians) who don’t care about anyone but themselves’.
It is my hope that one of the first to go, should we keep the House and win the Senate is to rid ourselves of one John “worthless ass kisser” Boehner. The guy plays as much golf as Obama and has been useless as a Republican leader and voice in the House.
I’m heading to the polls. I understand that this year is a first, that only Republicans and independents are on the ballot the first day of the new two-day election schedule and only Democrats/Socialists are on the ballot the second. CAUTION: Don’t confuse this with how you registered, Republican, Independent or Democrat. For instance, if you are a registered Democrat, Republican or Independent and you want to vote AGAINST the Obama/Reid agenda, TODAY is when you go to the polls. And if you are in favor of the Obama/Reid agenda, TOMORROW is when you go.
Oh, you almost had me going there for about 2 seonds, AirCav.
Reminded me of the old Democrat saw … “vote early, and vote often.”
If you aren’t fed up by now, you’re dead or clueless.
More important, today is VOTING DAY, so go and vote. Period. That’s if you haven’t voted early. We are in for a bumpy ride for another 5 to 7 months, then things should return to what we used to think was ‘normal’.
In regard to ebola, there was a news report about a vaccine that has been under development for 7 years, which can be given by inhalation – the shot up the nose.
But the other one – there is nothing I’ve seen anywhere that says a vaccine is even close, and that’s scary. Remember, polio attacked everyone including adults.
I’m seeing antibacteria wipes at the cart collection spots at the grocery stores, except for Aldi. Their carts are all outside. Will winter kill the enterovirus? Don’t know yet.
In regard to which way the door swings on the reasons behind this fustercluck? Incompetence is rampant, the GAF/GAS attitude supports it, so I’d choose both options. And let’s do remember that bodaprez’s popularity has dropped so significantly that no one wants him showing up for campaign rallies. He has rapidly become an embarrassment, and it will get worse. Wait and see.
We’ll see about that Ebola vaccine. While I’m hoping that we’ll have one soon, I’m not holding my breath while waiting.
Medical researchers have been working on an HIV vaccine for decades – without much success. Ebola shares one of HIV’s characteristics, in that it apparently disables or co-opts parts of the body’s immune system. Hopefully that won’t overly complicate efforts to develop an effective vaccine.
Hondo…Thank you for the thread and updates.
Question please, since I know little about the EV-D68 virus. Is there a vaccine available or in the works for this or is it like Ebola, where you roll the dice and take your shot?
Sparks: I believe the article indicates no vaccine. It’s a long article, and I don’t remember for certain if it states that outright. But I believe it does.
Hondo…Thank you.
Ex-PH2…You bring up a good point which stirred an off skew thought in my mind. If this continues with Ebola and now the EV-D68 virus, I can foresee the American population either isolating in their homes, if they’re smart, or everyone walking around with those surgical masks covering their mouths and noses. It reminds me of scenes of Tokyo where everyone wears them due to pollution. Pollution, though bad I;m sure, would be a welcome reason to wear one rather than the possibility of death or paralysis from these two diseases. I pray this government will come to its sense and get this in hand before this becomes an epidemic of the most terrible proportions and “masks” a common scene in America. But while my prayers are continual my hope for that is small. Also regarding the EV-D68 question I posed to Hondo…I think you answered my question. Thank you again.
Aw comeon, paralysis ain’t bad, play the sympathy card and get all the hot chicks. 😀
Right or wrong, the politicians want a finger in every pie. Do you remember when the Clintons forced our top generals into early retirement?? Our collective military wisdom tossed with a stroke of the pen. Who took charge? Folks with no military experience. Our military once had the best occupational schools; now it is vendored meals, outsourced supply and cost plus contractors.
You can get a $2 part for $200, but you will look good doing it– your clothes will never wear thin; they will issue a new camo pattern every six months.
We do not have an Army any more. We are burning our Reserves, asking them to do multiple tours on multiple “fronts” at a rate never before demanded from our fighting men.
Our politicians cannot even do politics. Why do we allow them to think for the military?
Now the politicians want to be doctors by decree.
Gas prices are low. Fill up today before you vote. Prices will slide up tomorrow. The Dems will immediately blame the newly elected Republicans before they find their offices.
Between your two theories, I am going to have to believe it’s the latter (deliberate) and add that they have figured that several hundred dead in exchange for 50,000 life-time Democratic voters (raised of course by only the lefty-infected public school system, since they will have no parents to guide them) as a good trade-off.
Simply dismissing this administration’s incompetence is giving the dark messiah a pass.
The deed is done. I voted. Rah. The poll judges were so old, I would not have blinked if one had said she remembered voting for Lincoln.
2/17 Air Cav…Mine were…ancient! One had Palsy or some sort of bad “shakes”. I’ve seen an alcoholic go through DTs. So I am guessing Palsy, since I doubt they’re on the sauce and sobering up after a long night’s bender. Anyway, he took my ballot and had to get it in the lock box and hand me my, “I Voted” sticker. Took the old timer a few tries to hit that thin box top slot with the ballot and tear off a sticker but, he got it done! All attempts at humor aside, I shook all their hands and thanked them for their time and dedication in volunteering to work there all day to provide such an important service.
Dammit all. I didn’t get a sticker.
Considering the only people not working and capable of volunteering are either seniors or Democratic voters….
I’m a lot more cynical. I believe that our Emperor is doing what the USSR could not — leveling the international playing field by destroying the US. He is actively promoting communists and selectively promoting radical muslims here, as well as deliberately exposing the US to endemic disease.
I’ll stop there before I find myself in an interview with the Gesta…ah…the Secret Service.
The CDC may or may not be burying this story (opinions vary) but they do share information on their website. Not defending anyone, but the disease has been in the US since approx 1987.
They write that state health depts may submit information to the CDC, if they want to. This should be mandatory.
Washington state (example) submits in the news that they have no known cases, yet the CDC says they are cat as “elevated”.
The number of cases have jumped 134% in Oct alone.
•Over the last several months, the United States has experienced a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) associated with severe respiratory illness.
◦From mid-August to November 3, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 1,105 people in 47 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68
JBS: yes, the CDC makes some info available about EV-D68. And yes, occasional cases have been showing up in the USA for years. But this year, the disease has literally exploded – and it appears to be a novel strain. And it also appears to coincide with the massive influx of illegal immigrants in the US Southwest earlier this year.
Here, the CDC appears to be refusing to divulge data that could be used to determine whether or not the particular virus strains (AKA clades) sweeping the USA now are new – and are associated with the mass influx of illegal immigration from Latin America to which the current Administration turned a blind eye and/or actively encouraged this year. When pressed, CDC officials appear routinely to say that “discussing that would serve no purpose” (or words to that effect) – then clam up or change the subject.
While truth may sometimes be politically embarrassing, that fact doesn’t justify refusal to release that information. Absent classification or privacy issues (or a few other specified exempt categories), the public has a right to know. That’s particularly true if the information in question is pertinent to whether Administration policy is needlessly endangering public health and causing disability and death of innocents. Here, CDC is hiding information that could answer that question – apparently intentionally. That tells me one helluva lot.
Hondo…From your thread I must believe this is the “worst case” on the part of the Administration. They are a lot of things in DC, not many good but stupid is not one of them. Most stupid people are usually not good at being sly, conniving and coldly calculating, especially calculating. So I believe it is the worst of them we are seeing. All of this, from the repressed news from the CDC, the open borders, the reticence to quarantine are all well thought out, coldly calculated political moves and agendas. I think after the election results are firm tomorrow one of two things will happen. If the liberals retain the Senate, Obama will be “hell on wheels” and an order of magnitude worse in his last years. (God help us all.) If the conservatives control both sides, Obama will cut and run. By that I mean, his plan will change to start doing things to help these and many other situations he has purposely neglected. Why? In my mind he cares more about himself and his image than anything in the world, without exception. He will want to be remembered as better than he knows his track record will warrant thus far. Therefore, with all reluctance on his part, yet before the new conservative Congress has to force his hand, he will take it upon himself to do something positive. That way he still looks like the good guy, which is his, end all be all, in life. As well as going out the door being able to say “I did thus and so. I’m the big savior, not Congress and the Republicans. All on my own, without any arm twisting and all the good for America is from and on me, me and me again”. Just my humble opinion.