The party of “Uncle Toms”, “Whores” and “Bumpkins”

| October 30, 2014

Democrats seem to be losing the mid-term elections and so they’re cranking up the hyperbole. In South Carolina, Democrat candidate for governor Vincent Sheheen called the sitting governor a “whore”, but the Washington Post tells us that it was “accidental”, whatever that means;

During an appearance in Florence, Shaheen said, “we are going to escort whore out the door,” and then corrects himself. If you watch the video, it was clearly a slip of the tongue. He obviously meant to say “her.” Yet his almost gleeful interactions with the crowd after the gaffe were not an accident. He later apologized, but, in the moment, Sheheen made no attempt to correct course and, in fact, laughed at his gaffe.

On Saturday, in North Carolina, Alma Adams, a Democrat state legislator, speaking at a rally for incumbent Senator Kay Hagen, a rally where Hillary Clinton was speaking, called Hagen’s opponent, a white fellow, Thom Tillis, “Uncle Tom”.

The woman behind such remarks was Alma Adams, a Democratic member of the North Carolina General Assembly currently running for Congress in the state’s 12th District. “We need to send ‘Uncle Tom’ — Tillis, that is — home,” she said….

I don’t know how a white feller can be an Uncle Tom, but there you go.

NARAL of Colorado, that abortion rights organization is running ads against Congressman Cory Gardner who is running for the Senate seat occupied by Mark Udall currently, saying that he’s going to ban condoms. Aside from the fact that he’s one voice in crowd of 100 people if he wins the Senate seat and can’t enact legislation all by himself, I’m pretty sure he won’t ban condoms even if he could. But, all of you guys hoping condoms will keep the scalpel away from your junk, Gardiner sounds scary.

By the way, if you’re not falling for all of this and and you wont be voting Democrat next week, the New York Times thinks you’re a “bumpkin”.

Democrats are mad at Democrat Senator Joe Manchin because he co-chairs a group called “No Labels” which calls itself “bipartisan” but they have the unmitigated gall to back a Republican – Cory Gardiner, the guy who hates condoms. You all know that bipartisan really means Democrat Party, right? You know, like VoteVets is bipartisan but only backs Democrat veterans.

And, oh, by the way, some doink at the Daily Beast thanks that guns are more dangerous to Americans than Ebola and that the NRA is more dangerous than ISIS. How’s that for hyperbole?

Category: Politics

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I have 5 nephews and nieces, therefore I am an Uncle Tom.

Tom (1AirCav69)

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

It continually amazes me how so many people have formed strong opinions on the subject of firearms and gun control without ever taking the time to familiarize themselves with the issue – or the tools at the root of the issue. The vast number of people I know of (with these strong opinions) have never held a gun. They are afraid of them, and their fear is so strong that they don’t want to hold one, or learn anything about them to contradict what they think they know.

Of course, that right there seems to be the dominant political ploy, doesn’t it? Scare people so that they’ll decide what the politicians want, blindly, and don’t look behind the curtain…


It’s an irrational fear of an inanimate object, attributable to some form of mental instability ( see liberalism).

2/17 Air Cav

What’s terribly sickening and downright horrifying about these deliberate miscues and the stupid ads is that voters buy them. If they didn’t generate votes, they wouldn’t be used. I am convinced that millions of Democrats will be at the polls looking for Obama’s name on the ballot and some will swear it’s a Republican conspiracy when they find it not.


If a Republican candidate for office called an opponent a “whore” or an “Uncle Tom” the Democrats and the liberal media would have to collect themselves and crawl to their fainting couch to recover from all of the outrage they would be feeling. Then they would call for the scalp of the Republican offender. You will hear no such calls from the media over these incidents. Because the bottom line is, Democrats believe the nasty things they say. And they believe they should suffer no consequences for saying them.

God help us if Republicans do not win the Senate.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I always find it interesting that the party that advocates abortion and race equality has done more to destroy the black family than any action by the KKK could have ever hoped to accomplish. During the 1960s black families had a rate of single parenthood that was fairly equal to the rate among whites. After 40 years of increasing access to abortion the policies advocated by democrats have aborted 16 million African American fetuses. With a current black population of roughly 32 million that means that democrats and those who favor abortion have managed to hold the population of African Americans to two thirds of what it might have been had those abortions not taken place. With an abortion rate that ends one out of three African American pregnancies the most dangerous place for an African American child is not on the mean streets of the inner city, but their mother’s womb. Additionally, thanks to relaxed access to welfare and additional monies for children, democrats have managed to increase the number of African American children in single parent homes from about 24% to 75%. Three out of four African American children are being raised by a single parent, usually at or below the poverty level. I will concede the democrats have the better propaganda machine however, as they’ve managed to convince blacks that the republicans are the enemy of the black man and only the democrats hold the keys to black success in the United States. Democrats conveniently avoid discussing their handling of the city of Detroit and the total lack of leadership in the face of rampant corruption that led to that city’s demise. Republicans are at fault here as well, instead of talking to blacks and hispanics about these actual numbers in a clinical, systemic fashion while offering a unique plan to reverse this situation the republicans have chosen to focus on the really important things like whether or not they should confirm the undersecretary to the department of the treasury, or Boehner’s lawsuit considerations over presidential executive orders. No doubt the type of activity to arouse the… Read more »


Advocates race equality? You forget your history, VOV.

1. It wasn’t the Jackass Party that fought to end legal segregation during the Jim Crow era. In the South, they were the ones who imposed and fought to retain it. They were truly the Party of Aparthied.
2. It wasn’t the Jackass Party that ended the filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the one that most strongly supported both it and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
3. It isn’t the GOP that fights tooth and nail for “minority set-asides”, affirmative action, creation of minority voting districts, and other forms of de facto quota systems.

There is a damn good reason why MLK never publicly endorsed the Democratic Party. His eyes were open, and he knew who really was screwing over his race.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed I don’t forget my history, I believe I was making my point below that statement where I conceded the Democrats unique ability at propaganda which appears far more effective than anything the Republicans have done.

The elephant party needs to pick up the pace and actually present the options in fashion that uses statistical reality instead of raw emotion. The Republicans are not very good at holding the Dems to the fire.

I appreciate your historical references as well. I always like to point out that one of JFK’s first votes was against the civil rights act in the late 50s. Exposing JFK as more political than ideological. That didn’t make him a bad man, but did make him a political realist and opportunist which is what I believe the Dems have uniquely twisted into the degenerative iteration of their party we see today.


My point was to take issue with your statement that the Democratic party “advocates racial equality”. They never really have, and they don’t do so today.

In the 1960s and before, the Jackass Party essentially had no position or a split position on the subject – e.g., the Northern democrats supported (or at least tolerated) the concept of racial equality, while the Southern democrats openly advocated Apartheid (and yes, I do mean Apartheid – look at Jim Crow laws on housing, schools, public facilities, public transport, etc . . . , and then look at the definition of Apartheid).

Today, what the Jackass Party advocates is not racial equality. Instead, what they support is programs like affirmative action, special preferences and set-asides – which are nothing but de facto quota systems by another name. Hell, I’m half expecting to see formal endorsement of reparations some time in the future. Indeed, one can argue that with the rife-with-fraud-because-no-proof-is-required payments by the Agriculture Department to black farmers “injured” by past injustices in farm loans, that’s already begun.

You are correct in observing that the “Progressive” programs rammed down the country’s throat by our “fine Democratic brethren” have done more to injure minorities than the Klan or any other bigoted group has ever managed. And you are correct in observing that the GOP is abysmally bad at propaganda.

Those who are generally truthful don’t like to lie; propaganda often requires the Big Lie to be effective. The Jackass Party has become quite skilled in that area.

Discrimination against minorities was absolutely, 100% wrong during Jim Crow. It’s no less wrong to reverse the tables and do so in their favor today.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I should have used the term “allegedly” prior to that statement, point taken my friend and I will endeavor to clarify my points where possible.

That’s the problem with trying to get some work done and go off on a rant, I tend to miss some important grammatical elements and leave a muddy trail.


With that mod, I fully agree. I just hate seeing anyone trot out the canard that the Democratic Party is “pro-equality”, even accidentally, when both their current actions and the historical record plainly indicate otherwise.

The press and the Jackass Party do so all the time; it’s a staple of their propaganda. Sadly, many are so clueless and ignorant of US history that they swallow that bogus crap hook, line, and sinker with nary a question.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I keep wondering why the narrative is considered racist when you point out the statistical reality behind the current plight of many blacks and poor whites/hispanics.

I’m kind of a numbers/stats guy and numbers are just numbers. While there is some room for interpretation of causation there’s seldom denying results.

Republicans need to offer more than platitudes, some plans offered weren’t actually bad however the presentation and follow up was just god awful.


You are both right.
Both absolutely right and obviously well studied and learned.
I salute the both of you and thank you both for your reasoned arguments.
The fact that abortion actually kills more than 1:3, the number is about 50%.
In NYC 60% of all black babies are aborted and in certain areas in the larger cities, including Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas the number is about the same…
Myself, I am pro-life… And I can prove it…
I have two spare kids and a spare grandkid out of the whole thing !!!
Thank God I am pro life !!!
I could not imagine what I would be like if I wasn’t…


The republican party formed as part of the abolition movement. After the first GOP president got elected, the southern states started to secede from the union.

Many people don’t realize that during the Civil War, the republicans dominated the north, and the democrats dominated the south.

After the Civil War, disgruntled democrats in the south formed the KKK. Among their targets were republicans and northerners.

Did the parties switch, as many libtards claim? NOPE! Refusing to reform welfare and other entitlement programs is a way to keep groups of people in economic chains.

The democrats fight tooth and nail against attempts to revise welfare to make the recipients more accountable… and light a fire on their asses to get a job instead of them making welfare a career.

Instead of bales of hay and cotton being produced, you’re getting bales of votes.


Agree substantially with most of the above; however, objectively most of the old racist “solid South” Democrats switched over to the Republican Party since the ’60s. not that it particularly matters, that whole mess was almost two generations ago.


‘Three out of four African American children are being raised by a single parent.’ – Yes, but of those single ‘parents’, a large number are actually the female grandparent.

And thanks to the criminalization of guns in certain cities, the rate of young children (under 13) being shot and killed or badly injured by gangbangers, in their own front yards or even their own beds, is on the rise. Bullets go through thin walls and windows, you see.


All brought to you by the same political party that has a “senior” administration official calling Israel’s leader a chickenshit.
Gee – we’re surprised?


Benjamin Netanyahu should fly to D.C., arrive unannounced at the White House, remove his suit jacket and beat the fucking brakes off of everyone he meets. Chickenshit. Yeah, an Israeli war hero is quite a chickenshit.


I’d pay good money to watch Netanyahu do just that.


The Left is getting super desperate, the tides shifting away from them and they don’t like losing the power.
It is ironic how the “party of tolerance” is so intolerant, knowing they won’t be called out for it because… well New York Times, need I say more?
As to the gun grabbers, they use whatever lies they can possibly get away with feeding it in heeping shovel fulls to those sheep afflicted with holophobia… yes, there really is a name for “fear of firearms”.
Mothers Demand Action, are but one small cog in the democrat anti gun machine. Another is “Coalition to stop gun violence”, another democrat fronted group out to “end gun violence” by stripping away the constitutional rights of law abiding citizens.
Both Parties have their problems, what I call the Political Class, the real money behind the powerful politicians… But I will side with the conservative party on most everything. Most…


I know Mark Bagich is running his smear campaign nonstop. He tried to say that he was soft on crime and it was his fault for a rape-homicide. What really happened was the criminal was arrested on a probation violation and then was released and then committed the crime. My question is, since when does the State AG get involved in cases of probation violation and can tell the future that the violator will commit murder upon release.


What really has the democraps worried is that people who respond to polls are now labeling themselves ‘independent’. They aren’t declaring any party affiliation.

I guess reality is beginning to sink in and while toeing the line has gone out of fashion, you should hear some of the vile things that were said to a black pastor on his voicemail because he supports a GOP candidate.

2/17 Air Cav

Obama, you know, has had virtually no requests for endorsements from Democrats wanting a seat (or to keep a seat) in the House or Senate. Instead, candidates are using BJ Bill and H. “Wide Load” Clinton for that purpose. It’s so bad that even in the Socialist Republic of Maryland, they’re running BJ Bill commercials for Anthony Brown for governor. Are the voters THAT stupid? Yes.


When even Drunk Uncle Joey B. is asked to show up instead of bodaprez, guess who is no longer the prom queen?

Not that I would want that blithering idiot supporting my campaign, but you get the drift. And appearances at fundraisers by bodaprez bring out maybe 25 to 30 people. Slipping… slipping badly.


Vincent Sheheen is a far left liberal who thinks by using negative campaign ads and playing to the far left in his party he can get elected. Unfortunately for him he is running for office in SC where democrats tend to fare poorly. If a Republican candidate had made the same comment the outcry from both the party and the media would have been tremendous. Of course Sheheen is publicly apologizing by saying “I don’t use that word you people are claiming that I used, I don’t use it in private, and I don’t use it in public, but if anybody heard wrong, and certainly my words were garbled, then you know I apologize because I don’t want to send that message to anybody.” The SC Republican party has tried to make this an issue, but Gov. Haley simply said “I haven’t spent a lot of time of this and you have not heard me talk about it and it’s because whether it was a gaffe or not, I really don’t care. I’m a tough girl, I can handle that. I’ve seen Sheheen’s ads and the only thing he is running on is Gov. Haley’s supposed poor record. I still haven’t heard him say what his plans are to fix what is wrong with our state. I’m not a huge fan of either person, but when you show no common human decency you don’t deserve to be elected.


So, Sheheen is now claiming he never said what he said? Sounds like he listened well in Progressive Campaign Doctrine 101.

And please – spare me the “that wasn’t intentional” crap. The slur he used rhymes and fits entirely too well in the phrase he used for that to have been anything other than a “calculated error” – e.g., done intentionally but with the intent of being plausibly deniable.


Yeah, reminds me of last statements from death row when people apologize for “what happened” instead of saying “sorry for what I did.”
Obviously it’s not Sheheen’s fault, either we (the public) are claiming he said something he didn’t or we “heard wrong.” Sorry, ain’t buying it. Just like I’m not buying Lindsey Graham’s white guys or Baptists jokes the other night were just jokes. I don’t understand why public figures think they can say stupid shit and think it won’t come back to bite them. I guess I know why I got furloughed twice last year if idiots like this are the ones in charge.

2/17 Air Cav

CORRECTION. Obama did campaign in Maryland for Brown–once. Buried in the 16th paragraph of the Baltimore Sun’s 19 October account of the event is this:

“A steady stream of people, meanwhile, left the event shortly after the president began speaking. It was not clear whether they were escaping the gym’s heat — at least one person was carried out by stretcher — or for some other reason.” Um. I pick number 2.

Then there was this headline from Breitbart Tuesday: “Toxic: Democrat In MD Gubernatorial Race Drops 9 Points After Obama Campaign Event”


This IMO,is a perfect example of why Code Duello needs to be reinstated.

Green Thumb

I am a moderate Democrat; always have been.

But Obummer and his liberals have made many of us question the party.

The party has lost touch with reality in MOST states and is more interested in retaining dominance than helping people (at which it failed miserably).

I will be voting Republican this year.

I need a drink….


Thumb, I would wager that there are many who read here who were once loyal Democrats but are now either independents or Republicans.

The reason is quite simply that while we were loyal to the party, the party was increasingly unfaithful to us. At first it was just a little flirting with the unsavory ideas of the Left but it kept getting worse until the Democrat party was a sleazy political slut willing to sell out her few remaining values for any liberal cause, no matter how repugnant to her former base.

I dumped the unfaithful bitch forty years ago but some folks are like battered spouses, continuing to try to maintain the relationship even though they know in their hearts that it’s hopelessly over.

Hell, I don’t even recognize that lip-sticked pig of a party that once held my political heart.


That drink should be one of celebration, Green Thumb. Your eyes are now open.

The Democratic Party has been little more than a Progressive/Socialist front operation under an assumed name since sometime in the 1980s (if not far earlier). Better to accept the truth late than never.

I have my problems with the GOP too, but at least they still appear to cherish traditional American values and principles. Unfortunately, I can no longer in good conscience say the same about the Democratic party.


“I don’t know how a white feller can be an Uncle Tom, but there you go. ”

Reminds me of junior high when I was called a honky… by a girl with red hair and freckles, far “whiter” than me.

As for Cory Gardner, he wants to make contraception available over the counter which the Dems don’t like because then they can’t make the rest of us pay for it through insurance. So much for their supposed quest for availability, eh? Mark Uterus is going down.


There is an election next week and I plan to keep swinging until Wednesday. Call it follow through.

Winning is not certain and losing is still possible. The republicans could still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Yesterday I had a call from a democrat running for congress. I told him that I wasn’t all that happy with my current congressman (a republican) because he supported some issue that I opposed and I thought that he was pretty sleezy about it. But I could not support a Democrat — wrong party. The guy said thanks but it his voice said, “okay, I have been hearing this all day, that’s another one who won’t support a democrat”.

Y’all need to do whatever you think is best but I plan to keep up the beat until the last runner has crossed the plate. Then we have to really get to work.


I got a call from the Gary Peters campaign, pleading with me to vote for him. The guy who runs ads that he’s “standing up to China”, and even more pathetic, that he likes stray dogs. I asked the caller why, in all his time in Congress, he’s never managed to attach his name to a single bill that became law. And why he voted to take $700billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare. All I got was “um, uh, well, uh”. I swear, it was as bad as listening to an Øbama speech.


I almost voted for Jimmy Carter… Fortunately I was out in the field, drunk, stoned or hungover or something that day !!!
Seriously, coming from Wisconsin I have lived through the worst that the lib’s can throw and can tell you that these people are not at all nice people.
They are sleazy, scummy, selfish, arrogant, wanna be heroes and I would almost bet large amounts that most of the stolen valor pukes we get here are liberals. It fits their personalities like a glove.
They no longer support any military program whether for active or Veteran individuals or groups.
Voter fraud is huge this year so we have to get as many people to vote for R’s as possible to make up for it.
La Raza funnels illegals into Wisconsin every time from Illinois by the vanload.
They have no honor, no self respect and no future unless it is from the theft of something from someone else…
Just to make clear, I am no Republican, I am a Conservative, Constitutional, Libertarian, Tea Party Member, and damn proud of it !!!
I only vote Republican so we can take it over and get it back to where it should be…

HS Junior

No, you ain’t seen the worst the liberals can throw at you. Only we Californians can rightfully claim that dubious honor.