Weekend Open Thread

| October 17, 2014

Toasty is already asking for a weekend open thread so here you go. She supplied the picture;


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You guys have a great time this weekend….

*tosses a chew toy in the middle of the thread*

and GO!!!



Artists impression of a notalawyer after losing in court



I gotta tell ya, CPO…Were this my kid, he’d have a pair of 10.5E Justins so far up his ass, ER doc’s would be busy all night digging them out. And that’s just the beginning. Geebus!


Mine would have discovered the joys of burning off excess energy by mowing the lawn by using one of the reel type push mowers. And while he was doing that I’d be converting his room from 21st century to 19th century. i.e. taking the lights out and placing a oil lamp on his dresser, blocking off the A/C vents and opening up the windows, and so on.


Oh,look,it’s VWP after being denied his nightly enema.


Oh, that poor TV remote.


There is a bunch of video’s of that kid taken by his brother. It’s kinda obvious after watching them that something is not right with him maybe autism.


This video was a “web redemption” on Tosh.O on Comedy Central a couple years back at least.

They pretty much made the whole joke about the kid making this up and that it was fake because it seemed like it was by the end of the skit.

Though there are kids who throw tantrums about not getting to play WoW or Xbox, etc.

B Woodman

This must be how a “progressive” DemonRat reacts when told by a conservative Kongress Kritter, no “hands across the aisle, no partisanship”.


spending the weekend at a girl scout zombie run/haunted camp. i don’t know if i will survive taking 6 females(wife, 2 daughters and 3 other scouts)with me.

2/17 Air Cav

You won’t. It’s over. Done. Can I have your TV?


Can I have your guns?

A Proud Infidel®™

More importantly, if you don’t make it back, can I have your leftover BOOZE??


Can I have your Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator? I had to turn mine in on a job order to NASA after it took a couple of plasma rounds to the external power pack and I’ve heard rumors that it’s being cannibalized for parts for the next space shuttle mission.


Being old school Army MP, I hereby confiscate your stash of cold beer, pickup truck, three legged dawg and country music collection.



No,not ole “Tripod”!! Leave the dawg alone.


Gotta. Ol Tripod has the supa sekret stereo spyscope…


Well,Tripod’s doing better than ole “Stay Put”,the legless dawg.


OK,I feel bad,so I’ll stop with the disabled dogs jokes.

A Proud Infidel®™

Legless dog, OH, you mean LUMP?


streetsweeper…Well okay…but I want your Fresca!


I’ll trade some of your Fresca for Moxie

A Proud Infidel®™



streetsweeper…Country Music. Yea they always told me Country Music touches your heart. My only problem was…it had to go through my fucking ears to get there! 😀


Damn, what kinda dog do you have? I’ll take good care it him/her

B Woodman

You’ll survive. You’ll just never be the same.

Pinto Nag

We’re going to have good weather here this weekend, and I’m goin’ arrow flingin’….the perfect antidote for frustration!

Sam Naomi

Think I’ll pass, have to many football games coming up tomorrow, “Go Green Bay”


Son #2 is stopping by Sunday with a couple of his pals, just in time for dinner. Go figure. Were both good cooks- working on the menu now, but I think it’ll involve Yorkshire pudding.


Jonn-can we get an edit or a preview button.


Meant to end that with a question mark,

Lurker Curt


Lurker Curt

Dammit, I meant to put three exclamation marks at the end…



John Robert Mallernee

For GREATER emphasis, place a SPACE after the last word in the sentence, and between each of the three (03) exclamation points, i.e., ! ! !



Lurker Curt




Someone come over and cut my grass, edge, clean up the bushes, and powerwash my house for me. I’ll pay you in beer.


I’ll do it,just as long as the beer is not Carling’s Black Label.(No Fresca either).


Whats your location? I’ll be *blue lights* to it, if you are local to my zip code…Heh.


Order the Pony, I’ll be right over


So Bernath believes he is slicker than all the individuals, agencies, lawyers and “other officials” he has attracted.

As far as the masses of people, places and things he has tried to sue … He has apparently dismissed all actions in Oregon and Florida.

Well, not so fast Mr. Bernath, certainly you know that you may dismiss us, but we don’t have to go away for you to file later. The dismissal action is IMMCPOO an indication of cowardice.

I will do everything as promised, planned and executed …

You challenged me, three MCPON’s and the entire CPO mess!

Now I can’t speak for the MCPON’s or everyone in the Mess, but I can assure you of this Bernath … I have the support of all off them!

I will see you in court in both Florida and Oregon! Better up your game a wee bit.

You are a fraud, liar, Valor Thief and much more … Go ahead and sue me again.

One other thing Bernath, your past that clearly haunts you daily as evidenced by your disgusting web site … Yes YOUR past is all coming together.

Just a few more pieces of the puzzle and we will know time, place, everything and everyone!

So continue what you are doing as we peel your onion and deliver it to those who are most interested.

You have grossly underestimated our resolve and resources.

KMRIA … This is an issue of Stolen Valor, you are the thief and I am the Hunter and Protector.

“Bernath is not, never was nor will he ever be a Genuine or Honorary CPO. PERIOD!”

MCPO 2014.


copy that!


AW1 Tim

Well done, MCPO. If you need any help from the Acey-Deucey Mess, just holler. 🙂


Dontcha just hate it when someone shoots their wad and then tries to play nice when they know they’re gonna get it broke off?

A Proud Infidel®™

Bernath has idiocy like Jimmeh Kahtuh has peanuts!!


“Well, not so fast Mr. Bernath, certainly you know that you may dismiss us, but we don’t have to go away for you to file later. The dismissal action is IMMCPOO an indication of cowardice. ”
Say that again in English for us poor Paratroopers. Are you saying that even if someone sues you in court then withdraws the motion you have to agree to let it go and if your a prick you can say “nope” and keep it going? LMAO. Bernath screwed the pooch on this one didn’t he?


I’ve “fixed” a couple of Daniel Alen Bernath’s photos to reflect him being a PO2, because he never was a CPO in any capacity. :mrgreen”:


Has anyone contacted the flying drunk clown in FL yet ?
I guess they have. Because he’s been silent lately.

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

He is with us. I am taking Daniel Bernath, Dallas Wittgenfeld, Paul Wickre, Frank Visconi, and the others you people attacked, with me on my C-130. We are on our way to a place that Daniel Bernath calls “Ologopo”. I think the name of the place is “Olongapo” or something like that, but every time I ask Dan, he insists on “Ologopo.”

This is a long flight, but the cheese party is making things go by. We have cheese puffs, cheese curls, macaroni and cheese, cheese pizza, blocks of cheese, and cheese to no end. We are almost there, Dan wants to take over. Fine with me, cheese needs to be eaten.

Dan says that there are a lot of medically converted females over there that are fun, and that we will like it. I heard that they will kick my ass if I try to treat them like my ex-wives, my soon to be ex-wife, and my sun. I plan on behaving. I can not eat cheese if I have a busted mouth. I do not care in the end. If Daniel Berthath loves them, everybody on this C-130 will to.

Dennis “The Blobfish” Chevalier

A Proud Infidel®™

I haven’t heard much of jack shit about DallASS Witlessfart lately, which is fine as I see it, he still bores the fuck out of me! “THE *SLUUURRP*MAN COMETH” – Yeah, right. *YAWN*

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

SITREP time. Well, with Daniel Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld flying the C130, I went back to enjoy the cheese party. Shortly after that, Dallas came back with his purple suite and purple jump gear. He interrupted our party to ask to make an exit available for his jump.

Well, he made his jump and said, “See you losers in he e e e e l l!” I didn’t realize what he meant until we had to look up at the tree tops through the window.

I rushed up to find out what’s gong on. Dan kept talking about “making it to ologopo!” I said, “Not when we’re out of fuel!” I was pissed. Dan assured me, before the flight, that he was going to make sure that we were going to get fueled.

He didn’t do anything to top our fuel off, or to even get fuel. We crashed. Someone call the amber lampf.


It’s not nice to fuck with Mother Nature.

Or the Goat Locker.



So the court room bully had someone stand up to him and he backed down? That makes at least the third time that that’s happened.

He sued Yelp and dropped the case.
He sued the airplane manufacturer and dropped the case.
Then he tried to sue TAH et al and dropped the case. But he really fornicated the poodle now. Because just like any other fight, when your opponent backs up, you step forward. That’s what’s happening here. The bully is on the run.


(Well, OVER as in end communication. It’s not OVER for the notalawyer.)



Give him hell, Master Chief! I won’t even give that person an insult. After having seen him in person, I feel nothing more than pity for what has become of a once honorable life.


Screw that. He wants to play fuck-fuck? Good. He shouldn’t be so surprised when we don’t back down, especially when his sick little website is up.

I don’t pity someone like him. Scorn, derision, and contempt. That’s all he deserves. Pity is for those whose circumstances are not of their making and/or beyond their control.


Anybody seen Blankenship around or is he MIA?


Popping chuck roast into the crock pot tomorrow morning, with 1/2 pound baby carrots, 2 chopped bermuda onions, lots of garlic, winter savory, Mrs. Dash, mesquite steak seasoning, and beef broth. Cook on low for 8 to 10 hours, add quartered potatoes the last two hours, or make mashed taters and use the broth to make gravy.

Read a good book after dinner, with cake, cookies, cupcakes or pie and lots of hot tea (or coffee).

John Robert Mallernee

I want a really big EBOLA soft vanilla ice cream!

With cookies to dip it up with, a spoon won’t be necessary.


Sounds yummy! Just made the best soup I’ve ever had. My husband gulped down two helpings in about 5 minutes.


Made Black Pepper Cheddar Biscuits to go with, and Avocado Rosemary Lime Bars with whipped cream for dessert.

All no grain, no sugar.

Cheese Eater McBlobfish

I want EBOLA melted cheese, make that several, with a side of 7 pound block cheese.

Toasty Coastie

*Wavies* TAH family 🙂 Miss you bunches…Recovery is still tooo slow…but I am able to get around a little better now. Here’s lunch for tomorrow, perfect for a nice chilly day here in Dublin 😈 TOMATO BASIL PASTA Ingredients Related Tips 12 ounces pasta (I used Linguine) 1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes with liquid (You can use fresh if you like as well) 1 large sweet onion, cut in julienne strips 4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 2 teaspoons dried oregano leaves 2 large sprigs basil, chopped 4 1/2 cups vegetable broth (regular broth and NOT low sodium) 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Parmesan cheese for garnish Directions Place pasta, tomatoes, onion, garlic, basil, in a large stock pot. Pour in vegetable broth. Sprinkle on top pepper flakes and oregano. Drizzle top with oil. Cover pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to a low simmer and keep covered and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes or so. Cook until almost all liquid has evaporated – I left about an inch of liquid in the bottom of the pot – but you can reduce as desired . Season to taste with salt and pepper, stirring pasta several times to distribute the liquid in the bottom of the pot. Serve garnished with Parmesan cheese. Dessert Torta Sbrisolona Ingredients 1 3/4 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature, plus more for the pan 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups blanched almonds, finely ground 3/4 cups sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract Directions Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 10-inch springform pan; set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, ground almonds, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender until it is completely incorporated and there are no dry crumbs. Squeeze the mixture to form pea-size to 1-inch clumps. Gently press three-quarters of the mixture into the prepared pan, and sprinkle evenly with remaining crumbs. Bake until cookie begins to turn golden, about 25 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees… Read more »


Glad you’re here, TC!

I will use that for dinner this week.


Toasty, what do you have against sewers?


Toasty Coastie


Nothing personal against sewers, just the Swamp Donkey Valor Theif who never was nor ever will be a CPO Hon or otherwise.


A Proud Infidel®™

I think “Swamp Donkey” is too nice of a term to describe that critter anymore, I was thinking of something like “Turd-eating sewer possum”!

Toasty Coastie

Thank you Sweet Water Goddess..Its good to be back now 🙂

Green Thumb

Same here.

John Robert Mallernee


Are you in THE Dublin?

The closest I ever got was the Duty Free Shop in the Passenger Terminal at Shannon Airport, where transatlantic flights I was on stopped for refueling on three (03) occasions.

Do you have red hair?

PLEEEEASE tell me you have red hair?

I’m so desperately lonely and in love!

So, you are in THE Dublin?

Toasty Coastie

@John Robert Mallernee~
Very long red curly hair down past my bum and dark eyes 🙂

Do not be lonely sir, as many here, myself included care for you a great deal and say prayers for your well being 🙂

John Robert Mallernee

I think we should marry, seize a castle, and be good neighbors with Enya.

Just think – – – ,

I could wear my kilt and my sword!

John Robert Mallernee

However – – – ,

I refuse to give up my sincere lifelong belief in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Great Pumpkin, Leprechauns, Pookahs, Banshees, the Harps of Tara’s Halls, Brian Baru, Trolls, Elves, Goblins, Teddy Bears, and my Security Blankie.

Furthermore, within the walls of our home, every day must be Chistmas Day, and because God gave me whiskers, I insist on being Santa Claus, because I love little ones, and I love giving presents.

John Robert Mallernee

No matter what happens throughout the rest of the year, both by law and by my personal decree, it must always snow – – – HEAVILY – – – on Christmas Eve.

We must always go carolling in the snow on Christmas Eve – – – , for which we should never accept payment.

Likewise, whenever I play Santa Claus, accepting any monetary recompense will be considered blasphemy!

John Robert Mallernee


“Very long red curly hair down past my bum and dark eyes”?

Are you, by any chance, describing an Irish Setter or a Golden Retriever?

John Robert Mallernee

The city of Dublin, THE Dublin, the capital of all Ireland, was founded by – – – ,


John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee


That time, it worked.

I wonder why it didn’t do like it was supposed to earlier?

John Robert Mallernee

John Robert Mallernee

OOPS! Wrong video!

John Robert Mallernee

It was SUPPOSED to be me singing Irish songs!

Sooooo – – – ,

We’ll try another ‘gain.

A Proud Infidel®™

GLAD to hear from you again, TC! Feeling any better lately? I wonder what that Bogus CPO/Bogus Oregon Attorney/Bogus Florida Resident will try and pull next? I’m still interested in what he’s tried to do with that small transit bus, because a googling turned up a couple of “tours” with his name attached, and hauling passengers for money DOES require a CDL Passenger Endorsement (Air Brakes or not) and proof of medical examination, has anyone whispered in the Oregon DOT’s ear about that?

Kinda old ET1

Hey Wickre!


Hey, Psulie-boi! I’m in a state that does not honor my CCW permit, all alone, unarmed. Bring it, pussy!


And you won’t share?

And, has Chevy really disappeared or is he lurking out there?

A Proud Infidel®™

More T-bird, Boone’s Farm and MD20/20-fueled gibberish?

Hey Wickre, GFY sideways with 1000 frozen porcupines!!


Hey Proud, you might want to check out this website! I think it explains much about Psalmer….


A Proud Infidel®™

I think you’re onto something, Sir! The part of the link you provided talked about people going nuts after indulging on Cisco, that could explain Psulmer Wickre’s brain-damaging rants!

Toasty Coastie

Hi ya Proud!

Doing ok thanks…Hope you are well too… 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope you’re getting better, I too have missed seeing you here!


TC…Sorry I’m late catching up here. I am glad to hear from you and you are in my prayers for an easy and speedy recovery. Be careful as you “get around”. Take care. 😀

Toasty Coastie

Thank you Gentle Sparks 🙂

Wishing you a great weekend <3

AW1 Tim

We ordered Chinese delivered tonight, because I was in no mood to cook. Just lots of pain management issues and not enough time and/or energy to get done what I had planned.

Tomorrow, however, I’ve got a nice simple veggie meal planned. Rice Pilaf with toasted pine nuts, and a side of oven-roasted diced butternut squash.

Saturday is game day, so “ROLL TIDE!”

Since New England played last night (and beat the JEST! again) I’m in a funk as to what games to watch on Sunday. I broke down and got the NFL Sunday Ticket and I really like it, despite the cost, so there’s a number of out of market games I can watch.

Happy weekend to all the gang, and a Hawaiian Good Luck sign to Bernath and all the other posers out there. 🙂


Bengals at Colts might prove to be a pretty good game.

AW1 Tim

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I also want to keep and eye on the Fins & Bills games, just to hope for a loss for both of them.


I am a die hard Colts fan. I got spoiled when I was stationed in Indiana and I got to see all their games. Now that I live in Alaska and my kids and myself are the only Colts fans in the State it seems I rarely get to see the games. I’m still getting settled into my new house so I don’t have Sunday Ticket yet.

John Robert Mallernee


(Remember that scene from, “FORREST GUMP”?)

You must be close by.

I’ve got pain issues, too, which is why I wish I could get my hands on a really, REALLY big EBOLA soft vanilla ice cream.

AW1 Tim

Nope, just a ‘Bama fan since I can remember. I live up to Maine. Long commute for the games, but fortunately what the networks or ESPN doesn’t cover, the SEC channel does. 🙂

Funniest thing that happened lately was when I went into my local watering hole wearing my new Alabama ball cap, and down to the end of the bar was this fellow wearing an LSU cap. He saw mine, paid his tab and left. As he was leaving I couldn’t but say “Have a nice day, and Roll Tide!” 🙂


EAST Chinese in York. Best place I know of in New England for Chinese food.

AW1 Tim

We only have one place local that delivers, but it’s actually pretty good. The next town over, however, has an EXCELLENT Japanese/Sushi bar that’s well worth the travel.

John Robert Mallernee

Is that a picture of Angelica Huston?

Was that a scene from a movie?


JRM,yes,from the 1991 The Addams Family movie.She played Morticia.


Yeah…Addam’s Family flick from early 90s.


In her prime Angelica was one sweet piece

John Robert Mallernee

I remember seeing her looking very much like that picture when she was in a movie where, as the daughter of a Mafia don, she was describing in vivid detail her sexual escapades, in an attempt to induce a fatal heart attack.

I forget the name of that movie.

John Robert Mallernee

The reference to “KARMA” evoked the memory of that particular movie scene.


JRM, the movie was “Prizzi’s Honor” and she received an Academy Award for her role.


That movie was ‘Prizzi’s Honor’. He played opposite Kathleen Turner, and Angelica Huston was the vengeful mafia don’s daughter.

Country Singer
John Robert Mallernee

I want EBOLA soft vanilla ice cream!

John Robert Mallernee

Guys at Yale sing, “EBOLA EBOLA!”

John Robert Mallernee

Hmmmm – – – , maybe that’s Yale Medical School’s fright song?

A Proud Infidel®™

NO, no, that’s what they sing in the mountains on that cough drop commercial while the others play those long horns! “EEeeeebolaaaaaa”…


I thought that was “eee…coli…”


One more weeks and my job “out west” is done. And not a minute too soon.

The girlfriend and I went to her doctor on Monday. The phrase, “cautious optimism” is the most appropriate. Another CT scan in a few months. Prayers are appreciated.


You both have prayers being sent on your behalf.


Much prayer. My daughter in law is on her second bout with breast cancer and is doing ok.


An interesting day. Not likely that anyone would guess what I was unexpectedly doing. It was fun, but a top secret mission.

Oh, and for those who knew that I broke my wrist, it’s very slow getting back to normal. The breaks are fully healed, but the stove up stuff resulting from being immobilized for 5 weeks are rebelling.

Enough about me! Hope everyone has a fulfilling week-end.

John Robert Mallernee

I’m posting this in honor of a true American hero, Major John Joseph Duffy, United States Army, recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, multiple awards of the Purple Heart, and the Soldier’s Medal.

Stand by, folks, ’cause I think you’re gonna like this – – – ! ! !

John Robert Mallernee

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember listening to these on cassette when I was a kid:



John Robert Mallernee

Thank you for posting that, and inspiring me to, once again, enjoy watching one of my favorite DVDs, “BABY BLUE MARINE”, starring Jan-Michael Vincent.

A Proud Infidel®™

TODAY’S KIDS versus:

Rotary phones:

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s another: “The Future” as seen in 1920:

A Proud Infidel®™

And “The Home of the Future: Year 1999 A.D.”, (Looks like what they based “the Jetsons” on!)

Farflung Wanderer

I don’t get why people honestly thought the future would look like this.

I mean, at least Star Trek set their future in 2256, not 2000.

A Proud Infidel®™

I still remember growing up in the 70’s and 60’s when plenty of bleeding hearts were bawling that the world would be a post-nuclear war wasteland before 2000 and we’re still here!


Yeah, well I’m still mad as hell about all those bullshit predictions about the future. I mean, seriously, it’s 2014! Where’s my flying car?


I remember the prediction that by 1984 there would be world wide famine and people would be eating people.

John Robert Mallernee

According to the 1973 movie, “SOYLENT GREEN”, starring Charleton Heston and Edward G. Robinson (in his final role), that event takes place in 2022 (only 8 years from now).

Please be sure and remember that Tuesday is “SOYLENT GREEN DAY”!

Get to the shops EARLY on Tuesday, so you can hopefully get your weekly ration of delicious, nutritious Soylent Green, before the shops run out of their supply.

Otherwise, you might get accidentally caught up in the food riots, with police responding in their huge scoop trucks, collecting the masses of rioting humanity, ultimately hauling them to the processing plants.


Wow! Home closed-circuit monitoring, one-button shopping and able to pay bills using a *computer* !


Oh, wait …..

Old Trooper

Well, as some of the old timers around here know, I partake in some festivities at the HHC (Hillbilly Hunt Club, Jonn, TSO, and Mr. Wolf know the place) and on Sunday, we’re having our Fall Festival of Mayhem, which is juuuuuust what the sawbones ordered for stress relief. A Mosin Mad Minute will be the cherry on top (we plan on having approx. 7 Mosin’s firing at the same time) at the end of the day. I love the smell of gunpowder in the evening. It smells like…………FREEDOM!

Just an Old Dog

I went and saw “Fury” today. Pretty good flick.
The only flaw I saw was the typical “Hollywood Time Condensation” where they have a series of events that would usually take place over days, weeks and months happening in the space of 30 hours.
The equiptment and uniforms looked good and the combat scenes, which there were a lot of, were excellent.

Zero Ponsdorf

Kinda scary, but this popped into my head?



Durnburnit, Zero, I haven’t been able to stop humming ‘America!’ for the last 5 days! You just went and cemented it in place.


Yeah,Shark Girls ! ! !


On another note, the evening news report was that bodaprez’s credit card was rejected.

I kid you not.


I have a stupid question that someone here at TAH might be able to answer. Does the Purple Heart have the two year time limit like other awards? My wife has been asking me to re-submit my packet, which I find ironic since she told me that she would kick my ass if I came home with one. I highly doubt I will since my injury was very minor and the people who really earned it got hurt a lot more than me. The worst thing about mine is popping slivers of shrapnel out of my skin for a while afterwards. My question is more out of curiosity.


No time limit — just proof that you received medical help for injuries received from enemy contact.

e) A wound is defined as an injury to any part of the body from an outside force or agent sustained under one or more of the conditions listed above. A physical lesion is not required, however, the wound for which the award is made must have required treatment by medical personnel and records of medical treatment for wounds or injuries received in action must have been made a matter of official record.

(k) The following rules apply for processing award of the Purple Heart:
(1) The statutory time limits pertaining to award of military decorations does not apply to the Purple Heart.< The Purple Heart may be awarded at anytime after submission of documented proof that criteria have been met.


John Robert Mallernee

I carefully studied those requirements, but already knew about them, as they are listed in my 1970 edition of, “THE NEW NONCOM’S GUIDE”, by Stackpole Publishing, which is my handy, dandy ready reference for researching any and all questions concerning the United States Army. When I completed my Basic Combat Training and was sent to the United States Army Southeastern Signal School, I knew I would never be in any heroic situations, and never expected to ever receive any medals for anything. So, imagine how utterly surprised and PROUD (!) I was when I was awarded – – – the GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL (!) – – – in 1970, while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in the old Republic of Viet Nam. Since regulations permitted it, and I knew that it was the ONLY medal that I would ever get, I walked around with my brand new GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL pinned on my olive drab jungle fatigues for the next twenty-four (24) hours, making certain that someone snapped my color photograph with my Kodak Instamatic camera. En route to the old Republic of Viet Nam, my bishop in The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints (i.e., the “Mormon” church) laid his hands upon my head and pronounced a special Priesthood blessing, that I would be protected from harm by an invisible shield. I appreciated the bishop’s concern for my welfare, but I remember being secretly disappointed, for I wanted to be a hero and have some sort of scar. No, I didn’t want to die or be crippled, but please – – – , at least let me have a scar – – – , just a small one, maybe? Months earlier, prior to getting assigned to the 101st Airborne Division (and BOY, did I love wearing that “Screaming Eagle” patch on my shoulder!), while stationed at Dong Ha with the 178th Maintenance Company (where you can actually LOOK into North Viet Nam from our perimeter guard bunkers), I was walking through the company area late one night when an enemy 122mm rocket passed directly overhead. As trained,… Read more »

John Robert Mallernee

I actually did come VERY close to getting killed in Viet Nam, but it wasn’t even in combat, so it wouldn’t have ever rated award of a Purple Heart.

No, that incident was attempted murder by my own unknown comrades.

In December (?) of 1971, at Camp Eagle, Republic of Viet Nam, I was lying asleep on my folding canvas cot, when – – – KABLOOM!

A fragmentation grenade detonated right next to me.

A couple of things saved me.

First, the grenade went off in the doorway of the hooch, which was lined with sandbags and fifty gallon drums of sand, and did not roll all the way inside.

Second, I was lying down, as the shrapnel flew all around me.

If I had been standing or sitting up on the edge of my cot, I would have been killed.

Although surrounded by tiny shrapnel perforations in the plywood walls and corrugated tin roof, I was not even wounded, although momentarily in a state of shock.

The only other guy in the hooch, Billy Wayne Gaddis, a cook from North Carolina, snapped me out of it by asking if I was going to go look for whoever threw the grenade?

So, I grabbed my M-16 and cautiously stepped outside, but was unable to see anything in the pitch black darkness, nor could I detect any noise, as everything was totally silent.

On a previous occasion, while I was away in Da Nang on an overnight maintenance assignment, my hooch at Camp Eagle was blown up, as a warning of what they planned to do to me.

Years later, when talking on the telephone with Billy Wayne Gaddis, he swore up and down that no one threw a grenade at me, but that the explosion was from an enemy 122mm rocket.

The size of the shrapnel perforations indicate otherwise.

John Robert Mallernee

It should be remembered that the proper name of that military award is, “Purple Heart”, and NOT the “Purple Heart Medal.

That’s because the Purple Heart is a decoration, and not a medal.

Military awards are defined by the shape of the metallic device which hangs beneath the ribbon.

Medals are round, while decorations have distinctive shapes, such as a star, cross, shield, geometric figure, or heart.

Thus, my Good Conduct Medal is a medal, for the metallic device is round.

My Bronze Star and Army Commendation are decorations, not medals, due to the distinctive shape of the metallic device.

However, there possibly are exceptions, or contradictions to this rule of thumb.

By definition, the Republic of Viet Nam Campaign Medal that was awarded to me by the Republic of Viet Nam is not really a medal, but a decoration, due to the unusual distinctive shape of the metallic device.

On the other hand, the name of the award may not translate directly from Vietnamese into English entirely accurately.


Thanks. Since I save all my records I still have my old packet with the sworn statements, SIGACT, memo from my CO, and proof that I was treated by my PA. I fell into a crack when I was originally put in for it. I got hurt four days before we stopped combat operations so my packet didn’t get submitted until we had been stateside for three months. Whoever it got sent to denied it and my Command suggested that I re-submit it when I got to my new unit, but I just never bothered with it. I really don’t care that much about awards. Heckler my DD214 doesn’t even have my MSM on it since I got the orders for it afterwards and I’m too lazy to get it changed.

John Robert Mallernee

It may not mean anything to you, but it will mean a great deal to your posterity and descendents, especially if you’re not around anymore.

John Robert Mallernee

Also, an award of a Purple Heart can mean the difference between being buried in Arlington National Cemetery or not being buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Oh, you can be cremated and have your ashes inurned at Arlington National Cemetery, but actually having your body buried there – – – ?

For me, it really DOES make a difference, due to my chosen religious faith, because I’m opposed to cremation, believing it interferes with and hinders the eventual resurrection of the body, which is supposed to be in the ground to provide nourishment to the Earth.


I know, I’m also LDS. I’m just not very good at it.

Old Trooper

You earned it. Get it put on your records, both the PH and MSM. I much rather see someone like you, that earned your shit and not think it’s a big deal, have it than some poser POS.

John F-ing Kerry went through all the trouble to get a PH for a scratch, just so he could claim he threw it over the wall at the WH.

Yours sounds like it was more than a scratch.

John Robert Mallernee

The medals that John Kerry so publicly threw away were not even HIS own personal medals!

He’d borrowed them from some other veteran.


My Uncle “Smitty” received his Purple Heart posthumously in the 1990s for an injury from Korea.

John Robert Mallernee

Are posthumous military awards recognized and accepted in the Kingdom of Heaven?

I’m guessing they probably are, else why would the governments of mere men continue to receive inspiration to grant posthumous awards?


Yeah, get it done. Now. While it is not important to you today, and the odds are that it never will be, there could be a future medical condition in the midst of which you simply should not have to deal with getting the records corrected.

Semper Idem

Well, I’ve been reading this site for awhile, and decided this is time to make a post. I have been reading this blog on a regular basis, and hope to post here often.

Should I introduce myself? I work as a civilian contractor at a military base in the DC area (I’d rather not say which one, due to security concerns). I wanted to join the Army, as my grandpa did during WWII (Army Medical Corps), but couldn’t due to medical concerns. Yes, I see the humour in the grandson of an Army doc rejected from the Army due to medical issues. ;o)

So…that seems to be all I can say for now. I’ll come back and post more if I can. Thanks for reading this.

A Proud Infidel®™

Come back and see us, don’t be a stranger!


Semper Idem…Welcome to TAH. Glad to hear from you and hope to again soon!


This is, about, the midpoint between the 239th birthday of the Marines and the Navy I want to give a Happy Birthday greeting to all of you squids and jarheads out there.

A couple of years ago my brother and I were at “The Grill” (a local eatery in Albuquerque) when I saw a plaque on the wall “USS Vancouver LPD-2.” The owner of the joint was aboard Vancouver on the 1984 fLoat when she picked us up in Pearl Harbor (Kilo 3-3.)

Today I met a guy who was a RM1 aboard USS Dubuque, LPD-8, who was aboard the same deployment to the the Persian Gulf I was on in 1988 for Operation Earnest Will.

It’s a small world.



Thanks for posting. Listening made me think of my #2 son, retiring from the Navy next February and #3 son with 17 years as a Marine. You made an old AF retiree very happy.

Farflung Wanderer

It’s parents weekend up in Hillsdale, Michigan!

That is all.

Just an Old Dog

Just reading through some of the comments about awards and medals reminded me of what happened to my second cousin recently.
When he got out of the Army in like 2006 or so, his DD214 was all jacked up because his SRB was missing.
His SRB had him going through Boot Camp, Infantry School, then to Ft Hood,,,, then nothing until he was discharged from Ft Bliss.
When he went to the VA to get treatment for PTSD symptoms and treatment for facial injuries he was called out by the staff and told he was full of shit and never deployed.
His real service was that he deployed to Iraq wth the 4th ID, and had recieved an Arcom or two for stuff he did outside the wire. During a patrol he took a header off a building ( no enemy action was involved) and landed on his face. He was treated in country and returned to duty. Later on when his unit moved they ended up being billeted in some shit hole that had all sorts of crap in the ventilation system and he got a seriuos Upper respritory Infection that resulted in him getting evaced to Germany then sent home. He ended up at Bliss then discharged ( Bliss or Hood I may have some dates and places that were off). It ended up that because of some investigation in Iraq that CID had His 201 file, and they had lost it.
Luckily he still had contacts in the Army, He tracked his old company comander down and was able to get copies of by name orders that concerned his deployment in country. He was able to get his VA Medical Straightened out but never got his dd214 corrected,

John Robert Mallernee

“AN ELDERLY BABY BOOMER’S PERSONAL EXPERIENCES IN THE EVOLUTION OF SURGERY AND ANAESTHESIA TECHNIQUES” By: JOHN ROBERT MALLERNEE Thursday 16 October 2014 ________________________________________ PERSONAL BACKGROUND: I was born David Roy Trueblood, at 2200 Hours, minus 09 Minutes, on Monday 28 January 1946, during a poker game in a tent beside the railroad tracks in Ellensburg, Kittitas County, Washington, delivered by Burton Alexander Foote, M.D., to Roy Lane Trueblood and Hazel Irene Albertson. In that family, there were five (05) sisters older than me, two (02) brothers younger than me, and two (02) younger half-sisters. According to official court documents in Decatur, Marion County, Illinois, all but the youngest boy and the two (02) half-sisters were abandoned by our biological parents, resulting in each of us then being adopted by different families, to grow up separated from each other, with different identities and heritages. With my new identity of John Robert Mallernee, I was adopted and raised by Master Sergeant William Vincent Mallernee, United States Army, and Virginia Lee Mapes, with three (02) younger sisters, plus two (02) younger sisters who did not survive beyond infancy. During my teenage years, with my parents no longer able to control me, the Juvenile Court issued a court order which involuntarily committed me to a state psychiatric hospital, initially at Big Spring, Texas, and again at Dorothea Dix Hospital in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. Now, we’re ready to begin my remininsces of the evolution of surgery and anaesthesia techniques, as documented in my own personal experiences. ________________________________________ FIRST SURGERY – Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy: I do not remember exactly how old we were (maybe I was nine years old?), but I and my two (02) younger sisters (the youngest had not yet been born) were students at Spring Lake School (since renamed Lillian Black School – – – she taught me in Fourth Grade) in Spring Lake, Cumberland County, North Carolina, where Daddy, a career Master Sergeant in the United States Army, was stationed at Fort Bragg. The three (03) of us were hospitalized at Fort Bragg away back in the days when Army hospitals were… Read more »

John Robert Mallernee

******** WARNING ! ! ! *********

This dangerously illegal and highly immoral subversive underground resistance message is being surreptitiously monitored by the Beaming Internet Government Broadband Radio Oscillation Telecommunications Hearing Electronics Reconnaissance (i.e., “B.I.G. B.R.O.T.H.E.R.”) as part of a coordinated clandestine domestic surveillance investigation, in cooperation with the National Administration of Zealous Interrogation (i.e., “N.A.Z.I.”) and the Commission on Message Monitoring Investigative Electronics (i.e., “C.O.M.M.I.E.”).

Serious felony criminal charges are pending, with extreme penalties yet to be determined!


Greetings and Salutations to All my Kith and Kin and All the Ships in Outer Space:

Attached to this e-mail is a 21.9 kilobyte MicroSoft WordPad document, in Rich Text Format, of an article that I wrote, “AN ELDERLY BABY BOOMER’S PERSONAL EXPERIENCES IN THE EVOLUTION OF SURGERY AND ANAESTHESIA TECHNIQUES”, which I have just now submitted for publication in “JAMA”, the prestigious JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION ! ! !

Of course, merely submitting it doesn’t really mean a whole lot, does it?

Will they find it acceptable and/or worthy of publication?

We’ll just have to wait and see, huh?

When I was filling out the necessary application form at their web site, in the spot where they required me to list my degree(s), I typed in, “G.E.D.”.

Ain’t this neat?

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
1800 Beach Drive, Unit 311
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

Cellular Telephone: REDACTED

“Everyone of us who is alive today will die, and for that reason alone, we should be more kind towards one another.”


John Robert Mallernee

To be absolutely honest, I know full well that I never amounted to much of anything, never did anything really worthwhile, and don’t have a whole lot, if anything, to brag about when sitting in front of a campfire.

BUT – – – ,

Can you BELIEVE me writing and submitting a scientific research paper for possible publication to, “JAMA”, the prestigious, official Journal of the American Medical Association?

Yeah, lots of guys get to be real doctors, and lots of doctors have their research published by the Journal of The American Medical Association.

So, it’s no big deal, right?


I ain’t no doctor, and in fact, I ain’t much of nothing, really.

So, for me, it IS a big deal, a really, REALLY big deal!

True, the Journal of the American Medical Association may decide to never publish my amateurish medical research paper.

But, they did accept my submitted manuscript, and are now giving it their due consideration.


Even if it’s never published, just the fact that they even accepted it and are considering it – – – !

Gosh, gee whillikers!

Ain’t that something?

I thought it particularly amusing that, in the spot requiring a listing of my degree(s), I decided to enter, “GED”, – – – which they accepted!

Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy ! ! !

Merry Christmas, Y’all!

2/17 Air Cav

I’ve made some bad decisions in my life. I bought a Ford Pinto in ’74 or so. I voted for Carter. I lived in Maryland. That sort of thing. But all of that is ancient history. I am opening a restaurant, featuring West African cuisine. I figure I can’t miss, what with a house specialty of maafe (see pic in link below.) I’m not sure what to call the place. Suggestions are appreciated.



2/17 Air Cav…May I suggest…”The Puke on a Plate Diner”.

Today’s special: Ebola Stew. Sure to give you the two step trots.

The Blue Plate Special: Your Dead Blue Face laying on the plate.

And the always Favorite: Bat’s ala Amula’a Wife. Yep, our dishwasher, Amula had his wife come in with all the dead bats she found and fix up a mess of Bat’s ala Amula’a Wife! A real crowd pleaser.

No coupons allowed on specials. No Twofer Tuesdays. One glass of water per customer. (Clear, non brown water extra.)

(We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, although…we never have.)

No shoes, no shirt, no pants…YOU’RE WELCOME! Come on in!


My father was on the jury for the Ford Pinto trial. I have a bunch of maps and documents from the trial.


The Pinto trial was held at the Pulaski County courthouse in Winamac,IN. My county seat where I was born and raised. See,the world does indeed get smaller every day.


I was born and raised there. It is a small world. A few years back I was sitting on the E-5 board. Turns out that my brother was one of the kid’s wrestling coaches in Winamac.


I’m a west side kid.Grew up in Cass Township north of Medaryville.


Cafe Maafe, of course.

With a sauce made of peanut butter and tomato – it might actually be good. It’s no more bizarre than mole (mo-lay) sauce in Mexican food.


My wife knows me well. We were coat shopping and I was checking out the winter coat I liked when my son asked what I was doing. Without missing a beat my wife replied that I was looking to see if and which one of my pistols would fit in the pocket and if I could secure it.

A Proud Infidel®™

That looks like the photo album of “Jim-Bob & Billy-Ray’s Shadetree Garage”!

HS Junior

Just finished the PSAT.

Bernath is not, never has been, and never will be a CPO in any capacity.

Enjoy your day.

John Robert Mallernee


You’ve gotten a whole lot farther along than I did.

I never took a PSAT examination, having been expelled from high school (twice!) in my sophomore year.

John Robert Mallernee

May God bless you in all of your futue endeavors.

Now, you go get ’em, Tiger!

John Robert Mallernee

Having been expelled from high school, I never appeared in the high school yearbook, I never played football or lettered in any athletic competitions, I never completed my Army R.O.T.C. training, and I never attended the high school prom.

I did try out for the football team, but my folks refused to let me play, which just totally destroyed me deep inside.

HS Junior

Probably just as well. With all the concussions, I doubt you’d have lived long enough to grace the pages of TAH with your stories, wisdom, and song.

Thanks for the shoutout. I’ll try to do as well in life as you have 🙂


Well,that leaves us with a question. What is the standard measurement on a stacked cord of dead hitmen? 6x8x6? 4x8x4(for midget hitmen)? It’s a thinker.


Claw131: a cord is 128 cu ft. An average human body is about 3 cu ft in volume. So doing the math yields somewhere around 42 or 43.

Interestingly enough, 42 was the answer to the question, “What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?” So I’m going with 42. (smile)


Hondo,I guess ambient temperature has to figure in there somewhere also. The terms stiffer than a board and bloated armadillo in the Texas sun come to mind.


+100 for the Hitchhiker’s Guide reference! Now, if only I wasn’t under General Order 1A I could enjoy a Ouisghian Soda or a Jynnan Tonnyx!

Of course, the whole “42” thing reminds me of a T-shirt I once had that had written across the front:

What was the question?”

HS Junior

Bernath was wrong? Well, that can’t be right; he’s never wrong. Are you sure you’re not clinically dead and all that hate, malice, bile, and spite he says have consumed your very soul aren’t keeping your fingers moving across your keyboard even after your heart has stopped?


No, he isn’t a Democrat blogger, HS Junior.

HS Junior

Really? This whole site isn’t a mouthpiece for the Dumpster? You learn something new every day.

Delilah T. (NOT Michell Malkin)

Well, in view of your good news that you’re definitely still alive, I would like to add a bit of my own.

Our good friend Valkyrie, who has been missing from the board for a while for various reasons, is definitely alive and well, also, and send greetings to everyone except the klown kar krewe.

(rustle, rustle, rustle)


Yup, no ninja dickweed death squad showed up either at Casa de Sparky or the place “out west” where I’m staying.

I mean, any worse, and I’ll be thinking these clowns are full of shit or something.

Would it help those fuckers if I gave them each a Garmin or a shitty iPad app?


Jonn- You better check on the folks that live down the road from you… Jared the goat staring SF/Intel wizard might have killed someone at the wrong house.


Old Jared (who no one in the industry knows!) is such a weak individual that he couldn’t kick his own ass.

That is all!

John Robert Mallernee

@ Sergeant Lilyea, Et Alii:

I notice that I’m not the only one saying this.

Please, please, PLEEEEASE give us the menu options of, “EDIT”, and/or, “DELETE”, so we can fix our embarrassing typographical errors!

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee

It’s tough when, although constantly striving for perfection, as we age and deteriorate, the brain, eyeballs, and fingertips appear to no longer be adequately synchronized.

2/17 Air Cav

For history buffs–and there are more than a few here at TAH, there is something very, very cool on this page. It’s a segment of a 1956 TV show “I’ve Got a Secret” in which Samuel J Seymour, the last surviving witness to the Lincoln assassination, appears. Mr. Seymour died two months after the show aired. The segment is smack-dab in the center of the YouTube selections when Proud Infidel’s 9:23 p.m. (Oct 18 “1920s What the Future Will Look Like” ) video post ends. Or you can watch directly. (Thanks, Proud Infidel!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_iq5yzJ-Dk

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

Well, here is the latest from dandan’s “aspecialdayguide” When will these idiots stop? Again, this is some stupid shit and what does Psul think this is going to accomplish. (Maryland) An assailant fired three “described as Ruger .222” rounds recovered from the home of Paul Wickre and Karen Williams today. The slugs were imbedded in brick and just below the living room windows. Windows were broken. State Troopers took over the case believed to be aggravated by the far right skinhead hate organization “This Ain’t Hell”. Investigators immediately pinned the shootings on the far right group as publishing instructions to their group to attack Wickre and his wife, as well as political figures. This Ain’t Hell is described as equivalent to the The Order inciting their members to gun down a verbal opponent, Alan Berg, a radio disk jockey in Denver. The shooting and murder were traced back to The Order that published repeated directions to their members by press and early Internet that Berg should be killed, his address and location, in 1995. Law enforcement familiar with the case, likened it to the inciting of Lee Loughner, later convicted of attempted murder of a Congresswoman, by Loughner incited by an Internet site from a far right PAC, that “targeted” Gabby Giffords, as to her politics. Loughner murdered a US Judge John Roll, as well as shooting Giffords in the face. An investigator familiar with the case, stated that casings were recovered on the road leading to the Wickre house, which was published by the hate group “This ain’t Hell” on a Linode Server with the name address, pictures of the house, directions and helicopter pictures of the target by the hate group. The MD District Attorney familiar with the case would not comment, but that the State Troopers found it to be an interstate act and coordinated the case with U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. Investigators are pursuing forensics to West Virginia, where the skinhead hate group is located and has had their weapons inventoried from prior restraining orders. The victims received a hate warning, the prior night from… Read more »

HS Junior

Always gratifying to see TAH phonies going with the tried and tested strategy of trying to get to the site through its ISP. Because nobody has ever tried that before/sarc

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOOOOHH, three .222 rounds? HOW SAVAGE!!! /sarc

I consider those peckerwoods as a fine example of WASTED TALENT, one look how fast they make shit upsometimes makes me think they could make fortunes as fiction authors!!

John Robert Mallernee


For verification and/or further elucidation of facts, please cite the original source of this alleged news report, including the conventional URL.

With all of the unprofessional name-calling repeated throughout that posted article, I’m suspicious that any such incident ever occurred, or was ever officially reported.

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

John, please read my first sentence. Yes it is all BS, but this is what Dan has posted at his web site.

John Robert Mallernee


Thank you for clarifying that.

Since I’m not personally involved in any of the controversy, I don’t know who’s who, nor do I comprehend any or all of the sundry back-and-forth postings regarding it.

HS Junior

I looked briefly; I didn’t see it posted in any credible news sources in Bethesda.

A Proud Infidel®™

Has this been “reported” anywhere other than on Daniel A. Bernath’s webpage of blithering idiocy?

Bernath's Fuel Gauge

I have done a news search with Paul’s name and “shooting”, “drive by” and so forth and nothing comes up.

If this had any validity, I can guarantee you that the Admins here would have been contacted by the authorities.

HS Junior

Even if it is true, and it probably isn’t, there’s absolutely no reason to believe this is affiliated with TAH in any way.

I would think that any of the multitudes of people who Wickre has bothered and started feuds with and committed crimes against over the years would be more likely candidates.

Alternatively, although I can only speculate, there’s a chance that someone in the League of Extra Stupid Shitheads (aptly named by Proud Infidel) might have turned on him. I can’t imagine they’re too happy after he tried to sell them down the river in his pathetic peace offering to TAH and his lawsuit against monkeyass, and a lot of them are unstable/retarded enough that I could picture them doing that in an attempt at intimidation.

Or he might have just gotten drunk and AD’d three times into his own house. Heaven knows he is that dumb.


What does “AD’d” stand for? I’m not up to date on some acronyms.

HS Junior

In military parlance, AD means “accidental discharge.”


OK,got it.Never had one of those.Mine were always on purpose cause I had enough sense to keep my finger off the bang switch until needed. But I did have one yesterday after watching the Utah calendar girl’s video a dozen times.

HS Junior

Same here on both accounts 😀


There is no such thing. It is s ND (negligent discharge).


I guess that’s why I had to ask. In the 20+ years I put in,I had never heard of that,either accidental or negligent.I guess we actually had enough discipline to not play around with loaded weapons when we got bored.

HS Junior

Really? I’ve heard it referred to as AD in sofrep.com articles.


Originally posted by Twist: There is no such thing. It is s ND (negligent discharge). That’s the term we’ve used at all the Army units I’ve been assigned to, and at all the Army schools that I’ve been to. We don’t use “AD” or “Active Discharge.” For example, “One of the reclass NDed right when they got started on their training mission! Originally posted by CLAW131: I guess that’s why I had to ask. In the 20+ years I put in,I had never heard of that,either accidental or negligent.I guess we actually had enough discipline to not play around with loaded weapons when we got bored. This is more of “complacency” issue than it is of people horsing around. Downrange, we were “locked and loaded” before we crossed the wire. Depending on threat condition, you were also “locked and loaded” within the wire. You had to consistently check the selector switch to make sure that it stayed on safe when you weren’t firing your weapon. This wasn’t as much of an issue when you’re holding your weapon in front of you, but more of an issue during those times you put the weapon at your side. Those with M9s also had to deal with this issue, especially with the way the weapon was holstered, and how it “behaved” in the holster. There were plenty of “opportunities” for the selector switch to stray from “safe.” People not paying attention to that, as well as to what they were doing, grabbed the trigger and “bham.” I didn’t witness any NDs at any of the places I was at, whether that was with live rounds or blanks. It was an issue elsewhere in the Army. With the Army being away from being a “force in garrison” to an expeditionary force for the last decade and a some years, with more time being spent either deployed, or mostly out in the field, NDs became more of an issue. It looks like you had the same “luck” as me in terms of not hearing one of those. Originally posted by HS Junior: Really? I’ve heard… Read more »

HS Junior

Thanks for clearing that up.

OIF '06-'07-'08

“Actually, it should always be considered a Negligent Discharge”

This is the statement of the individual that taught me real world pistol shooting, he was a Florida Sheriff’s Department head SWAT team instructor.

Green Thumb

In Bernath and Palmer (of the Ballsack)’s case, it should be “Intentional Discharge”

A well-aimed semen shot right in his face.


Removing my fingerprints from my weapons now!

Haircut later!


False police report or accusation of a criminal act against someone?

How cute. And how very fucking stupid.

Rustle, rustle, bitch.

Green Thumb

The only rounds Palmer (of the Ballsack) has taken are shots of semen in his mouth. And maybe multiple shots of cheap booze.

And in that case, I suspect Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics.

Delilah T.

OK, so I’ve been out most of the day, tending to things in the world of reality, and I see that not only has psulie-boi still not regained his grasp on reality, he’s also still a bad writer.

Yes, that is definitively his crap.

Isn’t something like that going into the filing a false report area? Oh, of course, there’s that disclaimer that it was created by someone’s 6thp-grade-level child, not the 5th-grade-mental-level of the idiot adult who wrote it.

They should be careful whose names they invoke in vain, too. It can backfire on them rather badly.


Since Toasty and I both have curly red hair past our waist, I believe that blows the “Skinhead” lie to bits.

Or do I have to “retrain” to be labeled as part of you misfits’ “internet bullies,and hate group”, since I’ve been absent for so long?


OK, I’m an arch-conservative and I have very short hair, but I’m a Skinhead now? I didn’t know that white supremacy groups allowed Hispanics! What is this, affirmative action? This dude is batshit crazy. Nothing more to say on that.



I read that twice, once for context and content, and again for Ss&Gs, and here is my response.

It is definitely written by psulie-o the uncoolie-o, aka pickwickre peckerwood, aka psulie-boi, and all the other psul references we’ve got.

Skinhead? I have more hair on my eyelashes than the phony (not a) CPO has on his head, never mind the dead rat on his face.

I used to buy the morning paper from a guy in the Loop who had literally lost everything. Nice guy, got hit by the recession. I talked to him a lot. He had more honor and dignity than these two braindead morons will EVER conceive of having.

The newsguy I will remember for a long time.

These two useless plasma bags will be forgotten the moment they shut down.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Or he might have just gotten drunk and AD’d three times into his own house. Heaven knows he is that dumb.”

YES HE IS, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he did indeed do that and sue the gu’s manufacturer afterward a la Bernath!

Green Thumb

In the Land of the Losers, Phil Monkress is King.


Ruger .222?

I can believe Remington, Hornady, Federal, etc, but last time I checked, I don’t remember seeing Ruger ammo.


Christ, this fucker can’t even get his accusations straight.

OIF '06-'07-'08

There is a Remington .222 cartridge that is a shorter version of the now famous Remington .223/5.56 NATO cartridge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.222_Remington

Again, seems that birdbrain does not know what he is talking about in that fake news report.


But my point remains, I don’t recall ever having seen Ruger AMMO. Ruger RIFLES, sure.

So yeah, at least we agree Bernath is fuller of shit than a Thanksgiving turkey.


Ruger made strange version of its Mini-14 for sale in England for a very short time. It was chambered in .222 because military calibers were illegal at the time. And you worked the bolt on the rifle one shot at a time bolt action style. So it just looked like a almost evil assault rifle

Delilah T. (NOT Michelle Malkin)

I can personally vouch for NO DAMAGE of any kind to any house on Wilson Lane in Bethesda, MD, by anyone I know.

I will also personally vouch for anyone who says psulie-boi is a boring little twit and does so without laughing hysterically.

Just an Old Dog

Really Birdbath? Who the fuck uses a 22 for anything other than target plinking?
I guess you are really digging in deep. Better post all you can before every thing you own is taken away fro you in court,

HS Junior

You mean everything he doesn’t have stashed abroad so nobody can ever collect anything from him.


Isn’t a .22 what they used to call a Saturday night special?

Seems like a girlie-boi’s gun to me.

Just an Old Dog

The rat-bearded self catheratizing life support system for an anus wrote

“The slugs were imbedded in brick and just below the living room
WINDOWS. Windows were broken.”

Well fuckface how did the “slugs” manage to go through the windows and break them, them go back out the window and embed themselves in the bricks below it?

Looks like the hobo-cock loving never was or never will be a CPO is engaging in his favorite past time. Fabricating shit on his website.
By the way the site “A Special Day” was originally set up to be for Birdbath’s Grand daughter to use to start a wedding photography business.
Fuck-knuckle has probably been disowned by her, and now uses the site to write his sick fantasies of actually controlling shit.

Combat Historian

Just to let everyone know that I’ve been out of the loop for the past month because I underwent emergency surgery for my gallbladder at the beginning of the month and was finally discharged from the hospital about a week ago and has been recuperating at home. I feel a lot better now and has finally been able to get back on the internet to send this out. My stomach is still in a lot of pain from where they cut me open, but I’m hoping I will gradually recover from that…


Glad to find you’re feeling okay.

Take your time healing and stay with us, CH.


All right, I’ve spent enough time here this morning.

I have a cake to frost, cookies to make, and words to write. And I made the best cotton-pickin’ roast chicken last night, enough for several meals.

Heat oven to 375F

Boneless skinless chicken breasts
Mrs. Dash Garlic (or your favorite)
Knorr dry bouillon – chicken – 1 dessert spoonful mixed with a cup of water

Sprinkle Mrs. Dash in the bottom of the pan. Put the chicken in and sprinkle that liberally with more Mrs. Dash. Add the cup of bouillon to the pan. Roast the chicken for 90 minutes at 375F.

No additional salt or pepper is required. The dry bouillon is salty enough.

Use the broth from the pan for making gravy for your mashed potatoes.

Gravy: 2 tablespoons of butter, plus any chicken fat from the pan, 2 heaping tablespoons of flour. Mix together in a saucepan over low heat for the roux. When properly mixed, add the pan drippings and stir to keep it creamy. If you don’t have enough to make a lot of gravy, mix up some more dry bouillon and water, and add that to the pan.

I use Mrs. Dash a lot because there is enough salt in other ingredients and Mrs. Dash adds some seriously zippy flavor.

This also applies to beef gravy: use the broth from the crock pot for gravy.

It becomes its own food group, you know. The two best things about Thanksgiving are crisp turkey skin and turkey gravy. 🙂

Green Thumb

And leftovers, football and beer!