Ebola Response at Pentagon

| October 17, 2014

Earlier today, a woman who had recently returned from Sierra Leone became ill and vomited in the Pentagon’s South Parking lot.  She was there on a tour bus.

She was transported to Inova Fairfax Hospital; a temporary quarantine tent was reported at the entrance.  Unconfirmed reports indicate she and and 4 emergency response personnel have been held at the hospital.

The incident at this time is being treated as a possible Ebola case.  Ebola has NOT – repeat, NOT – yet been confirmed.

Hazmat teams have responded to the scene.  Portions of the Pentagon South Parking lot have been closed.  The Pentagon South Entrance was also closed.

Great.  Just f**king great.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Government Incompetence

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*barf* ……

Quick. Alert the media.

😀 :rolls:

Pinto Nag

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lot of stories in the news of people puking in parking lots this year?


“the woman, who has not been named, works for Total Spectrum, whose website says it is a lobbying and public relations firm.”

Wonderful! Why in the hell would we allow as nonessential a person as an employee of a lobbying and public relations firm, travel to an infected part of Africa? Now there must be some big time public relation and lobbying efforts going on at Total Spectrum to warrant this. Even more damning is the Obama crew’s definition of essential and nonessential. Shit let’s just open bids for Roto Rooter, Chem-Dry carpet cleaners and McDonalds for more business there. What the heel? AND why was this person so important they were attnding a change of command ceremony at the Pentagon?


Didn’t you know that there’s a Starbucks at the CIA headquarters? Not a joke, saw it yesterday.


Pay no attention to what is behind the curtain. Everything is under control…. Trust Me.


In the world of the government and the Pentagon, if you consider lobbying/PR firms to be less important than the military… man, you just don’t have a handle on what is important.

Reminds me of the story in “The Right Stuff” when the fella running a meeting tells all the officers’ wives to seat themselves by rank – and they immediately sort it out, captain’s wives down front, ensigns’ wives at the rear. He informs them that they HAVE no rank, their husbands have ranks, etc… they look at him like he has two heads and is an idiot – he doesn’t understand how it REALLY works.

In this administration a connected lobbyist gets far more respect than a MOH awardee.

Farflung Wanderer

Well, shite.

That is the exact opposite of good.


And the tour bus went on its way to the White House?

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s a crying fucking shame she didn’t go to the Capitol building and puke all over every liberal demo-rat there!!


Sadly that’s the only way those fucking worthless shits will ever address anything, is if they are personally affected.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s correct. I suggested days ago that we pool our money and send the Dallas hospital employees to DC for a tour of the WH and Congress. And I did so for that reason. Until the princes grasp that Ebola will be just as happy in their bloodstreams as a pauper’s, action will be slow. And despite my believing that my opinion of the Golfer in Mom Jeans could not possibly drop any lower, it did today when he appointed a political operative to be the Ebola Czarina. It’s all about PR and the midterms. Nero? Say hello to Baracka.


This can’t be, pResident Present appointed an Ebola Czar today, the problem is solved. Nothing to see here, move along.


That needed a spew alert!!


Vomit rinsed away w/ a pressure washer…nuttin to see here.


Except that she was lying about having been in Africa.

That must be someone with serious issues to need attention so badly as to claim such a thing. Here’s hoping that they charge her with every possible iteration of making a false report.


I sure hope she doesn’t. “medical authorities are confident that she does not have Ebola.”

Nothing makes me feel more confident, then confidence.


FOX News is reporting that she made up the story about having been in Africa recently. She’s another publicity seeker who should have the book thrown at her for attempting to incite a panic. A stunt like hers is the same thing as yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater.


Pack her ass up and drop it in Liberia with the next aid shipment, bu- bye!

B Woodman

“A stunt like hers is the same thing as yelling “Fire!” FALSELY in a crowded theater.

There. Fixed it for you.


So why did she regurgitate? Was she smuggling epicac in her purse? Was this just to get attention? Does she think this is a joke?

Geezo Pete, are people really this stupid? (That’s a rhetorical question.)

Virtual Insanity

How very interesting, the difference in how things were handled in DC compared to how they have been handled elsewhere.

It’s almost like a different level of give-a-shit, or something…

Yes, that’s sarcasm.


Something tells me nobody will take it seriously until Nancy Pelosi is bleeding out through her botoxed eyes…

…and maybe not even then.


Some would state that this has happened a while ago. Hard to tell with Granny McBotox, though.

Roger in Republic

Once the hospital started the full Ebola testing protocol she admitted that she made up the part about her trip to Liberia. I think she needs to spend her 21 day quarantine in jail. Solitary confinement, naturally. Take her temp with a remote IR thermometer and pass he meals to her thru a slot in the door. leave the tray in her cell and collect them when she is let out.


I agree.


And make her pay the costs incurred for scrambling a response.

Kinda old ET1

She just wasted several thousand dollars with her stunt.

*Silver lining: Good practice for the responders though.



Delilah T.

Agreed, on everything.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if HAZMAT teams will be called out exert time someone pukes out in a public place from here on out? She also needs to be billed for whatever amount of money was spent on that Emergency Response, which could easily run up to tens of thousands of dollars!