House Dems ask for troops to have “contact” with African Ebola patients

| October 17, 2014


The Hill reports that ISIS’ representative in Congress, Keith Ellison along with Karen Bass and Barbara Lee, both representatives from the state of California, have sent a letter to President Obama asking that the military personnel in Africa “provide direct care and…have contact” with Ebola patients.

“We write to urge you to consider building on the current response to the Ebola epidemic by allowing military medical and technical personnel to provide direct care to and to come into contact with patients in West Africa,” the representatives wrote in a letter to Obama.

The call comes as the World Health Organization says that there could be as many as 10,000 new Ebola cases every week within two months.

The lawmakers raised concerns that there would not be enough trained staff to care for Ebola patients if the U.S. did not directly intervene.

The President and the Pentagon have said that troops deployed to the region will not have direct contact with Ebola patients according to the Stars & Stripes article we linked earlier today;

Defense leaders have repeatedly promised that thousands of troops headed to Liberia in coming weeks to fight the outbreak won’t be in contact with Ebola patients.

On Wednesday, Maj. Gen. Darryl Williams, commander of the mission, said that as a result, most troops faced “very low to no risk” from infection. Troops are kept separate from infected people, avoid direct contact with any locals and pay assiduous attention to hygiene, he told Army officials and reporters via Skype from Monrovia, Liberia.

The three jihadists from Congress, who obviously have no concern for the health and well-being of the folks who are being sent to Africa to answer their nation’s call have also opposed a travel ban from the affected countries.

Category: Congress sucks

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They can have direct contact as soon as you idiots haul your asses over there and do the same.


Their next argument will be that it is racist not to have direct contact.

2/17 Air Cav

You may be on to something. All three of these geniuses are black. I wonder who put in the request for the letter? I’m sure that no WH flunky got the word to one of them that such a request might be something someone would certainly consider–between holes.


Which makes one wonder how strongly these assholes would be advocating direct troop-patient contact and opposing containment and quarantine if this outbreak were in Scandinavia.



Banning air travel from West Africa to USA would doubtless prevent numerous Obamabot voters from returning in time for the November elections.

Olld Trooper

I would say “fuck you, you first”.


I’m wearing 3 PT belts so I’m good.

The Other Whitey

If it was me, I’d stop after “fuck you!”

This is asinine bullshit by people who are either criminally incompetent or deliberately trying to spread this Goddamn plague. Since these slapdicks are from my state, I’m going to take a wild-ass guess and say they represent districts in LA, Oakland, and Berkely. All of which, I might add, could easily be napalmed and/or nuked at no great loss in the name of urban renewal.


Whitey: Since I live in B. Lee’s congressional district, I’m not in favor of your “urban renewal” plan. Sadly, getting rid of her via elections won’t work either. There is no one to run against her, and even if there were, that person would lose, big time. Too many Libtards, and Race oriented ethnics, around here.


The troops will have “no contact” with Ebola? Hardly.

And then there’s this regarding 65 PHS Commisssioned Corps medical personnel.

“No contact” my azz.


Looks like some Congresscritters need to go on a “fact finding mission” to West Africa to see first hand how this mission is going….what could possibly go wrong, right?

Mark Lauer

Ellison is a representative in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, which is right next door to my district. He’s a moose-slime, and I gotta wonder how the hell a moose-slime was able to even be nominated in Minnesota. The night he was elected his supporters gleefully chanted “Allah hu akbar” at his campaign headquarters. So, I gotta figure that his ass monkey wants our troops to pick up that virus and bring it home.

Old Trooper

Not that there are any West Africans in his district, as well as Somali types. Brooklyn Park and Brooklyn Center are filled with them, also. I don’t know where you’re at, but I, unfortunately, used to live in his district and am glad I’m out of there, now.

Doc Savage

Old Trooper…..that particular population has spread quickly to Dinky Town, and shows no signs of slowing.

Even university Ave has become the new “little Mecca” near frogtown.

Mark Lauer

I’m in West St Paul. We have plenty of moose-slimes around here.

Doc Savage

Heh…West sider….I graduated from Humboldt High School.

When it was still the Humboldt Indians…not the Hawks.

I grew up there and moved back when I retired.


Even I think this is idiocy. I’d like to see how they feel about a bill that requires them and their staff to do the same.

I’m on board with having the troops build medical facilities. Not having direct contact with patients. That’s a different mission.

2/17 Air Cav

Build medical facilities? How about we drop the locals the blueprints, concrete, steel, nails, and screws and let them build their own damn facilities? Some of you Americans think no one can do anything for themselves!


If that looked like it would work I’d be all for it. I guess ‘some of you Americans’ think this will just go away if we just close our eyes and hide from it? See how useless that sort of comment is?

If a local fire is engulfing your neighbor’s house and will likely spread to yours soon, even if he’s sitting down doing nothing it’s prudent for YOU to take action before the situation gets worse.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, no, I don’t see that at all. Not even an itty-widdle bit. You want us there to build hospitals, you said. I ask why since they have all the manpower they need to build their won damn hospitals. These are regular troops, not man-servants for the world. I’m all for dropping them the materials they need. My eyes are wide open–and open to doing something effective. For instance, I’m in favor of announcing that flights taking off from Liberia will be shot out of the sky and dropped into the Atlantic, effective tomorrow at noon.

2/17 Air Cav

Your fire analogy is mistaken. First, if my neighbor’s house is on fire and I try to protect mine by, say, putting his out, the parallel response would be for my neighbor to attack me. So, in order to protect my house, I shoot him, THEN I put his fire out to save mine.


Like I said below, I think we’re at the point where we’re beating an imperfect analogy to death, but to continue down that road, I’d say it’s not that your neighbor is attacking you, but rather one neighbor out of a thousand might have a gun go off, probably not even aimed at you, and while that’s dangerous…. the fire is more of a threat.

Two honest questions: 1) Do you think the West African countries can stop this without aid from other countries including the US? 2) What do you think it means for the USA if this can’t be contained and spreads in sizable numbers to Asia, South America, Europe, etc.?

Pinto Nag

LC, I think AirCav is referring to the attacks by mobs on both Ebola workers and clincs in Liberia.


Ah, thank you. I had interpreted it as simply the risk of infection from current Ebola carriers.

The fact that previous aid workers have been attacked is unsettling, but I tend to feel the military is able to establish a fairly secure base of operations and attacking a military base of 3000 is considerably different than attacking 5-10 unarmed aid workers.

Is it ideal? No, but I find the threat of mob attack against our troops a fairly minor one.


unless the members of the mob are infected and spraying/splattering blood and other bodily fluids all over the troops.

This Administrations answer to combating this problem is to send 3000 troops to the infected areas to assist caregivers???,,NOTHINGELSE ???

Here is my analogy:
If your house is flooding, turn off the water first and then start cleaning up. The CiC and his clown car posse are attempting to do the opposite. IF in fact they are trying to do that much and not really turn the U.S. into a third world country. I always thought that he really hated this country and was going to do his best to “run-it-in”. Now I know it.


the military [will be] able to establish a fairly secure base of operations and attacking a military base of 3000 is considerably different than attacking 5-10 unarmed aid workers
Unless of course they are prevented from protecting themselves by idiotic ROEs (or whatever the appropriate analogous term is for this situation). Not that that ever happens. /sarc

2/17 Air Cav

1) Do you think the West African countries can stop this without aid from other countries including the US?

Nigeria is the model that either the CDC, WHO, or both sent folks there to study. The approach is tag ’em and bag ’em. And the cDC screwed up and is now racing around trying to do just that here. So, yes, I do believe Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea can do much more on their own. What they lack in resources the west can and should help them with–but NO cash and none of our military. None.

2) What do you think it means for the USA if this can’t be contained and spreads in sizable numbers to Asia, South America, Europe, etc.?

What it would mean is worldwide trouble and death for many. Thankfully, before that occurs, I believe that private interests will develop a useable vaccine and a treatment regimen that will greatly reduce the mortality rate for Ebola victims. I also believe that after it is approved for use elsewhere in the world–and is successful–the FDA will still be considering it.


Well if Ebola makes into North Korea, they will be saying, “Score! Look how much we’ll save on food and bullets.”


…but NO cash and none of our military. None.

Nigeria isn’t really much of a model – it was a single ‘spark’. One carrier who infected more people, whom they tracked and monitored. If this grows, it won’t be one person to track and monitor, it’ll be hundreds, easily, and that response can’t simply ‘scale up’ without the necessary infrastructure and resources. As for the military, if we had a civil crew that was capable of this mission, would you be against that as well? I’m just trying to understand whether you’re against the military being given this unfortunate task or against anyone being given it?

Thankfully, before that occurs, I believe that private interests will develop a useable vaccine and a treatment regimen that will greatly reduce the mortality rate for Ebola victims.

I have no love of the FDA either, and I certainly hope you’re correct that a vaccine and treatment is developed.. but eventually there’s a numbers game to play. Just to pick some numbers -not correct ones, just to illustrate the concept- let’s suppose we tackle this now, but doing so puts people at risk, and say, ten thousand Americans die. Or we wait, get a vaccine several months down the line which is 99% effective, but now this is a true global pandemic and it WILL come to the US, and hit 30 million people. Even with that 99% effective vaccine, that’s still 300,000 sick, and let’s assume treatment lowers the death rate to 10% of those sick, that’s 30,000 people dead. Which is the better option?

And I’m not saying there’s an obvious answer to that, either. But the threat, to me, of a full-blown pandemic requires action at the source. I don’t hate America, I’m not making decisions based on economies of African countries, I’m not some whiny liberal wanting to help ‘brown people’. I’m arguing for what I see as the greater threat to American lives.


This isn’t my neighbor, this is some guy on the other side of town. I’ve prudently fireproofed my own home. Hell, I even own my own fully functional antique firetruck. God bless those who choose to help him fight his fire, but I’m not sure anyone should be ordered to go help in this case-especially if he can’t be bothered to help himself.


At the risk of beating an imperfect analogy to death, if the fire grows your truck is too small to fight it. But it can make a difference now, before the fire spreads. It’s basically fight now or lose later.

And to be fair, I’d prefer it wasn’t the military being ordered to do this, too. We don’t have a well-trained and disciplined civil corps that does this sort of thing, though, at least to my knowledge. It’s not the military’s mission, but it’s a role they’ll do better than any other tool at our disposal, I think.


To complete this analogy, add in the fact that 68W50 does indeed have a firetruck, but the city won’t let him tie into the hydrants.


As long as I can keep water on my roof, I’m fine. My truck can accomplish this so long as it’s on site to do so.

It’s your imperfect analogy, I’m just pointing out how we might play it.

nbcguy54-I’ve got a well and a generator of my own to boot. I don’t trust the city either.


Sorry also that I mistyped and replaced your 8 with a 0. Still training my thumbs.


No worries, just so long as they pay me the same.


Fair enough, I guess we’ll disagree. To me, your truck seems more like a water pistol, and the fire on your house seems like it has the potential to become a million acre forest fire. A squirt gun isn’t going to be nearly enough to stop the things you care about from being burned.

I hope it never comes to this, and I hope if it does I’m wrong.


Just so we’re clear. In the analogy my fire truck (our military) exists for one purpose: to protect my home (our nation). It is more than adequate for the task and you saying that I (we) should send it out to fight someone else’s fire strikes me as foolhardy. I know that this is an imperfect analogy because I can’t divide my fire truck in component parts like we can units in our military, but even if you were just asking for one hose I would still say no because that might be the hose that I need to fight the fire at my house-which is ultimately why the truck exists.


Thank you for the clarity – taking an analogy out further than it should’ve been taken begins to make things a bit murky, at least in my head.

With that being said, I’m arguing that this isn’t ‘someone else’s fight’, it’s our fight.. even if we don’t realize it yet.

I’m saying if you give that hose now, we have a slightly better chance at beating our 10-acre fire. If you don’t, chances are the fire is going to spread and eventually be ours to fight. And by that time it won’t be a 10-acre fire, it’ll be a million-acre fire, and even our very capable fire truck won’t have the capability to put it out.

It’s been a long day and I’m sure I’ll butcher this analogy, too, but let’s say there’s some asshole terrorist who isn’t threatening us yet, and someone else is fighting against, but he’s gaining strength every week. And if the local forces don’t beat him, he’s going to be many time stronger and gunning for us. Do we take any interest in that fight? Or do we simply wait for the fight, the bigger, harder fight to come to us?


I’ll answer your second point first. It seems to me that the bigger fight is almost inevitable. The public has convinced itself that it can walk away from hard won fights with no repercussions. Our enemies know this and fight accordingly. Until that changes we are wasting our time and effort.

That leads me to answering your other point. The fire truck doesn’t have to put the fire out, just keep it from burning us. Either those who are directly threatened by it will put it out first or it will burn itself out. I hope it’s the former, but I really don’t think there is much we can do other than protect our home.


Realize also, as part of this analogy, your boss is telling you “go to that house and hug the fire so it knows you understand it and are compassionate towards it.”

2/17 Air Cav

So what if Ellison is a Muslim convert, a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Causcus and the clown who re-enacted his swearing-in ceremony using the Koran? So what if Barbara Lee worked on Black Panthers co-founder Bobby Seale’s 1973 Oakland mayoral campaign? This doesn’t mean they are not solid Americans with our troops’ best interest at heart. Phuk him. Phuk her. Phuk the other one.

Pinto Nag

So….when troops over there contract Ebola, how many will they bring back here to treat? I mean, we have exactly four facilities with eleven beds total that can handle Level Four biological agents — or have I missed something?

Maybe our troops should be tasked with building facilities here rather than there?

2/17 Air Cav

We would have whole hospitals to dedicate to Ebola patients here–after some conversion, that is–IF we just emptied beds of illegal aliens occupying them.


+1000, 2/17.


I think I see a solution in there somewhere….


According to Wikipedia Bass is a Physician’s Assistant, so I’m assuming she’s taking time out of her busy schedule to go and offer care, right?

2/17 Air Cav

This so pisses me off, as you might have gathered. This is insanity conducted by the insane against the sane. These aren’t bio-trained troops we’re talking about here. These are regular, run-of-the-mill, what-the-shit-am-I-doing-here troops whose training amounted to six hours (including breaks)on how to buddy up in protective gear. The nation is half panicked about Ebola and these, our sons and daughters, are at ground zero, ostensibly to protect the healthcare workers from…the very population we are there to help. This is some seriously crazy shit.


Three of the absolute dumbest sons of bitches I have ever heard open their pie holes!

“We write to urge you to consider building on the current response to the Ebola epidemic by allowing military medical and technical personnel to provide direct care to and to come into contact with patients in West Africa,” the representatives wrote in a letter to Obama.

Yes, I am sure the warm, fuzzy feelings our troops will impart to the infected people in Liberia will do wonders for the “America…saving the world…one troop’s life at a time”, international feel good.

How about this you three dim witted ass hole, sons of bitches…send YOUR OWN kids over there as volunteer aid workers and be sure to tell them, lots of hugs and handshakes all around. Or better yet, how about YOU THREE ASS HOLES, sitting safely in Washington, hop a plane to Liberia and go do the same to show your love and support, “for the cause”. Lead by example you turds, if you had more guts and less mouth. So very easy for you to kill our troops isn’t it? Not so easy to go do it yourselves eh. After all, in the end, this is all about “the man” trying to keep black people down, yet again. They must be in close contact with Jesse Jackson at all times. Screw them, screw all three of them!!! Up, down and sideways. Yea I can hear it, Obama calls them and says, “Hey you three want to come up for dinner and a photo op? Okay then, how bout a letter to me asking for our troops to be more touchy, feely with the Ebola patients? Great, look forward to seeing ya!”

Ass holes and cowards, every last one of them! If this bull shit of theirs does go through, every death will be on their and Obama’s hands. Those being quarantined upon return should be kept in the residences of these three ass suckers, since they are so sure and feeling so positive about all of this.


I am in total agreement. I know that this is basically preaching to the choir, but you will never see them do the things in your post (that they should do, not what they are doing). The left does not believe in leading, they believe in throwing money at it until they get what they want. They are very concerned with fighting the worlds problems as long is it is not them doing the fighting. It is always easier to fight a problem when you get to send someone else to do the actual hard part, then you can also blame them if it goes wrong but if it goes right, you take the credit(i.e. Obama killed OBL [not SEAL Team 6]).

As a Christian I have been taught not to hate. I guess I’m not a good Christian because I hate the liberal left for what they are doing to this country.

///Rant off///


I met the “honorable” Keith Ellison at an official event this summer. He brought along his “assistant”. To say she was under dressed for an event with Ambassadors and Defense Attaches from 37 muslim nations would be an understatement. But maybe she was going directly from the reception to the night shift at a gentleman’s club…..


No pictures for us? Pshawww I say.


What? She was wearing a see-through burqa and hujab?


hijab…Jonn I second that request for an edit option.


Right. put our men and women in uniform in peril because the WHO finally has admitted it screwed the pooch.


Sure we can send them in to a country that is diseased, but not one that is being overrun…. makes sense to me.


Indeed, don’t send them to a country where they can kill terrorists and break things, like they’re supposed to do. Send them on a hug and drug mission they’re not trained for, equipped for or even supposed to be doing.

Pinto Nag

Remember also that Liberia was established by former slaves from the US…

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, that’s right. They got their freedom. Was it Ali in Zaire who said, ‘Thank God they got on the boat?’


Couldn’t they send Jimmy Carter and the Habitat people over there to build the shelters. Or maybe a bunch of progressive volunteers who could call themselves the Hope and Change Corps.




This is yet another thing that makes me ashamed to be from California.
I think it’s beyond ridiculous that we’re sending soldiers to “fight” a disease to begin with.


Ellison is not from Californis, as has been pointed out above.

We have enough morons here without needing to take credit for him.


Sheila Jackson Lee, from Houston, has also been spouting off her big mouth about Americans being racist for wanting to block travel from the nations involved because “they’re African”.


I’m not racist. I say the hell with all of them that are not American.

Why don’t these idiots that want us to be touchy-feely with Ebola victims jump their elitist asses on a plane, fly to W Africa and set the example.

Do you think that this dumb B1t@h realizes that Ebola does not care if you are black, white, brown, red or yellow. If 10000 victims per week contract Ebola in Houston TX, she will run out of votes very quickly.

2/17 Air Cav

According to the report that I read, Nigeria became a model for contact tracing after a Liberian with Ebola flew into the country. He had collapsed in the terminal and was taken to a hospital where he was tested for Ebola and five days later died of it. The gov’t kicked it into high gear and traced some 18,500 (!) people in Nigerian from patient zero. All were required to report to a hospital twice daily for temp and other exams. Of the group, nine contracted Ebola and were dealt with right away. And, now, Nigeria is (at least officially) Ebola free. Officially, Nigeria has fewer cases than the US does. Officially, it is a helluva model and that’s why it’s being emulated. And you know what? The Great Satan didn’t have a role there.

I cannot compete in the numbers game. My eyes gloss over when someone mentions statistics.


So, these clowns do understand that some of the troopers being sent will be black troopers, right? Or are they only planning to send over white males?

Maybe we can get them to delay it long enough to ensure that the “correct” ethnicities, genders, confused, bi-sexuals, trannies, illegal aliens, and whatever else is important to them this week are represented among those they are sending to their deaths in Africa?

Yep. They have in fact gotten more stupid than anyone could have imagined.


If you really want to get more upset, go to and look at the “how we spend our money” links there.

Because it is a government agency, you can see every single penny they spend and where they spend them at for previous years.

For example, USAID spent 21.1 million bucks just in Sierra Leone in 2012. The amount of money spent by USAID on the African Continent will blow your mind.

These three need to go to Atlanta and go give a hug and a kiss to the nurse there who has Ebola. The President gave hugs n’ kisses to healthcare workers in Nebraska after all….

A Proud Infidel®™

The three of them need to personally spred at least two weeks in Liberia sans any PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) while seeing patients and then ONLY be allowed to return to the USA after spending thirty days in quarantine!


Maybe they think islands tip over, too.


I am having a hard time finding anything else besides this story that refers to the three members of congress requesting direct care from us service members. I found this, but I want to make sure that I am not overlooking anything.

Just an Old Dog

I think its a bit of an over-reaction to what the three idjits said.
From what I read they want Military MEDICAL teams assisting, not run of the mill grunts, etc.
Even with that there is a problem. Generally The medical staff within a military unit is T/O to take care of he troops in that unit.
The troops we have sent there Seem to be more along the lines of assisting with security and keeping the infrastructure from collapsing.
Another huge problem with Military medical units is that they are not equipped or trained to handle ebola.
If Obama wants to provide equipment and transportation to Civilian Groups who are qualified and want to help WHO, or financially aid Doctors without Borders that would be something I could get behind.

Roger in Republic

I will stop thinking of these people in terms of Chimpanzees when they quit acting like Chimpanzees. Really how much more ridiculous can they get? The Black Progressive Caucus? Who listens to these people? Who votes for these people, is more the question.