Joe Teti becomes toxic
We first wrote about Joe Teti, the sole surviving cast member of Discovery Channel’s Dual Survival, back in May of last year. Most recently, he was tossed from the Special Forces Association for embellishing he career. The Marine Corps Times reports that some of Teti’s sponsors on the show are pushing away from him;
Cabela’s hunting and sporting goods chain, one of Teti’s main sponsors, cut ties with him over the weekend.
Since joining “Dual Survival” last year, Teti had become the centerpiece for Cabela’s special events. As recently as Sept. 16, he was booked by the chain for the grand opening of a store in Oregon.
And now Casio, another Teti sponsor, is considering breaking ties as well.
“It’s under review,” says David Johnson, vice president of Casio’s timepiece division. “We are aware of the stuff that’s come out. The timing is unfortunate because we just started this relationship with the guy.”
The watchmaker signed Teti in August to help promote its new line of Pro Trek watches.
“We’re gathering as much information as we can, and we’ll make a decision in the very near future,” Johnson tells Military Times.
The Discovery Channel isn’t saying anything yet – they’ve been through two co-hosts in recent years; David Canterbury pretended to be a sniper and a paratrooper, and Cody Lundin, a lifelong civilian, left under questionable circumstances just this year.
I’m thinking that the Discovery Channel’s problems stem from Joe Teti. Of course he has his urine-drinking fans who support his needless taking of animal lives. I never watched the show (those “egos on display” reality shows put me to sleep), so I’m sure Discovery Channel wont make any decisions based on my opinion. But Teti is an irrational crackpot and Discovery Channel should really stop making those shows, you know, if they want to be successful.
ADDED: You can see updates to the Teti controversy at Scottie’s place.
Category: General Whackos
So now I can change his nickname to “Toxic Tinkle Toes Teti”.
I like “Taint Tickling Teti”.
Or “tinkling Teti” …
Like “tinkle” …
Nevermind … already used!
I’m going to leave this here. However, this song, unlike Teti, is fucking awesome! Jimmy Page on guitar and Paul Rogers on vocals? Come on, now!
Those who told Joe Teti to GFH have had their wish granted!
Teti is a confirmed, full fledged ass hole and liar. Also Jonn, you mentioned, “(those “egos on display” reality shows put me to sleep)”. I’m with ya there brother, except instead of putting me to sleep, they insult my ignorance, leaving aside my intelligence and truly I go full bore irate trying to get through them. My wife (God love her) watches those inane programs and is all enthralled with them. I try to tell her there is NO reality in “reality TV”. It is all scripted, directed, cut and redone until they get the shock value they are looking for for the audience targeted. That audience being, the generally ill-informed, millennials and Gen Xers. My wife is smarter than me by far, very well informed and a baby boomer to boot. Why she watches that crap, I’ll never understand. But she won’t watch Dual Survival or military type “reality” such as those. Go figure AND if you can come up with an answer for me, I’m all ears. Did I mention I do love my wife with all my heart? It’s true.
Maybe it’s just one of those guilty pleasures, like those who enjoy the zombie stuff. My guilty pleasure is a show called “Mountain Monsters.” A group of good old boys from WV chasing mythical creatures like Bigfoot around the Appalachians. Hootin’ and hollerin’ and shootin’ them guns. I get a kick out of them. Is it real? I don’t think so. But the boys do enjoy themselves and it’s fun to watch.
Cody left probably because he did not want to share a tent with Teti.
Cody left for two reasons:
1. Safety issues he raised with producers … and
2. He knew this was coming (as per local producer who got hammered at my local brew pub).
Editorial note:
I believe # 2 because I am the guy who got the producer hammered!
You, are a bad influence. Keep up the good work.
Damn straight I am!
Better buy a knife quick! They might dump him too. Read the bio, it’s priceless.
Christ on a crutch. That bio read like some pimpled teenagers hero wet dream. Turd Teti is so full of himself. So I guess it’s an honest assessment to say he’s full of shit.
That he has “former operator in a highly classified counter-terrorism unit” in his bio is all I need to know that something is fishy.
I didn’t think the show was too bad with Canterbury and Lundin, and the new hippy is okay. The only thing hosing up the show is Teti.
“As a contractor providing services to a highly classified counter-terrorism unit, he ensured the heads, latrines and or porto-potties were guarded, maintained and or pumped out on a regular schedule”.
You can see updates to the Teti controversy at Scottie’s place.
I guess he will not be dancing w/ Richard Simmons on “Dancing with the Stars”.
But maybe they could have a spoof, “Dancing wit the Turds”. He an Phildo would make quite the pair.
Joey’s future employer: “Dammit. ALWAYS ask the customer if he would like fries with his order!”
Joey: “Right boss. Got it.”
Customer to Joey: “I’d like two orders of fries. Large. To go. That’s all.”
Joey: “Would you like fries with your order?”
Got-damn it 2/17,
I larfed WAY harder at that than I expected.
😀 😀 😀
He could always make sandwiches with Alex Popovic.
I’m grooving on that picture of Teti on a 4 wheeler with a mounted SAW. We didn’t need no stinkin post. We laid Ma Deuce right across the top of the headlight housing. What did we do then? Took pictures, of course.
Then we went back to fixing broke and blown up shit.
Isn’t it ironic that Teti claims this is a smear campaign against him. But yet, He hasn’t filed any Libel lawsuits towards those who have exposed his lie’s.
He was also given 30 days to appeal the decision from the Special Forces Association about disavowing him because of his embellishments.Which I’m sure that the Flamboyant Teti would have done so if he was in the right. Time to grab the popcorn and watch this ass-clown destroy himself.
The interesting thing I saw, and maybe I’m nitpicking here was that Toxic Tinkle Toes said (from Scotties page)…” His membership expired and he was not able to renew it”….Yet the impression I get from the SFA (articles and headlines), that he was kicked out, revoked, stripped of his membership.
Sounds like he was trying to soften the stance of the SFA, also calling it “a civilian non profit membership organization”. Well yes but it’s made up of members of the Special Forces community who represent the organization in good standing.
Me thinks he’s trying to polish a turd. *AGAIN*
Scotty, he already has and now that his big sponsor(Cabela’s) and even maybe more dumping him, Discovery Channel may have no other choice but to drop him from Dual Survival.
When he is unemployable and homeless, send him to Seattle or Portland. There are enough people living and urinating on the streets there, he will never have a shortage of something to drink!
Nurse: Here’s your cup, Joey. The lavatory is down the hall on the left.
Joey: Thanks! This is so great I really hate to ask but–do you have a straw?
And Fox News now piles on Dear Old Piss Drink Joe.
Anyone notice who was quoted in that article other than Teti?
Well done, Mr. Hughes. (smile)
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