Washington Post criticizes Obama’s air campaign

| October 8, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

The editorial board of the Washington Post, You know, those guys who spent six years opposing US troops on the ground in Iraq and cheered the withdrawal of ground forces from Iraq in 2011, is criticizing the Obama plan for depending on airstrikes alone in that country now;

Why can’t the U.S.-led coalition prevent a ragtag insurgent army from overrunning large towns? The answers speak to the limitations imposed on the military campaign by President Obama as well as the continuing political complications of fighting the Islamic State. Military analysts point out that U.S. strikes on Islamic State forces around Kobane have come late and in small handfuls — not enough, as of Tuesday, to turn back thousands of fighters armed with tanks and artillery. In contrast with the successful 2002 air campaign against the Taliban in Afghanistan, U.S. pilots cannot rely on Special Forces spotters to identify targets. Mr. Obama has ruled out such ground personnel despite requests from military commanders.

They’re pretty brave with the lives of someone else’s sons’ and daughters’ lives, aren’t they? A year ago last July, the Washington Post’s editorial board recommended just this remedy for the problems that Iraq was facing – still opposing boots on the ground, but now, like our president, when the situation is clearly out of control, they have a solution and it involves more ground forces as if troops are the panacea for all of the world’s ills.

Category: Terror War

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This is the same editorial board that recommended hiking Tri-Care fees and cutting retirement to fund the “war” against ISIS and the Ebola crisis. Looks like they’re batting 1.000


Just like our Secretary of State, John “Kombat” Kerry, the Washington Post seems to be for a lot of shit right up until they are against it.

In summary, Fuck the Washington Post.


Bear in mind though that now Jeff Bezos (Amazon) owns the Washington Post, so the change in editorial perspective may reflect his influence.


Liberal commentator Ezra Klein left WAPO after he was told “no” to $10 mil pet project.

Also, Bezos apparently isn’t very popular among the rank & file at the Post (unyielding negotiator)…yep, cuts to benefits.






“cut benefits”?!?! is he insane.
I guess WaPo only likes it when other people’s benefits get cut!

Roger in Republic

My father worked on the Strategic Bombing Survey at the close of WWII. It was an exhaustive audit of the whole program of the Bombing of Europe between 1942-45 that cost thousands of machines and 80,000 casualties. The main conclusion of the survey was that only two things cause the enemy damage by falling from the sky, Birdshit and Paratroopers!
What was true then is still true now. Anyone who disagrees probably got lousy grades in History.