Joe Teti news

| October 1, 2014

Joe Teti Bio

At the risk of being called a bully again, it’s still my duty to tell y’all that Joe Teti, the reality TV star (in his own mind) of the Discovery Channel’s “Dual Survival” show has been booted from the Special Forces Association, according to some emails I received earlier today and the Army Times;

“He is no longer a member and cannot rejoin,” retired Army Col. Jack Tobin, president of the association, told Military Times.

The association’s National Board made the decision after some two dozen current and former Special Forces soldiers came forward with allegations of misconduct against Teti. In the group’s 50-year history, only 10 members have gotten the boot.

Although Tobin declined to discuss the specifics of Teti’s removal, the group’s bylaws allow for membership to be revoked for lying about their Special Forces credentials or any “actions, deeds, or behavior by a member which brings discredit, humiliation, or embarrassment upon the Association.”

You might remember that we profiled Teti last year and published his records and he took offense at your comments, and declared war on us. So, I just stepped back and let him do this to himself because he threatened legal action against us if I didn’t start moderating your comments. Yeah, when your opponent starts punching himself out, stand back and watch. A few folks have approached me about participating in this action, and I gracefully bowed out and let the chips fall where they might.

I never watched the show, but I’m told it’s pretty bad and even his co-star walked out on him. I’m not a fan of drinking my own urine, so I’m sure that I’d watch something else, anyway. Since we’re the top result for his name in the search engines, I guess I’ll just enjoy the traffic over the next day or so.

Category: Politics

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HS Junior

Looks like the show is a viper’s nest of posers. According to the article, the star before him was a poser who lied abut being an airborne sniper.


Green Thumb

Maybe he and Richard Simmons could be the next contestants on “Dancing With The Stars”.

And I actually do not dislike Richard Simmons.


Grabbing the popcorn bowl.

Still wanna meet me in private for 10 minutes Teti ? Does that $10,000 offer still stand ?
Yea, you punked out of the deal when I accepted last year. So I already know what the answer is.

Let’s just say ” Karma is a Bitch ” Piss drinker !

OIF '06-'07-'08

That’s gonna hurt an over inflated ego!!!!!


Looks like we went to the same USMC schools with the exception of scuba.
Not overwhelmed.
He didn’t stay Force Recon.
3rd RECONBN is Div asset.


So, if you’re not overwhelmed does that mean you’re just whelmed or underwhelmed? 😀


well, he was gonna be disgruntled but wound up just gruntled


Any vintage urine in that lot he’s been pimping on his show?


Anyone else notice this?

In the group’s 50-year history, only 10 members have gotten the boot.

Hmm. I wonder if we might know who any of the other 9 were?

Green Thumb

Think “All-Points Logistics”.




A dull ass with an over inflated ego perhaps?


I think you and Claw MiGhT jUsT bE rIgHt, rb325th.


Myself and ThUnDerous FlAtuLencE AKA SlRpy14 go way back.


Originally posted by Hondo:

Anyone else notice this?

In the group’s 50-year history, only 10 members have gotten the boot.

Hmm. I wonder if we might know who any of the other 9 were?

I wouldn’t be surprised if John Giduck was one of them. :mrgreen:


See below. Gidduck apparently was in the SOA vice the SFA; his membership was also honorary vice full.

2/17 Air Cav

Oh yeah, the “combat veteran” guy. I remember now.

Charlie Foxtrot

OK then, only TEN members have ever been thrown out of The Specia; Forces Association in its entire history. Dallas Wittgenfeld, Joe Teti, and eight others!

Green Thumb

Now “Titty” Teti can join the “Special Turds Association”.

Where he belongs.


A Proud Infidel®™

I remember that Giduck got thrown out as well, who else?


The SlRpi14kometh…aka thundering dumpster diver.

mr. sharkman

Giduck was an honorary member of the SOA, not the SFA?

2 different groups.


And Giduck is the founder of sperm the burper club behind Dennys.
He clams to have invented the secret sauce. But he may have stolen it from an ancient Viking formula.


Shall I dare say it:

Splash. Out.


Fire for effect


Shot, Over


Shot, out. :mrgreen:




I wonder if he’ll be stupid enough to join forces with the other expelled SFA member and his two buddies?


I think they have an open slot for a urine drinker.

Just An Old Dog

Funny you should say that…. A month or three ago Teti started a thread on Reddit crying about how he was outted and being unjustly picked on. I think he had one or two sock puppets join in, then regulars here came on and pretty politely posted that he was at a minimum an Embellisher.
Then Lo and behold Dullas and mybe it was Birdbath? showed up and went full retard. Teti pulled the thread.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wish I could have seen that, it sounds like some great comedy!!

Just An Old Dog

It was pure gold. Dullass took Teti’s side, then came off as a complete loon.
Teti had the sense to realize that with asshles like that chiming in he had no case.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dallas Wittgenfeld always does an outstanding job of acting like a loon, I never expect any less from him!

Just An Old Dog

One thing that is disturbing with the use of contractors is that posers can claim what they want as it’s not something you could find out in a FOIA request.
In 10 years ( and probably even now) you will see guys walking around claing they were Blackwater..

Farflung Wanderer

This is a complete digression, but how long has that FNG FAQ been up?

It’s really cool, well done guys!

AW1 Tim

He’s still doing a lot of self-love on his FaceBook page.

Just sayin’……. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like his self-love is his psychological homeopathic salve for all of the butt-hurt he’s brought upon himself!

Green Thumb

Wasn’t he disciplined for stealing while in the NG?


People like that are good reasons to avoid FB.


Ok … I know you can’t see it so just imagine …

This is my surprized face!


The atypical secret squirrel claim:

“I am not at liberty to discuss — ethically, legally, morally — who I worked for,” he said.”

…as a contractor.


Metaphorically …


Can’t discuss it… but can post it on the Internet. Yep. Right.


I just dont get the mindset that leads one to believe that they can perpetrate such a story, especially in the public eye…do you not think about the possible outcomes of your lies?

mr. sharkman

Not just a thief of Valor, but a thief of Clandestine Valor.

Without getting into any detail, very specific parts of one of his resumes portrayed him as something he knew he was not and in such a way that only someone with inside knowledge would have had.

He betrayed and stole the Valor of a certain group of individuals who – due to their professionalism and integrity – often wait decades or even until after they have passed on before their Valor is recognized by anyone but the persons they served with.

As for the ‘contractor’ comments and misunderstandings…Ty Woods and Glen Doherty were ‘contractors’ when they fought and were eventually KIA in Benghazi.


I’ve never fathomed why some people have to shit all over themselves pretending to be more than they were.

Isn’t what this guy did good enough? Hell, I’m perfectly fine telling people all I did was punch holes in the ocean and drill/clean/train for the next ORSE.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

That’s because being who you are is enough for you, there is no emptiness inside that needs to be filled with fabricated parts to make your life whole.

I am convinced these are men who feel they are not now and never were good enough to be just who they are and they have an overwhelming need to seek the approval of others to place a value in their empty lives.

Most of us who don’t have that need don’t give a flying fuck what any one else ever thinks of us.

Because being who we are and who we were is good enough for us. And if it’s not we work to change ourselves instead of telling lies about what we never did and what we never were.

I have lots of bad karma to atone for, but telling lies about who I was or who I am won’t get that work done it’s what I need to do about making myself a better man and a better citizen that will get it done.

All of you here know that about yourselves, these fellows who tell tall tales of fictional derring-do have never understood that aspect of life. If you are not good enough for yourself, you’ll never be good enough for anyone else either. It’s simple logic, but the simplest of things often escape most people.


Its kind of like one of those self flushing toilets. He just did him himself.


Do you all know what the tse-tse fly is? It’s that critter that transmits sleepig sickness.

There was a show a while back titled ‘Survivorman’, in which the host showed various common sense ways to survive if a disaster hits and you’re stranded alone. He didn’t have a camera crew, either, just a onesie or selfie that he took with him. He seemed to know what he was doing. His most important point was ‘don’t panic, stay warm, find water’. He just used basic survival methods. Common sense.

Then this doofus shows up and while I have never seen his show (no TV, don’t want one), I gathered from what you all said that he was not only wrong on a lot of things, he was also copletely wrapped up in himself and boring. Put you to sleep, if you will.

So I’ve given him the title of Joe ‘tse-tse fly’ Teti. At this point, I would be better off with a copy of ‘How To Survive a Worst Case Scenario’ in the glove box in my car.

James in Gulf Breeze

I loved survivorman! Him being his own camerman was awesome!!!!

E-6 type, 1 ea

He should actually be thanking us for calling him out. If I ever get to a point in my life where I drink my own urine on national television, I’d really appreciate someone telling me just how fucked in the head I really am.

Joe, if you’re reading this, you’re really fucked in the head. You’ll thank me later.

2/17 Air Cav

Now that I know what a Teti cocktail is, I do not want to know what’s for dinner at his house.


You know, I find myself grumbling a bit thinking about this, but I miss the survival hippy on that show. He was crazy (no shoes anywhere? really?), but he knew his stuff in his area of expertise, and was interesting.

And more importantly (in hind sight), he never propagated himself to be any more than he is-a learned expert on (primarily desert) survival techniques. I can and do respect that certainly.

(And was it really Teti with the urine,? I thought it was the Brit.)


Bear Grills and Joe “Tinkle Toes” Teti…. pee gulpers.

/more for you guys.

The Other Whitey

Bear Grylls always struck me as a lot less of a douche than Teti.

E-6 type, 1 ea

I’d like to make a counter-point that any man who drinks his own piss is a douche of epic proportions.

“Is it necessary to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.” Dodgeball

Toasty Coastie

Except pee isn’t sterile once it leaves the body… :green:

A Proud Infidel®™

I liked Bear Grylls, he was honest about his past and didn’t act like a douche.

Ritch Elbe

true….but he lied about a lot of things on that show…busted several times in hotels while acting like he stayed out over night. One clear scene while roping a canyon you can clear see the high tension line the rope is wrapped around… but he just rigged the rope right then


Agreed!! That was the one reality show that I was willing to watch with my husband (Alaska, Alaska…UGH!) other than Survivorman ’cause we both liked and respected the guy you refer to- Cody is the first name. Guy was a hoot- down to earth, smart, and new HIS shit- never claimed more. I think the man deserves some medal for putting up with that jack ass Joe “Tinkle toes”,”tse-tse fly” Teti!! I mean, you could just see that he wanted to strangle the dude…but he stayed calm where I was still watching (yes he ran us off quickly!!) but tonight on a 10 most idiotic moments basically, they showed some extra footage and you saw the probable moment when Cody just lost it and gave up…he was PISSED. Poor thing- made him work with two blow-holes…bring him back to work with the current partner Matt and I’d watch again! haha Back to the actual point of the show- get tips and learn things about real survival…not watch the “joe show” and the tantrum of the week…if we run out of “interrogation” techniques…we can make them watch this idiot go ON AND ON about his “20 yrs of special forces training” and how this TV show is somehow a “kill or be killed mission”…?!? grrr 😉
So yes, it was him that drank his pee- against the pleading with him essentially to NOT do it. He just kept saying it was “just for the psychological benefit of it”…again…??!!! Urine in your mouth makes it all better?? WHAT a moron.
Loved Cody’s final comment on the issue before the moron did it (from his own helmet no less…and making RUDE ass comments about offering Cody some fresh from the tap- guy probably wanted to strangle him with his bare legs! ugh- I digress) he said: “People who survive after drinking urine survive DESPITE doing it, not because of it!”

An Old Arty Sgt

Just odd that he can claim that his work was highly classified and he can’t talk about it, but he tells everyone that he was there and did these things, but he can’t talk about it.

Still trying to find his “30” formal schools on counter terrorism and special force training.

The Other Whitey

“I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you,” is the first sign of a phony.


The first rule of poser club is you continually talk about poser club without talking about poser club.


MCPO on urine:

“The Army Field Manual (PDF) for survival, evasion, and recovery specifically lists urine on its “DO NOT drink” list along with seawater and blood. Drinking urine can be especially dangerous for survivors of crushing injuries. When muscle fibers are damaged, the cells can begin leaking potassium and phosphorous into the bloodstream. Even a victim with healthy kidneys might not be able to clear the dangerous build-up; someone who had been drinking his own urine would be at much greater risk. (For the same reason, a person drinking his own urine should stay away from high-potassium foods like bananas)”

*** Above cut from interweb. ***


From MCPO’s post “someone who had been drinking his own urine would be at much greater risk. (For the same reason, a person drinking his own urine should stay away from high-potassium foods like bananas)”

So, from that, using Joe Teti’s logic we can of course, drink someone else’s urine and be just fine.

/right outta the tap obviously, as is Joe’s preference


Real military survivalism should still make good Reality TV.

The USMC version:

Avoiding work parties.
Staying out of line o’ sight of the Gunny while misbehaving.
Ad hoc creative story telling when caught by the Gunny while misbehaving.
Avoiding getting caught while drinking booze in the barracks.
The Obstacle Course: 0300, shitfaced. Make it to rack without stumbling over furniture, banging off wall and falling on ass, not confusing a chair for a toilet for purposes of urinating, the pick a door challenge for purposes of finding your own rack, crawling up into the top rack without stepping on the face or other body parts of the Marine sleeping in the bottom rack…

The possible events are endless.


For anyone who has never watched it or for those of you who want to relive it …

Cody says, “… jackass …”


” I need to get some wetness in my mouth….”

The you can lick the sweat off a dead man’s balls.

/bigger douchebag after seeing it *AGAIN*.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m wondering. Was it a direct shot of urine or did he use a cup?


I’m late to this show (via Facebook) but can someone please explain what he did wrong and why he was kicked out of the SFA?
He was in all those units that he claimed, right?
Is the issue that he claimed ‘combat’ as a contractor, not uniformed military? Or that he lied about a super secret contractor unit?
I am former British military with deployments, including Afghanistan. After that I served 5 years in Afghanistan and Iraq as a paramilitary contractor. That wasn’t combat?
If the issue is ‘combat’ as a contractor, you wouldn’t ever claim a ‘combat patch’ but we faced more ‘combat’ than many military who do, Fobbits included.
So what is the actual issue here? Or can you only be shot at and blown up if you are uniformed military?
It’s a new age of war, many serve as contractors and force multipliers but claim no credit.


the issue is that he claimed to be a combat veteran which implies he served in the military at the time of the combat engagement how hard is that to understand tacti-cool guy dont come on here bragging about your combat coolness


The issue is that he’s a MORON and a jackass…(OK maybe not for the whole SFA kicking him out thing but…:-) ) I’m just sayin’…you said you are late to this ‘Show’ and I can only assume you mean the whole ‘pissed off at this Joe guy show’ and not the actual show- if you watched that there would be NO question what irks everyone! (see above clip)… but NO ONE anywhere that I’ve read here or elsewhere has slammed on actual contractors in combat at all…it’s THIS guy…keep up!!haha 😉 just kidding… We have great respect for former military in contractor positions- uh, one word- Benghazi. OK- non-military “crazy kitty lady” OUT! 🙂


[…] Ain’t Hell”article series – Joe Teti Discussions Continue; OCT 1 Joe Teti Kicked Out of Special FORCES […]