Still Clueless, After All These Years

| October 1, 2014

Time today has a short article concerning perhaps the most incompetent President this nation has ever had.  Like it’s subject, the article is brief – and uninspiring.

But it does have this little “nugget of wisdom”:

Former President Jimmy Carter claimed Wednesday that he would have been re-elected and beaten Ronald Reagan in 1980 if had been more “manly” in his dealings with Iran.

The Clueless One goes on to claim that his “prayers were answered” when “every hostage came home safe and free”, and that he’d have been reelected if he’d started a war. He implies that he took the moral high ground instead, and suffered the consequences.

Looks to me like Jimmy the Clueless is still fond of slinging some kind of “nuggets”.  But I  wouldn’t exactly call what he’s slinging here “wisdom”.

Here’s a clue for ya, Jimmy-boi – “morality” doesn’t have a damn thing to do with why you allowed this nation to be humiliated by Khomeini’s Iran. Rather, you didn’t act more “manly” because you weren’t capable of being more more “manly”.  You simply didn’t have it in you.

That’s why you weren’t more “manly” in dealing with Iran. Period. So don’t p!ss on our legs almost 34 years after the fact and tell us it’s raining.

Let me ‘splain something else to ya, Peanut-boi. This nation is still paying for your Administration’s clueless incompetence in the Middle East from 1977-1981. Even today that example of stunning, feckless foreign policy idiocy emboldens Islamist groups worldwide.

And I haven’t even mentioned your impotent, hand-wringing, supine response to Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan.  (Yeah, that “Olympic Boycott” really hurt those nasty Soviets, didn’t it?  They pulled right out of Afghanistan the day it was announced – right?)   Without that invasion, there’s no need to support any mujahideen – period.  Your policies in Iran doubtless tipped the scales for the Soviets on making that grab.

They knew you’d stand by and do nothing effective.  You’d already proven that in Iran.

Finally:  though it will never be proven, I am convinced that had you not stood by with your thumb firmly inserted as the Shah and Iran fell to radical Islam 9/11 would never have happened. A strong, friendly Iran would have been a much simpler and easier way to deliver US support to Afghan mujahideen than Pakistan. Without the need to use Pakistan as a conduit for that aid, al Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban probably never happen.  Hell, with a strong Iran friendly towards the US, the Soviet Afghan invasion IMO probably doesn’t happen at all.

Put that in your “peanut jar” and munch on it, Jimmy.  And then, how about you just shut the hell up.


Author’s note:  apologies to Paul Simon.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Jimmy Carter

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Is that rabbit chasing him again?


He should have just stuck to wacking helpless bunnies with a canoe paddle.


It is truly great to have you back ChipNASA!

2/17 Air Cav

It’s not his fault he had no nuts. He was well nurtured as a boy.


You would think being a Naval Academy grad and a sub/nuke officer would have made him a better commander in chief.

Roger in Republic

Andy, remember that he resigned and returned to run the family business. That should have been a good measure of his commitment to the defence of America. He could have stayed and served but he left the navy and never looked back. He didn’t have the right stuff. And he never found it.

2/17 Air Cav

I remember that the popular thinking at the time when the hostages were released was that they didn’t want to have to deal with Reagan. Consequently, on inauguration day, they were released and BIG MEDIA portrayed it as Carter’s work come to fruition. [Bridge. Brooklyn. Moving Must sell.]

High Angle Hell in a tank battalion

While Georgia’s disgrace was a submariner, he served only in diesel electric subs.

CB Senior

Is he not the one that changed the retirement system to lower benies for future retirees?


Always thought he was the worst President in my lifetime if not in history, a ball-less indecisive clown dominated by the more masculine women in his life. Then he got competition in 2009….. I am no longer certain he was the worst.


Hondo, I have said almost everything that you wrote above and while I agree that we are still paying for Carter’s ignorance, incompetence and plain stupidity, I fear that the we may not be able to afford the bill that our current CIC is creating. Financially, morally, defensively, etc…

I M Simpleton

I’m just glad that damn Republican war monger Goldwater didn’t get elected in 64. He would have gotten us embroiled in Vietnam…imagine if that had happenened.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Where is VWP BTW? Must have gotten kicked out of moms basement.


I’m thinking that he must have destroyed a few more brain cells, to the point that he’s now unable to manipulate a keyboard.

2/17 Air Cav

I recall seeing some minutes of a TV show in which a grossly obese male climbed into his bath and got stuck there. some days later, following the stench, he was found–alive. He was unable to get out of the tub himself due to his extreme fatidity. He stank. His house stank. Half the neighborhood stank. Whenever I see that tag vnwarprotester, I envision that tub in a tub.

Roger in Republic

I heard he hitchhiked to Colorado so he could buy Pot with his food stamp card.


Dear God, no. We don’t want him here in Colorado.


baked and can’t remember the combination to his bike lock. Therefore he has no way to get to the library to log on to the internet.



George V

I recall reading in one of the accounts of the Iran hostages that, after hearing of Reagan’s election, the hostage started telling his captors how Reagan was going to just plaster them once he was inaugurated. In this account the Iranians were pretty shaken up – they were definitely afraid of Reagan.

2/17 Air Cav

Paraphrasing Reagan

To striking ATCs: Get back to work or your services will no longer be needed. Not back? Okay, you’re fired. Next item.

Joking: Bombing commences in 5 minutes.

STFU. I paid for this microphone.

Hey, bear Boy, tear down this wall.

I don’t give a shit. Send those clowns a note. If the hostages aren’t freed–and I mean in the air–by close of business tomorrow, we’re coming after every last one of those bastards, whether they’re wearing dresses or not.


I loved what he did to the ATC’s. They deserved that.


I knew one of them. He bartended at a local bar in Roxbury WI.
He was a decent guy but boy did he hate Reagan.
I wore a Reagan/Bush button in there once and got 86’d for 4 days !!!
It was great !!

Roger in Republic

I felt sorry for the controllers. They were sold a bill of goods by their union bosses and they paid dearly for it. I met one and his story was that he was on vacation when they were fired. He returned and was told that since he didn’t come back on the first day of the strike he was fired too. I can’t say if that was the truth but it sounded good. When a real man tells you what he will do if break the law, you better believe him.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember hearing my Mom talk to one of her friends about a comment a friend of hers in the Aviation industry made about Ronald Reagan’s firing the ATC’s. The comment? “He took out the trash.”


Dr Jim Garrow (who I can’t decide is a nut or not) says Reagan threatened to nuke Mecca (hence the immediate release of the hostages when he began office).


It was 1981 and I was not so up on the politics but, I remember thinking that the “new guy” had more going for him than Carter.
He would never have beaten Reagan. Ever. ROTFLMAO.


The Simpsons had it right:

“Jimmy Carter? He’s history’s greatest monster!”


I agree with all of Jonn’s assessment. If it had not been for Jimmy the Teeth’s foreign policies, make that lack of foreign policies, the world would not be where it is today. We may not have been in Afghanistan. We may not have even been in Iraq. I can’t foresee the past, if you will allow that paradox of speech. But I know for sure, Iran would not be the threat they are today. The Taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS would not have the high speed wheels under them they have gained since his administration. AND I also firmly believe 9/11 would not have happened. Just my one humble opinion here. So Jimmy, keep eating those peanuts and keep sharing your pearls of wisdom with the world. Don’t know where we’d be without you. Well, yes I do or at least I have a pretty good idea.


Hondo…Man I’m Sorry!!!! Wow, I made an “ass out of u and me”! I…ASSUMED! I pay more attention from now on my friend. 😀 Thanks for not tearing me a new one.

Old Trooper

I remember those days well. Carter was a pussy and the world knew it, just like the current pussy in the WH.

I’m not talking about the willingness to start shooting, but the presence of leadership and calling a spade a spade. Appeasement in order to be liked wasn’t in his lexicon. He may have not been liked, but he was respected. The pussies don’t understand that, because they have attended too may limp wristed conflict resolution classes run by other pussies.

Dave Hardin


I served under 3 different CINC’s when I was in the Army. Nixon, Ford and Carter.
Carter was by far the worst.
We were closer to nuclear war under Carter than we ever were before or since with the exception of now although the difference in the exchange would be different now as it would be hard to find a country to level with the first volley being tossed by a couple of ragheads in a Toyota minivan…
Because Carter destroyed the standing Armies of the US had the Russians decided to come through the Fulda Gap the state of our tanks and other defenses were in such bad condition that he would have had no choice except to go through the nuclear Looking Glass scenario.
At my scout platoon at Ft. Lewis we were still using Korean War jeeps or jeeps that had been shot to hell in Vietnam and put back together with the junk that was laying around the motor pool…
I am serious, that twathead almost caused WWIII and his other policies led us to what we have now with the ragheads and their attempts to bring us all back to the third century…


Stixx, when I got to Vietnam in’65 we were eating WWII C-Rations, provable by the green-packaged Lucky Strikes contained therein. Every new war inherits vestiges of older wars.

That’s just the way it is.


If this feckless clown would just shut up!! If he and the left hadn’t turned their backs on the Shah, admittedly a bad guy, and put the Ayatollah in charge of Iran. There would never have been a need to arm Saddam and turn him into a bulwark to block the Iranians. A million Iraqis and Iranians died in that war. That doesn’t include the pain and suffering inflicted on either group by the dictators.

A Proud Infidel®™

We’re STILL paying the price for Jimmeh Kahtuh’s manifold Foreign Policy blunders. I wonder how many decades it will take to unfuck what B. Hussein 0bama has done at home and abroad? One very fond memory I have of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration that I watched on TV was of him going to his limousine after the ceremony with someone yelling “THEY’RE FREE Mr. President, the Hostages are free!”. It was said that after he won the election, Ronald Reagan talked to the Iranians along with Jimmeh Kahtuh saying things like “Hey, are you sure you want to negotiate with me? Al Haig is going to be my Secretary of State!”, and of course, our people were released right after he took office!


I hate to give the son-of-a-bitch credit but Osama bin Laden was spot on with his strong horse/weak horse description of geopolitics.

And, boy, do we have a weak horse right now.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ronald Reagan was a strong horse. Remember how Quadafi sheathed his sword and STFU right after our F-111’s executed their bombing run? Just as funny was how we accidentally(?) blew the walls off the French Embassy and the Fwench would not allow our warplanes to fly over their turf in the execution of that raid. It’s been speculated it went something like this: “*BOOM!* OOPS! Sorry about your Embassy, France, you know, we would have had much better aim if we were better rested, THANKS FOR THE EXTRA FLIGHT TIME, YOU SNAIL-EATING ASSWIPES!!!” :mrgreen:


Quadaffi sheathed his sword? That’s not how I remember it. As I recall what actually happened was Gaddafi arranged to blow up Pan Am 103 and killed a couple hundred innocent civilians, so I’m not sure you can chalk that one up as a “victory.”


I believe it’s important to remember that Iran started the latest round of jihadism. The sunni psychos had to compete in order to look good in front of their own people, hence bin laden and co. This “war” has been going on for centuries between the two sets of nutbags.

Green Thumb

Say what you want to about Carter but Obama is making him look good.


It’s true. bodaprez is worse.

Possibly THE worst ever.


And to bolter the adage that the good die young…. Jimmeh is 90 today.