Terror War News

| September 23, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

In addition to attacking ISIS last night, the US also struck at a terror cell in Syria that they suspect was plotting against targets outside of the current confines of the war zone, according to the Washington Post;

The Pentagon said in a statement early Tuesday morning that U.S. warplanes conducted eight strikes west of Aleppo against the cell, called the Khorasan Group, targeting its “training camps, an explosives and munitions production facility, a communications building and command and control facilities.”

The attacks bring broader attention to the group of clandestine al-Qaeda operatives, which U.S. officials first warned of last week. The group “has established a safe haven in Syria to develop external attacks, construct and test improvised explosive devices and recruit Westerners to conduct operations,” the Pentagon said.

The Post also reports that the Russians don’t like our strikes inside Syria, but that Assad approves;

“There’s quite widespread suspicion here that the U.S. will start to bomb the Islamic State but will end up bombing the Syrian army,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, a Moscow-based analyst and head of an advisory panel to the Kremlin on foreign and defense policy. “Russia is certainly not keen on making the situation in the Middle East more difficult for Americans than it is. But why help them? .?.?. It doesn’t seem to be in Russia’s interest to get directly involved.”

As JAGC noted in the comments of another post, the Israelis shot down a Syrian jet for the first time in decades last night over the Golan Heights;

Israel said the Syrian fighter jet had crossed the UN-patrolled ceasefire line on the Golan which it regards as its international border.

Pictures taken by AFP showed smoke rising from the Syrian village of Jubata al-Khashab which had been bombed by the warplane just moments before it was shot down by a Patriot surface-to-air missile fired by Israel.

The burning wreckage, also caught on camera, plunged down on the Syrian side of the ceasefire line.

The Israelis also launched a raid into the West Bank to take out two of the murderers of Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali Fraenkel which sparked the latest war between Hamas and the Israelis according to the Associated Press;

“We were determined in bringing the ruthless murderers of Gilad, Eyal and Naftali to justice,” Lerner said. “Today’s successful mission brings the long-term search to an end, and the perpetrators of the crime no longer pose a threat to Israeli civilians,” he said.


In Qatar, Hussam Badran, a spokesman for top Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, praised the two militants on his Twitter account. “The martyrdom of Marwan Qawasmeh and Amer Abu Aisheh came after a long life full of jihad sacrifice and giving. This is the path of resistance, which we all are moving in,” he said.

One long, bloody night last night. Glad to see so many jihadists fulfill their destinies, though.

ADDED: Our buddy, Jeff Schogol at the Military Times sends us a link to a series of videos of the action overnight.

Category: Terror War

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Apparently Syria has some pretty amateur pilots these days. There is a video out there of one completely losing control and crashing during a memorial ceremony for another pilot.

A Proud Infidel®™

Dare I suggest that said pilot probably got his job because of family connections instead of his actual skills? That seems to be the norm anywhere you go in the ME!

Club Manager

Our chumps in chief said: Mission Accomplished and “here we go again”.

Israel, said “Never again” and continue to kick ass.

Why not eliminate the middle man, start serving bagels and lox at the White House and install corresponding leadership.

2/17 Air Cav

News outlets are running with the angle that ISIS was planning attacks outside of the ME. The source, of course, is the regime, c/o the Pentagonals. One imagines that the info is thought to be needed in order to justify the boom, bang, mist to the American public. But no such additional justification is required. The cynic in me (which is all of me) conjures an alternative explanation: The Golfer in Mom Jeans wants us to know that he saved us from an unspecified threat.


Well, gee whiz. Now there’s another, previously unpublicized group, el Khorasan, for us to think about.


Is this real, or more of those silly excuses for the johnn-come-lately stuff that the administration engages in these days? Am I expected to swallow this, just because another speech was made in front of a helicopter on the White House back lawn?

Are we going to see another call to swarm the Middle East, like Pope Urban II did at the Council of Clermont in November 1095, to get people to swarm the Middle East and drive back the Turks and muslims invading the eastern Byzantine part of the Holey Roman Empire?

Oh, that was a potboiler, that was! Peter the Hermit got 20,000 peasants to gang up on Easter Sunday, April 20, 1096, and follow him to Constantinople. Unfortunately, they were ambushed at Nicaea and the official First Crusade didn’t head out until August 1096. Thusu began 195 years of warfare in the Middle East.

Is that what we’re going to see from now on? Another 200 years of effing warfare?

Roger in Republic

The cynic in me says that this operation is just an October surprise to save the senate from the GOP. We’ll see how long it runs and how badly Obama wants to hurt ISIS. History tells me that once his poll numbers come up victory will be declared and the air strikes will peter out. No harm, no foul.


Vid #2 is the first combat use of the F-22 according to the DOD twitter – https://twitter.com/DeptofDefense/status/514432344917540864/photo/1

So we got that going for us.

2/17 Air Cav

The Java Salute is coming and, brother, it’s gonna be fun.

Guard Bum

The man is disgusting and clueless. He ought to be marched to the back gate of the White House, have the buttons ripped off his jacket and forced to walk the line out the gate while everyone turns their back on him in disgust.

2/17 Air Cav

Here you go:


Is this to distract us from the harsh and nasty reality that the latest estimate on the spread of ebola in west Africa is 550,000 to 1.4++millions by January 2015?

Infected numbers to date: 5,800++
Death toll to date: 2,800++
Of these dead, 181 are health care workers.

2/17 Air Cav

‘“We hit them last night out of a concern that they were getting close to an execution date of some of the plans that we have seen,” he said. “And the hitting that we did last night, I think, will probably continue until we are at a stage where we think we have degraded their ability to get at our allies or to the homeland.”’

White House spokesman? DHS Secretary? Joint Chiefs? General? Admiral? No, none of those. The words regarding the airstrikes were uttered by AG Holder. Now, would someone please tell me why Holder is explaining the action? And if you think you can, please do so with a straight face.


USN popped off 40 TLAMS last night. Go navy beat ISIL (and army, for the gajillianth time).


” … (and army, for the gajillianth time).”

Man. Don’t you know that cruel and unusual is unconstitutional?

No love. There just ain’t no love anymore.



Sorry. I think Army has a pretty good chance this year.


“The insurgent leader is a stallion standing on his hind legs. You don’t win his heart and mind.

You kill him.”

—Maj Sean Leach, Marine Amphibious Warfard School, 1976, on counterinsurgency