When Conspiracy Theories Start to Make Sense

| November 23, 2008

The Jawa Report posted a conspiracy theory this morning that I read as probably tongue in cheek.

What if the Clintons have something on Obama that they’re hanging over his head? Something so destructive and devastating to his Presidency that it could destroy it if made public? What if they’re using it to shoehorn their peeps into positions they want – essentially blackmailing him with whatever it could be? Doesn’t it just seem odd that Obama, who beat Clinton handily and won the campaign convincingly, would have to keep groveling and checking-in with Hillary and Bill? And why exactly are so many Clinton holdovers being seated in the new administration?

Again, I first read this as just making fun of the rookie messiah but now I am beginning to reconsider.

HotAir has the rest of this:

Its turns out that Mrs Clinton’s delay in accepting the president elect’s offer to be his top foreign policy adviser had much to do with her negotiating the terms of the job and insisting on the right to choose her own state department staff and possibly even some of the plumb Ambassador postings. She wanted guarantees of direct access to the president – without having to go through his national security adviser. Above all she did not want to end up like Colin Powell who was completely out-manoeuvred by the hawkish Vice President Dick Cheney who imposed neo-conservative friends like John Bolton on the State Department and steered the US towards a policy of using torture to achieve its aims.

So, what the hell is happening here? Does she not realize that she serves at the pleasure of the President? Or does the President not realize this? Or does he have no choice?

Her insistence on being able to by-pass the National Security Advisor is unprecedented and will likely impact on the pool of folks interested in a job that is essentially subjugated to Hillary Clinton. I can not imagine any military guy with anything close to fuzzy kiwis accepting this with the obvious exception of Wes Clark. But the “fuzzy kiwi” thing probably doesn’t apply in his case. In any case Obama will have no problem finding a bajinga boy to play NSA while Hillary wields the real power of national security.

But her insistence on “right to choose her own state department staff and possibly even some of the plumb Ambassador postings” should be more than troubling for all of the millions of idiots who fell for the messiah’s line of bullshit.

For the benefit of the mouth breathing retards who voted for this empty suit, allow me to make it clear. There is a difference between negotiation and abdication. Don’t believe me? Follow the advice of a fellow champion in your cause Rosie and just google it.

Why would any president give away one of his most valued absolute authorities to a political rival? Think about it. Ambassadorships have forever been a very effective way to pay off political debts. Even FDR appointed Joe Kennedy to a plush posting in England for his help in winning the White House. Of course Kennedy turned out to be a Nazi sympathizer and had to be recalled but the point is that FDR repaid his political benefactors.

Why would Obama give this power to Hillary? Why would he fill his cabinet (even his Chief of Staff) will Clinton loyalists?

He is either an idiot (which is certainly possible) or Jawa is on to something.

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

Woohoo! Hope and Change going back to the 90s, someone bust out the Blossom VHS collection.


[…] This ain’t Hell: when conspiracy theories start to make sense […]


I wonder if Bill will get to “interview” the One’s interns. LOL

509th Bob

Jonn, I “gave” you a perfectly good conspiracy theory, but nobody seemed to like it. I shall try harder in the face of our new Overlords!


[…] I was catching up on my readng this afternoon, I ran across a post at This Ain’t Hell about conspiracy theories.  It seems they found this on The Jawa Report  What if the Clintons […]


I can’t think of a president in modern times, who gave his most bitter rival the plum of SOS. That’s the job, at least until now, that defined an administration. Why give it to HRC, unless you really have little choice?
Maybe the Michelle O tape really does exist? Doubtful, but this will only feed the troofers and other whack jobs on the left. I’ve read some posts on blogs, and the confusion and rage is high.
And, I’m sure there are big dollar donators who suddenly can see their ambassadorships flying off into the sunset.
Maybe the one theory I read is closer than anything else out there, HRC takes the job, and leaves in less than 4 years, saying that the Obamunist is so naive, so inexperienced, that he can’t be helped, the country needs someone better. And, of course, she’s the someone better.


You may be on to something, Jonn. All this change stuff is sure looking like an old hat to me, too.