Jabba the Hut Declares Constitution Invalid

| November 22, 2008

Jerry Nadler is a lunatic Democrat congressman from NY. He is also a moonbat, a truther, and a blathering idiot when it comes to the Constitution.

In between buckets of chicken he apparently had time to push back from the trough long enough to write a Bill that is so constitutionally stupid that it boggles the mind.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, introduced a Resolution in the House of Representatives demanding that President Bush refrain from issuing pre-emptive pardons of senior officials in his Administration during the final 90 days of office. H.RES.1531 is in response to President Bush’s widespread abuses of power and potentially criminal transgressions against our Constitution. The Resolution aims to prevent undeserved pardons of officials who may have been co-conspirators in the President’s unconstitutional policies, such as torture, illegal surveillance and curtailing of due process for defendants.

“This Resolution declares that we will not tolerate a last minute attempt by President Bush to shelter his cronies – cronies who may well be guilty of serious criminal offenses – from the full force of the law,” said Rep. Nadler. “President Bush must not excuse his own officials from possibly illegal acts committed outside the context of their official duties. Such pardons would merely obfuscate the truth and amount to a gross miscarriage of justice.”

Given the last Democrat President’s record on pardons, it is amazing that this obese POS has the gall to propose such a thing.

This whole Bill is at the link.

Of course this imbecile’s “Resolution” does absolutely nothing to prevent President Bush from pardoning any-damn-body he pleases. It’s really just feeding his fellow lunatics.

When reading his Bill, I was struck with the following “sense of the House”:

(3) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that James Madison was correct in his observation that ‘‘[i]f the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds [to] believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty’’;

Though not law and the fact that Madison’s opinion has been shot down by the Supreme Court a couple of times, it is still interesting that Jabba included it in his Bill.

So, even if Madison’s opinion had become law, the only remedy would be impeachment.

So maybe that’s why Clinton waited until the night before leaving office to pardon absconded felons, family members and terrorists?

Can’t really impeach a guy who is no longer president can you, fat ass?

Category: Politics

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Thanks, you made my day.


This is the same asshat who arrived on the scene of lead-paint-eating Florida voters in 2000 and declared on camera that “…the whiff of fascism is in the air…”

What he was smelling was nothing more than his upper lip.
Just another liberal fascist.