Monday morning feel good story

| September 8, 2014

Police line

Chief Tango sends us our Monday morning feel good story again this morning. This time it’s from Philadelphia;

Police were called to Kim-Do Chinese American Take Out on Lehigh Avenue near 28th Street at 11:00 p.m. Saturday.

When officers arrived, they found an intended robbery victim had wrestled the gun away from a suspect and shot him in the neck.

The suspect was taken to Temple University Hospital in critical condition.

Here’s another version of the same story;

Authorities say an armed man was allegedly attempting to rob another customer when that customer pulled a gun and shot him in the neck.

The alleged robber was taken to Temple University Hospital in critical condition.

Either way, the criminal winds up in the hospital, which is the best possible outcome once he made the choice to rob someone.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

“. . . the criminal winds up in the hospital, which is the best possible outcome. . . . ”

I disagree. In the hospital, he’ll have to be healed and taken care of, usually on the taxpayer’s dime. And then tried and incarcerated, still in the public dime. So the victim still gets robbed.
The best possible outcome would be for the robber to wind up in the morgue.

Charlie Foxtrot

I second that. The taxpayers will still have to feed, clothe and house this punk on their dime as well as pay his medical bills!

Wx Guy

Apparently great minds think alike… that’s what I was thinking, too.


Yep. But this just proves, that even shot in the neck, a person can survive, unlike what Hollyweird says in the movies.

In a gunfight, if you get hit, force yourself to keep going, find cover and keep fighting. (Yep, I am re-reading LtCol Dave Grossman’s “On Combat”)


Many moons ago, I was doing some consulting in the LA area. The other guy on the job was local and rented a house on the ridge above Laguna Beach – nice digs. Hotels where expensive so I stayed with him. One evening over beer, he told me that one day he went into a 7/11. He walked toward the door then he went inside. The clerk was frantic, “I’ve just been robbed!” and “O-my-God you’re been shot!” Gary had completely blanked it out, a few years later he still didn’t remember being shot in the neck, front to back, with a .38 revolver. Aside from a lot of blood, nothing important was hit.


I say when they get to the hospital they get minimal care. Stop the bleeding, put a bandage on it and that’s it. No pain meds, no IVs no dramatic surgeries and a standing do not resuscitate order. Tens or hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars to get a thug in good health to stand trial, then tax payer supported living in prison or county jail just to be released back to the same life again. Clean out the gene pool and start it on the ambulance ride to the hospital. Strapped down with no pain meds and a gag if needed.

B Woodman

And castrate on the way, as well.


I dunno Sparks, that is a bit rough in my eyes and I am as hardcore as anyone. At least give him the pain med’s, they will work to keep his breathing slowed down and quite possibly hurry his trip to the great ghetto in the sky where he can gangbang all he wants, or they will be gangbang him more than likely!!!