Obama plan; Syrians to fight ISIS

| September 8, 2014

last convoy out of Iraq

The President told “Meet the Press” yesterday that he won’t put US boots on the ground and that the respective nations will have to do that portion, because it’s inevitable, according to the Washington Times;

America has to rely on local forces to not put too much strain on the U.S. military he said.

“We’ve got to have a more sustainable strategy, which mean the boots on the ground have to be Iraqi, and in Syria the boots on the ground have to be Syrian,” he said.

I’m sure the Syrians will get right on that. Especially since, a few months ago, the President was planning on bombing the Syrian government troops, now he’s telling them to do stuff to save his political ass. Besides, what does he think the Syrians have been doing these last few years? Somehow, he can anoint the Syrian government forces and they’ll fight harder or something?

Category: Terror War

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A Proud Infidel®™

*Sang to the tune of “Frosty the Snowman” refrain*

“Flippity flop-flop, flippity flop-flop, look at 0bama go…
Flippity flop-flop, flippity flop-flop,look at his teleprompter go!!”

1SG.Gimmie Some

Obama is a fucking CARL!!


Carl is much smarter than Obama.


I concur with my esteemed colleague from the 325th.

Even Steve is smarter.


With the way he’s “decimating” the US Military, of course we are “strained” right now.

But I thought Eric Holder was going to “bring them to justice” So whys he bugging us with this talk anyway?


From here on out, I’m just gonna call him Pres__ent Facepalm.


I like King Putt.


Seriously, is our Emporer schizophrenic? He sure does act as if he may be with his policy statements.
Will he go back to wanting to bomb Syria while they fight ISIS? Or will he continue to consider bombing them as they fight ISIS? While trying to sort that out, will he continue to ship arms and material to Syria that is being taken by ISIS?
I would be all for comitting US Troops, IF there was someone else occupying the White House. Damn, that is just what he is… just another “Occutard”.


With the way he’s “decimating” the US Military, of course we are “strained” right now.

But I thought Eric Holder was going to “bring them to justice” So whys he bugging us with this talk anyway?


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!
Say Again,
You are coming in fucked up, broke, and stupid!

I don’t even know what to say anymore. Don’t know whether to shit or go blind. I honestly think that Biden is the smart one in the bunch.

Kinda old ET1

Brilliant! Our commander in chief is absolutely Fucking brilliant. Oh how I wish I had his wisdom and insight. Just think of the things I could have done, the places I could have gone.
What did we ever do to deserve such a man?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Is he thinking the Syrians will start doing a better job shortly than they have to this point? If so, what interesting data set was culled to create that impression in his mind?

The simple truth is that neither government can field an effective fighting force because neither government represents a unity of the people of their nation. Neither government deserves to have a nation at this point.


VoV…Thank you and you beat me to the point. “We’ve got to have a more sustainable strategy,” Political speak for “I don’t know what the hell to do but my speech writer gave me this to throw out as a sound bite. In truth I, I mean we, in the Administration don’t know whether to shit or go blind because we fear commitment. Commitment means possibly offending someone, anyone and we are all about not offending anyone. When the Barbarians are at the Gates, we can blame it on Bush and even, if need be, throw Clinton under the bus to save our phony baloney asses but we don’t want the poll numbers to go down anymore. That’s priority number one. I don’t care that I’m a lame duck and could really step out with impunity and make a solid, brave decision for the best of our nation. After all, I’m done in two years. But I want book signings and a library and speaking engagements for big money and I can’t be expected to jeopardize all of that for the betterment and security of Americans. After all again, I’ll have Secret Service the rest of my life and you lowly folks may have, at home ADT and a weapon, if we can’t manage to rip them out of your hands before then. So since I have mine forever, you Americans get yours any way you can. I really, really don’t care and never truly have. That’s my strategy and I’m sticking to it.” Obama is a coward of the worst sort. The kind who offers others on the altar to be sacrificed. I also believe in my heart that Obama is a Muslim or has strong Muslim leanings in his heart and it sways his thinking and opinions in every matter regarding the Middle East. I am a man of strong beliefs, faith and prayer. I pray God’s blessings for our country every day. I pray for His protection from our enemies. I pray that as the anniversary of 9/11 approaches that we will not be visited by another… Read more »

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m with you regarding the ineffectiveness of this administration to understand foreign policy and how their inaction results in the actions of our enemies.

The USA appears impotent under this administration.

Bush/Cheney lacked long range vision and planning capability but they were capable of implementing policy with force where necessary.

They made the classical error of assuming, like Nixon and Johnson with the vietnamese, that inside every non-AQ muslim was an American trying to get out….and once the regimes were subdued those nations would become consumer based free market democracies.

Those regions have always been a collection of disparate groups of tribes loosely or firmly held together by a variety of regimes from feudal to brutal.


I think this sums it up our current Administration’s actions in foreign policy and, well, pretty much everything quite well:

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is about it.

Delilah T.

I guess words will frighten the ISers. Yes, I’m sure that’s the idea. Stern words, strong statements. Yeah, that’s definitely the way to go.

I think I saw a big, fat missile being driven around by ISIL/IS on a truck, when the noon news was being broadcast. Do they know how to make those things work?

John S

The great hashtag campaign to bring back those girls yielded fruit, eh? It should work against ISIS to great effect as well. /sarc


Too Much.

This guy (Bodaprez)is so out of touch with reality that he actually thinks that we all believe his bull shit.

I am sure that his die hard supporters believe him, so he figures that the rest of us will just follow along behind.

I wonder if he has invited Bashir to a round of golf. That would be the likely venue to hit him up to join his “coalition”. He could tell him while they are on the 9th hole that he was really not going to bomb the hell out Syria, It was all Bush. Then they can kiss and enjoy Man-Love-Thursday.