The NYT on “substance”
I was reading my morning news sources and stopped at Michelle Malkin‘s place (making a statement like that seems to anger the hella-lefties, so I may do it every day) to read about how the Left is still making the transition from Palin Derangement Syndrome.
Michelle added a New York Times article from the editorial board but I couldn’t get past the first line without giggling.
We’ve differed with Sarah Palin a great deal on substance.
Ha! Substance? When? Stupid New York Times. The New York Times wouldn’t know substance if it bit them on their collective face. They disagreed with her on every aspect of the way she’s chosen to live her life (isn’t that what pro-choice is really about?) everything she wears, her choice of a husband, her geographic location, even her choice of carrying children to the full term of her pregnancy. But please, New York Times editorial board, please don’t call that “substance”.
The New York Times Editorial board is nothing if not superficial. They sniff at any politician who doesn’t come from the East Coast (or at least someone who didn’t go to school there) as if they have manure on their shoes. The New York Times editorial board should just admit that they’re no different than the average lifestyle columnist.
Oh, and the incident about which they disagree with her in this editorial? The backdrop of an interview. How superficial can you get? The substance of the interview was in the foreground, but the Times is worried about what’s happening in the background. Just like their whole coverage of Sarah Palin.
Substance? I’m still chuckling.
Category: Politics
The NYSlimes employees are getting ready for what was shown (blood bath) in the background. They just don’t know who or which of them will be on the chopping block next, but they do know another massive layoff or firing is coming. From the value of their stock it looks like the entire paper is circling the drain.
The New York Times knows a good deal about substance. They publish daily a bloated, weighty ream of paper filled with substance. That is to say it’s filled with substance after it’s lined a rabbit pen for nearly a month. What more could one ask for from the liberal media?