See what being a nice guy gets you?

| November 22, 2008

Remember when President Bush took over the White House and Republicans were salivating at the thought of the crap we’d be able to uncover on Bill Clinton? The dirty deals with China, the trashing and looting of the White House when the Clintons moved out, the pardons. And George Bush, true to his character, said “Nope, we’re moving forward and not dwelling in the past” or words to that effect.

Well, that’s part of the change we’re getting now because the Democrats are going to go dredging up evidence for all of their conspiracy theories that drove tinfoil hat futures through the roof over the last eight years. Gateway Pundit has the story;

“One of his first acts as president is going to be to call in his new Attorney General to review every single executive order… that are promoting this cockamanie theory of unitary government and if they can find that any laws were broken, obviously accountability would be his Attorney General’s job.”

Obama also admitted that the democrats were documenting and investigating the Bush Administration.

Of course we can expect the baseless investigations and pointless allegations to drag out right up until the elections in order to facilitate the hiring of special prosecutors (see the Justice Department’s Ambulance Chaser Rehabilitation and Employment Initiative) and conjure up some October surprises (that fizzle like Fitz-mas).

Category: Politics

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Mitch McConnell is looking forward to working with BO cause he’s tired of having to deal with an “unpopular” President who cost the Republicans the election… What a tool.

Glenn M. Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

This BO shitstain is starting to irritate me. I use the word shitstain as coined by and old SM1 I served with some years ago. It is a catch-all word for a pretty much useless individual.


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Move forward? Yeah Right! If Bush would have investigated and followed up with indictments against the Clinton White House, we’d still be digging out.
Welcome to Obamaland!