Where are the human shields?

| August 8, 2014


So the news comes that two F/A-18s have attacked ISIL/ISIS/Islamic State troops. A couple of 500 pound bombs on a few towed artillery pieces were the first target at about 6:45 eastern time today, according to the Washington Times

“Two F/A-18 aircraft dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on a mobile artillery piece near Erbil,” Rear Adm. Kirby said. “ISIL was using this artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Erbil where U.S. personnel are located.”

A small clutch of U.S. advisers have been based in the city during recent weeks, assessing the capability of Kurdish forces to defend the region. No other details were immediately provided.

Of course, this is immediately on the heels of the President’s announcement last night. According to another Washington Times article, Democrats are applauding the President’s decision;

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said early Friday that it was “appropriate that the President authorized airstrikes against [the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria] should they threaten U.S. personnel and other interests in Erbil or elsewhere in Iraq.”

“As the President reiterated, there is no American military solution to the situation in Iraq,” she said. “Defeating ISIS will require Iraq’s leaders to see beyond their divisions and come together to fight this common threat. These actions are the only way to achieve durable security and stability for all Iraqis.”

As someone said on Facebook, we have to bomb Iraq to find out what’s in it, according to Pelosi. She says that “there’s no military solution to…Iraq” but, that just proves that she really doesn’t understand the enemy in the middle east – there’s nothing except a military solution there. The only way to beat the jihadists is to kill them all. The only way to stop their inhumane war against people who aren’t like them is to plant them all under the Islamic Caliphate. There’s just no other rational solution.

But my question is; “where are the hippies volunteering to be human shields for ISIS?” and where are the congressmen on the roof of a Caliphate palace questioning the credibility of the president? I mean, that was the reaction from Democrats when a Republican last announce his intentions to bomb Iraq.

Are the Democrats admitting that they only support their guys when they bomb Iraq? I mean, we knew it all along, because the Democrat president before George W. Bush announced that his sole policy for dealing with Iraq was to support a regime change and the Democrat Party supported that decision and they supported Operation Desert Fox.

For the record, so did I, and I support the decision this morning to bomb a few towed artillery pieces – but then, my support for national security and the security of our deployed troops isn’t dependent upon the political stripe of the person ordering the attack. But then, I’m consistent in my support for this country, my patriotism isn’t related to partisan politics.

Category: Terror War

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JarHead Pat

I have nothing say, I wonder if codecunt errr sorry pink with now give money to isis?


I’ve always liked “there’s no military solution” rationale.
There’s ALWAYS a military solution. If you kill enough of them, the survivors get the message. What’s always lacking is the political testicular fortitude to implement the military solution.


Except we have too many America haters within our ranks now that truly believe it’s America that made them murderous dogs and by fighting them we just make more, so the solution is just to roll over and die.

That is unless they touch our weed and abortion pills. Then it’s on of course…


she (Pelosi) said. “Defeating ISIS will require Iraq’s leaders to see beyond their divisions and come together to fight this common threat. These actions are the only way to achieve durable security and stability for all Iraqis.”

Question here. What the hell planet does Pelosi live on???!!! She really believes Muslims of different flavors are going to “come together and see beyond their differences”? What the hell is she smoking? Has she not seen a simple history of the Muslim religion since its inception? That’s all they have done is kill each other over who prays which way and ALL non Muslims as infidels. The “common threat”, she obviously does not comprehend is just one of the favorite flavors of Islam going to the extreme of the old Caliphate State under Sharia Law. Sharia Law, by the way, is the law the Muslims of all flavors prefer in their hearts. If they truly subscribe to the Koran and the “will of Allah”. Good gosh, where do these numb nuts come up with these comments. Well, the answer is it is a sound good, sound bite to support Obama at any cost. While I agree with bombing ISIS in Iraq, my idea of bombing ISIS differs greatly from Obama’s, Kerry’s and Pelosi’s idea of bombing. They are going to drop some here and there and call it good to go. If they meant business there would be no ISIS left after the bombing. (slapping my forehead in disbelief)


Its called San Francisco. Though most of her time is spent with her head up Uranus.


I think you have a typo there, Isnala. Didn’t you mean “hUranus”?. (smile)


Yes thank you, phone has a tiny screen, must have missed the H… 🙂


Sparks, you ought to know by now that puglosi says whatever flows with the direction of chitchat coming out of the Oval Office.

If she had a real brain working, she’d be dangerous. And no, she can’t see past the end of her plasticized nose. She neither knows nor cares about the history of islam. It means nothing to her.

The only real solution to this mess is to bomb the living daylights out of the place. It’s long past time to plow the road.


There’s no worse stank ass hippy than an old stank ass hippy. Dementia brought on by a combination of old age and excessive psychedelic drug use in her younger days have left her with no rational mind. Remember, this is the sorry old hag who linked arms with others and sang, “We shall overcome” on the House floor not long ago. To her, there’s nothing that can’t be fixed by peace, love, and copious amounts of mind altering drugs.


Must be something in the weed out there. There’s no water these days.

The Other Whitey

Oh, San Francisco has plenty of water. That’s why the Central Valley and Western Sierras can’t so much as flush a toilet, much less grow crops in what’s supposed to be the most fertile agricultural region on God’s Earth. Same deal with LA, only they steal it from the Eastern Sierras. “Environmental Protection” my ass.

I guarantee you Puglosi’s Saturday and Sunday houses have plenty of water to fill their outdoor pools, indoor pools, Versailles-like fountains, monsoonal lawn sprinklers, decorative swan pond, private sauna…


Sparks, methinks the botox has finally migrated up the facial nerves to her brain.

Roger in Republic

My idea for “bombing Iraq” is along the lines of “Rolling Thunder”. 500 pounders in a carpet laid over the entire country until the sensors of the Starship Enterprise would be unable to spot an lifeforms.


I truly would love to see every Warthog and Apache that is anywhere in the area given to the Kurds( after we have plowed the road)now. For that matter the Kurds can have every piece of equipment left over there. IMHO

The Other Whitey

I think Dresden in 1945 is a decent example. Tokyo in 1945 is a better one.

Drag Racing Maniac

The best would be Hiroshima and Nagasaki….coming from an old SAC guy


Like how Rep Tom Marino got Queen Nancy’s panties in a bunch…


What I liked was his: I did the research comment. I.e. I actually read something..

I M Simpleton

At least we know the F-18s have their RWR programmed to detect the MANPADS missiles we gave ISIS.

Would John McCain have been upset if he found out Nixon was arming the Vietcong with the most modern air defense missiles?


Yeah crossed linked to targeting data I suspect 🙂


“we have to bomb Iraq to find out what’s in it,”



Well, at least the situation is all sorted out now and we can forget about it. They dropped a coupla 500 pounders. Next up, something truly important to us: which Kardashian is getting married again?

A Proud Infidel®™

This time, where are the leftard celebrities like *PUKE* Sean Penn, who went over there and ranted, but was safely Stateside in no time once the SHTF over there as well as code cunt (*OOPS, pink)spewing their shit? *Smack self in head repeatedly* OOOOH, that’s right, we have the wannabe Emperor in the White House, and even remotely dissenting with him is waaaaayycict!!


Maybe not, Proud. His Nibs is gettin backlash for a lot of things now. It’s piling up.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope so Ma’am, I wonder just how much the sniveling snotnosed DNC lackeys in the snooze media will keep whitewashing and covering his cowardly ass!


A couple MK-82’s will show ’em by golly!
JHtapdancingC, these terrorists are winning in Syria and Iraq, have set the Kurds back on their heels, and are looking hard at Lebanon and Jordon, and Little BO Peep drops TWO 500 pounders??!!


May he sink beneath the weight of his own incompetence.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Parachute bush and cheney and the rest of the vietnam war draft dodging neo-con chicken hawks into iraq they are the ones with blood on their hands not the ones like me who opposed these war criminals war in the first place!

Sounds like someone needs their diaper changed again….

It’s pretty rich having you coming here talking about draft dodgers, you worthless fuck. If anyone has blood on their hands it’s you and the rest of your ilk. 100 million children died over the last century because of the “progressive” policies that you adhere to. Do us a favor and break your computer. Then break that bong over your worthless skull. And go fuck yourself.

VWP, why are you still in the USA? Shouldn’t you be in Iraq acting as a human shield to protect the poor widdle children?

Go on and do something worthwhile already, you racist coward.

Its all Obamas war now VWP. Are you gonna call Obama a war criminal now that he’s “airaiding villages”?

VWP, you need to take a deep breath and a long hit on that bong of yours, sit back, close your eyes and sleep. Like for a real long time, man.

Personally, I like your idea of parachuting Bush and Cheney in – they’d call in enough air strikes to make those two 500 pounders look like a practice run.

VWPutz, how’s about you nut up or shut up. Get your ass over to Iraq and be a human shield. Hell, Islam encourages pederasty, you’ll fit in great! Otherwise, go fuck yourself with a Stihl 044 with a 30-inch bar and a bullet chain.

Either way, fuck off and shut up.

Draft dodgers? Like Clinton? Because, last time I checked, Bush was in the military.

So, since when do you support war in Iraq? It began because Saddam was killing innocents. Now, because it is 0bama doing the same thing Bush did, you support it. Am I right?

Die…just die…


Stop feeding the troll and it will go away.

As I’ve told you repeatedly before, “idiot commenting here as vwp”: it is documented fact that Bush(43) volunteered to go on active duty and go to Vietnam, but the USAF didn’t accept his request. Seems the USAF was more interested in getting other, more senior and experienced pilots into the fight in the early 1970s.

Now, how about you go listen to this very NSFW Frank Zappa song – and consider its lyrics a message from me (and likely from most TAH readers also).

That’s especially true of the line that is repeated the most.


this shit is pissin me off.


Which part? Raising the IS flag over the White House or slaughtering children, or defiling decent women?

I found all of it enough to make me angry.

I do not think there is any recourse other than carpet bombing and Warthog strafing runs.

I know. That’s rather vicious on my part, but I’m venting, so I don’t care what anyone thinks.


Nothing vicious about it. The only thing those animals understand is violence. I say it’s way past time to do a bit of the old ultraviolence on them.


I say we send Bateman and let him take all the bad guns away. He failed to keep his interpreter/friend alive… give him another chance. It will make a nice Esquire article.

The Other Whitey

Why didn’t I think of that?


I think it was the picture of the father holding the headless body of his little daughter that pissed me off the most, closely followed by the picture of those assholes slitting a woman’s throat and collecting her blood in a bowl while she bled out. Nice job, religion of peace.


The photo of the woman with her throat slit is fake, see the link, it also has information about the origin of the other photo you mentioned.



It almost feels like I’m having a shot of the dismals when I say this, but there are two cycles building up.

One, sometime next week, will be toward negotiation and peace.

The other, the period of Aug. 25-29, will be a ramp up in warfare.

I think the first may apply to Putin, because he’s only interested in a land grab in Ukraine.

However, the second one, unless I’m mistaken applies to bodaprez, who is in SO FAR over his head, he will sink beneath the weight of it.

The only way to stop what is happening in Iraq is going at it to win it, but since the ISees have said somewhere, they are guerrilla street fighters and organized warfare won’t stop them. I think that part is quite true.


“bodaprez, who is in SO FAR over his head…”
Yes, but don’t forget he has Joe Double Barrel Bite Me and John Heinz “Huntin License” Kerry to help him out. Feel better now?


You can’t expect real results from a couple of wimpy-assed airstrikes. It has to be serious warfare, the real thing, tanks, artillery, serious firefights and the will to win it.

You’re in it to win it, or you don’t play the game.

Bodaprez doesn’t have any idea how to win ANYTHING.

A Proud Infidel®™

The only thing these seventh century savages understand is violence and bloodshed. The only way to make them cooperate is to show you can wipe them and their kin off the face of the Earth and prove you’re not afraid to do so, a bomb here and there ain’t gonna do shit to dissuade them, they will always mistake kindness foe weakness, anyone wanting to make an impact will need to hit them like GEN Patton did the Nazis!!


How about another barn burner like Sherman’s march through Georgia?

They’ve (ISees) already said they are guerrilla street fighters, and that we won’t beat them with standard warfare. Unless someone who loves to compete and win is in charge of this, it is going to be another waste of lives and ordnance. Warfare is the ultimate competition. You go in to win or you don’t go in at all.

Joe Williams

VWP,you better hope we never meet and I find out who are. I have 46 years of suppressed anger. I will let you feel the wrath of a dishonored Marine by your kind. So just be quiet the adluts are talking. Joe


I’ll there ahead of you, Joe.

The Other Whitey

I’ll be happy to help.


I’d be proud to stand with you Joe or watch your six if you need. 44 years for me.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m a modern day ME Vet, but if I can be there, I’ll keep an eye on your six and buy you your first shot & a beer afterward!


Say no to war, unless a democrat is president:



I’m not too hep on the inner workings of air strikes, but it seems someone is being disingenuous here… We have no combat troops on the ground, yet we are making coordinated air strikes. From what I understand, we have to have eyes on the ground to make such strikes. Have we been giving the Kurds laser-guidance systems and the equipment to maintain them? Have we been giving them the radios and COMSEC to contact our birds (a huge no-no according to the COMSEC custodial class I am currently taking)? Are JTACS and SF bubbas (of which I have no doubt there are many on the ground) no longer combat troops?

How is this happening?


Couldn’t Predators and/or other air assets provide targeting data and guidance?

Dave Hardin

Shhhhh…they are listening. (there is no combat now, we are all basking in the change.) SO ANYWAY, I AM SURE IF ANY AMERICANS ARE THERE IT IS ONLY IN A HUMANITARIAN EFFORT.

Just an Old Dog

No boots on the ground eh?
If anyone thinks we don’t have S/F ( or SEAL or Marine Raider types) on the ground calling in those strikes and coordinating missions I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale.


Air assests can laze targets for other air assests. Also I’m willing to bet any of the advisors worth their weight, especially the SNCOs and NCOs when packing saw the writing on the wall and was like yeah lets go ahead and pack the designator. Its only 5 lbs or so, I’m not humping it over hill and dale, but it might just come in handy. Not saying its what happened but having known some of those guys, I would be really surprised if they didn’t. Be prepaird isn’t just the boy scouts motto you know.


Okay, so lemme get this straight:

–Bush bombs Iraq, bad.

–Chocolate Nixon bombs Iraq, good.

Oh, and where was that fucking brain dead pederast Harry Reid declaring the war was lost? Where is the editorial staff of the NYT, Pravda on the Potomac (aka WaPo), and the major networks excoriating this administration like they did for the last 6-plus years of the Bush presidency?

Nevermind. Different president, different rules.


It’s not the President, it’s the party.


Chocolate Nixon

A Proud Infidel®™

“Lyin’ Harry” Reid doesn’t give a damn about anything other than his political agenda!