Russia boycotts US & EU food

| August 8, 2014

Retaliation from Russia for sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union will include all fruits vegetables and poultry according to Reuters;

The measures will hit consumers at home who rely on cheap imports, and on farmers in the West for whom Russia is a big market. Moscow is by far the biggest buyer of European fruit and vegetables and the second biggest importer of U.S. poultry.

RIA quoted the spokesman for Russia’s food safety watchdog VPSS, Alexei Alexeenko, as saying all European fruit and vegetables and all produce from the United States would be included in a ban drawn up on the orders of President Vladimir Putin to punish countries that imposed sanctions on Russia.

And, oh, by the way, NATO claims that there are 20,000 Russian troops stacked up at the Ukrainian frontier;

“We’re not going to guess what’s on Russia’s mind, but we can see what Russia is doing on the ground – and that is of great concern. Russia has amassed around 20,000 combat-ready troops on Ukraine’s eastern border,” NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said in an emailed statement.

Moscow could use “the pretext of a humanitarian or peace-keeping mission as an excuse to send troops into Eastern Ukraine”, she said. A NATO military officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Russia’s build-up at the border included tanks, infantry, artillery, air defence systems, logistics troops, special forces, and aircraft.

The Associated Press says that Putin is showing that he’s just as willing to hurt his own people as well as the Euros. But, I guess that they don’t understand that there are other places Russia can buy fruits and vegetables like China and South America.

Category: Military issues

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Dave Hardin

It appears Putin is willing to impose tougher sanctions on his own people than POTUS.


“Let them eat borscht.”

(Sorry, couldn’t resist – smile.)


Putin would like to bring back the days of lines for toilet paper.


Putin is in reality an old hard line Communist. He would love to see the old Soviet Empire return to its heyday. Thus, the “who cares if the little people eat well, we’re eating pretty well in the Kremlin. All the KFC Extra Crispy we want. By the way, love the coleslaw, reminds me of red cabbage. Hey Boris, for jokes let us send big bucket of KFC to Obamas Whites House. That will get him goods. Da Da I likes that!”


Durn, Vlad is such a control freak.

Well, I want all of you to take note: Gas Buddy’s oil analyst says that it’s very likely that the price of unleaded regular at the pump will drop to $3 or under, per gallon, this winter.

Now, if corn, soybean and wheat exports that would normally go to Russia don’t go there, that means the surplus will stay here. Food prices just might drop a tad, as a result. (Check the prices on the commodities markets at close of day.)

I’m guessing on that, because no one has said anything, but corn, soybeans, wheat and oats are the major grains that go into boxed food products like cereals, breads, pasta, etc., so it may have a price drop effect down the road. The other benefit is that beef and chicken prices may drop because Russia is a big buyer of US chickens, and is moving to Brazil’s beef markets for beef.

So let’s hope it comes back to benefit us.

Also, Vlad is boycotting Canadian pork, and Canada is redirecting cargo ships now transporting pork to Russia, to other ports.

Let’s hope this does work in our favor.

Oh, this is for Vlad: 😛 😛 😛

Climb to Glory

Good job on the reset Secretary Pant Suit. And it’s laughable that Zero doesn’t think this a second Cold War. Maybe not to the same extent, but clearly Putin wishes to reset the clock back 40 years. Putin is not even playing chess; he’s playing checkers and I don’t even know what Obama is playing. How many more years of this shit.


Bodaprez is playing tiddlywinks, and repeatedly missing the mark.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s been rumored that Vladimir Putin was once overheard off mike comparing negotiating with B. Hussein 0bama to playing chess with a pigeon. One alleged quote was “The bird knocks all of the pieces over, defecates on the board and then struts around like he won the game!”
Sounds like B. Hussein 0bama to me, whadda y’all think?


The original attribution is to somebody criticizing people who believe in creationism, in an Amazon review defending a book by anthropologist Eugenie Scott.

JarHead Pat

Well well well,as a former expat that worked in Russia for 2 yrs(Odoptu/Sakhalin)for Fluor,I was always amazed at how much USA product was in there stores,and how it was 3/5 times more expensive then the shit from china/S Korea,yet the Russian people loved our stuff way more,much better quality. FWIY they love putin,and don’t want the west telling them how to live there lives(ie pussy riot,homo’s,etc etc etc). Anyway my new contract has just been cancelled and it seems like they will be ending some if not all expat oil work,thank you obama you tard.

Pigmy Puncher

IMO – POTUS is out of his element, and has surrounded himself with fools in his cabinet positions (who in turn give foolish advice). *I seriously doubt Valerie Jarrett (POTUS’ senior advisor – lawyer)knows WTH to do in this situation. Putin OTOH is former KGB and well in his element, and obviously taking advantage of our current leadership.

A little insight to old Val (POTUS’ friend and senior advisor) – I married without really appreciating how hard divorce would be…


OK, I’m doing my best to take the view that it may benefit us, the US consumers, at the store. I’m no financial analyst, but when commodities prices drop, the effect does show up in consumer goods some months later. In fact, commodities prices have dropped for the second day now, so we may see a benefit for us.

Also, Vlad may have decided the he wants Ukraine back in toto and just isn’t telling anyone, hence the troops buildup with no notice. He’s miles ahead of bodaprez in smarts. The comparison is active working brain cells vs. brainfarts.