He’s Baaaack!!

| August 8, 2014

Apparently the current Administration’s goings on have had an . . . unusual side effect. They’ve apparently caused at least one former political figure long thought dead to return from the grave.

No? Well, how else do you explain the return of “Tricky Dick” on Twitter?

Hell, I may have to break down and actually follow this guy.  He’s got Nixon down to a “T” – and many of the tweets are freaking hilarious.  (smile)

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering about what “goings on” of the current Administration I’m talking about:  I’m talking about this obvious pattern of “stonewalling”.

“Most transparent administration in history” my ass.  Even the Nixon and LBJ administrations were more open and transparent.


(Hat tip to a TAH regular who forwarded me this article on the matter.)

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Oh lord-this one got me: “The fellow currently pitching for the Phillies just left his shift tending bar at 31st and Tasker.

The gang over at reason.com/blog have been calling O “Chocolate Nixon” for some time now. It really sets their lefty trolls off.


Just remember, only Nixon can go to China.

Maybe we could vote Tricky Dick back into office. After all, dead people vote all the time. 😉

And there’s nothing in the term limits about dead presidents having to meet that requirement.


Ex-PH2…I remember Landslide Lyndon being famous for voting the Texas graveyards.

The Other Whitey

Why do the lefties still hate Nixon so much? Because he did all the same crap as Obama, but he was actually good at it!


Hondo, I think I know what happened to those missing 18 minutes on the Nixon tapes. The Nixon library has released all of them and that one was put to the test by a sound engineer using current equipment. Couldn’t get a sound out of it.
So either the microphone was turned off while the tape continued to run,or Nixon blocked it with his hand while he was talking to someone, because apparently, there is nothing there, not even background noise. Whatever was said never made it to the tape.


No, he was definitely not a fool.

But he was also definitely a crook.


Nixon committed the unpardonable sin of knowing that Alger Hiss was guilty and proceeding accordingly-that alone made him a bete noir to the left.


‘In effect, he tried to be king. He failed.’

Frankly, I’ve not seen much difference between then and now, other than the perception by the media of the person in the Oval Office.

The only real difference between then and now is that Nixon wasn’t a puppet.


I recall a quote attributed to LBJ, I can’t verify it, I don’t even remember where I read it. LBJ was asked what he thought about the Watergate scandal. He supposedly replied “that’s what Dick gets for hiring amateurs”.


I doubt it was him. LBJ died barely six months after the break in.