Marine Staff Sergeant David Lyon, EOD tech, passes

| August 5, 2014

David Lyon

Lee asked us to report on the passing of Marine Staff Sergeant David Lyon, who was an Explosive Ordinance Disposal technician who lost his legs in a blast four years ago. According to, he had adapted well and was living his life in an exemplary manner;

His parents said he battled his way back from the explosion to lead an active and inspiring life. That’s why they were stunned when he died after long-term complications last week.

“He was cheerful, and he was strong,” said his mother, Lynette Lyon.

American flags line the street and in front of Gordon and Lynette Lyon’s home in Syracuse. As they shared photos of their son playing with their grandson, they talked about what the Marine Corps meant to him.

“It was a very big deal,” Lynette said. “He planned to only do that. That was what his life was about.”

As an EOD bomb tech, David was one of the Marines who put himself in harm’s way to detonate bombs so they wouldn’t hurt anyone else. He deployed five times to combat zones, including two each to Afghanistan and Iraq.

It appears that complications arose and caused his heart to give out.

His parents were stunned when David was hospitalized again last week in San Diego. The family had time to gather around David before he died from heart complications and a stroke related to his previous injuries.

His father served in the Navy, and his brothers have served in the Marines, the Air Force and the Utah National Guard.

Gordon said he aspires to live like his son in the way that he gave of himself.

I didn’t know David, but now I sure miss him.

Category: Real Soldiers

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RIP Marine. EOD is a hell of a job.


Fair winds and following seas, brother. S/F.


Rest In Peace David Lyon. Thank you for giving your life to our country. Words cannot express my grief and gratitude. God bless and keep your family now during this tragic time. You are now and always will be missed.


RIP Marine!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

There are some men whose passing leaves a larger wake than the number of acquaintances and friends they had during their lives.

David Lyon sounds like that kind of man, those of us who did not have the pleasure of knowing him or calling him friend are still lessened by his absence among us.

Rest in Peace Sergeant, thank you for bringing some light into a dark world.

2/17 Air Cav

“I didn’t know David, but now I sure miss him.” Yep.


Yep, again. Jonn sure nailed that one …


[Insert pointless verbal diarrhea here]

A Proud Infidel®™

Shit in your Momma’s face while you go fuck yourself sideways with a frozen porcupine, Hussar, go carbomb yourself!!
DO try to read and comprehend the subject matter of a thread before you post instead of sniffing airplane glue and ranting like another incoherent inbred pissbucket that regularly gets stomped on!!


Proud Infidel,
That was absolutely the greatest thrashing that was my privilege to read. You are to be commended Sir!
Semper Fidelis Staff Sergeant, go with God brother.


Um, Hussar – no one here had a damn thing to do with this man’s unfortunate, early death.

Soldiers don’t choose the wars in which they fight. That’s true of Marines as well.

You owe every regular reader here an apology for that damned childish outburst.

A Proud Infidel®™

I agree, Hondo, but Hussar is far too big of an immature coward to ever even remotely admit he did or said something wrong.


Proud, he’s just trash. He’s food for hagfish. Leave it at that.

A Proud Infidel®™

You’re right, Ma’am. He does look like something a hagfish or Blobfish would scavenge up for its meal.

A Proud Infidel®™

P.S. he DID scurry in like a cockroach, thus I thought he deserved a good stomping!


OOzer is like this jerk I knew in college who inserted himself into everything, especially when he was NOT invited. Always changed the subject to himself, always said inappropriate things, always crowded in at the study table, even it if was loaded, and then mooched off of everyone there.
Oh, and he was put on academic probation and dropped at some point, because his daddy wouldn’t pay for a professional student’s existence.


HA…..After reading your post, there wasn’t anything logical that I could do other than laugh loudly and shake my head. You, sir/madam/whatever, are hilarious….as well as a disgrace to all of humanity.

Pinto Nag

Not in EOD, are you, Hussar?


Huss-wipe was probably upset that the troll “Tom” got our attention for a day or two, and was determined to put the spotlight back on himself.

I didn’t see his comment before it was moderated – probably for the best.


MrBill: IMO, you’re correct regarding not seeing Hussar’s now-deleted inane and immature screed.

2/17 Air Cav
A Proud Infidel®™

R.I.P., Warrior.




Damn shame this fate has befallen him after all he’d been through and fought back from. What a tragedy.


Thanks to the moderator who removed Hussar’s comment.

R.I.P SSgt Lyon. We Remember…………..

Pinto Nag

A young soldier I know in the Army is in EOD. I want to say to both you EODMAN and EODJay above, that I don’t think there is a word in any language that covers that kind of bravery and selflessness. God bless you all, and may He give peace to SSgt. Lyon.


I second what PN said. That is one of the nastier jobs on the planet, even worse after a war when it involves clearing UXBs, mines and IEDs that were forgotten.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve done my fair share of time outside the wire in harm’s way, and I say GOD BLESS ALL OF THE EOD’S! when I was over there, I thought that they should have at least been paid extra for overtime!!


Rest easy, Marine.


God Bless this Marine.
Semper Fi.

3/17 Air Cav

Allergies are acting up again today! Rest in peace Marine!


The Marine will do fine, guarding the gates of Heaven … So I will ask that God Bless the little boy who’s father is no longer with him.

Sad … In all cases.


Go in peace, Devildog, and God bless you.


Thank you for all you’ve given us, Staff Sergeant. Fair winds.


anyone know what unit he was attached to when he served in Afghan?? or at least what AO he was in 2010 in Afghan??


[Stupid inappropriate BS for the tone of the post]

A Proud Infidel®™

NO, you stupid glue-sniffing inbred piece of shit, you accused us of contributing to that Warrior’s death in your diarrhea-headed rant that was deleted, and my reply to you still stands, you’re living proof that diarrhea of the mouth is a symptom of having SHIT FOR BRAINS, you sniveling coward!

Go carbomb yourself, Hussar the walking pile of pigshit!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Hussar, are you that big of a butt-hurt little sparkle pony gumdrop-sniffing Rudy-poo? Methinks the answer is YES.


By this point in the game, you know how we all are. You know our bias, slants, opinions, and way of thinking….it obviously disagrees with you. Since we are all so wrong and incapable of seeing the light like you, why do you keep coming back? Why do you lurk/comment knowing you can’t change us ‘tards in our slack-jawed thinking? I’m willing to bet your time would be better served saving your hometown community from itself seeing how it is you have all the right answers. We’re too stupid to be able to comprehend your rhetoric, so you’re wasting your time here. Let us go back to being a bunch of internet tough guys and talk smack amongst each other.


Actually, Hussar, what you did was far from “praise a fellow Devil Dog”. You lashed out at those who had nothing to do with the matter bothering you. That was the act of an immature child throwing a temper tantrum – not the act of a grown man. And you did so in your typical, smug-without-good-reason, immature jackass fashion. Accusing those here of being in some way responsible for this young Marine’s death is reprehensible, particularly since many of the people commenting here were serving when you were in diapers or before you were even born. It is also patently false. No one here had a damn thing to do with this young man’s death. These last two comments (since deleted) demonstrate little more than (1) your immaturity, (2) your failure to grasp the reality of the situation, and (3) that you are a jackass worthy of nothing but contempt. Given these and your other comments here previously, I’m beginning to wonder if your departure from the USMC was voluntary – if you even actually served at all, that is. Political leaders choose the wars a nation fights; military personnel don’t. You want to blame those political leaders, go right ahead. But if you do that, remember: this man was injured in Afghanistan, not in Iraq – and those injuries happened 4 years ago. So if you’re going to blame the political leadership, you have to either (1) take issue with the concept of US retaliation for 9/11, or (2) blame the current Administration for its policies in Afghanistan since Jan 2009. The former position is ludicrous for anyone who’s not an apologist for Radical Islam. And most here aren’t exactly fans of how the current ship of fools in DC have been running the war in Afghanistan- so if that’s your choice, your beef’s not with anyone here. Now, please go Google the term “fouquieria splendens”. Then how about you go find a 24-inch segment of the stalk of one of those, bend over, and shove it right up your rectum – and then pull it out, very .… Read more »


Hondo, you whetted my curiosity about fouquieria splendens, and after looking it up, all I can say is: how very appropriate!

A Proud Infidel®™

A terrific suggestion, Hondo, I would have told him/it to do the same with a branch from a specimen of Gleditsia tricanthos!!


That could work too, Proud Infidel. But he’d have to find a long, straight branch – which might be difficult.

Fouquieria spendens stalks are virtually all uniformly long and straight.


The real problem that both OOzer and tommyboy have is weak egos. They both have issues from the past. We kind of know what tommyboy’s issues are, already, and I’d say it’s very likely OOzer’s are the same or close to it.

Tt’s not easy to face the darkness of unmet desires and unexpressed resentment when you see others being eulogized or slapped on the back for doing things you didn’t do, maybe didn’t have the nerve to do.

To paraphrase Robert Heinlein, they clip the wings of birds because they themselves can’t fly. If they see something they don’t understand, they poke it with a stick or step on it and run away. They despise the strong because they themselves are weak in every way, and they know it deep down inside.

Doc Savage

Rest in peace…..but for men like this, many more would have died.


This is too sad. He died far too young, but perhaps there is another calling for him to fill, down the road.

I missed whatever drivel it was that OOzer found necessary to infest this place with, but he’s just trash, so who cares what he pretends to think?

A Proud Infidel®™

Ex-PH2, his/it’s first oral diarrhea read like a combination of things from a certain skydiving clown mixed with that from a wannabe CPO, it was absolutely imbecilic and idiotic.


Nothing worse than trying to decipher the drunken ramblings of a brainless, dickless wonder, eh?

Well, when OOzer croaks, no one will go to his funeral, regret his passing, or remember his name.

A Proud Infidel®™

I concur, Ma’am,and I must say that 00zer’s first post was very parallel with the rants of a drunken skydiving clown and whatshisface, thus I think he’s a cohort of theirs.




Rest in peace Brother

Mike Evans

RIP brother, you motivated us all with your strength and love for life. Rest easy Marine.
– Army EOD

Troy Garrison

I graduated with Lyon. Hell of a man, I’ll always remember him.