Sarah Brady’s bloody shirt

| August 5, 2014

brady duo

Yesterday, 73-year-old Jim Brady died. Of course, you all know that Jim Brady was Ronald Reagan’s press secretary when he was shot along side the president back in 1981 when John Hinckley, Jr. thought that would be the best way to get the attention of a girl. Mr. Brady’s wife, Sarah, seized upon the shooting as an opportunity to make money and started the Brady Foundation to encourage gun control with Jim Brady as the face of her campaign.

Well, with her husband’s body barely room temperature, Sarah writes an op-ed on CNN begging for more gun control;

Take Zina Daniel, a victim of domestic violence who procured a restraining order against her estranged husband, making him unable to pass a background check. He bought a semiautomatic handgun from a private seller online, where he didn’t need a background check. He used that gun to kill Zina and two others and wound four more at a nail salon.

So, Brady is saying that people who intend to use their new guns for illicit reasons will obey the law, if only there was a law. Zina Daniel’s estranged husband wouldn’t have found another way to get a gun if he couldn’t buy it off the internet according to Brady. The truth is that less than one percent of guns used in crimes were bought at gun shows or from legitimate sellers. I’ve bought guns from internet dealers and at gun shows and I’ve had to complete the requisite background checks with law enforcement before I took possession of the firearm.

The only thing that surprises me is that Brady didn’t figure out a way to blame her husband’s death on gun owners somehow.

In 2013, after the horrific tragedy of the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, eight states passed meaningful gun regulations. These laws could save lives and prevent injuries. Let’s keep moving forward. Let’s finish the job, expand Brady background checks and help keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people.

How would expanded background checks have prevented the Newtown shooting, Sarah? The shooter killed his mother and took her guns. In fact, it was the mandatory waiting period law that prevented him from buying his own gun.

Thanks to David for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Hinckley shot the wrong Brady….

James in Gulf Breeze

Very insensitive. Very true. +100 for you – I love it!!!!


According to her organization’s own filing with the IRS, Sarah Brady was paid $130K in 2012 for 2 hours/week of work. I cannot find her speaking fee online.

A Proud Infidel®™

Like with many other “Foundations”, I wonder how much of a salary the Bradys have treated themselves to?


Well, this IRS 990 from 2012 looks interesting (see page 7):

As I read it, that’s not bad for 2hrs/week. But maybe I’m reading it wrong.


Nope, I read it the same way. I also looked at their 2010 990 and was also around $130K for the year.


Gee. $130k a year for the equivalent of about 13 workdays (104 hrs).

Nice gig – so long as you can still stomach looking yourself in the mirror after pocketing the cash.


You are assuming she has a sense of shame, which by prostituting her husband’s passing today, she obviously proved she does not have.


Sorry, David. I thought the sarcasm was obvious enough above to dispense with the “/sarc” tag. My bad. (smile)


Oh, I understood, but who can resist the opportunity to make a snarky comment about Sarah Brady?


Point taken. “You may snark when ready, David.”

(Bonus points for anyone who gets the military reference.)


Battle of Manila Bay or Star Wars.


The former, actually. Dewey to Gridley.

Well played, sir. Well played! (smile)


Damn the snarks! Full speed ahead!
I regret that I have but one snark to give for my country!
At the Bois de Bastogne: “Snark!” “L’Snark! L’Snark! Toujours l’Snark!” (sorry, boring concall with China)


Thank You. I will now use my bonus points to order a coffee mug from Bob Massie. I will request a rack of one NDSM and the highly coveted Silver Cross with Flacid Penis Clasp.


Wasn’t Hinckley trying to get Jodie Foster’s attention? That was his problem, he wasn’t a woman.

The Other Whitey

Never once have I heard a coherent reason as to why it’s supposedly my fault that some asshole I never met wanted to impress a girl who’s openly into girls by being a huge asshole before I was was born. But they sure love to try to punish me for it anyway!

That’s VWPussy-level stupidity right there–oh look! VWPieceofshit graced us with his/her/its august presence already!

Hey VWPissant! Go fuck yourself with a Black&Decker hedge trimmer!

Pinto Nag

I would never wish what happened to Jim Brady on anyone. I also would not wish what Sarah Brady has done on legitimate gun owners. So you’ll understand my sentiments when I say that I hope Jim rests in peace, while Sarah can go straight to Hell.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

This is why the nra and its supporters are evil. “shot the wrong brady.” We must wait till a republican can be replaced on the supreme court by obama or mrs. clinton to stop this evil madness. Hopefully their will be no more newtowns between now and then.

You don’t pay much attention to the news, do you, VWPeckerhead? Every one of those mass shooters you love talking about so much were people who loudly and vehemently agreed with you. So who’s evil again, you child-molesting lump of snake shit?

There’s a good chance there will be, vwp. And if that’s the case, it will probably be committed by a sicko libidiot whack job – like the one who shot Giffords.

It will also be the fault of you numbnut libidiots in two ways.

First: you’ve made laws making it virtually impossible to get those who desperately need help involuntarily committed. And second: you’ve made it exceptionally difficult for those who want to defend themselves and others to do so effectively.

In short: if another mass shooting in a gun free zone happens, look at your (and your libidiot friends’) hands for the blood. Because that is exactly who will be indirectly responsible for the crime.

Was Lanza an NRA member? How about the whack job that shot Gabby Giffords? The douchebag punk in California that STABBED and shot people? Was he in the NRA?
The VA Tech shooter, was he an evil NRA member? nope.

If you have enough brain cells and basic skills beyond trolling, find out exactly how many NRA members have committed a mass shooting. Hell find out have many have committed any kind of crime. Then compare those miniscule numbers to murders and crimes committed by members of the democrat party and/or mental defectives (I know there’ll be a large overlap in those 2 demographics).

You sound like Chris Dorner, the mass murdering scumbag out of Libtardfornia.


“Hopefully their will be no more newtowns between now and then.”

No, but there’s been a thousand Chicago’s since then. But you don’t give a shit about the poor little black and brown kids being wiped out now do VWP, you sorry sack of shit.

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

lanza had nra material about joining.

Says who, fuckstick? Your mom?

Too bad he was a left-wing loon fuckface. Just like your boy Lee Harvey you fucking diaper wearing waste of humanity. Go back to fantasizing about children you fucking pederast.

Let me get this straight… Because Lanza had an NRA pamphlet, the NRA is responsible for the shooting. Right?

That’s as bad as the anti-D&D argument about the kid who hung himself. Because one of the books was a D&D book, D&D must have been responsible for his suicide.

Lanza also drank water. Maybe water was responsible. He also breathed air, so maybe air was responsible.

Wait, he also wrote a long list of reasons why he did it. This falls in line with every mass shooter in the country. So, we should ban literacy. If people can’t read, and especially can’t read NRA pamphlets, then they can’t possibly shoot anyone!


So, we should ban literacy…

From vwp’s perspective that really could only be a net positive.


He’s an early adopter on the latest liberal trends. He’s already quit using logic and common sense

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Nra said he had their material ;but hadn’t joined yet. This was reported in the press you can google it. So back to your childish name calling while I try to protect the children from the gunners.

“Protecting” the children how? By luring them into your van with candy? I’m guessing one day a “gunner” will be forced to protect their children from you, you fuggin’ pedophile.

No, asswipe, that is not what the NRA said, they actually said “There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association. Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.” There was a flyer in the house and a booklet put out by the NRA, there was no application for membership, nor anything saying that either Lanza had any idea of joining the NRA.

you think NRA literature is some kind of holy grail classified shit you have to have the secret codeword to get? Did you see whether he had any other material for any other group? No, because you focused your bloodshot myopic eyes on one thing only, that a loonie-tunes had material from the largest gun-safety-training organization in the world. Refute THAT assertion, shit-for-brains?!

“Protect the children,” eh? Really, VWPedophile, did you get that line from your NAMBLA membership packet? Eat shit, fuck yourself with an auger, and die.

Quit trying to deflect blame, dipstick.

You and your leftist brethren are largely responsible for Newtown and similar massacres.

You and your leftist comrades made it impossible to get Adam Lanza committed involuntarily – when it was obvious to the world that he desperately needed help, wasn’t getting it, and his own mother was trying to get him involuntarily committed. You did that to “protect his rights”.

You and your leftist friends made that school a gun free zone – which Lanza ignored. That made it impossible for anyone at that school to stop Lanza. But that “gun free zone” declaration didn’t stop Lanza, did it?

So how about you STFU about Sandy Hook and other such incidents. You and other leftist tools are indirectly responsible for the murder of those children, you jackass moron.

You want to see who’s responsible for Newtown and similar massacres, vwp? Look in the freaking mirror. You and your bleeding heart libidiot comrades have their blood on your hands.

And afterwards, just STFU. Permanently.


Hey VWP, please, protect the children. Don’t see it happening too much while you hang out here running your mouth, but kind of like your El Presidente, it makes for a good sound bite while you do jack shit but run your mouth spouting inane platitudes aped from your betters at the Democratic National Committee. As I said before, would love it if I was at a bar and the guy next to me said “I post as Vietnam War Protester….”. It would be much more satisfing to detail all of your mental and emotional deficiencies in person.


A girl that was in my high school class, her father owned Rocky’s Pawn Shop and he sold the gun (legally) to Hinckley.

On another note, have any of you seen this video? A guy is in Old Town Alexandria, VA asking people to sign a petition to let “the children” come to Alexandria, VA. All the libtards sign it. After they sign it, he asks them for their name and address and how many children they can take in. Um yeah…. hilarity ensues. Made me think of VWPissant.

Delilah T.

I hope he shows up at each door with 3 to 5 illegal immigrant children to thrust upon those petition signers. 🙂

2/17 Air Cav

From CBS News: “Reporters broke the news to current White House press secretary Josh Earnest Monday, who said he knew Brady was in failing health and praised him as someone who “’really revolutionized this job.’” He revolutionized the job? That’s truly remarkable, considering that Brady was on the actual job roughly five weeks before being shot. (Yeah, Reagan kept him on the books but that was out of kindness. Brady was press secretary in absentia. Throw Earnest on the bullshit pile.)


Well, in a sense, Brady DID revolutionize the job……He literally got paid to do nothing. Oh and Sarah can go to Hell.


I thought “ability to manage BS pile” was a key element of the White House Press Secretary’s job description, 2/17 Air Cav. At least in the current Administration, anyway.

I M Simpleton

It is already illegal to loan, transfer, sell, gift or bequeth a firearm to a convicted felon. I wouldn’t sell a gun without making the potential buyer go down to the local pawn shop and pay $20 to have a NICS check run for me. But then again, I’m a law abiding citizen.

VWP and all these gun grabbers have yet to explain how they will stop the 100,000 gang members who run the streets of Chicago with impunity how another law will stop criminals from getting their guns.

I M Simpleton

Holy runon sentence! Well, you get the idea

2/17 Air Cav

I.M.: So long as vietnamwar…etc comments in a thread, you, me, and everyone else who comments in the thread can easily be mistaken for Mark Twain or H.L. Mencken.


the prob with Chicago is that its mayor is a complete hypocrite lib. Rahm has no clue what he’s doing and is just there to collect a check. Just like Obama. Phoning it in.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Sure enough, here it comes: Sarah and her buddies are making it murder after all. Because it’s GUNS!