More “Good News” About IRS Computers
Now it looks like even more have crashed – and more email may be “lost”. Including, of course, email from a few more key players in the IRS scandal.
This is getting f**king disgusting. I’m too p!ssed to write an article, so you’ll have to go and read this one from the Daily Caller.
“Most transparent administration in history” my ass.
I’m a dinosaur and was on the cutting edge of computers and listening to older farts in the Pentagon saying that I (as a MAJ) should not be “typing”. In the decades that followed, in DoD and industry, I cannot recall a single case of a computer crashing that caused data loss. Yeah, Blue Screen of Death…(got one today). Yeah, I’ve lost files because I stepped on my crank and didn’t save before doing something, but a HDD destroy? Nah.
So if/when I’m audited can I say that my Quicken files were on a computer that crashed?
You’ve got that right. All this bullshit coming from the IRS is just that…BULLSHIT.
This is as credible as that letter Dan Rather “discovered.”
I figure eventually the left will claim that Lerner, like her noble Plains Indian cousin Liz “Liawatha” Warren, only communicated in smoke signals (which are also sustainable, because da erf), and how can there be records of any such communication you silly Republican haters?
Read my lips … Special Prosecutor!
Let me know when it happens.
It will only happen after every last piece of incriminating communication has been destroyed on every possible storage and back up system around the world. Yeah, I know that there are multiple copies of every email communication anyone ever wrote, but given enough time and enough like-minded people who share the same ideology, it can be done.
No, I am not wearing a tinfoil hat. These people (the true believers) have enough tentacles in enough places that volunteers (the useful idiots) will just make it happen. Kinda like sleeper cells-they know what to do. A suggestion from a union boss here, a political appointee there, and POOF. All gone.
Is this the “Jump the Shark” thing for Dear Leader? All the crap that is happening is so blatant that even (some) Libs can’t swallow it. Just watched Juan W. mumble a defense on Brett’s. Compare it to Clinton. I thought he was an asshole but I didn’t despise him. The Obumba regime is breathtaking. And they get away with it….until now? Maybe? I live in a Dim enclave and they hate him. Alas, I thought the same thing before the last Generals. Can’t blame Obumba. Blame the idiots that voted for him. Twice.
Truly, truly, I wish I had the authority to arrest Lerner and get medieval on her skanky butt, with draconian penalties for being caught in a lie.
And anyone else involved in this.
Old Soldier, I want to see ALL the rats caught scampering down the lines to the wharf.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. — P. T. Barnum.
I love stuff like this. I’m waiting for someone, some underling who sits quietly at an innocuous desk, to pull off a ‘Three Days of the Condor’ thing, where it all goes downhill and takes these scumbags along.
It’s just a damn shame that it takes so long, but don’t worry, folks. The destruction of this pack of greedy, self-serving, un-American basterds must be complete to a shade, if the effect is to last beyond next week.
As one of the resident cyber folks on here (done it all in some for over the years to include dead box foreignsics) I can honestly say and would be willing to under oath: this many computer/hd crashes occuring naturally of key people involved is just not statistically possible. The only way for this many drives to crash either for them all to get infected by malware or human intervention.
You bet!
I’ll take human intervention for $2, Ish.
well yes, for the ordinary definition of the word “crash”. On the other hand if the definition includes inspection using a large hammer or a power drill then I think the probabilities start to drop. I had one of those 160 MB USB drives fail. I cracked ‘er open and she’s propped up in my workshop. I had another one fail in the early 90s. I used to work on IBM System 38s. In the early 1980s they had a problem with 3370 hard drives.
I contend that the entire “hard drive crash” thing is ridiculous. The email doesn’t live on her hard drive, it lives on the mail server hard drive. If she doesn’t back up her hard drive and someone “inspects” it with a 16 pound hammer, so what? The email is still on the mail server and that server will be religiously backed up.
In my humble opinion, the issue here is what happened to the backups. I think that it is inconceivable (and yes, I do know what that word means) that the IRS IT guys would lose those backups. Someone would have to get VERY creative to make them disappear. Imagine if the IRS IG found out that the IT guys weren’t doing proper backups. That would be a firing offense and, in this case, they might go to jail — for the encouragement of the others.
It might be worth it to start looking for an IRS IT employee who just received a large inheritance and who has immediate plans to move to the Cayman Islands.
Won’t discount anything you have said, especiallynsince I too have taken a hammer to a number of hds to ensure proper distruction. The thing about the local hdals is the claim by the IRS that since server space was limited useres were instructed to save off messages to a pst file on their hard drives. Not a good practice but I can see it happening. I mean from the testimoney on the hill server space was limited and back-up tapes were reused wvery 6 mo. (We won’t get into the records rention laws or the fact that they spent lots of OUR money paying a contractor to provide those rentention services/resources.) In this case I’m willing to suspend disbelief and go along with the pst on local hd and ‘her hd crached’ story and some e-mails may have been lost. But to now hear that even more hds crashed and o btw they were all key people who may have also had copies of what she sent, not to mention been involved in their own right? Sorry reality can only be bent so far.
To borrow a quote from my grandfather: once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, thrice is enemy fire, four times is friendly fire.
Richard…Remember the good old days of having to “park” the hard drive R/W heads?
“…it lives on the mail server hard drive.”
Umm, no, incorrect, at least for the USAF. Your email mostly lives in your Archive (.pst) folder on your desk-top hard drive. Only current mail (amount depends on your Archiving set-up rules) stays on the server.
Right now, I have several gigabytes of email on my hard drive, dating back to 2008. And we aren’t allowed to have back-up files on the public drives….
Sooner or later they’ll literally find a body over there.
Eric Holder wouldn’t even blink.
It’s under the floor tiles in one of the server rooms.
Oh okay. So now it’s pretty much *all* of their computers. Sure, that’s 100% believable. If they’re really looking for a copy of those emails, there’s always the NSA…just sayin’…
So we’re going to find Lois Lerner dead in Fort Marcy Park?
So here we have two possible courses of action based on what we know:
1. The files are hidden on backup tapes which the IRS has, so this is withholding evidence. Criminal offense.
2. The files have truly been destroyed through negligence or malice, which is a violation of FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) procedures. Grounds for shutting down all IRS networks and re-certifying them one at a time. SOX violations, being financial violations, are criminal violations.
Pick one. And either way, start prosecuting mail and Computer Security people, who are supposed to be doing backups and keeping score, NOT the “big wheels.” My guess is the little guys will start squealing like little girls when the pressure is on.
Agree. Especially in light of the fact the IRS had a contract to provide those services AND the large amount they have been given in the past few years to upgrade their systems, (north of $1 Billion if I remember the facts from the hearing a few weeks ago.)
BTW foxnews is reporting that according to IRS IT folks that have been finally alowed to speak to Congress that the hard drive was only scratched and potentially recoverable. Whats more thay also recomended it be sent for recovery. This also directly contradicts court filings by the IRS. So not only have they lied to Congess, prevented IT people from testifying, and lied in court filings but also that someone at the IRS deliberately acted to prevent data recovery of potential key evidence for both Congressional inqueies and on going court cases.