Militias show up at border

| July 11, 2014

The Washington Times reports that that an “armed militia” of the civilian variety are setting up along the Mexican border near San Antonio, Texas to “fight for national sovereignty”. A couple of years ago, I might have supported the idea, but now with the Airsoft Grads of the Open Carry Texas movement acting childish, I’m sure they see this as an opportunity to strut around with their loaded long guns slung over their backs in front of cameras.

“CBP appreciates the efforts of concerned citizens as they act as our eyes and ears. Securing our nation’s borders can be dangerous. Interdicting narcotics and deterring and apprehending individuals illegally entering the U.S. requires highly trained law enforcement personnel,” the statement said.

According to the Patriots Information Hotline, there are 4 credible militia operations on the ground currently in Texas.

“We only have contact with one. We hold an open invitation for all active or potential groups on the ground to contact us for any help we have to offer,” the website said.

Of course, I fully support their intent – the federal government isn’t doing their job and Americans have the right to make their views known on the subject. But, only to the limit of being eyes and ears for the law enforcement officers. If they use their guns for personal protection, I understand that, but when they start trying to force the will of illegal immigrants and start waving their guns around like they’re at the OK Corral, that’s where they’ll lose me.

The federal law enforcement officers also have the responsibility to respond to citizens’ reports in a timely manner, largely to protect the US citizens from themselves. This has the potential for being very, very dangerous.

But, yeah, this is totally the Obama gang’s fault for not responding to the situation while doing their level best to hide details of the crisis from Americans…you know, like they do for everything else that has happened in the last five years. Well, them and their willing accomplices in the compliant media.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Maybe this is where Chevy-the-Cheese-Slayer-Hollywood is? Burnishing his fake creds.

Pineywoods NCO

Does anyone really give a rats’ ass where he is?? Seriously.

Then again, maybe if he is down there, they can make sure he is “doing his job very well.”

By the way, to Dennis, it’s 87 hours now. Where is the answer to my question from Monday night?

Just an Old Dog

Yeah, anyone who thinks this is gonna end well, raise your hands.

Me neither.

Old Trooper

I’m with ya, Sparky. No good can come from this, no matter how good the intentions are. I understand what they are trying to do and I support that effort, however, I am concerned that there will be someone within one of these groups that isn’t as disciplined as the others and all it’s gonna take is one errant round down range to set off a very bad chain of events.

Former 11B

I agree with this, Trooper. I get bringing guns for protection, but I’d bet some good money that at least one of these guys is some airsoft commando who wants to play for high stakes, with real guns for a change. Guys like that are usually not known for their discretion.

Joe Williams

I would have to have my AK-47,radio,spare batteries,camelback filled with water and more water.Five twenty round mags(Drug cartels and the Mexican Army have been known to shoot across the river to chase you off.The drugs must get across.I would have to be teamed up with someone I cloud trust. Trust but Verify.This cloud get ugly very easy at the river. JOE

CB Senior

You do know that processing these children takes so much longer due to a law passed by the Bush Admin.

William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

Obama also has been deporting illegals 30% higher per month than Bush did.

Old Trooper

Oh, I am well aware of Bush’ weakness in this area, also, and have voiced my displeasure many times in the past. It doesn’t matter to me who is President, if they blatantly ignore the laws they swore to uphold, then I have no use for them. In that respect, Obama makes Bush look like a piker.


We shouldn’t have to deport them, or process them. They shouldn’t even be here. We should have a secure border.

We should have a secure border, particularly when, everyone outside our borders knows that if they get in, they will get free food, free shelter, free cell phone, free tuition, etc.


Theact that Bush signed expires in 2011, Obama renewed it as it expired. I was on the border in 06-07 with TXARNG when the minutemen came around. The only Incidents of any significance that I recall them being involved in was rendering first aid and water to the poor souls lost in the senderos. The problem with deporting illegal aliens not from Mexico is they have to go through a process, and returned to their home country. They are known as OTMs (Other Than Mexicans). The US Border Patrol has a tough job already, specially with their hands tied by procedural rules etc… They are the grunts of Federal Agencies.

CB Senior

“The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act” was subsequently renewed in 2003, 2006, 2008 (when it was renamed the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008). The law lapsed in 2011. In 2013 the entirety of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act was attached as an amendment to the Violence Against Women Act and passed

At all points in the renwal process at least one house was controlled by Republicans.


Um, not exactly. In 2008, the Senate was controlled by the Democratic party. Split was 49/49/2, with the 2 “independents” voting the Democratic line virtually all of the time.

CB Senior

True but the President was a Republican who’s veto would have stood. Even in the 2009 Numbers.
There was no way that 30 R House members would cross as well as 15 R Senators.

Also November 16, 2008 Senate make up was 48 D/ 49 R 2 Some what 2 I’s and 1 Vancacy from Illinois.

CB Senior

I was there as well building the fence in NM. I am not sure that everybody is aware that the fence is not and was not designed to be continuous. Physical barriers were placed in know crossing routes near populated areas. The entirety that was not phyical was to be a virtual fence that was part cameras and part listening devices.


That’s a negative, CB. The current administration merely redefined the word “deportation”. Crossers who were caught at or near the border used to be processed at the local CBP station and returned to Mexico, not counted as a deportation. NOW they’re counted as deported, padding the stats immensely. However, comma, ACTUAL deportations (convicted criminals, crossers caught in the interior USA, etc.) are significantly down.


And what party controlled both House and Senate in 2008, and passed that law before it was sent to the POTUS? I’ll give ya a hint: its name doesn’t begin with a letter from the 2nd half of the alphabet.

I’m fairly sure the only thing the Bush(43) Administration had to do with that law was the final signature. And it’s entirely possible that may have been a “sign or watch Congress override a veto” deal.

CB Senior

2007-2009 Senate 49 D/ 49 R/ 2 Ind
House 233 D/ 198 R 4 Vacancies.

“This is a piece of legislation we’re very proud to sign,” a White House spokesman, Tony Fratto, told reporters on Dec. 23, 2008, as the president put his pen to the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008,”

“Representative Jeff Fortenberry, a Nebraska Republican and a chief backer of the original bill, said multiple factors contributed to the crisis, including “exploitation of our laws, the ungoverned space in Central America, as well as the desperate poverty faced by those deciding to cross.”

With those numbers there could not have overrode a veto with Republican help.


Take a look at the timing, amigo. The bill was passed and signed post-election. Any veto override vote would have occurred after the next Congress had been seated.

The composition after the election was effectively 60-40 Senate, 257-178 House. Not much “turncoat” support needed for an override.

I’m guessing the “we’re very proud to sign” was simply making the best of the unavoidable.

CB Senior

A Full Senate was not seated until July of that year the January Numbers were 56 D/ 41 R/ 2 somewhat Indies. With 1 then 2 Vacancies early on.

The other Critters were about that 256-257 line.

I do not see much turncoat wiggle room unless they attached it to some other money.


True – I’d forgotten it took that long for the MN Supreme Court to ratify Franken’s theft of his Senate seat and for Specter to go “turncoat” – but largely irrelevant. Kirsten (D-NY) was appointed in Late Jan. That means as of late Jan, the breakout was 58-41 (the two “independents” were in reality anything but, and voted virtually exclusively Democratic line). Thus, only 66 votes would be required to override a veto (2/3) vice 67. Specter’s vote would be a given. That means they’d only need 7 – the same number they’d need after everything “shook out” and the split was 60-40 (2/3 of 100 means 67 is required).

Snowe and Collins were still in the Senate at that time. There are likely two more. Gregg (NH) is another possibility. That leaves only 4 more to turn to override a veto.

Not a given, but on this kind of “hot button” issue – eminently plausible.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Re-authorization act right? The original trafficking act was placed into law in 2000 by Clinton. It was a response to a UN Directive regarding refugees in Africa and Eastern Europe looking for refuge across non-contiguous borders and being turned away.

This is the law of unintended consequences at its’ best.

CB Senior

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner. My main point. We are getting killed by both fronts. Dems want lots of free votes and Republicans want lots of free cheap labor.

CB Senior

October 28th, 2000 it became law.

Senate 54 R/ 46 D
House 223 R/ 208 D/ 2 I

Veritas Omnia Vincit

In 2003 it was all republicans…this is a law that both parties like, period. The law itself has a very noble premise that folks who are crossing multiple international borders seeking sanctuary should not be turned away and placed back into harm’s way.

It’s hard to say you don’t believe in that as an American. The issue arises when common sense vacates the premises. The border is not secure, that’s the bottom line. The border is not now secure, nor has it ever actually been secure. Until it is all of this is a meaningless exercise in creating the illusion of safety and security and many of our fellow citizens love illusions, so much so they ignore factual reality on a daily basis.

Secure the fucking border, secure it today and with whatever appropriate force is required. instead of worrying about a bunch of turds 10,000 miles away perhaps worrying about a quarter million turds here today would be a good idea. Process these people and get them out of here if they are illegitimately seeking asylum or refuge. It’s not rocket science it just requires leadership which we lack at every level in the United States today.




So long as the militias act only in support of the border guards, who are stretched thin from what I understand, I have no issues with it.

My concern is that they’ll be acting appropriately, but will have one trigger-happy, jumpy, jittery individual, who will jump the gun and start shooting.

What I find most puzzling is that nowhere have I seen one reference to any of the governments of Honduras, Guatemala or Salvador, or their responsibilities in this mess. WE did not create this problem. THEY did. And this tantrum-throwing president (for whom I did NOT vote) is only compounding it by ignoring that.


“Obama also has been deporting illegals 30% higher per month than Bush did.”

Ah, No is the short answer. The Obama administration counts anyone sent back across the border as a deportation. Which of course it is not. So the numbers are just another lie.

Its similar to how they decide numbers of employed. Count everyone who works one hour a week as employed. Viola, the unemployment numbers magically decline.


Azygos: in fairness, the method of counting “employment” is not new to the Obama administration. I’m reasonably sure that involuntary part-time workers have been counted as “employed” since at least the 1970s. In short: the “official unemployment” rate (U3) is today and always has been a p!ss-poor measure of how the economy is performing.

U6 is a much better measure, as this partially correctly counts discouraged workers and involuntary part-time employees. Yet U6 has its problems too.

The best measure I know of is the labor participation rate. You almost never hear about that, but IMO it provides the best measure of how the economy is actually doing.

The labor participation rate has been steadily declining throughout the current Administration. “Economic recovery” my ass.


Reading Joe’s note above … let’s count and take pictures.

I wonder if any good would come from having a line of observers? I’m thinking about a nice red-white-and-blue umbrella and chairs every 200 to 400 meters, maybe 500 to 1,000 meters from the border, with a two-person team. Radio, binoculars, camera with telephoto lens, NVD, and lots of water.

If the team had discipline then personal weapons would not bother me but “cowboys” (in the negative meaning of the word) give me pause.

A command post two to four miles back to provide communications to reach Border Patrol, support, and a 10- to 15-person quick response team for trouble seems sensible.

Six 2-person teams per mile, 4 hour shifts, 72 shifts per day per mile plus comm center.

Let’s count and take pictures of the border crossers.

If the “militias” provide the people and the structure and coordinate with the BP and local LEO, what is wrong with this picture?


If the Open Carry ass hats act on the border, as they have in downtown Texas eateries, they, Texans and gun owners nationwide are going to become the “Black Hat” guys in this western.


Judging from some of the photos of the Open Carry peeps, I don’t think some of them venture very far from eateries.


Eggs…You got that right! Those are some big eatin’ boys down there.


During the election year @20 years ago…Haitians were floating up on the beaches of Miami. The Democratic Florida governor threatened to sue the US (Clinton, Janet Reno) for the mess. We invaded Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy).

Problem solved?

Not saying invade…but DO SOMETHING!


These folks come across Mexico to get here. Then when we decide in our own best national interest to turn them back and send them home, the sad faces of illegal alien children are plastered on the news. How can we send them back “all the way across Mexico to their home”, the left will ask in tears. Well, I say they made their way, across Mexico to get here, either make their way back or be illegal immigrants on Mexico. I really don’t care. But I do not want them here. We have our share and the next country’s too of immigrants, legal and otherwise, refugees and generally defined, system leeches. These folks will NEVER acclimate to life in America. They will never be like Polish, Irish, or immigrants of the early 20th century who came and kissed the ground they arrived on. They worked hard, sent their kids to school and made them learn English. Many became citizens and most insisted their children not born here become citizens. Many did by enlisting in the military. They became…Americans and were and are proud of this heritage. The folks coming across the Mexican border want none of this. They want the gravy train they have been told about by others in their families who have come here. And, by golly, we have liberals waiting to say, “All Aboard”.


The old joke was that liberalism will always fail when they run out of other people’s money. But they just print more and devalue what we all have …


One politician yesterday estimated that simply buying all of them 1st class airfare back home would cost around $8,000,000 – ‘way less than the $3.7 Billion the Prez wants.

Sparks – there are Hispanic families who do just as you describe.. I met many who do not speak any Spanish and say “Why? I’m American.” They’re there.


David, you are correct and I know many Hispanic families such as you mentioned. I will never say “they all are thus and so”. They work hard, have their kids in school and stay involved with them and raise them to appreciate what they have here. Unfortunately they are the minority where I live. The majority are on the dole. They put their kids in school because it is mandatory. They speak English but then when the school calls for a conference because their kid has no parenting at home and is doing next to nothing in class, the first thing they say is “interpreter”. Our state stops at that point and sends for a contract interpreter at a cost of about $100 an hour. They then proceed through the interpreter to tell the school officials how it is going to be. That Julio is their problem at school, they are racist, they are discriminating, etc, etc. In the end nothing is done except time wasted, more tax dollars wasted and Julio is worse than when he began. The parents send Julio to keep him and his 6 other siblings out of their hair for the day. Yes the same happens in different ways with whites, blacks, you name it. I know I cannot judge the whole nation by my one community but sadly…it is a common recurring theme I hear from teaches I know across the country.

I believe when anyone comes here and lives and shows an attitude of disgust and disdain for America, they should leave, by force if needed. This is a nation where we do not all have to agree, but we all have to look at the best interest of our country. If people consider themselves, not part of our country, but a home somewhere else which they want to turn America into and are only here to get the free lunch, it is coming time quickly this will have to end.


Oklahoma Sen Tom Coburn AKA Dr No…will not seek third term, has already tendered his resignation.

Delilah T.

A local reporter interviewed a legally immigrated Honduran woman on the noon news, who said she does NOT want those children here because she knows that many of them have dangerous gang connections.

My grasp of Spanish may not be as good as I’d like but I do understand words like ‘peligro’ and ‘peligrosas pandillas’.

When are these marones going listen to people like her? And us?

Joe Williams

Richard and Sparks voices of reason in a sea of emotions. Richard an excellent plan,I know you from another site(QP). Parts of the Mexican have been filmed firing from Mexico to help the drug runners to cross. paired with a john wayne,who is being shot at for the first time,International incident? Joe


In other news, Mexican news media also reports Mexican vigilantes moving closer to the border in their fight against Mexican drug gangs. So we have the potential for two armed camps of untrained folks running into each other at the border… wonderful. On the plus side, the Mexicans are also doing what their government is not effectively doing. Maybe we should Fast ‘n Furious THEIR vigilantes.

Old Trooper

I stated in a previous post on this subject that we son’t, and can’t, win this one, because the government is actively working against us. No matter what anyone says about Bus, he didn’t do this:

You can put as many people on the border as your heart desires and it won’t make two shits of a difference when the government is running lawless and breaking the rules the rest of us are supposed to live by.

I am done.


Old Trooper…Thanks for the article. You are right. Until we decide to do something with resolve, things will not change. They will not become stagnant either, only worse. It is my one opinion that the biggest threat facing America today, is President Obama.

Delilah T.

I am not advocating the trigger-happy militia shitbags who want to go pick fights.

But the Border Patrols are most likely alread out-manned and and out-gunned, so who else is there?

vietnam war protestor aka uss liberty aka deport republicans not the children

Look at all the little illegal alien children they can shoot for target practice!

VWP…Would please show up for the target practice? You could be a high value scope zeroing target. But is is nice to hear you call them what they are, illegal aliens.

the useful idiot known as ‘Vietnam War Protestor’ wrote:

“deport republicans not the children”

Hmm. So, you want to deport people because of their political philosophy.

Gee, that sounds “really good.” It sounded great to Stalin, too. He internally “deported” those who didn’t see things his way to the gulag.

Most didn’t come back.

Mao did the same thing. So did a certain German guy some years ago. They just called their internal deportation sites something other than gulag.

Same low rate of return, though.

I guess you must like that way of doing business.


Oh Hondo-I don’t think vwp can grok a concept as complicated as different “political philosoph(ies)”.

He just knows “bad people are bad, get rid of bad people”.

So, you’re clearly correct-he obviously is an idiot-but his usefulness is limited to being a mindless noise machine.

Just remember: “You just don’t lead so much”.. (FMJ, Marine door gunner)

BTW, your an idiot.

Just an Old Dog

I will say this, all of these illegals from central America have a better chance of surviving an encounter with an American Militia Member without being killed, raped, beaten or robbed then they do with a member of a central American LEO, immigration or military officer


San Antonio is hours from the border not “near” lol


I just hope that they (militia) don’t do anything stupid and give the anti-gun crowd some more talking points or intellectual ammo to use politically.