Bergdahl and his friends, the Haqqani

| July 11, 2014

Bergdahl and pal

So this picture showed up yesterday on a Haqqani Twitter account according to Reuters;

The account, which posted the photo late on Wednesday along with others of Bergdahl as well as gruesome images of a decapitation, said the soldier was treated with kindness in captivity.

“Bowe #Bergdahl was really impressed when he saw the hospitality of #Taliban He first thought that he will be tortured But he was wrong,” the Twitter post said. “He was not shackled in Chains neither was he Tortured, Rather He was Free.”

I’m not going to make much of the picture, because I understand the situation that he was in, probably brought about by his own bad decisions, but, yeah, if the choice was smiling for the camera or getting my head chopped off, I’d probably choose the former, too.

Category: Terror War

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Hmmm. The phrase that comes to mind is “Fuck your buddy, fuck your pal!”

I’m sure Bergdahl was thrilled to death to see this wonderful representation of brotherly love once again.


Does the happy couple have a gift registry?

Marine 83

They both do have that “just layed” look about them, don’t they?

Farflung Wanderer

Bleach. Bleach! My Kingdom for Bleach!


Well, yesterday was Thursday. And Central Asia does reputedly share certain cultural similarities with the Gulf States . . . .

charles w

Yes. The are registered at Bed Bath And Beyond in Karachi.


I’m thinking it may just be Bed and Beyond – I’m not sure the Taliban has Bath.

The Other Whitey

I think the word “bed” also loses something in translation…


James Stockdale. Jerimiah Denton.

No one knows how they will react but giving in is not the only option.


I’m not discounting your opinion Loach. It used to be mine. But as I’ve stated in earlier posts, I discussed this scenario with actual Vietnam POW’s at Mary’s gala in Branson. The one thing that Stockdale, Denton, and all those other heroes had was a fellowship of brothers to fall back on. I know he screwed up by putting himself in that position. But once there he was by himself. And as Jonn states, trying to keep his head from getting cut off.

The Other Whitey

Trading head for his head?

Former 11B

Yeah, I agree with Jonn. This photo shouldn’t be taken as proof of anything. Its highly likely that he was compelled to smile or in the grips of Helsinki Syndrome. This is just a distraction from rooting out the truth of his disappearance.


Correct. This is in no way a sincere smile. Look at the photo again, but blackout the mouth. What do you see? Eyes/brow/forehead/checks that all scream duress, if not physical pain (though the apparent bruising around his peepers might be influencing me about the physical pain assessment).

The Other Whitey

I thought he just likes it rough.


Stockholm syndrome, not Helsinki, deals with hostages identifying with heir captors. The Helsinki syndrome refers to group think.


I still believe he deserted his post in combat and may have lent aid and comfort to the enemy. Just my thoughts.


Who knew Robin Williams belonged to the Haqqani?

John D

Commander Doubtfire?

CB Senior

Friends to the End, I bet they even did a pinky swear to it.

Pinto Nag

Lights on, nobody’s home in that pic. That boy’s head has been seriously messed with.


I concur. I’m thinking the photo might have been taken immediately after he’d been (1) removed from solitary confinement for a protracted period, and then (2) been subjected to a “mock execution” (e.g., been told he was going to die and had a knife held to his throat/had a weapon dry-fired at him/some other similar mind game). He looks absolutely mind-numb.

None of that excuses his alleged “wandering away” from his place of duty in a combat zone w/o authority. But I don’t exactly see this photo as proof of collaboration with the enemy, either.

Slick Goodlin

Bowe Bergdahl
Code of Conduct

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give my name, rank, service number, date of birth and have a shit eating grin when I pose for ,”Happy Snaps”, with my Taliban Band of Brothers.

Pigmy Puncher

He F’d up, and brought this on himself. While I don’t read much into the picture (which I assume was some time after his capture), I don’t have to – his actions, choices and the result of them all occurred before that photo was taken.

Play stupid games…


While I agree with Jonn, this photo shouldn’t be taken as proof of collusion. It does add to the suspicion that Bergdahl was working with his “captors.”


Why even post the terrorist propaganda then?


The photo would be complete if the bearded guy had a cigarette in one hand, glass of wine in the other and Bowe had smeared lip stick all over his face.


The pic proves nothing. If that is the best thing they’ve got to assert how happy he was with them, it falls well short of the mark.


lol this photo proves nothing.

It’s like bubba putting his arms around his lil ‘bitch’ and telling him to smile for the camera.

On second thought, I really don’t want to know what happened to Bergdahl over there.