Phony SEAL Gregory Schaffer on trial
We first wrote about Gregory Schaffer before we knew his name back in May 2012, he was arrested in June 2012 for raping a 15-year-old girl and indicted last year. So finally we get around to his trial as reported in the New York Post;
The prosecutors’ table looked more like a sex toy sample sale Tuesday at the trial of a New Jersey man charged with convincing a Brooklyn teen that she was legally bound to have sex with him.
But jurors watched with queasy unease as a federal agent precisely described each and every sex toy they found in the unkempt office.
Prosecutors also presented a series of disturbing videos that allegedly showed Schaffer coaxing visibly nervous girls into disrobing. At least one of the girls was 15 at the time, prosecutors said.
If they arrested him for stolen valor when Don Shipley first outed him, maybe he wouldn’t have been on the street to attack the teen. And, oh, yeah, stealing valor is just a symptom of a more dangerous mental illness.
Category: Phony soldiers
Victimless crime, my ass.
I’ve yet to see a SV douchetool here who hasn’t had SOMETHING else illegal or at the very least shady as fuck going on beneath the surface.
Not. A. Fucking. Single. One.
Here’s hoping this fucker get fits tattooed on his back. He’s gonna need them.
Not. A. Fucking. Single. One.
Fits? Damn autocorrect. Tits, dammit, tits!
Thanks for clearing that up, I couldn’t tell if you were going for “fists” (ouch) or “fins”(Some Navy shower reference maybe?)…tits takes it in an entirely different direction.
This guy gives sex toys a bad rep. I just wanted to see a picture of the prosecutors table. So does this mean I am not legally obligated to be my wife’s boy toy anymore?
Yes, Dave, you are so obligated and if you don’t make her happy, she’ll trade you in on a romance novel.
I hope she is happy, she takes my breath away.
Victimless crime my ass! Stloen Valor is just an indicator of larger and or more serious crimes!
In virually every case (in addition to either mental illness or a lack of moral character) … as we peel the onion back to reveal its core … we find dirty little secrets, serious crimes, fraud et al as to wit …
Those dirty little secrets et al are fully discovered and turned over to law enforcement.
So if you want to play dress up and or embellish your marginal military career … we are not the only ones watching!
I hope he gets long time in a maximum security facility. I am glad there is one thing those men inside still hate, child molesters. Kill a LEO and you’re a hero…for a while. Molest a child and life will be as miserable as he deserves. From the looks of him, he won’t fair well inside. Inmates read the papers, internet, etc. They know when he is coming and where he will serve his time. His ass will be divvied up long before he gets there. In his case the victims were not just we veterans or SEAL members but innocent young girls. Makes him the lowest of the low in my book.
Oh, lookie. Another one we get to support for years and years.
Agreed, a few minutes with a ball peen hammer and this turd and I promise to save the taxpayers quite a bit of money. I’d be willing to donate my time to the cause so salary wouldn’t be an issue. They could just write me a note for the IRS to deduct my time from my taxes.
If you click on the image above, you get a bigger version. On the left side of the description, it says that he is/was a SEAL. On the right side it says that his education is PhD/Postdoc.
When did he have time to do all of that?
Are you implying that it isn’t true? Did The Hair speak with this individual and get the truth?
What’s with this PhD? I thought that SEALs had a DKB — “Doctor of killing people and blowing shit up”.
Enjoy your hard time, scumbag…
Arrested for Stolen Valor or impersonating an officer or whatever…? That is the job of the FBI/US Attorney’s office. Good luck…especially with the FBI. Pissues me off how federal agencies pick and choose investigating what crimes are convenient for them.
The public doesn’t give a shit about Stolen Valor so the Feds don’t either. There is no currency in it for them. Something on the order of 96% of the Federal cases never get tried. Deals are cut, so please, don’t anyone offer that the Feds are prioritizing their prosecutions due to budget constraints, especially when there are millions and millions available for DOJ to prepare to defend against all of the lawsuits coming regarding the illegal alien fiasco and the pending civilian criminal trial of a terrorist.
He’s BETTER OFF DEAD, leave him/it alone among the lifers!!
Buster Bluth?
This jackass was in the New York Post today, apparently the Feds found sex toys at his “office”. Read more and be disgusted at him and furthermore at the Post for showing him in naval uniform but never explaining he’s a faker.