DC Vets For Peace love them some white supremacists

| November 17, 2008

Dude, you can’t even make this shit up.

Since it’ll go down the memory hole…Here is VFP DC blog guy Anthony Teolis talking about his radio appearance on The Radio Free Mississippi with Jim Giles.

You can listen HERE and HERE. I strongly advise you do so, because it is HIGH-LARIOUS. You absolutely must listen to the heaping, steaming pile of comedy. He went to “serve my nation in combat” in……………..TURKEY!


Here’s the picture of this battleheardened Joe!  This man fought forest fires in Oregon PEOPLE!


And who is Jim Giles of Radio Free Mississippi?  From his website:

Jimmy Darrell Giles was born in Jackson, Mississippi on March 12, 1959….Turning to the corrupt political legal arena, Jim’s Pro-White and Anti-Zionist independent campaigns for congress ended with scant support.

This article from the Jackson Free Press makes it even more clear:

The weekly African American newspaper The Jackson Advocate endorsed avowed white racist Jim Giles as representative of House District 62 in its Nov. 1-7 edition. The very first paragraph of Giles’ biography on his Web site, rebelarmy.com, describes Giles as the proud owner of white ancestry.

“Jimmy Darrell Giles was born in the Baptist Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi on March 12, 1959. Both his parents were White, James Stanton Giles and Margaret Rose Hutchins as were both sets of his grandparents,” the bio proudly states. A hard-core separatist, Giles founded Southern Initiative in 1994 “to promote pride in Southern heritage.” The Web site publishes a pro-white newsletter, Counterattack.

Jackson Advocate contributing editor Ernest McBride said the paper mistook Giles for another candidate while composing its political endorsement page.

And there’s his Radio show. Complete with totally awesome Turkish War Combat Veteran, Veteran Extra-Ordinaire For Peace, and Totally Awesome Scaffolding Climber Tom Teoilis!

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

Haha, what a nut.


They’ll get support wherever they can….

Frankly Opinionated

Alright TSO, I endured 5 minutes of one video, that oughta be enough. I didn’t vote for Obama so you don’t have the right to further toture me by making me watch the rest. What a dipstick. he said: “……you don’t put labels on me, n I won’t put them on you……”
nuf sed