UN: Iran exports weapons

| June 29, 2014

Something odd is happening at the UN. The other day, a UN official called for the use of force in Iraq to turn back the ISIS juggernaut. Today we read from Reuters that UN experts admitted that Iran is exporting weapons to other conflicts violating UN sanctions against the mullahs in Tehran.

The finding comes just days ahead of the next round of negotiations in Vienna between Iran and six world powers aimed at securing a deal that would gradually lift international sanctions on Tehran — including the arms embargo — in exchange for curbs on the controversial Iranian nuclear program.

Despite Israel’s public statements that the seized arms were destined for Gaza — an allegation that Gaza’s governing Islamist militant group Hamas dismissed as a fabrication — the experts said the weapons were being sent to Sudan.

The experts do not speculate in the report about why the arms were being sent to Sudan, a country which Western diplomatic and intelligence sources have told Reuters has in the past been a conduit for Iranian arms shipments to other locations in Africa, as well as the Gaza Strip.

I guess the UN is tired of being on the wrong side of history. Either that or they know that no matter what they discover or announce, no one on the planet is going to act on their findings these days.

The U.N. experts reached their conclusion after investigating the case and inspecting the seized cargo and documentation related to the shipment, which traveled from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas to the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr, and from there in the direction of Port Sudan.

The vessel was intercepted by the Israeli navy in the Red Sea before it reached Sudan.

“The Panel finds that the manner of concealment in this case is consistent with several other cases reported to the (Security Council’s Iran Sanctions) Committee and investigated by the Panel,” the experts said.

In related news, headlines blast out that “Israel strikes at Gaza militant sites” hardly mentioning that 30 rockets have struck Israel in the last two weeks from Gaza. I mention this because Israel claimed that the Iranian weapons stored aboard the Iranian ship were headed for Gaza, while the UN rejects that notion.

Category: United Nations

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Climb to Glory

The U.N is nothing but a bunch of pussy hand wringing nobodies. They won’t do shit. I’m glad those negotiations with Iran are going well. I’m sure the U.N and the administration are gonna come down hard on them with strongly worded letters and a John Kerry snooze fest speech condemning their actions.


So if Iran is in violation of UN sanctions, what’s there to talk about? They are doing what they have always done. Helping to export terrorism and terrorist support world wide. This is the same UN that would probably give Iran the go ahead to, you know, help out in Iraq. It is getting so every news item from terrorist nations in the ME gives me more thoughts that the only answer to them now is bombs, bombs, and more bombs. I am fed up with them, all of them. My patience is worn thin enough to read this post through. Terrorists understand and respect only one thing, violence. That being said, then give them the violence they understand in a manner they have yet to comprehend. We have the ability but we do not have the will or guts in the current Obama and Company side show to ever make an ultimatum like that and stick to it. God bless and save America from all enemies foreign and unfortunately…domestic.

Tom Stedham

Hey, just for fun, let’s play “Hey, guess what OTHER nation in that general area ALSO exports weapons, and is ALSO in violation of numerous UN Resolutions”?
Oh, and it is also “known” to have a massive arsenal of nuclear and chemical weapons. All are “illegal”, according to the UN and US treaties and law.
It also starts with an “I”, and it is not “Iraq”….
Ready? Go.


Um, Stedham . . . you might want to do a bit more homework before spouting off.

Israel is not a signatory party to the NNPT, the CWC, or the BWC. It has also not publicly agreed to accept them as a non-signatory. Israel is therefore not bound by those international agreements.

Frankly, given the threat against Israel and the fact they’ve been attacked repeatedly by numerous enemies since the formation of Israel in 1948, I can’t say I blame them for not being signatories to those treaties. Some of their historical enemies are not signatories to one or more of those treaties, or are signatory nations known to be in violation. Remember a little thing called Osirak?

I also can’t say I blame Israel for telling the UN to go p!ss up a rope when it passes a resolution against Israel’s national interests. If/when that happens to the US, the US should have the balls to do the same.

John Robert Mallernee

Hear! Hear!

What he said.

My memories of Israel:



I agree Hondo. I believe that part of America’s success has been our support of Israel. Those are my beliefs. If the day comes we abandon them, America will suffer dearly for that decision. Again, my beliefs and my opinion only.

Green Thumb

Unequivocal support for the Jewish state.

James in Gulf Breeze

FWIW I agree with this too. Bad things will happen when(not if) we cast Israel aside.

A Proud Infidel®™

MR. Steadham, let’s also not forget that every time Israel has extended her borders, it was ground seized from aggressor that they defeated and they were talked into giving pieces of it back which quickly turned back into third world hellholes that her aggressors mounted attacks from once again. Israel is also the only democracy surrounded by dynasties and muslim rule that constantly threaten to wipe her off the map. They have tried and failed time and time again, and they won’t give up, Israel has had to fight to stay alive since it was founded, and I wholeheartedly agree with Hondo on Israel telling the UN to go piss up a rope and pound sand!

The Other Whitey

Your assertion conveniently ignores some very harsh realities that the Israelis can’t afford to ignore (little things like imminent genocide barking at the gates), but good use of an anti-Semitic liberal talking point!

John Robert Mallernee

Hear! Hear!

What he said.

My memories of Israel:


John Robert Mallernee


I put that in the wrong place!

I was trying to reply in support of Hondo’s comment.

John Robert Mallernee

I wish this web site had an editing option for us commenters who goof up.


They’ve been exporting terrorism for 30+ years.

Somebody should send them the memo.


Hell of a note when the UN is so irrelevant that it is reduced to telling the truth.

Oh, and Mr. Stedham (or Abdullah, Mahmoud, or whatever your name is) – kindly go screw yourself.